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Conclusion It has been argued that Design and Technology teachers would be helped by clear distinction between the terms, industry, business and economic. This would help to avoid the confusion between particular ways of viewing business (eg. through an economic concept such as profit maximisation;) and the multi-faceted character of the activity under observation. By this reasoning, the economic dimension of Design and Technology resides in the analysis of needs and the evaluation of products according to the value of the resources used up, and the value and distribution of the resources and products created. The link with discussion of value judgements in the subject (eg. Riggs and Conway, 1991) is very clear. So also is the dependence of this analysis on the definition of needs and evaluation and, crucially, the perceived relationship between the two, in learning and classroom practice.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the major issues raised in the conference Culture and Management Styles in Southeast Asian countries and discusses the espistomological and methodological problems of doing comparative management research in general as well as in the region.The paper identifies the themes which emerged from the conference discussions as (1) the fundamental rationale for research and the apparent weakness in making it explicit, (2) the questions of epistomology as regards causation, and the (3) more mundane issues faced in conforming to standard research paradigms. These issues are discussed under the following headings: What is to be included, subjects' espoused theory or theory in use, idiographic versus nomothetic approaches, more universal variables, problems of defining culture. The implications and significance of different approaches and disciplines concerning these issues are considered, and guidelines for future research in the area are suggested.Professor Gordon S. Redding is with the Department of Management Studies, University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

It is popular to talk of the Confucian Work Ethic when explaining the successes of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. This is not an accurate impression. The authors of this article found significant differences in management practices — both actual and ideal — between Japan and South Korea.Professors Lane Kelley, Reginald Worthley and Harry Lie are from the College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii while Professor Arthur Whatley is from the College of Business Administration & Economics, New Mexico State University.  相似文献   

The article analyses major strategic shifts in eight regulatory agencies in the United States. The study underlines the influences of multiple factors in these strategic shifts and shows the usefulness of studying organizations' strategy-making cycles longitudinally. The relevant information on the eight regulatory agencies are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively, paying attention to organization — environment interactions over time. Thirty strategic turnarounds in the eight agencies seemed to follow a consistent pattern, and it is concluded that there is a sequential order of progression from defensive to growth through rational strategies.The author is a Professor in the Faculty of Administration, University of New Brunswick.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure and activities of East Asian banks in the USA in terms of their institutional components, legal environment, asset size and market structure, loan activities, geographical distribution and area of specialization. The discussion includes 10 Asia Pacific countries. The final section presents prognoses on the domination of Japanese banks as well as those of the two Chinas.Faramarz Damanpour is a Professor of Finance and International Business at James Madison University, U.S.A.  相似文献   

There is a continuing perception that current educational arrangements for technology education in modern liberal democracies are at odds with its actual delivery in the classroom (Dakers & Doherty 2003). The technè versus poiesis tension (explained later) is one major contributor to this perception. Equally, the practice of transmission versus constructivist pedagogies contributes to the mismatch between policy and practice.This paper will investigate how factors relating to these two contributions affect the delivery of technological education. It will begin by discussing the derivation of the word technology and how its modern incarnation has become not only amorphous, but confusing for technology education, in that the term can be taken to mean production on the one hand or process on the other. It will then explore technology teachers perceptions (and misperceptions) of what constitutes technology education, and discuss why this can lead to confusion. It will further consider how this can affect the pedagogy adopted. It will then examine two pedagogical frameworks which result from teachers perceptions of technology education as either; a process of internalisation of technological skills and functions as representations exclusively within the mind and unique to the individual, thus solo, or; a process of technological skills and functions embedded in sociocultural activity in which cognition is distributed across the internal mind and the external environment. Finally, the paper will offer a framework for the delivery of technology education set within a community of learners paradigm.  相似文献   

This paper examines the historical evolution of culture and management in Singapore, the existence of cultural fluidity in the society and the openness of Singapore to foreign management in relation to the changes in the environment resulting from modernization and development. Management in Singapore has always been multinational in origin. It has also been influenced considerably by the Chinese family system. It is in a state of flux; new and foreign practices are continually assimilated and adapted. Inspite of the wide variations in management practices, Singapore management remained characteristically pragmatic and open as well as paternalistic.Dr. Chong Li Choy is Senior Lecturer in the School of Management, National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

While subsequent discussion in this Review has failed to reconcile the merger policies proposed by Dewey and Keyes, it has suggested that they are not as far apart as they seemed at first reading. It now appears that both writers advocate a serious critical consideration of the efficiencies claims advanced by proponents of otherwise unacceptable mergers. Moreover, there may be a possibility that Dewey's special large-firm merger control could be defended on grounds which would not conflict with Keyes' proposal but would simply complement it.  相似文献   

Western thought is noted for its strengths in categorization and analysis; Eastern, or Chinese thought, is noted for its integrative and encompassing nature. This article seeks to bridge the two. Specifically, it aims to enrich Western thinking and the existing body of paradox literature by proposing the idea of paradoxical integration, a concept derived from the Chinese middle way philosophy. Paradoxical integration, the notion that two opposites (such as self and other) may be interdependent in nature and together constitute a totality (integration), is introduced as one means of transcending paradox and the conventional Western conceptualization of exclusive opposites. It suggests how we can apply the concept of interdependent opposites in a both/and framework to foster reconciliation of the apparent polarities of such dichotomies as competition and cooperation. The article concludes with a discussion of the broad implications of the concept of paradoxical integration upon both academic research and business practice.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Weber's thesis of the incompatibility of the Confucian ethos and rational entrepreneurial capitalism has been challenged by the economic miracles of many East Asian countries. One thesis presented here is that Confucianism is compatible with and has facilitated Asian capitalism by its influence on managerial values and practices. According to Weber, the release of tensions created by Calvinism was an important motivating force in the development of capitalism in the Occident. Confucianism offers a parallel mechanism to the profit-seeking drive in Western capitalism. We show that, in Confucian societies, there also exists tensions — in this case, between ideals and reality. These tensions are released through the Confucian concept of a ceaseless pursuit of renovation, a motivational mechanism for the development of capitalism in East Asian societies that parallels the West. Weber held that the classic model of bureaucracy, with impersonality at its core, is essential to the development and continuation of capitalism. Our second thesis is that humanism is an important element in Confucian bureaucracy and that humanistic bureaucracy can be both effective and efficient for the development of capitalism.  相似文献   

In October 1996 the Archer Daniels Midland Company(ADM) pleaded guilty to criminal price fixing withrespect to sales of lysine and agreed to pay a $70million fine. Earlier, in August 1996 two Japaneseproducers and a Korean producer of lysine had agreedto plead guilty to criminal price fixing charges. Andearlier still, in July 1996 ADM and the two Japanesecompanies settled the civil suits filed by some harmedbuyers by agreeing to pay a sum of $45 million.It is this last event that serves as the focus forthis paper. The adequacy of the settlement amount wasa major area of dispute. Connor (1996, 1997, 1998)has claimed that the trebled damages to lysinepurchasers were an order of magnitude larger. Crucialto Connor's conclusions are his assumptions as to thetime period during which the conspiracy had an effecton prices and the but for price that otherwise wouldhave prevailed in the absence of the conspiracy. Thispaper will argue that Connor substantiallyover-estimated the period of the conspiracy andunder-estimated the but-for price.  相似文献   

Cultural dimensions in management and planning   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
The nature of management skills is such that they are culturally specific: a management technique or philosophy that is appropriate in one national culture is not necessarily appropriate in another. The paper describes the scope of (work-related) cultural differences as they were revealed by research in more than 50 countries around the world and discusses how these differences affect the validity of management techniques and philosophies in various countries within the functioning and meaning of planning.The author is with the Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation, the Netherlands. This paper is a shorter version of the first part of a report MAN DEV/28. Culture and Management Development, written on behalf of the UNDP/ILO Interregional Project Co-operation among Management Development Institutions and published by the International Labour Office, Management Development Branch, Training Department, Geneva 1983.  相似文献   

Designing, viewed broadly as the human capacity to link thought and action, has meaning and value in the world that transcends its material associations. Given the nature and urgency of current socioeconomic and ecological problems, the creative, generative concept of design must be made more accessible and useful. Accordingly, my intent is to dispel prevailing, narrow, specialist impressions of design and to advance in the public mind a larger concept that can influence deliberations and behavior in society-at-large. One of today's most critical areas of need, and one where I think design can make a particularly significant contribution, is education. A critical task for such design-based education is enabling people to design an ecologically and economically sustainable future.  相似文献   

This study examines the stereotypes held by 664 expatriate and 624 local managers in the subsidiaries of 136 Japanese firms operating in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Using 18 semantic differential items, the opinions of the managers were sought concerning three matters: their own nationality (their autostereotype); the nationality with whom they worked (their heterostereotype); and how the nationality with whom they worked would see them (their metastereotype). Principal components analysis revealed three major factors underlying the stereotypes, which were labelled managerial, entrepreneurial and congenial. These three factors are used to compare the various stereotypes of the groups.The authors are members of the Department of Management, The University of Western Australia. They wish to acknowledge the contribution made by A. Radha Krishnan in the gathering of the data upon which this study is based.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of Chinese business enterprises in Malaysia, a multiracial country where the Chinese comprise 30 per cent of the population. Most of the Chinese enterprises are very small. Reference is made to the sixteen Principles of Good Business Practices which originated from ancient China. It is argued that the strengths of the small Chinese organization such as strong family ties, sharing and pooling of resources, efficient use of manpower, practice of thrift, use of low gearing, flexibility of operations, etc., may become weaknesses if the business expands. ThePok Chow or labour contracting system, and the role of the Chinese business associations and guilds are also discussed. Since the promulgation of the new economic policy in 1970, there is greater urgency for Chinese enterprises to modernise, so as to adapt to changes in Malaysia.This paper has been submitted as a chapter of a forthcoming book entitled Managing in an Asian Plural Society. As one of the authors of this book, the writer of this paper is indebted to Tan Sri Datuk Hamzah Sendut and Mr. John Madsen, the other two authors, for permitting him to present this material at this conference.Professor Gregory Thong Tin Sin is chairman of the Division of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya.  相似文献   

This paper stresses the importance of scientific understanding as part of Home Economics courses and describes how personal misconceptions can interfere with this understanding. It examines the misconceptions held by third level undergraduate students of a basic scientific principle used in the cooking of food, that of boiling, and compares these misconceptions with those of second level pupils commencing their formal education in science. Little difference is reported between the two groups in terms of the misconceptions held. The effectiveness of a teaching methodology based on a constructivist view of knowledge, that of cognitive conflict, in changing misconceptions is reported.  相似文献   

The shortcomings of the technological literacy metaphor are reviewed. The lack of an agreed meaning for this concept reflects a widespread perplexity about how the study of technology should be incorporated into general education. The paper considers how the study of literature and history might contribute to an understanding of technology and posits a framework which permits the study of the made world to be incorporated within a humanistic educational scheme. It is suggested that the historical study of technologies of literacy could play a significant role in curricular integration.Based on a Plenary Address to the second Domains of Literacy Conference:Literacies for a Productive Future Institute of Education London 1/9/94Michael Barnett has been, since 1992, Professor of Technology and Education at the Institute of Education in London University. Prior to that he was Reader in Physics at Imperial College London. His main scholarly activities are concerned with the history, philosophy and sociology of technology and their bearing on educational practice. He has established an MA programme in Technology and Education which reflects these concerns.  相似文献   

Maslow theorised that people share a concern for five levels of needs. These are arranged in a hierarchy in which higher level needs become more dominant as lower level ones are satisfied. In order of prepotency the needs are: security, social, esteem, autonomy and self actualisation. Haire et al (1966) and Clark and McCabe (1971) found a different but consistent ranking of need importance and satisfaction from that proposed by Maslow. They surmised that despite cultural differences and different stages of economic development, managers from different countries attached similar importance to the five need categories.The applicability of the Haire et al conclusion was tested by comparing the feelings Australian and Papua New Guinea (PNG) managers attached to the five need categories. Australia and PNG are neighbours. Australia is a developed country where individualism is a feature of life. PNG, however, is a developing country where wantokism permeates almost every facet of people interaction. It was found that the PNG results on need importance and satisfaction was dissimilar to that of Australia. The PNG results showed a remarkable similarity with those of the developing countries. Cultural differences and differing stages of economic development, it appears, affect the degree of importance attached to the five need categories and these factors should be taken into account when designing organisation structures and setting up reward systems.  相似文献   

Conclusion The National Criteria and GCSE CDT: Technology have not kept pace with the progress of language, whereas the APU and the Design and Technology Working Group have an understanding, with the implications, of modelling 2, albeit fifteen years after the Open University's Technology Foundation Course for teachers. The Consultation Report Group has had the benefit of the insight given by the APU and the Design and Technology Working Group, but, it has not seen the probity and necessity of modelling 2. A summary of these documents in this five year period is presented in Table 2. It shows succinctly how the words model and modelling, from Table 1, have been used or implied.In conclusion, it would appear that through the Consultation Report no gain has been made from the advances achieved by the APU and the Design and Technology Working Group. The Consultation Report has restored a quasi status quo that does not challenge Design and Technology as would have the Final Report regarding modelling 2. If its perception of modelling 2 had been adopted by the National Curriculum Council the Final Report's modelling 2 philosophy would have challenged the GCSE Technology examinations and any Technology faculty who work on an understanding of modelling as an end-in-itself product.As a consequence of this weakening by the National Curriculum Council, there is the need to return to the philosophy of the APU and the Design and Technology Working Group in order to interpret the imminent Technology Statutory Orders. The non-statutory examples should be ignored, as an understanding of modelling 2 philosophy will give valid examples and contexts. Finally, an understanding of modelling 2 philosophy will help cross-curricular developments through the interaction of different aspects of modelling 2 within the curriculum.  相似文献   

Japan experienced a miraculous reconstruction after the second world war partly due to the far-sighted support of the victors, especially the United States, and China, who did not divide the country or demand reparations, and partly due to the unique inherent qualities of the Japanese people.The Japanese race has developed its national identity from a combination of the country's location, climate and the circumstances of its some 1000 year history. As a result the people of Japan are truly a single race, for the most part uniform in experience, culture and language with a strong domestic orientation. From an educational viewpoint, the Japanese are historically good learners. However, they are traditionally bad when it comes to generating new ideas by applying theory for creative purposes.A simple process of (1) follow, (2) catch up and (3) equal or surpass describes the development of the high-tech industry in Japan. This process has made the most of the Japanese people's ability to absorb information as well as their single-minded determination to achieve goals and their propensity for concentrated effort. As the automobile and semi-conductor industries illustrate, the Japanese have unequalled expertise when it comes to adopting technology from advanced industrial nations overseas, perfecting it and making it their own.The challenge for the Japanese people, now that the catch-up process is all but completed, is to continue their progress by generating their own innovative ideas. In addition, the Japanese must develop a more global orientation and consider the needs of foreign markets in new product development. This evolution must take place in an atmosphere of international sharing, co-operation and partnership.In terms of education, the traditional good learner with a domestic orientation must be taught how to be a good original thinker with an international viewpoint.The engineering system in Japan has been placed against this background and is examined from both an historic and a futuristic perspective.  相似文献   

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