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We empirically investigate the pattern of complementarity among four organizational practices. Firm-level data were drawn from the Community Innovation Survey, carried out in Luxembourg. Supermodularity tests confirm the crucial role of organizational innovation in raising firms’ technological innovation. The pattern of complementarity across organizational practices differs according to the type of innovation (i.e. product or process), as well as according to whether the firm is in the first stage of its innovation process (i.e. being innovative or not) or in a later stage (i.e. sales of new products).  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the influence of central bank transparency and informal central bank communication on the formation of money market expectations. The sample covers nine major central banks from January 1999 to July 2007. We find, first, that transparency reduces the bias in money market expectations and dampens their variation. Second, informal communications help manage financial market expectations by reducing the variation of expectations. Third, various subcategories of the Eijffinger and Geraats (2006) transparency index lead to a smaller bias in expectations (in particular, evaluation of policy outcome and explanation of interest rate decisions) and to a reduction in the variation of expectations (in particular, explicit prioritization of objectives and provision of information on unanticipated macroeconomic disturbances).  相似文献   

Using a rich panel dataset of small and medium scale manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) active in the manufacturing sector in Viet Nam, this paper investigates the drivers of firm productivity, focusing on the role played by international management standards certification. We test the hypothesis that, accounting for technological innovation (product and process) and other variables related to technological capabilities, international standards are conducive to higher productivity, through improved management practices and business organization. In line with the requirement of continuous improvement implied by most international standards, the main findings show that the possession of an internationally recognized standard certificate leads to significant productivity premium. We further find that the effect of certification on productivity is particularly strong for firms with technological innovation, located in southern provinces, and operating in more scale-intensive industries.  相似文献   

In recent years management scholars and practitioners have been interested in innovation in high-technology industries. However, little attempt has been undertaken to examine factors affecting innovation in mature industries, such as agro-food. In this paper we tried to fill this literature gap. We hypothesise that weak-collaborations have a positive effect on firms’ innovations. We test our hypotheses on a sample of Italian agro-food firms. We discuss our results and present some theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Clustering is one of the key drivers for regional economic growth. Development of clusters is a dynamic process shaped by a variety of internal and external factors such as availability of skilled labor, presence of functioning networks and partnerships, technological changes, and market competition, etc. As a result, the patterns of cluster growth may differ from one another. Although each cluster is unique in some way, previous research has attempted to identify few simplified models of evolution of clusters. In this study, we briefly reviewed the literature on a variety of models of clusters. Based on these models, we investigated 15 hi-performing metropolitan-based clusters in the United States, covering communications equipment manufacturing, information technology, and biopharmaceutical industries, in order to find out the similarities and differences between real-world clusters. Specifically, by examining the composition of these high-tech clusters, we attempted to find out the following: 1) What are the typologies of these technology clusters? 2) Whether different industries tend to support different cluster typologies? and 3) How do clusters change their typologies over time? Our analysis results suggest that the real-world clusters rarely feature any single type of typology; a mixed type of typology is much more prevalent in reality.We also found that different industries tend to support different types of cluster typologies. In other words, an individual cluster's typology is to some extent shaped by the industry group it belongs to. In addition, we note that, as a cluster goes through different stages of its lifecycle, its typology may change significantly.  相似文献   

Acquisition of innovative firms is a widely observed phenomenon in high-tech industries. On the basis of distinct advantages of large and small firms, in this paper, we build a tournament model with possible acquisition activity of large firms to derive hypotheses on interdependencies between acquisition frequency and post-acquisition success rates. We find empirical support for our hypotheses that (1) acquisitions increase overall innovation output and (2) that the number of acquisitions is higher in industries with larger heterogeneity between established firms and young start-ups. However, our third hypothesis derived from the formal model that innovation success following from acquisitions varies across industries is only partially confirmed.  相似文献   

Digital innovation is gaining momentum among academics and business practitioners. Featuring increasingly cross-industry and multi-actor innovation processes, digital innovation reveals the inherent technology bias in the dominant perspectives on innovation. This study aims to transfer the focus from technology-centred ideas of digital innovation to a more balanced concept in which digital innovation is conceptualised as a combination of multiple needs and solutions linked to various actors and their behaviours. The study builds on a longitudinal case study. The article contributes by providing a partial response to the explicit calls for strategic frameworks that capture the process of digital innovation. Furthermore, the article explicates the market dimension of digital innovation and extends the analysis of the market dimension from a limited view of customer information and user knowledge to further include needs, actions, and behaviours of market actors directly or indirectly using, complementing, or substituting the digital innovation and innovation process.  相似文献   

The rebound effect refers to the phenomenon that energy savings from improvements in energy efficiency are lower than expected due to unintended second-order effects. Grasping specific mechanisms related to the rebound effect requires a good understanding of interactions between heterogonous agents on multiple markets. Otherwise, policies aimed at reducing energy use may render counter-expected and unforeseen consequences. In this paper, we propose a formal model, where technological change results from interactions on two markets: between consumers and producers in the market for final goods, and heterogeneous power plants in the electricity market. The analysis provides insights to the role of technological change, supply–demand coevolution, and status-driven consumption in explaining the rebound effect. The model is employed to compare effectiveness of economic policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions associated with production of consumer goods, namely: a tax on electricity and ‘nuclear obligations’ to produce ten percent of electricity from nuclear energy.  相似文献   

This paper examines and measures innovation in the context of biotechnology firms by analysing the link between R&D, innovation performance and organisational growth. We conceptualise innovation performance as a latent construct with two dimensions: innovation efficacy and innovation efficiency. We use structural equations modelling to test the hypotheses on a data set from the biotechnology industry. Results support our innovation performance conceptualisation which is found to be especially useful to measure innovation in industries with long product development cycles. Findings also underline the importance of R&D knowledge creation for biotechnology firms.  相似文献   

The sources of ideas embodied uithln successful technological innovation have been a subject of interest in many studies since the 1950s. This research suggests that sources external to the innovating organization account for between 34% and 65% of the inputs important to the development of successful innovation. In addition, studies have long highlighted personal boundary-spanning communication as an important mechanism for the transference of such ideas. Despite this recognition, there has been little systematic evaluation of the role and importance of informal boundary-spanning communication in the innovation process. This paper provides the results of an empirical study, of the role and source of infomally derived inputs into the development products of 35 commercially successful innovations. It was found that inormal mechanisms were often enlployad to transfer ideas and information, as well as other resources, during the idea-generation, ,problem-solving and field-testing phases of these innovation projects. Indeed, the research indicates that the mobilization of informal boundary-spanning contacts and networks my ofen be an important, and sometimes critival, factor in successful innovation.  相似文献   

This article analyses determinants of sectoral R&D and innovation expenditure as well as investment in Polish manufacturing industries in 1994–2004. The estimated coefficients for user cost of capital are generally in line with the neoclassical model of investment, except for R&D intensity. The latter are primarily discouraged by systemic uncertainty. The rate of growth of sales is not a prominent determinant of investment and innovation expenditure. Market concentration coupled with uncertainty has a damaging effect on physical capital investment but it promotes R&D expenditure and leaves innovation intensity unaltered.  相似文献   

The question of how information technology-both as an operand resource and as an operant resource-impacts on innovation processes and innovation outcomes remains largely uninvestigated in the manufacturing enterprises. Building on an in-depth case study of a manufacturing enterprise in China, we present a resource orchestration for innovation model and examine the dual role of IT in three distinct innovation processes. The model highlights the multilevel nature of the computerisation process, showing that it entails different IT role and be associated with a particular innovation outcome at each process. This study synthesises resource orchestration framework and IT concepts to elaborate the synergistic relationships between various resources at all levels both inside and between enterprises. Our study not only contributes to broadening the theoretical perspectives by exploring the dual role of IT in managerial issues but also provides some practical suggestions for business leaders to facilitate innovation processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the mediating role of innovation components in the relationship between knowledge management processes and performance. The research questions were investigated through questionnaires with top-level managers of a firm operating in the Turkish telecommunication industry. The results of the study indicated that knowledge management processes affect all innovation components. In addition to the direct effects of the knowledge management process on firm performance, marketing, product and process innovation are mediators in the relationship between the knowledge management process and performance. Finally, this research sheds light on how firms can manage their knowledge to gain a competitive advantage based on innovation.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how heterogeneity in exports affects firms’ innovations in China. Using comprehensive transaction-level trade data from China Customs to construct various dimensional measures exports, empirical results obtained from a matched firm-transaction panel data find that exports overall have a positive impact on promoting innovations in terms of R&D and new product sales. The innovation-enhancing effect of exports depends on the heterogeneity in exports. Firms with greater varieties of exports, more market diversification, and higher export quality are associated with a higher R&D propensity and more new product sales, while process exports are found a negative association with innovations.  相似文献   

日本政府认为,20世纪日本追求的是高科技,21世纪要追求“高质量的服务”,不仅要将服务业作为新世纪经济增长的引擎,还要将提高服务质量作为日本民族21世纪的一种理念、一种精神和一个口号。为此,日本政府主要采取将科学方法和工学方法引入服务业、建立联系服务提供者和消黄;者的机制、培养服务人才、灵活利用JT技术等措施,来提高服务业的生产效率,促进其创新与发展。  相似文献   

Business model innovation is one of the firm’s most important strategic decisions. Top management team (TMT), as the critical decision-makers, has essential influence upon such decisions. However, the role of TMT diversity in shaping the performance of business model innovation is less explored in the literature. Based on a sample dataset of 906 observations of small and medium enterprises from China Startups Stock Market during the period of 2009–2011, we find that TMT diversity exhibits a significant threshold effect on the relationship between business model innovation (in terms of novelty-centred and efficiency-centred business model) and firm performance. More specifically, when TMT functional diversity arrives at a certain level, the positive relationship between novelty-centred business model and firm performance becomes more pronounced. On the other hand, the positive relationship between efficiency-centred business model innovation and firm performance will be more significant when TMT tenure diversity increases to a certain level.  相似文献   

This study presents theoretical and empirical analyses of market size and consumer preference asymmetries to examine the implications of trade and trade policies for imperfectively competitive food manufacturing sectors. The results show that the effects of trade reforms on imperfectly competitive product trade are counter intuitive if a significant portion of food trade is attributed to market size and preference asymmetries. For example, countries with smaller market gain relatively more from trade liberalization than countries with larger markets because export market opportunities are greater for small countries than for large countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process that links knowledge resources to innovation performance. We propose that this relationship is mediated by innovation capability and that management commitment moderates this mediation effect. To measure innovation performance, we create an indicator that summarises the impact of innovation activities on products, processes and sustainability. The sample comprises 9432 firms in different sectors included in the Community Innovation Survey (CIS). The results confirm that knowledge resources not only have a direct positive effect on innovation performance but also an indirect effect by improving the firm's innovation capability. We also confirm the moderating role of management commitment, but with limitations. This research, therefore, throws light on how firms can leverage their knowledge resources to gain a competitive advantage based on innovation.  相似文献   

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