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心理契约是企业与员工不成文的确定双方权责关系的非书面契约形式,本文首先介绍了心理契约的相关理论,在此基础上,阐述了心理契约理论在企业管理中的应用。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工之间除正式的雇用协议以外最重要的、非书面化的契约形式,它对员工的工作表现具有重要影响。本文就员工心理契约违背以及由此引发的一系列态度和行为变化进行研究,并在此基础上探讨如何预防和纠正这种现象的发生和发展。  相似文献   

本文立足知识型员工的群体特征和价值诉求,在分析了知识型员工管理的现状基础上,从心理契约的独特视角,深入探讨心理契约与知识型员工管理的关系以及知识型员工心理契约违背的后果,进而提出了构建知识型员工心理契约的相关对策和思路.  相似文献   

心理契约是知识型员工与企业之间心理联系的纽带,是知识型员工管理的一剂良方。本文论述了心理契约的内涵,分析了知识型员工的心理契约特殊性,并在此基础上提出了知识型员工的管理策略。  相似文献   

单彬 《现代商业》2014,(15):106-108
本文从心理契约的内涵、特征、结构、作用等方面剖析了心理契约与员工激励的内在联系,并进一步地分析了心理契约与激励之间的关系,在此基础上提出了如何利用心理契约实现员工激励有效性应对策略。  相似文献   

基于心理契约的饭店员工流失研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饭店员工的流失一直是饭店企业管理者关注并需要认真对待的问题。心理契约的违背最终会导致离职,而心理契约个人标准与组织目标的一致性,有助于培养员工忠诚度。加强心理契约的饭店员工动态管理机制,创建良好的心理契约,维护和调整心理契约以及对心理契约的危机管理,是实现饭店管理理念的有效措施,也是饭店吸引、激励、保留人才的有效工具,在饭店与员工之间建立一种和谐的心理契约能有效规避员工流动风险。  相似文献   

心理契约是员工对企业内隐的期望,心理契约破坏是员工对企业未履行心理契约的主观感知,影响着员工的态度与行为。员工帮助计划是企业为员工的心理和行为问题而设置的一套系统的和长期的福利,其提供的精神援助能有效地对员工的心理契约破坏进行补救,并防止心理契约再次遭到破坏。  相似文献   

本文从员工关系管理中的心理契约出发,提出了在员工关系管理中,应该重视对新员工心理契约的引导、与员工进行有效沟通、结合员工需求进行激励、保持管理政策的公平性等,以维系良好的心理契约,创建和谐的员工关系。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工之间的主观心理约定.重视并构建合理的心理契约是提高员工绩效的客观要求.心理契约的构建与维护贯穿了员工社会化的全过程.有效招聘、充分沟通、重视公平、动态管理是构建合理心理契约的主要手段.  相似文献   

现代商业管理中员工忠诚度与心理契约关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代企业管理中,员工忠诚度对实现企业目标和良性发展具有重要意义。而造成员工忠诚度下降的一个主要原因是员工与企业的心理契约不协调。本文对现代企业管理中员工忠诚度和心理契约间关系进行探讨,阐述了有效的管理心理契约如何提高员工的忠诚度。最后本文从心理契约的角度,就人力资源管理实践提出了几点提高员工忠诚度的管理措施。  相似文献   

《海牙规则》名为关于提单的规则,实际调整的是必须使用提单的运输合同,该规则下的提单是指不完全或有特定记载要求的书面运输合同。运输合同实际上不可能不需要一定的书面形式。《海牙规则》并不在意运输合同与提单的区别。本文从运输业的角度论述了作为运输单证的提单与运输合同的一致性,又从贸易的角度对提单作为贸易单证的可设质性、UCP混同提单与海运单、提单为贸易服务而对承运人来说却是一种负担、提单的两种运转方式、FOB下卖方直接取得提单的必然性等问题提出看法,也论及了提单持有人为什么不能向他的转让人追索、对承运人的诉权并不是根据提单而是根据非他订约的运输合同等问题,并探讨了提单作为贸易单证与运输合同的若干区别。  相似文献   

孟宵冰 《江苏商论》2011,(12):78-80
物流企业在劳动合同管理上仍存在着缺陷和不足,尤其是中小物流企业表现的尤为明显,这些问题包括:签订书面劳动合同的比例偏低;劳动合同管理的有关规章制度不完善;劳动合同管理机构不健全;管理人员的素质不能满足业务发展的需要。针对以上问题,笔者提出如下对策:树立"依法用工"的观念,积极与员工签订和完善书面劳动合同;进一步完善劳动合同管理的规章制度;健全劳动合同管理机构及管理机制;不断提高劳动合同管理人员的业务素质。  相似文献   

Franchising contracts are designed to bring together two kinds of entrepreneurs, the franchiser and the franchisee, and to maintain their relationship in the long run. In contrast to standard exchange contracts in law, which are specifically designed to bring about the completion of an exchange efficiently, franchise contracts are designed to make it possible for the entrepreneurs to initiate, to maintain, and to eventually terminate their relationship without dispute. The research reported in this article is an attempt to see how the dual purpose of franchising contracts are achieved. The article first describes the internal organization of franchise contracts (what we called the micro-contractual aspects) and how different kinds of rights and obligations are allocated to accomplish these multiple ends. The second part of the article provides an empirical examination of 30 franchise contracts to see if the internal organization of the contracts influence both the expansion of the franchise operations through new franchises and the amount of dispute between the two sides of franchise contracts.Every franchise contract includes a set of provisions that define the commencement, termination, and ongoing operations of franchise relations. The internal organization of franchise contracts specifies what kinds of rights and obligations are distributed to the parties and the nature of this allocation within each domain of provisions. We argue that the commencement and termination aspects of franchise contracts are usually written in order to make the relationship between the parties clear, and the contingencies specific. In these provisions, the contract is written in discrete terms in which each party's rights and duties are specifically delineated. The contractual provisions dealing with the ongoing operations and the conduct of the parties, on the other hand, cannot be made specific because it is impossible to define all the future contingencies and possible business opportunities. Under these conditions, the contract is usually written in relational terms in which each party's rights and obligations are defined in terms of powers and liabilities towards each other rather than in terms of specific duties and rights.One critical consequence of writing contracts that include powers and liabilities, however, is that it may lead to disputes and undesirable conflict that are detrimental to the success of the franchise. In order to deal with these conflicts among the parties, the contract needs to specify conflict resolution mechanisms that are an integral part of franchise contracts.These general arguments are tested with the use of 30 randomly selected franchise contracts from a diverse set of businesses. Our results show that, indeed, different parts of franchise contracts allocate rights and obligations differently and the more relational a contract becomes the more likely that it would include various dispute resolution mechanisms. We also found that the success of a franchise contract, which is measured by the number of legal disputes it generates and the growth of franchised units, is influenced by the existence of relational provisions and the explicit dispute resolution mechanisms included in the contract.We recommend that franchise contracts should be written to make the commencement and termination aspect of the relationship as discrete as possible. The operations and conduct provisions of the contract, on the other hand, should be written in relational terms to give the parties the ability to respond to changes in business conditions without renegotiating the contract.It is usually the tendency on the part of franchise lawyers to write discrete contracts that attempt to specify every conceivable contingency to avoid future disputes. We argue here that a better strategy is to limit the discrete aspects of the contract to the commencement and termination clauses and to concentrate more on the dispute resolution mechanisms that can become an integral part of the contract. Thus, we also recommend that various dispute resolution mechanisms, such as franchisee associations, franchisee councils, and third party arbitration should be set up within the contract to address the possible disputes early on rather than to wait for potentially very costly court proceedings for both parties.  相似文献   

国际贸易合同适用国际贸易惯例的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际私法领域的国际贸易惯例与国际公法领域的国际惯例有着明显的区别。它与国际贸易合同的关系十分密切,无论惯例的适用、修改抑或排除都离不开合同的规定。最新国际贸易惯例有发展当事人意思自治原则的新趋向,允许甚至明确赋予合同当事人有选择、修改或排除适用惯例的权利。本文在探讨国际贸易惯例定义及其与合同关系的基础上,着重论证国际贸易惯例在合同中的实际适用及适用时应当注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

晋自力 《商业研究》2003,(16):53-55
缺乏银行的监督和内部人控制的强化 ,企业治理结构存在的缺陷 ,是企业资本结构不合理的重要原因。优化资本结构应该与治理结构的构建同步 ,即要寻找一种能使代理主体双方的成本和效益达到均衡状态的契约 ,而经理股票期权就是一种符合均衡条件的契约  相似文献   

本文在长期护理保险中嵌入住房反抵押贷款选择权,提出一个新的长期护理保险产品方案,并给出其定价模型。同时,根据对未来房屋价值、利率、死亡率等因素的预测,模拟计算具有住房反抵押选择权的长期护理保险的合约费以及可获得的给付金额。研究结果表明,与一般长期护理保险产品相比,具有住房反抵押贷款选择权的长期护理保险可以以当前相对较低的合约费为未来出现生活不能自理状态的老年人提供较多的收入,并可保留房屋的使用权至终生。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,信息就是财富。雇员跳槽中带来的商业信息转移,会给原来的企业带来重大的商业损失。而劳动合同法使得员工跳槽的成本进一步降低。西方企业的成功实践告诉我们,中国企业在这一背景下,需要善用《劳动合同法》中的竞业限制条款,保护企业的商业秘密,维护市场公平竞争的秩序。  相似文献   

Exchange traded futures contracts often are not written on the specific asset that is a source of risk to a firm. The firm may attempt to manage this risk using futures contracts written on a related asset. This cross hedge exposes the firm to a new risk, the spread between the asset underlying the futures contract and the asset that the firm wants to hedge. Using the specific case of the airline industry as motivation, we derive the minimum variance cross hedge assuming a two‐factor diffusion model for the underlying asset and a stochastic, mean‐reverting spread. The result is a time‐varying hedge ratio that can be applied to any hedging horizon. We also consider the effect of jumps in the underlying asset. We use simulations and empirical tests of crude oil, jet fuel cross hedges to demonstrate the hedging effectiveness of the model. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:736–756, 2009  相似文献   


Japan has a reputation for being a non-litigious society. In Japan, the law and the minutiae of a written contract are not the guiding principles of relationships, but rather something to reluctantly fall back on if business people cannot act reasonably and fairly of their own accord. Under such a view, litigation serves only to make society more confrontational, less harmonious, and less orderly. An examination of the reactions of most Japanese in business settings can yield productive suggestions for those desiring to do business with the Japanese.  相似文献   


Although a voluminous literature exists on the prevalence of the informal economy, few studies evaluate unregistered employment and none its prevalence and distribution across the service industries. This paper fills that gap. Reporting a 2015 European Working Conditions Survey based on 43,850 face-to-face interviews, the finding is that 7% (1 in 14) of service industry employees have no written contract of employment across the 35 European countries surveyed, although this varies from 34% in Cyprus to 1% in Sweden. A logistic regression analysis at the European level reveals significant associations between the propensity to work with no contract and various individual-, household- and firm-related characteristics, with unregistered employment more prevalent among women, younger people, those with fewer years in education, migrants, those living in households unable to make ends meet, those working in smaller businesses, and the hospitality and household service sectors. The theoretical and policy implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

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