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Open innovation is increasingly popular among practitioners and scholars, but its implications for public policy making have not yet been analysed in detail. This paper explores a theoretical framework to structure the debate about public policy making that facilitates open innovation. We first define open innovation in terms of firms’ open innovation practices and external conditions that encourage enterprises to practice open innovation. We show that policies for open innovation are legitimate as traditional arguments like market and system failures continue to apply. Next, we identify several guidelines for policymaking. Rather than just offering R&D and interaction-oriented policies, we conclude that open innovation warrants attention in a broader range of policy areas, including entrepreneurship, education, science, labour markets and competition. Developing truly horizontal policies is a major challenge to facilitate open innovation in developed economies.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the size of the economic impact generated by the Slovenian health care sector on the national economy in the 2009–2014 period. The study separately calculates output, income, employment, value-added and import multipliers for the Slovenian health care sector based on input-output analysis covering 49 sectors. Initially, values of simple output multipliers for all years are estimated. When the re-circulation of final demand through households is added to the direct and indirect economic effects, the values of total output multipliers considerably exceeds 2. The results suggest that an additional million EUR of final demand in the health care sector will, based on different scenarios, increase the total employment by 20 to 30 units. Moreover, the type II employment multipliers imply that under the best-case scenario one employee in the health care sector creates an additional 0.7 unit of employment in remaining structures of the observed economy. Stability evaluation of the derived multipliers suggests that the domestic health care sector may reduce volatilities in production, income and employment and consequently act as an important shock absorber in the economy.  相似文献   

This present paper studies the relationship between the industrial development environment (IDE) and the innovation efficiency (IE) of China’s high-tech industry. First, drawing upon insights from research on regional innovation systems and sectoral innovation systems, the paper proposes a definition of the IDE within which China’s high-tech industry exists. Then, by a factorial analysis, three main components reflecting the IDE are obtained: regional development conditions, regional consumption potential, and interactions between innovation actors. Furthermore, the impacts of various facets of the IDE on three kinds of IE are investigated through the DEA-Tobit regression approach. Based on the results, our analysis can provide information for policymakers to create a favourable environment for China’s high-tech industry.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the dynamics of innovation, by extending the analysis beyond a static-economic perspective. It offers a dynamic-institutional mapping of relational capacities to dynamically innovate. Its main goal is to contribute to the above-mentioned research theme by presenting a new methodology able to pinpoint different trends in the relational capacities of institutions when they are innovative. Thereby, major characteristics in the networks of innovation are identified. This investigation uses an extended set of private institutions and public organizations located in Portugal, evaluated by their WebPage contents. To this data set a new combination of multivariate statistical methods is applied to detect group performances, to compare them, and to identify gradients of capacity to dynamically innovate. The results demonstrate that this method can provide extremely useful and tailor-made information for policy evaluation at regional or national levels.  相似文献   

Incubation has already proven to be of great value in promoting small and medium enterprise (SME) entrepreneurship activities and technological development in developed and developing countries. Incubation not only provides a diversified and integrated service for entrepreneurial ventures but also contributes upward to regional and national innovation and economic growth. Building upon the logic of co-evolution theory, this paper argues that incubation acts at the meso-level as a critical interface between macro-innovation systems and micro-business ventures. These multi-directional coupling elements in innovation ecology co-evolve to achieve collective interests and excellence, which in turn may stimulate technological development and social change. Important processes/mechanisms, including a policy kit and action, strategic networking, supportive associations, knowledge and intellectual capital management, among others, are discussed. Drawing on the national innovation system (NIS) and business incubation (BI) experience in Taiwan, we discuss the future prospects of incubation and innovation policies, including industrializing and globalizing incubation activities and virtual business incubation.  相似文献   

从不同时期、不同国别的国家创新体系的异同点比较、国家创新体系的各组成部分间关系分析、国家创新体系绩效评价、存在问题等方面,对国家创新体系发展评价研究进行综述,分析当前国家创新体系发展评价相关研究的特征和不足之处。指出:未来研究应重点关注普适性发展评价理论;可借鉴系统评价方法、网络分析方法和经济学方法等;应更注重全球化背景下开放环境中的发展评价;应从宏观、中观和微观等角度研究国家创新体系的内部要素及其子系统的动态关系;应开拓国家创新生态体系评价研究。  相似文献   

科技园区创新能力的评价指标体系及其应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据科技园区内部特点、互动机制以及外部创新环境、创新网络和园区本身的产业发展,建立科技园区创新能力决定模型;在此模型的基础上,考虑集群效应对科技园区创新能力影响的结合制度、技术、知识创新等方面。提出一套基于集群的科技园区创新能力评价指标体系;运用层次分析法来确定指标的权重,以广东省6个国家级高新技术产业开发区为对象,选用层次聚类分析法,用软件MALAB中的pdist、linkage、dendrogram等函数,形成可视化的聚类树,得出各科技园区的创新能力。.  相似文献   

动态复杂市场环境下,持续创新是任何企业持续发展的根本.笔者在企业持续创新能力理论评述和相关理论界定的基础上,构建出企业持续创新能力评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价法对企业持续创新能力进行评价与测度.这对企业识别持续创新的关键因素、挖掘瓶颈因素进而实现持续创新具有现实指导意义.  相似文献   

企业技术创新能力评价指标体系建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业的技术创新是一项系统工程,若想进一步提升企业的技术创新能力,单独依靠创新主体自身是难以实现的。应充分考虑到各项政策措施之间的依附和制约关系,建立一套完整的技术创新支撑体系,将各项政策措施进行有机结合,通过彼此之间的协同作用,共同促进技术创新活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   

Life science innovation demands detailed expertise at each stage of the development of a commercial product. Besides a perceived shortage of venture capital, venturing life science companies face the challenge of limited access to qualified expertise in regulatory affairs and commercialisation. Examining a bio hub initiative at a major pharmaceutical company, a form of in-house incubator wherein life science companies can both take advantage of laboratory facilities and the stock of expertise of the hosting company, it is argued that such initiatives support the life science innovation field. Taking on an iungens brokerage role, the hosting company effectively connects previously separated actors, thus lowering the transaction costs incurred when accessing qualified scientific, regulatory, and commercial know-how, which are all of great value to life science companies during the venturing phase. The iungens brokerage role thus represents a highly valuable position in the field of life science innovation.  相似文献   

本文应用模糊数学中的BP神经网络理论对福建省各地区区域创新能力进行综合评价,从而提供了一条对区域创新能力差异进行定量分析和实证研究的有效新途径。  相似文献   

我国已经进入到制定科技创新规划的新阶段。为更好地学习国外经验,选取制定过7次科技创新规划的西班牙为对象,在梳理其科技研究与创新规划的基本情况的基础上,对《西班牙国家科技研究与创新规划(2013-2016)》的制定过程和主要结构及内容进行了系统概括,继而分析了西班牙科技研究与创新规划的主要特征,最后提出其对中国制定科技创新规划的启示。  相似文献   

Institutional theory describes organisations as being open to external influences, including policy-making. Policy-making is in turn based on normative ideas that inform how markets and economies unfold. Policies may include wide-ranging concerns and trade-offs (as in science and industry policy) or may be detailed and specific (as in the case of, e.g. procurement policies in the medical technologies sector), but they tend to play a role in shaping markets. A study of the Swedish life science innovation field suggests that the policy shift in life sciences governance to what Berman [2008. ‘Why Did Universities Start Patenting? Institution-building and the Road to the Bayh-Dole Act.’ Social Studies of Science 38: 835–871] names a market logic. In the present case, the market logic is not sufficiently supported by favourable market conditions, leading to a ‘hybrid logic’ enforcing an enterprising ethos but otherwise remains couched within a bureaucratic innovation system not providing critical resources conducive to life science innovation – venture capital funds and commercial human resources. The outcome is arguably case of ‘over-entrepreneurialisation’.  相似文献   

A simple cointegration methodology is used to compute the equilibrium real exchange rate for the peseta. The stock of foreign assets and the evolution of sectoral prices are considered to be the fundamentals for the real exchange rate. After testing for cointegration, we proceed to decompose the series into a permanent and a transitory component, following the method devised by Gonzalo and Granger. The permanent component of the real exchange rate corresponds to its (time-varying) equilibrium value, and the deviation of the actual real exchange rate from this equilibrium value gives an estimation of the degree of misalignment of the real exchange rate. By the end of the sample (1998:1), the peseta is estimated to be undervalued around 6%.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦共和国1991年独立以来,通过实施各项改革措施,政治稳定,经济发展迅猛,建立起了国家新型科技管理体系,创新体系建设亦日趋完善。哈萨克斯坦教科部科学委员会下设5个学科科学委员会,统一管理其科教优先发展领域,确定科研经费、资助拨款方式及额度;哈萨克斯坦将国家创新体系视为系统工程,保证其多元化、多层次、多渠道的合作参与;哈萨克斯坦国家创新始终服从于经济、社会发展的目标,其创新政策的制定与国家总体发展方向相一致。哈萨克斯坦科教管理体系与创新体系相辅相成,助推其经济社会稳步发展,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on Lithuania, whose government released an ambitious innovation strategy to become an innovative services hub for Northern Europe by 2015, and an innovation hub by 2020. Biotechnology has been identified as a strategic sector, and whether Lithuania will be able to achieve its ambition of a fully functioning biotechnology sectoral system of innovation will be explored. With the Lithuanian government declaring that they will intervene to achieve their innovation goals, this paper argues that sound policy intervention is possible and can be done in a way that avoids the limitations of past systemic approaches. The policy approach presented is based on a modified extended industry life cycle, and the movement of system structures through three phases – background, pre-emergence and emergence – and explains how each phase lays the groundwork for transition to the next phase.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an analytical framework – called the Triple Uncertainty (TU) – that casts strong doubt on both the existence of a linear path leading to organisational innovation and the alleged accuracy of most R&D performance metrics. This framework, grounded on both the analysis of field-data and actor-network theory underpinnings, emphasises the importance of a series of uncertainties that pervade the management of techno-scientific projects. According to the TU framework, the management of techno-scientific projects hinges on the choice of mode of organisational coordination. To illustrate this thesis, we analyse in this paper the managerial complexities of a techno-scientific R&D project at Tenaris (a world-leading manufacturer of steel-tubes) whose intended outcome is a computer simulation of a critical industrial process.  相似文献   

Disruptive innovations are perceived necessary for accelerating sustainability transitions. However, it is not always clear what exactly is meant by it, what is to be disrupted, and by whom. Socio-technical transition research on pays too much attention at the technological niche-innovations in the production, and overlooks business model innovation and user practices in the consumption, whilst management literature on disruptive innovation falls short in the scale and scope of disruption in terms of systemic outcome. Thus, the first aim of the paper is to synthesise the extant literature and put forward a general practice-based view on disruptive sustainable innovation. The second aim of the paper is to use empirical data to elaborate the theoretical framework in the Finnish food system context. Four firm-level cases provide empirical scrutiny to each type of disruptive sustainable innovation in the food system and shed light on the interlinked practices of producer-entrepreneurs and citizen-consumers.  相似文献   

武汉城市创新系统创新能力评价与提升对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
界定了城市创新系统的概念、结构和特征,提出了城市创新系统子系统创新能力评价的指标体系,并对武汉市城市创新系统的创新能力进行了评价。最后,提出了提升武汉市城市创新系统创新能力的对策。  相似文献   

区域科技创新资源配置效果的分形评价   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
科技创新资源配置效果是反映创新型国家和省区建设的重要尺度。为了科学准确地对其进行综合评价,本文基于结构决定功能的系统原理,运用分形理论,构建了区域科技创新资源配置效果分形评价模型,并对我国相关省、市、自治区的科技创新资源配置情况进行了分类评价,旨在为各区域制定科技发展战略与政策、实现科技创新资源优化配置提供决策支持。  相似文献   

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