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Management accounting education has been subject of considerable debate since the 1970s, particularly in terms of what topics should be taught. The research reported here set out to ascertain the management accounting topics/techniques and the skills/characteristics that are considered important for a graduate who intends to pursue careers in management accounting. Based on a survey conducted on educators and practitioners, the results indicate that educators viewed behavioural implications, activity-based costing (ABC), performance evaluation and product costing as the top four important topics. In contrast, practitioners' top four important topics were cash flow management, operational budgeting, variance analysis and performance evaluation. Overall, traditional techniques, as compared to contemporary techniques, tend to be more widely used by firms. As regards skills and characteristics, practitioners and educators placed high importance on thinking, problem solving, listening and quantitative skills.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey of accounting academicians and accounting practitioners in public and private accounting. The purpose of the study was to examine the content and importance of the advanced financial accounting course. The results indicate that most schools require the course for accounting majors and the topics most often covered are consolidations and business combinations, partnership accounting, governmental/nonprofit accounting, and foreign currency accounting. Regarding the respondents' perceptions of what should be covered in this course, academicians indicated that significantly more time should be devoted to consolidations and business combinations while accounting practitioners indicated that a broader range of topics should be covered in the course. Also, academicians are more in agreement with the statement that the advanced financial accounting course is a good indicator of students' analytical skills. The results of this study should be of interest to accounting departments that are reviewing their curricula and individuals teaching advanced financial accounting.  相似文献   

Auditors and auditing firms are important actors in the process of institutionalising accounting standards. However, the formal and institutional requirements to de facto ensure professionalism and independence in the Swedish municipal sector have been strongly questioned. The aim of this paper is to investigate and explain how deviations from accounting standards are treated and reported by auditors. The results indicate deficiency in both competence and independence among the auditors. The institutional arrangements in Sweden do not seem to ensure that auditors facilitate and support the implementation of accounting standards.  相似文献   

The dramatic technological revolution that has taken place in the last decade makes it imperative for students to emerge from their undergraduate education technologically proficient, comfortable with technology, and ready to pursue their chosen fields. Computers, like pencils and notebooks, have become an integral part of the college experience. In the last five years there has been an emerging national trend to require laptop computers for accounting majors as well as in other disciplines. A laptop computer requirement can be extremely beneficial to accounting majors. While courses in accounting information systems have typically required students to gain hands-on experience using software such as Microsoft Access, Peachtree, QuickBooks, Great Plains and others, incorporation of technology into the other accounting courses has generally been more limited and has varied from programme to programme. The implementation of a laptop requirement necessitates a thorough analysis of the entire accounting curriculum and should result in the incorporation of information technology in all accounting courses. This also requires that faculty become technologically proficient and thus able to incorporate the laptop use into the curriculum so that the value of the laptop computer is realized. This paper: (1) examines the laptop requirement trend for accounting majors and the related aspects/characteristics in a sample of US institutions accredited and not accredited by AACSB International, and (2) provides a case study of the implementation of a laptop requirement for undergraduate accounting majors in an AACSB-accredited institution and feedback based on student evaluations of the requirement over a two-year period.  相似文献   


Management accountants work in a computerized workplace with information technology (IT) for producing financial ledgers and for reporting. Thus, the role of the management accountant has shifted from capturing and recording transactions to analyzing business issues. The research question is: what IT knowledge and skills do employers require of management accounting graduates? An exploratory field research approach was used; chief financial officers and their subordinates at some of New Zealand's largest firms were consulted. These respondents were consistent in their requirements. They emphasized intermediate proficiency with some Microsoft tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook) and sufficient familiarity with the structure and navigation of an enterprise resource planning system to process transactions such as accounts receivable. Of those requirements, Excel for analysis was the most important. Our contributions update and augment the literature by clarifying the perceptions of employers regarding the IT competencies required of management accounting graduates.  相似文献   

A general requirement for an accountant to take the CPA examination is the completion of a course in business law. It appears that what constitutes the business law course requirement is rather loosely defined and leaves excessive room for interpretation. What is a business law course? A survey of accounting educators regarding the business law requirement and the law courses taught at their respective schools reveals, inter alia, a divergence of opinion regarding the business law requirement, the perceived objective of teaching business law to accounting students, the importance of the legal topics included on the CPA exam, and the coverage of those topics at their respective institutions. In general, accounting educators are encouraged to both review their current business law requirements and to take a more active role in monitoring the business law curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper presents a senior governmental accounting educator’s perspectives on how governmental accounting education has changed over the past 35 years and what we can expect for the future. Having begun my academic career during the 1970s, a period of turmoil and debate about the deficient state of governmental accounting, I look at how events of this period influenced my personal decision to specialize in governmental accounting education and how those events led to a path of dramatic improvement in governmental accounting standards, practice, and education. Key trends in governmental accounting education are discussed along with major changes in practice guidance over the years that have challenged textbook authors and faculty in staying abreast of change. The paper identifies many governmental accounting educators who have made significant contributions to governmental accounting and auditing policy and encourages current educators to seek ways to participate in the policy-making process. Finally, the paper discusses the future outlook for governmental accounting education and concludes that governmental accounting educators are well positioned to contribute to achieving the recently released recommendations of the Pathways Commission (2012).  相似文献   

随着我国证券市场的发展,证券市场的法定信息披露、信息披露监管、会计准则建设等信息的公共服务越来越重要,而证券市场现行较为单一的证券交易税收制度作为公共服务开支的来源很难保证这些公共服务的有效提供。开征信息税所产生的收入、支出和调节等作用会产生一定的政策效应,如提高证券市场信息披露利益相关者对虚假信息披露问题进行治理参与的积极性,提高信息披露监管、信息披露规则建设和合法信息权利保障工作的财力支持,从而有利于证券市场信息披露质量、信息监管质量的提高,有利于证券市场有效性的提高和信息披露利益相关者合法权益的维护。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the changing nature of a range of information technology (IT) application skills that students declare on entering an accounting degree over the period from 1996 to 2006. Accounting educators need to be aware of the IT skills students bring with them to university because of the implications this has for learning and teaching within the discipline and the importance of both general and specific IT skills within the practice and craft of accounting. Additionally, IT skills constitute a significant element within the portfolio of employability skills that are increasingly demanded by employers and emphasized within the overall Higher Education (HE) agenda. The analysis of students' reported IT application skills on entry to university, across a range of the most relevant areas of IT use in accounting, suggest that their skills have continued to improve over time. However, there are significant differential patterns of change through the years and within cohorts. The paper addresses the generalizability of these findings and discusses the implications of these factors for accounting educators, including the importance of recognising the differences that are potentially masked by the general increase in skills; the need for further research into the changing nature, and implications, of the gender gap in entrants' IT application skills; and the low levels of entrants' spreadsheet and database skills that are a cause for concern.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a survey to determine how, where in the curriculum, and for what purposes accounting educators were using the Internet. The results indicate that pioneering accounting educators generally include Internet-based applications in their courses in order to familiarize students with the Internet, locate current materials to promote in-class discussion, and help with the completion of research projects. The authors report how accounting educators are using the Internet in specific courses and which resources and Web sites are found to be the most useful. The results also indicate that accounting educators experimenting with Internet-based applications in their courses are doing so with very little department or college support and little or no merit or official recognition for their efforts. The paper should be interesting to anyone currently using or contemplating using the Internet in accounting education.  相似文献   

E-commerce is reshaping business practices and education, yet many have expressed concern over the e-commerce education and training provided to students. This study examines the extent to which business schools, particularly accounting programs, are integrating e-commerce education into their curricula. An analysis of 79 syllabi provides evidence regarding: (1) the scope and nature of e-commerce education; (2) educational approaches to e-commerce; (3) e-commerce topics that could be taught as part of e-commerce education; (4) methods of coverage of e-commerce education; and (5) methods and reference materials for teaching an e-commerce course. This study initiates a general dialogue on the nature, content, objectives, and delivery of e-commerce education. An exploratory review and content analysis of a sample of 79 syllabi, representing different sizes of universities worldwide, reveals that business schools and accounting programs offer e-commerce courses emphasizing a broad range of skills, objectives, perspectives, teaching methods, and cognitive content. However, many common themes, topics, and assignments have emerged. The e-commerce education issues addressed in this study should help business schools and accounting programs prepare students for the challenges awaiting them in the area of emerging technological advances.  相似文献   

Auditors experience significant problems auditing complex accounting estimates, and this increasingly puts financial reporting quality at risk. Based on analyses of the specific errors that auditors commit, we propose that auditors need to be able to think more broadly and incorporate information from a variety of sources in order to improve audit quality for these important accounts. We experimentally demonstrate that a deliberative mindset intervention improves auditors’ ability to identify unreasonable estimates by improving their ability to identify and incorporate into their analyses contradictory information from diverse parts of the audit and improving their ability to think critically about the evidence. We perform additional analyses to demonstrate that our intervention improves auditor performance by causing them to think differently rather than simply to work harder. We demonstrate that critical thinking can improve the identification of unreasonable estimates and, in doing so, we provide new directions for addressing audit quality issues.  相似文献   

Information technology and the board of directors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ever since the Y2K scare, boards have grown increasingly nervous about corporate dependence on information technology. Since then, computer crashes, denial of service attacks, competitive pressures, and the need to automate compliance with government regulations have heightened board sensitivity to IT risk. Unfortunately, most boards remain largely in the dark when it comes to IT spending and strategy, despite the fact that corporate information assets can account for more than 50% of capital spending. A lack of board oversight for IT activities is dangerous, the authors say. It puts firms at risk in the same way that failing to audit their books would. Companies that have established board-level IT governance committees are better able to control IT project costs and carve out competitive advantage. But there is no one-size-fits-all model for board supervision of a company's IT operations. The correct approach depends on what strategic "mode" a company is in whether its operations are extremely dependent on IT or not, and whether or not it relies heavily on keeping up with the latest technologies. This article spells out the conditions under which boards need to change their level of involvement in IT decisions, explaining how members can recognize their firms' IT risks and decide whether they should pursue more aggressive IT governance. The authors delineate what an IT governance committee should look like in terms of charter, membership, duties, and overall agenda. They also offer recommendations for developing IT policies that take into account an organization's operational and strategic needs and suggest what to do when those needs change. Given the dizzying pace of change in the world of IT, boards can't afford to ignore the state of their IT systems and capabilities. Appropriate board governance can go a long way toward helping a company avoid unnecessary risk and improve its competitive position.  相似文献   

When financial statements are audited, a client and auditor may disagree about an accounting disclosure. While the disclosure of such a disagreement may increase the information content of a statement it may also be socially undesirable in that it signals a difference in views about the state of the reporting enterprise. This in turn may increase agency costs and introduce uncertainty about the state of the firm. In this paper we focus on public policy implications concerning auditor-client disagreements and examine the ex ante probability that such cases will occur. We find that accounting standards that allow two accounting options may be optimal in reducing frequency of disagreements among auditors and between standard-setters and their constituencies, and possibly also between clients and their auditors. The New Zealand model of compliance with accounting standards may be preferable to that practiced in the US.  相似文献   

Startup entities have been the focus of much political and academic interest recently. Development stage enterprises (DSEs), as defined by SFAS 7, are startup entities for which some publicly available information exists. New accounting standards have removed the DSE designation and related extra reporting requirements, and placed more responsibility on owners and managers to assess the ability of entities to continue as a going concern. We examined information from financial statements and audit reports of companies previously reporting as DSEs to investigate what increases the likelihood of receiving a going concern modification in auditors' opinions (GCO) and what affects audit fees. Our overall analyses indicate that the asset size of DSEs, negative working capital, and prior-year going concern modifications consistently influence going concern modifications to auditors' opinions. Managers should clearly consider these conditions when making their assessment of their companies' future going concern status. Our results indicate that the size of the audit firm did not influence the going concern modification decision, but Big4 auditors charge significantly higher fees than other auditors. Thus, managers/owners of DSEs should weigh the benefits of having a Big4 firm audit on their financial statements against the higher fees charged by those firms.  相似文献   

Although the accounting profession has embraced a competency-based approach in the education and training of students, some educators struggle to adapt the delivery and assessment of their accounting programmes to bring them in line with these outcomes. The challenge for all educators is to seek ways to marry the curriculum, the design and delivery of the syllabus and assessment in such a way as to maximize students’ learning in relation to priority goals. The aim of this paper is to discuss how the IFAC curriculum on the general knowledge of IT (IEPS 2) could be analysed using an alternative approach based on critical learning outcomes to develop a syllabus that would enable educators to deliver and assess it in line with the learning outcomes and competency requirements. The newly-developed syllabus should direct educators to adopt a holistic approach in the delivery and assessment of the IT course. This approach should ensure that students understand how information technology can support them as accountants in producing information in the format required by users.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的蓬勃发展,民办高校越来越被人们所熟知.如今,民办高校已经走过二十多个年头,在其认可度不断走高的同时,其暴露出来的问题也不在少数,不少民办高校内部管理松弛、监督不力、会计控制薄弱等问题层出不穷,一套科学有效的高校内部会计控制制度的出台迫在眉睫,以规范校内经济秩序,保证民办高校事业健康持续地向前发展.本文结合民办高校的特点,围绕内部控制五要素对民办高校内部控制进行研究,发现民办高校内部控制环境、风险管理、控制活动及信息沟通、内部监督等方面的不足,并从完善民办高校内部环境、风险管理、强化民办高校控制活动、加强民办高校信息与沟通建设、加强民办高校内部监督等方面提出相应建议,旨在加强民办高校的内部控制.  相似文献   

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