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By using the American iron and steel industry as an example, this paper tends to analyze the impropriety of traditional equipment renewing mode by the misuse of the concept of sunk-cost effect and the objective view of comparison, and then gives the economic analysis of the solution methods.  相似文献   

钢铁工业发展周期及中国钢产量饱和点预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对美国、日本钢铁工业发展阶段的分析和产量曲线拟合,总结钢铁工业发展规律,验证产业生命周期理论的可行性。基于目前我国钢铁工业处于成长期向成熟期过渡阶段的判断,使用产业生命周期曲线拟合预测,得到中国粗钢产量预计在2020年前后达到饱和,饱和值水平约7.7~8.5亿吨。  相似文献   

文章借助长期能源规划软件LEAP软件,采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法模拟四种基本情景下我国钢铁产业的能源消费总量和CO2排放总量。模拟结果表明,第一,在影响碳排放的诸因素中,粗钢产量的增加是导致CO2排放量增加的主要因素,而能源效率的提高是CO2排放强度降低的重要因素;第二,中长期来看,我国铜铁产业仍然有相当的碳减排潜力,且实现钢铁产业减排的主要途径是产业结构调整和技术进步。这将有助于更加全面地认识我国钢铁产业未来节能减排的方向,同时可以为我国相关政策部门制定钢铁产业的相关政策提供切实可行的依据。  相似文献   

为了解决钢铁行业普遍亏损、经营困难等问题,对当前钢铁行业成本核算面临的各种问题进行分析,相应的提出新制度实施的必要性。而后详细阐述了钢铁行业成本核算制度的基本步骤,且针对行业现有问题说明了新制度的优越性,提出可以选择性使用的作业成本法,最后阐释了新制度可能会对钢铁行业产生的影响和企业在面对新制度想要改善目前严峻形势必须用辩证的眼光看待这一现象,具体问题具体分析,对症下药才是关键。  相似文献   

刘岚 《改革与战略》2012,28(4):209-212
近些年来,钢铁业所具有的特征使国际钢铁企业纷纷对企业竞争关系进行战略性调整,更多地以兼并、联合扩大产能等合作竞争方式来参与全球竞争。中国作为全球最大的钢铁生产国,其竞争力离钢铁强国还有较大差距。在全球化竞争背景下,中国钢铁企业必须从战略角度出发,在现有战略联盟实践的基础上,抓住全球钢铁业整合浪潮的机遇,通过各种有效的扩张方式,增强其国际竞争力。  相似文献   

基于交易成本的我国钢铁产业链分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗非 《科技和产业》2009,9(7):27-30
我国钢铁产业在国民经济中占重要地位,其健康发展越来越受到重视。本文首先讲述了交易成本的基本理论,其次通过钢铁产业链模型结合其产业链特点来讨论目前我国钢铁产业链运行过程中出现的种种交易成本。在此基础上引入钢铁供应链,进行交易成本分析并考查其可行性。最后总结钢铁供应链这种新制度的建立将对目前钢铁产业的粗放型扩张起到正确的引导作用。  相似文献   

何宝 《科技和产业》2009,9(7):100-102
钢铁工业是造成大气污染比较严重的行业之一,而烧结工序又是钢铁工业的主要污染源。烧结烟气脱硫成为钢铁企业SO2减排的重点,减排形势日趋严重。本文阐述了钢铁企业烧结烟气的现状,介绍了国内外常见的几种烧结烟气脱硫技术及其特点,指出了我国钢铁企业在选择烧结烟气脱硫工艺技术时要重点考虑的因素。  相似文献   

钢铁工业是国民经济的重要基础产业,是国家经济水平和综合国力的重要标志。我国钢铁企业在面临着各种问题的时候,政府制定了钢铁企业产业政策,产业政策的制定是否解决了我国钢铁企业产期存在的问题,该如何解决这些问题。  相似文献   

程继川 《特区经济》2010,(11):239-240
本文分析了铁矿石涨价的原因、影响,并对铁矿石的资源供给做了分析,同时提出我国钢铁企业应对铁矿石涨价的对策建议。  相似文献   

This article considers the problems of the Russian Far East for which a new course of strategic development has been proclaimed. The growing demands of the region’s economy for diverse metal products make it necessary to initiate organizational reforms determined by the actual state of things. The reforms will include the construction of new iron and steel works and the development of a full-range iron and steel industry in the region.  相似文献   

当前,我国钢铁行业已经到了无法承受铁矿石价格的再次上涨的困难境地,而且钢价上涨的影响将必然向处于下游产业的汽车、房产、生活用品等行业传递,对国民经济其他部门造成一些不好的连锁反应。中国投资海外铁矿石"这一步"非走不可,但一定要走准走稳。要善于总结以往的经验教训,确立利益风险平衡的商业心态,与资源国实现利益共赢。  相似文献   

The results shown in Fig. 1 and in Table 2 argue that steel was a cost-minimizing choice for railroad companies in Canada by 1870, given the assumed 5:1 ratio of steel rail life to iron rail life and an average life for the latter of less than 7 years. The evidence in Table 1 shows that there was a very rapid switch from iron to steel over the decade from 1870. This evidence suggests that there is no case for the inertia argument in Canada.It is possible that there was inertia in the United States but not in Canada. Such a situation is possible if the two countries were completely separate entities. But this was not the case. First, the Canadian lines were built as through lines to carry freight from the American midwest to the Atlantic seaboard and were thus in direct competition with American lines. The vigorous competition which resulted can be seen in the freightrate situation of the 1870s. Second, there was some degree of overlapping ownership between the Canadian and American railroads. Both the Grand Trunk and the Great Western owned lines in Michigan and in New England, while the Canada Southern was organized under the presidency of Milton Courtwright of Erie, Pennsylvania. At least for those railways with overlapping ownership, it seems reasonable to assume that decisions were made in the same fashion on both sides of the border.  相似文献   

侯毅男  纪成君 《科技和产业》2009,9(10):49-51,59
集中度是衡量市场结构最普遍的指标,又是构成市场结构的主要因素,通过影响市场行为,进而影响市场绩效。产业集中度水平及其变化的决定因素一直是产业经济学研究的重要内容。钢铁产业集中度是当前以及将来钢铁产业所要重点研究的问题之一。本文将产业组织理论与现代计量经济方法相结合,对影响我国钢铁产业市场集中度的因素进行了实证分析。确立自变量与因变量产业集中度的数量关系。  相似文献   

本文从实证分析角度考察了中国工业在"金砖四国"与"展望五国"中的突出地位,比较了九个国家在三次产业结构、制造业、固定资产投资、就业方面的发展,并对石油行业、钢铁行业和汽车行业进行了重点考察,研究了各国的营商环境,最后得出中国在工业尤其是制造业上,在"金砖四国"与"展望五国"中处于遥遥领先地位的结论。  相似文献   

本文在对现有相关文献回顾的基础上,以欧盟钢铁产业作为研究对象,综合运用理论分析和计量回归统计方法,分析了反倾销、反补贴与产业国际竞争力的关系。研究表明,反倾销、反补贴行为对产业国际竞争力有正向促进作用,但也存在负外部性作用如进口贸易转移、下游成本提高、投资跨越等。本文认为,在运用这些政策工具的同时要通过加强反规避、国际政策协调和完善产权界定等手段控制其负外部性作用,并结合产业促进措施来有效地发挥其积极作用。  相似文献   

The development of China's iron and steel industry (ISI) is an important indication of China's industrialization. This paper analyses the industry from the perspectives of historical retrospect, international comparison and sustainable development. We find that China's ISI has made huge progress at the technical level. During the same period of time its over-consumption of resources and impact on the environment has dropped. However, compared with other main developed steel producers, there is still a big gap. Besides, its openness is still much lower than those of other countries.  相似文献   


Until the year 1856, when Bessemerpatented his new process for the easier and' cheaper manufacture of wrought iron, the production of iron in Great Britain in the form of cast and wrought iron had predominated over its conversion into steel. In the early 1850s only a very small percentage of the annual output of pig iron was converted into steel. Although in Bessemer's patent, only wrought iron was specified as the object of the new process, it was recognized that the real value of the process lay in its applicability to the conversion of pig iron into: steel in a single short operation. There was an inevitable lag in the widespread adoption of the new process for which a number of factors were responsible. Firstly, there were initial disappointments over the effectiveness of Bessemer's process: although Mushet's addition of spiegeleisen to the molten metal in the converter rescued Bessemerfrom failure,1 several years of technical improvement and improvization were necessary before the generality of manufacturers were' ready to concentrate on Bessemer steel,2 A second important cause of the delay in the widespread adoption of the Bessemer process lay in the susceptibility of the British iron and steel industry to severe cyclical fluctuations. By the middle 1860s, when the conservatism of steel manufacturers was beginning to thaw in the face of successful production by the early pioneers of the Bessemer process, a more general development of Bessemer steel seemed likely. These years, however, were years of the depression which reached its nadir in 1867–8. Only when recovery from this depression was well established at the end of the decade did Bessemer steel really come into its own. The real expansion of Bessemer steel production came, therefore, not in the few years after 1856, but in the few years after 1870. Steel rails accounted for a large part of this increase. In 1867, some 2,277 tons of Bessemer steel rails were made in Great Britain: by 1882 this figure had risen to 1,438,155 tons.3  相似文献   

膜法处理重金属废水研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了膜分离技术的原理、种类及其特点,简要概述了该技术在重金属废水处理中的应用。着重介绍了膜分离技术在电镀废水、纺织废水和钢铁工业废水的应用,并对膜分离技术的发展趋势进行了分析及展望。  相似文献   

It is believed in some quarters that the system of federal and state industrial tribunals in Australia has exercised a considerable impact on the determination of wages in Australia, making the average level of nominal wages more inflexible and wage differentials more equal in the interwar period. The purpose of this paper is to identify, through cross-country comparisons, the impact that the industrial tribunals had on the iron and steel industry labour market, an industry that played a crucial role in Australia's industrial development during the 1920s and 1930s.  相似文献   

原玲玲 《特区经济》2010,(11):115-116
随着中国钢铁对美出口的不断扩大,中、美两国在钢铁贸易领域的磨擦也不断增加。本文分析了中、美钢铁贸易摩擦的原因,并提出相应的解决对策。这对于避免和减少中、美钢铁贸易摩擦,促进中、美钢铁贸易的良性发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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