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本文以沪深股市90只转融券试点标的股票为研究对象,运用事件研究法对这些股票在实行转融券前后的价格变化进行了测量。结果表明,转融券在沪深股市产生了负效应,即转融券试点这一事件发生日之后的累积异常收益率为负。横截面数据的回归分析表明,股票的累积异常收益率与流通股日换手率和日收益波动率显著负相关,与日超额收益波动率显著正相关,与成交量、市盈率及市净率不存在显著相关关系。  相似文献   

本文选取了2012年4月5日至2014年3月31日时段的481个日数据,讨论了上海证券市场A股数据来实证研究融资融券对股市流动性的影响,利用协整检验和Granger因果关系检验等计量方法,得出结论:融资融券与上证A股流动性之间不存在长期稳定的协整关系,融资融券是股市流动性的Granger原因,而股市流动性不是融资融券的Granger原因,且融资融券对股市影响并不显著。  相似文献   

在国外成熟的市场中,融资融券已有百年悠久历史。我国经过精心筹备,于2010年3月31日正式宣布启动融资融券试点。利用2013年1月至2015年12月中国A股市场的数据,引入虚拟变量并建立三个模型进行实证分析,分别对比了融资融券标的股票和非融资融券标的股票定价效率的差异、融券卖空量的差异对定价效率的影响,以及同一股票加入融资融券交易前后的定价效率差异,结果表明,融资融券可以提高股票的定价效率,并以此为根据对证券监管部门提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

陈涵青 《时代金融》2013,(24):258-260
本文以转融通试点初期沪深两市的试点股为样本,以沪深300指数代替整体市场形势,通过基于多元回归模型和Granger因果关系检验,探究了转融通后我国融资融券交易对股市的影响,发现融资买空交易显著影响市场流动性水平,融资买空交易和融券卖空交易量都显著影响市场波动水平,而市场流动性水平也会对融券卖空交易产生影响。  相似文献   

天元 《证券导刊》2010,(7):20-20
投资者近期应该重点关注标的样本股,因为随着融资融券标的股票的明朗以及股指期货开户的正式启动,有望对权重股构成正面刺激。  相似文献   

关于建立融券卖空机制对股市影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对股价涨跌、波动幅度和成交量的对比分析,可以发现融券卖空机制的引入有利于完善证券市场的价格发现机制,增强证券公司的盈利能力,丰富投资者的投资选择。在进一步增强证券的可融性,降低中国股市的系统性风险和控制监管漏洞与异常交易的基础上,中国股市建立融券卖空机制的现实条件已基本具备。  相似文献   

融资融券中存在很多交易规则,我们这里主要强调以下三井中投资者比较常见的规则:裸卖空、报升规则及保证金规则。  相似文献   

本文从盈余公告对投资者意见分歧影响的角度,解释A股市场年报公告期间的股价反应,在为意见分歧资产定价理论提供经验证据的同时,也为A股市场信息披露股价效应的研究提供一个全新的思路。研究发现,公告前投资者意见分歧程度与股票在公告日附近的超额收益负相关,证明上市公司年报会降低投资者的意见分歧,导致公告前因卖空限制和意见分歧而被高估的股价在公告日附近向其基础价值靠拢。此外,本文还发现上述股价反应在正式公告日前的几个交易日就已出现,证明A股市场存在年报信息提前泄露的情况。进一步研究显示,意见分歧与公告日附近股票超额收益的负相关关系随着机构持股比例和行业集中度的提高而逐渐增强。  相似文献   

利用VAR模型、协整分析及脉冲响应等方法,对我国股票市场融资融券试点运行以来的交易情况做实证检验,发现融资交易和融券交易都与股市波动协整,且融券卖空对指数波动的影响要大于融资交易,同时实证结果表明融资融券对股市波动的整体贡献很小,股市波动更多源于外在因素及自身的惯性影响。在"转融通"机制推出之后,融资融券发展的关键还是要控制卖空,其运行模式可以从单轨制到双轨制、中央结算机制逐步改进,且每种模式下都要兼顾市场效率与风险控制。  相似文献   

2010年03月31日,我国上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所正式开通融资融券交易系统,进一步深化我国证券市场改革,开始接受试点会员融资融券交易申报。这是我国股市改革的重要一步,相比于西方发达国家来说,我国的证券市场还在处于初期,但是短短的30多年的时间,我们可以看到中国证券市场的发速发展。2005年股权分置改革和中小板的成立、2009年的创业板上市包括今年大家议论度比较高的“港沪通”等等,都是我国证券市场所创造的成绩,全球化、市场化机制不断创新、完善和进步。  相似文献   

We examine daily short selling of Nasdaq stocks to explore whether speculative short selling causes a significant portion of the weekend effect in returns. We identify a weekend effect in speculative short selling whereby it constitutes a larger percentage of trading volume on Mondays versus Fridays. We find an opposite effect in dealer short selling, consistent with market makers adding liquidity and stability. Our main finding is that speculative short selling does not explain an economically meaningful portion of the weekend effect in returns, even among the firms most that are most actively shorted. This finding contradicts some prior studies.  相似文献   

While true underlying home values are expected to be randomly distributed, actual residential listing prices tend to be highly clustered. Particularly, more than 75 % of the homes in our sample are associated with a round or “just below” round asking price. This study provides a theoretical and empirical examination of how the thousands digit in a home’s asking price is related to the final transaction price relative to its true underlying value. Our findings suggest that, on average, homes listed using a “just below” pricing strategy are associated with the greatest discount negotiated relative to the asking price. However, the higher initial degree of list overpricing reflected in “just below” pricing compared with other strategies more than offsets the greater discount. Therefore, “just below” is the most effective pricing strategy for the seller in terms of a greater dollar yield relative to value. These empirical findings have economic significance and are robust across both “buyer” and “seller” housing markets, new versus existing homes, and across multiple home price ranges.  相似文献   

基于中国2010年实施融资融券制度的背景,利用分批扩容的准自然实验环境,检验卖空制度对企业融资的影响。结果发现:卖空制度的引入对企业外源融资能够起到抑制作用,这来源于外部治理作用所带来的过度融资的减少、市场信息反馈效应所带来的企业融资——股票价格敏感度的提升,以及融资成本的提高。进一步分析发现,企业外源融资的减少是有效率的,能够提高企业资源配置效率,促进资本结构动态调整。因此,卖空制度有助于抑制企业的过度融资,提高企业资源配置效率,对资本市场的稳定运转和完善大有裨益。  相似文献   

This study examines stock and bond price reactions to dividend changes. The positive stock market response to dividend increases has several potential explanations, two of the more commonly discussed being information content and wealth redistribution between stockholders and bondholders. The evidence presented supports the wealth redistribution hypothesis but does not rule out the information content hypothesis. Typically we find that the bond price reaction to announcements of large dividend changes is opposite to the stock price reaction. Our results differ from those of Handjinicolaou and Kalay.  相似文献   

The Effect of Options on Stock Prices: 1973 to 1995   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I show that the effect of option introductions on underlying stock prices is best described by a two-regime switching means model whose optimal switch date occurs in 1981. In accordance with previous studies, I find positive abnormal returns for options listed during 1973 to 1980. By contrast, I find negative abnormal returns for options listed in 1981 and later. Possible causes for this switch include the introduction of index options in 1982, the implementation of regulatory changes in 1981, and the possibility that options expedite the dissemination of negative information.  相似文献   

本文利用TGARCH模型研究了融资融券制度对上证50和深证成指日收益率波动性的影响。研究结果表明,实行融资融券后,上证50和深证成指日收益率的波动均有所下降,融资融券具有一定的稳定市场的作用,其中上证50的表现好于深证成指。但是收益率波动的下降都比较少,短期内融资融券对市场的作用不明显。由于初期的入市资金有限,因此融资融券业务对市场的影响主要在心理层面上,对市场的直接影响很小。但是随着试点规模的扩大,将会有越来越多的信用资金进入股市,因此融资融券业务对股市的影响是渐进的,其长期影响则是深远的。  相似文献   

We find that debt downgrades of money center banks elicit negative stock price responses in nondowngraded money center banks. Stock prices of larger regional banks also react to these downgrades. Although downgrades of regional banks evoke negative stock price responses for regional banks in the same geographic region, the importance of geographic region as a factor determining the extent of intra‐industry reactions has diminished since 1989. Our results indicate that the merger and expansion activities triggered by interstate banking have blurred differences between regional and money center banks as interstate banking activity has moved towards nationwide banking  相似文献   

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