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股票收益和通货膨胀之间的关系不仅依赖于供给冲击和需求冲击,而且还受到货币政策制度的影响。需求冲击使得两者是正相关的,供给冲击对两者关系的作用还和货币政策制度有关。顺周期的货币政策使得供给冲击对两者关系是正相关的,而逆周期的货币政策使得供给冲击对两者关系是负相关的。对中国1991年1月—2009年7月实践的经验分析表明,股票收益和通货膨胀的相关性发生了两次结构性突变。进一步分析表明,1997年6月股票收益和通货膨胀的结构性突变主要是由货币政策制度引起的;2005年8月股票收益和通货膨胀的结构性突变主要是供给冲击和需求冲击的相对重要性发生了改变而导致的。  相似文献   

基于1996~2005年的时间序列数据,本文就中国能源价格变动对经济增长与通货膨胀的影响进行了实证研究。实证结果表明在中国实际GDP、能源价格以及通货膨胀之间存在着长期均衡关系;能源价格变动对经济增长短期呈现负向冲击,它引起的成本推动是本轮通货膨胀的主要原因。  相似文献   

毛东俊  薛白 《金融评论》2010,2(2):103-113
Taylor(1979,1993,1994)开创性的论文将学界对通货膨胀和经济增长之间关系的关注转向产出/价格波动性替代关系的权衡上。价格稳定性目标下,中央银行使用货币政策工具促使通货膨胀预期等于通货膨胀目标;但该过程在降低通货膨胀波动性的同时,不可避免地带来产出和就业的波动。在对相关文献综述的基础上,基于Rogoff(1985)的研究思路,本文构建政策决策者在产出/价格波动性之间替代性的选择模型.得出结论:当(需求或供给)外部冲击出现时,从社会福利损益角度来看,不确定性背景下产出稳定应该是比价格稳定更易接受的选择。  相似文献   

不确定性、通货膨胀与产出增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国1952—2004年的数据,通过GARCH-M模型和广义脉冲响应函数对不确定性、通货膨胀与产出增长进行实证分析。结果发现:通货膨胀不确定性与产出增长负相关;产出增长不确定性与产出增长负相关;产出增长不确定性与通货膨胀正相关;通货膨胀不确定性与通货膨胀负相关;产出增长冲击和通货膨胀冲击对产出增长不确定性和通货膨胀不确定性的影响存在滞后性和非对称性;产出增长对产出增长冲击的动态响应最大,通货膨胀对产出增长冲击的动态响应以及产出增长对通货膨胀冲击的动态响应最小,通货膨胀对通货膨胀冲击的动态响应居中。  相似文献   

中国粮价与通货膨胀关系(1987—1999)   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
卢锋  彭凯翔 《经济学》2002,1(4):821-836
本研究在收集整理粮食集市价格和消费物价月度数据的基础上,利用均衡修正模型对中国1987-1999年粮价变动与通货膨胀关系进行协整分析,有很强的经验证据,说明通货膨胀与市场粮价存在长期均衡关系,因果关系走向通货膨胀影响粮价变动,而不是粮价上涨导致通货膨胀,另外,研究还发现,我国长期真实粮价基本不变,说明传统认为粮食相对紧缺度会不断上升的观点缺乏依据。然而,粮价对通货膨胀冲击做出拔应时,通常会发生过度或超量调节。  相似文献   

本文在对通货膨胀成因的理论进行梳理的基础上,将引起通货膨胀的因素分为实际经济冲击、货币冲击、需求冲击和汇率冲击,并对核心通货膨胀的内涵进行了明确的界定。在理论分析的基础上,建立了包含4个内生变量的SVAR模型,分离出四种冲击对通货膨胀作用的结果,并根据定义估算出了我国1995-2012年季度核心通货膨胀率的序列。结果显示,各种冲击对通货膨胀的影响效果符合经济理论的假设,且所得到的核心通货膨胀率序列符合预期的特征,具有长期稳定性,并能够服务于货币政策的制定。  相似文献   

国际石油价格与通货膨胀的溢出效应及动态相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际石油价格大幅波动不可避免地给全球经济带来了一定程度的冲击和影响。文章采用向量自回归、多元GARCH-BEKK和DCC-GARCH模型对中美两国通货膨胀与国际石油价格之间的均值溢出效应、波动溢出效应及动态相关关系进行了实证检验。检验结果表明,国际石油价格与中国通货膨胀不存在任何方向的均值和波动溢出效应,美国通货膨胀与国际油价则存在双向显著的均值和波动溢出效应;中国通货膨胀与国际油价的动态相关关系显著弱于美国,不易受到国际油价的冲击和影响。从整体上看,当前中国通货膨胀与国际石油价格的关联性并不显著,但随着我国石油消费对进口依赖程度的不断提高,石油安全问题在可预见的未来将成为中国需要应对的一个现实挑战。因此,相关部门应及早采取有效措施,应对未来石油冲击对宏观经济的影响。  相似文献   

中国粮价与通货膨胀关系(1987-1999)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本研究在收集整理粮食集市价格和消费物价月度数据的基础上,利用均衡修正模型对中国1987—1999年粮价变动与通货膨胀关系进行协整分析。有很强的经验证据,说明通货膨胀与市场粮价存在长期均衡关系。因果关系走向是通货膨胀影响粮价变动,而不是粮价上涨导致通货膨胀。另外,研究还发现,我国长期真实粮价基本不变,说明传统认为粮食相对紧缺度会不断上升的观点缺乏依据。然而,粮价对通货膨胀冲击做出反应时,通常会发生过度或超量调节。  相似文献   

真是过剩流动性引发了中国的通货膨胀吗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年7月以来,中国的CPI屡创新高,面临越来越大的通胀压力。社会普遍认为,此次通胀的形成归结于2009年以来中国人民银行流动性的过度投放,故而为控制通胀需紧缩流动性的呼声很高。本文基于1998年1月到2011年4月的月度同比数据,利用SVAR模型分析了中国通货膨胀增长率、国际大宗商品价格和过剩流动性之间的关系。结果表明,流动性过剩对中国通货膨胀增长的冲击非常小,而国际大宗商品价格变动对通胀增长有更大、更持续的正向冲击。国际大宗商品价格变动对中国通胀增长率的影响,远远大于过剩流动性对通胀的影响。  相似文献   

本研究在收集整理粮食集市价格和消费物价月度数据的基础上,利用均衡修正模型对中国1987-1999年粮价变动与通货膨胀关系进行协整分析.有很强的经验证据,说明通货膨胀与市场粮价存在长期均衡关系.因果关系走向是通货膨胀影响粮价变动,而不是粮价上涨导致通货膨胀.另外,研究还发现,我国长期真实粮价基本不变,说明传统认为粮食相对紧缺度会不断上升的观点缺乏依据.然而,粮价对通货膨胀冲击做出反应时,通常会发生过度或超量调节.  相似文献   

This paper presents a nonlinear relationship between exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) and inflation volatility. Through the lens of a threshold framework, we uncover a clear evidence of near to one ERPT to consumer prices once inflation volatility crosses a threshold level of 4.17. Clearly, there are significant differences in the degree of ERPT between the high and low inflation volatility in the inflation targeting (IT) and non-IT Asian countries.  相似文献   

Quarterly data for Thailand are used in this article for the period 1965q3–2013q4 to investigate both the relationship between inflation and inflation volatility, and the impact of inflation volatility on economic growth. Inflation volatility is estimated by deploying the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) technique. A Granger causality test is then conducted to examine the causality between inflation and inflation volatility. The empirical results obtained are consistent with a number of theoretical propositions. First, the results are consistent with the Friedman–Ball proposition, which states that a rise in inflation raises inflation volatility. Second, there is evidence supporting the Holland proposition that inflation volatility lowers the rate of inflation. This is consistent with the view that central banks attempt to stabilize inflation with the rise in inflation volatility. Third, empirical results obtained by asymmetric GARCH models suggest that inflation shocks have an asymmetric impact on inflation volatility (i.e. a positive inflation shock has a larger impact on inflation volatility – as measured by the logarithm of the conditional variance of inflation – than a negative inflation shock). Fourth, inflation volatility has an adverse impact on economic growth. Finally, given the fixed/pegged or managed float exchange rate system, US inflation has been found to have a positive impact on inflation and its volatility in Thailand. This article discusses the implications of empirical findings on the design and enactment of monetary policy for price stability in Thailand.  相似文献   

文章基于通货膨胀——通货膨胀不确定性关系的理论研究,提出货币增长不确定性向通货膨胀不确定性波动溢出的计量检验假说,并利用中国数据,运用多元GARCH模型进行实证检验。结果发现,存在货币增长不确定性显著向通货膨胀不确定性波动溢出的效应。这意味着,货币增长不确定性具有提供有关预测通货膨胀不确定性信息的能力。同时也表明,货币增长不确定性是通货膨胀不确定性的重要解释变量,其重要性不应被忽视。实证结论的政策含义是:减少货币增长不确定性是降低通货膨胀不确定性的重要途径,我国20世纪90年代中后期稳健的货币政策所带来的通货膨胀不确定性显著降低的现实支持了这个观点。  相似文献   

将通胀引入标准GARCH模型,分别研究我国通胀率、通胀率变化和移动平均通胀率对股市条件波动的影响。实证结果表明通胀对我国股票市场条件波动几乎不存在影响,从而否定了通胀会使投资者预期经济变坏,更加厌恶风险,以致引起资产价格剧烈波动的假说。  相似文献   

A dynamic factor model with stochastic volatility is used to investigate the relationships between three alternative measures of inflation expectations. The results show evidence of both a common time-varying trend and a common transitory component between inflation and short-term inflation expectations from households, professionals and markets. While the common time-varying trend has declined in both level and volatility since the early 1980s, it was found that consumer expectations are disproportionately influenced by the visibility of prices of select few goods. Roughly speaking, a 1% point increase in food and energy prices leads to about 1/3% point increase in consumer forecasts of inflation. In terms of policymaking, this finding suggests that stability in highly visible prices can moderate inflation in a meaningful way.  相似文献   

苏梽芳  臧楠 《财经研究》2011,(2):112-123
食品通胀率与非食品通胀率之间的测量缺口近期持续扩大,引起了市场广泛关注。文章根据1994年1月至2010年8月的食品价格与非食品价格数据,运用两区制门槛误差修正模型研究两者的长期均衡关系和短期价格调整以及传导机制中的非线性特征。结果发现,食品通胀率与非食品通胀率存在门槛协整关系,而且估计缺口稳定,这表明测量缺口夸大了两者的真实偏离。文章还发现了食品价格传导的新信息内涵,即食品价格对非食品价格具有非线性的价格传导性:短期内偏离主要是食品价格上升造成,尤其是在高通货膨胀区制,偏离速度有加快趋势。两区制的Granger因果关系检验发现,在极端区制,食品价格通胀与非食品价格通胀具有双向的短期Granger原因,即两者相互领先;而在正常区制,食品价格通胀与非食品价格通胀具有双向的长期Granger原因。  相似文献   

Dou Jiang 《Applied economics》2016,48(41):3935-3943
The study examines the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty in China using Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity model. Particularly, this link is investigated in China’s urban and rural sectors, motivated by the substantial urban–rural divide. The results provide strong statistical supportive evidence that higher inflation raises inflation uncertainty. On the other hand, evidence on the effect of inflation uncertainty on inflation is mixed depending on the sample periods and areas examined. The understanding of inflation-uncertainty nexus in China could provide implications to policymakers in the adoption of monetary policies.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the trends and movements of CPI-inflation in Bangladesh since the early 1950s and examines the key issues in rule-based monetary policy for price stability, implying low and stable inflation, in this country. Under a fixed exchange rate system, inflation in Bangladesh was moderately high and volatile during the 1950s and 1960s. Since the country’s independence from Pakistan in 1971, inflation in Bangladesh has remained moderately high on average and highly volatile and persistent under a fixed-pegged exchange rate system or under a managed floating system since 2003. Using data from the early 1970s or earlier depending on data availability, the article undertakes both Granger-causality and the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) analysis with two models. The first model is comprised of such variables as inflation, the real interest rate, the real exchange rate and output growth, and the second model is comprised of the volatilities of money growth, real output growth and inflation. Then, based on the empirical findings, the article concludes that a rule-based monetary policy, namely monetary targeting or inflation targeting, remains appropriate for Bangladesh provided that it adopts a more flexible, if not freely floating, exchange rate system. The article suggests that the use of monetary policy to achieve multiple objectives under a fixed-pegged exchange rate system creates a time-inconsistency problem, reduces monetary policy credibility and makes it (monetary policy) ineffective in lowering inflation and its volatility. Low credibility of monetary policy in particular raises inflation persistence. Within the present monetary-policy framework in Bangladesh, the article illustrates how the fixed-pegged exchange rate system has generated money growth volatility in the presence of large-scale inflows of overseas workers’ remittances and readymade garments export earnings. This does not seem to be a concern of the central bank of Bangladesh (Bangladesh Bank); rather, it (Bangladesh Bank) pursues monetary-base targeting to keep inflation low and stable after considering economic growth. The consequent diminishing credibility of monetary policy has kept inflation volatile and persistent, which has adversely affected economic growth.  相似文献   

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