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生命科学的不断发展,将对未来社会经济发展产生极其深远的影响。韩国历届政府高度重视生命科学发展,颁布《生命科学培育法》,制定推动生命科学发展的相关战略规划,明确发展方向。近年来,韩国政府将生物技术、产业作为国家战略性领域重点扶持,提出建设生物强国、发展生物经济的战略目标,各部门统筹协作,积极作为,取得了较大成绩。本文分析韩国推动生命科学发展的相关政策举措,以期为我国提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现阶段从我国的人口红利、土地红利、投资贡献、资源环境状况和防范"中等收入陷阱"的角度看,我国经济增长方式由要素和投资驱动向创新驱动转变有深刻的现实根源。创新驱动包括产品和服务的创新、商业模式创新及技术创新。从政府政策的角度推动创新驱动型增长,应加快经济体制改革、优化升级产业结构、构建创新创业生态系统、保护知识产权及重视教育和人才制度等。  相似文献   

韩国经济与科技政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一国经济的发展速度与该国所采取的科技政策是密不可分的。二战后,韩国从典型的落后农业国以世人瞩目的高速度,仅用三十多年的时间,挤进富裕国的俱乐部——OECD成员国,不能不使人刮目相看和深入思考。文章总结分析了卢武铉政权上台后,借鉴历届政权所实施的科技政策当中所存在的弊端和缺陷,为早日实现"以科学技术为中心社会的国家"所做出的不懈努力。该国的做法,为我们提供了有意的经验。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理"韩国版新政"推出的社会背景以及韩国受疫情影响结构性转变的特征,发现此次新政的主要目的在于应对新冠肺炎疫情对韩国经济和结构大转型的冲击,主要内容包括数字新政、绿色新政和强化安全网三大政策方向,且新政的实施对韩国未来的经济社会,未来的产业、行政的创新、人-环境-协调发展以及韩国民生有着积极深远的影响.  相似文献   

韩国经济转型的政策与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述韩国经济转型的主要做法:创造有利于知识经济发展的宏观环境和制度,改革大企业,支持中小企业。  相似文献   

新经济下OECD国家的科技和创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技创新篇1.新经济下科技创新活跃经济合作与发展组织(OECD)最近的一项分析表明,多要素劳动生产率在许多成员国大幅提高。究其原因,首先归功于科技进步。十几年来,OECD成员国的科研成果不断增加:专利统计表明,创新在许多领域有力增长,特别是信息和生物技术。创新更遵循市场规律:OECD在欧洲12个国家进行的一项调查显示,加工部门30%以上的营业额来自新产品和改良产品。知识密集型产业在各国总增加值和就业中的比重持续上升,1997年澳大利亚、美国和欧盟创造的总增加值中知识密集型产业约占50%。中高技术产品在…  相似文献   

近年来,我国环境政策的创新是深化环保工作的重要保障,环境政策成为保障环境安全、推动经济和社会健康发展的重要力量。环境政策创新主要表现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

阎励 《经济纵横》1993,(2):55-56
<正> 在本世纪六十至八十年代,韩国经济得到了迅速发展。在经济发展过程中,金融政策起了重要作用。一、韩国金融改革的三个阶段六十年代初,韩国政府加强了对银行的直接控制,接收了私人商业银行的所有权,并开始转向企业集团发放贷款。同时,为防止大企业囤积贷币,推行了一种新币并冻结了银行存款。这段改革削弱了公众对政府的信心,刺激了贷币转向投资,进而诱发了高通货膨胀。自1965年9月起,金融改革进入新阶段,政府变直接干预金融业为间接调节。贷币政策发生重要变化,利率调整成为管理信贷、促进储蓄的主要工具。政  相似文献   

在OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家,人们对科学技术的经济社会效益的期望越来越高,因此,有关政策问题逐渐获得政府最高层的关注。随着科学技术对工业、服务业、地区经济发展和国际竞争力的重要性不断增加,从而也产生了一系列政策问题.  相似文献   

韩国一直认为发展科技是国家走向富强的唯一途径,从"技术引进"到"自主创新",韩国以其独特的"引进吸收再创新"的理念,结合"自上而下"与"自下而上"的科技政策制定模式,成功走出经济薄弱、科技实力低下的困境,跻身于世界科技与经济强国。朴槿惠政府上台后,提出"创意产业"理念,对现行科技和经济模式进行了大胆改革,通过2013年"第六次产业技术创新计划"和2014年"第三次中小企业促进技术革新计划",为未来韩国科技发展指明了方向。本文回顾了韩国科技发展历程,以半导体产业和电池产业为例,分析韩国科技创新政策的特点和作用,总结成功经验,为我国取长补短、多快好省地建设有中国特色的国家科技创新体系提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

The share of the foreign-born population in member countries of the OECD is increasing, and this article summarizes economics research on the effects of immigration in those nations. Four broad topics are addressed: labour market issues, fiscal questions, the political economy of immigration, and productivity and international trade. Extreme concerns about deleterious labour market and fiscal impacts following from new immigrants are not found to be warranted. However, it is also clear that government policies and practices regarding the selection and integration of new migrants affect labour market, fiscal, social and cultural outcomes. Policies that are well informed, well crafted and well executed beneficially improve population welfare.  相似文献   

The positive effects of broadband networks and services on productivity and economic growth are well established. Looking at broadband as an engine of economic prosperity, the OECD and its member states are seeking to foster its widespread adoption. However, which public policies best promote the adoption of broadband remains controversial. This article contributes in two ways to this discussion. It offers a comprehensive discussion of the factors that influence broadband adoption and uses an econometric approach that is well-suited to overcome the challenges of modelling broadband adoption. This framework allows drawing more robust and nuanced policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Open innovation is increasingly popular among practitioners and scholars, but its implications for public policy making have not yet been analysed in detail. This paper explores a theoretical framework to structure the debate about public policy making that facilitates open innovation. We first define open innovation in terms of firms’ open innovation practices and external conditions that encourage enterprises to practice open innovation. We show that policies for open innovation are legitimate as traditional arguments like market and system failures continue to apply. Next, we identify several guidelines for policymaking. Rather than just offering R&D and interaction-oriented policies, we conclude that open innovation warrants attention in a broader range of policy areas, including entrepreneurship, education, science, labour markets and competition. Developing truly horizontal policies is a major challenge to facilitate open innovation in developed economies.  相似文献   

国际承包工程索赔技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际承包工程索赔是维护承包商合理经济利益的重要活动,也是施工合同管理的组成部分。由于合同变更、合同未及、合同不符等问题的出现,经常造成承包商需要付出更多的劳动、资金、时间,甚至理应得到的补偿。承包商应该熟练掌握索赔工具,以维护自己的合法权益。不敢索赔或盲目放弃索赔,不仅使承包商自身蒙受损失,还会被对方耻笑低看。当然,索赔也是一把双刃剑。有时,它会因激怒对方而带来报复性伤害。这就要求索赔者柔中有刚、委婉巧妙,恰到好处地激发对方认同感,赢得对方的同情与重视。此外,承包商还应当注意反索赔,业主也会向承包商要求赔偿…  相似文献   


Throughout its twenty years of existence, a Brazilian research network, RedeSist, has developed and improved the theoretical and methodological framework of National Systems of Innovation. The first aim of this article is to present RedeSist’s focusing device of Local Innovation and Production Systems (LIPS), a combination of the Systems of Innovation framework with the contributions of the Latin American Structuralist Approach and to explain the main tools devised to capture collective and systemic processes of production and innovation, taking into account that every LIPS is inserted in specific, local, regional, national and global systems. The second objective is to discuss the Brazilian experience in designing and implementing LIPS policies as part of its industrial and innovation policies. The concluding remarks attempt at recuperating the most important arguments of the discussion and at highlighting the advantages of creating and using contextualized and systemic theories, concepts, indicators and policy models.  相似文献   

Philip Bodman 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):3021-3035
What impact, if any, does Fiscal Decentralization (FD) have on economic growth? Further investigations of the inter-relationships between FD and economic growth are timely given that government decentralization remains at the forefront of many Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) policy agendas. This study incorporates a range of measures of FD to better account for the direct impact of different levels of subnational fiscal autonomy on economic growth. The analysis also considers the impact of previously omitted public sector decentralization variables that provide further indication of the extent to which Subnational Governments (SNG) are ‘closer to the people’ and potentially better able to account for local preferences in fiscal decision-making. Whilst little evidence of a direct relationship between FD and output growth is found, some evidence is found to suggest that federal systems tend to have lower growth rates than do unitary states, independent of their degree of decentralization, and that countries with more elected tiers of government generally have lower economic growth.  相似文献   

21世纪初期中日经济关系及未来走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪以来,中日经济关系在许多方面发生了新的变化,日本经济增长对中国的依赖程度越来越高,中日经贸合作继续平稳发展.中日两国在进出口结构上不存在明显对立的竞争关系,更多的是一种互补关系,两国经济的健康发展对于双方来说都是有利的.随着日本经济逐渐复苏,中国经济的开放程度进一步提高,中日经济关系将迎来全面发展的新时期.中日经济合作关系的前景取决于推动中日经济合作力量与制约中日经济合作力量的变化.  相似文献   

众所周知,造船行业是资金、技术和劳动密集型产业,具有产业关联度大,创造就业机会和出口创汇多等特点,其持续健康发展对拉动国民经济增长和稳定社会就业具有十分重要的作用.以我国船舶行业为例,根据最新统计资料,我国有各种类型和规模的造船企业1000多家,职工人数近27万人.据测算,在国民经济116个产业部门中,船舶工业对其中的97个部门有直接消耗,关联面达84%.  相似文献   

Using panel data from 1995 to 2011 for 34 OECD countries, we examine the effects of government consumption spending, public social spending, and public investment on economic growth. We use a generalized method of moments estimation technique to solve inconsistency problems with fixed effects and random effects panel estimation. We find that an increase in public social spending has a significant negative effect on subsequent economic growth. Government consumption spending and public investment have no significant effect on subsequent economic growth.  相似文献   

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