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We propose that Generation Y college students’ motivations to study abroad are rooted in the desire for individual growth, which, combined with other motivation factors—gender, parents’ educational level, prior international experience, age, and household income—drives the intent to study abroad. The study samples juniors and seniors in business majors, thereby attempting to shorten the temporal distance between study abroad intent and action. A significant number of students declare intent to study abroad as freshmen, yet fail to act on those intentions when the opportunity presents itself a year or two later. Results showed that the desire for individual growth was significantly and positively related to Gen Y business students’ intention to study abroad. Students’ prior experience visiting foreign countries and younger age positively moderated the effect of the desire for individual growth on intent to study abroad. The time lag between intent and action, and the fact that study abroad is a high involvement activity creates promotional challenges on how to best promote study abroad to Gen Y students. The article suggests practical implications and suggests how schools might increase study abroad participation among Gen Y college students.  相似文献   

Over recent years, there has been a focus in corporate activity upon the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and one of its central platforms, the notion of sustainability, and particularly sustainable development. We argue in this article that the use of such a term has the effect of obfuscating the real situation regarding the effect of corporate activity upon the external environment and the consequent implications for the future. One of the effects of persuading that corporate activity is sustainable is that the cost of capital for the firm is reduced as investors are misled into thinking that the level of risk involved in their investment is lower than it actually is. We analyse the effects of this misrepresentation and argue for a fuller debate about sustainability.  相似文献   

Over recent years, there has been a focus in corporate activity upon the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and one of its central platforms, the notion of sustainability, and particularly sustainable development. We argue in this article that the use of such a term has the effect of obfuscating the real situation regarding the effect of corporate activity upon the external environment and the consequent implications for the future. One of the effects of persuading that corporate activity is sustainable is that the cost of capital for the firm is reduced as investors are misled into thinking that the level of risk involved in their investment is lower than it actually is. We analyse the effects of this misrepresentation and argue for a fuller debate about sustainability.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of informal communication networks are of central importance for the functionality of enterprise workflows and for performance and innovation of knowledge-centric organizations. While most executives are aware of this fact, there is a general lack of (semi-) automated, IT-supported methods and instruments to make informal communication networks measurable. Although logging of electronic communications has made considerable progress over the past few years, it is still extremely difficult to map personal interaction; manual approaches in particular are extremely error-prone. The article shows how informal communication networks can be investigated by IT-based methods. At the same time, the authors will be presenting an instrument (“Social Badges”) that collects personal communications automatically and more precisely than legacy approaches allow. The practical applicability of the approach is evaluated through a case study. This article is also available in German in print and via : Fischbach K, Gloor PA, Schoder D (2008) Analyse informeller Kommunikationsnetzwerke am Beispiel einer Fallstudie. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK. doi: . Accepted after three revisions by Prof. Dr. Buhl.  相似文献   

Capital University of Economics and Business is one of majorcomprenensive universities in Beijing majored in economic management.which has 13 departments with 21 full-time undergraduate specialities and a point forgranting master's and doctor's dcgrees. Since the enrollment or overseas students resumed in 1985,approximately 200 overseas students from more than 30 countries have been studying there each year The university isequipped with a strong teaching and research team. a complete set of …  相似文献   

In recent years, in addition to financial and social objectives, the microfinance industry has started to look at its environmental bottom line. The objective of this paper is to identify why microfinance institutions (MFIs) decide to go green. Data was collected through a quantitative survey of 160 MFIs and qualitative semi-structured interviews of 23 MFIs’ top managers. Basing our analysis on the model of ecological responsiveness developed by Bansal and Roth (Acad Manag J 43(4):717–736, 2000), we discover that MFIs for which legitimation (stakeholder pressure) is the dominant driver tend to adopt a defensive approach and set up more superficial negative strategies to appear green. In contrast, MFIs for which social responsibility is the dominant driver tend to be more proactive and innovative and develop adapted financial and non-financial services to promote environmentally friendly practices.  相似文献   

Capital University of Economics and Business is one of majorcomprehensive universities in Beijing majored in economic management, which has 13 departments with 21 full-time undergraduate specialities and a point forgranting master's and doctor's degrees. Since the enrollment of overseas students resumed in 1985,approximately 200 overseas students from more than 30 countries have been studying there each year. The university isequipped with a strong teaching and research team, a complete set o…  相似文献   

根据WTO数据统计,中国已经连续17年成为遭遇反倾销调查最多的国家,提起反倾销的国家也从主要的发达国家扩散到发展中国家,案件涉及的产品种类也在不断增加,中国面临的反倾销形势变得异常严峻。这其中,既有全球经济增速缓慢等外部原因,也有国内企业无序竞争等内部原因。政府、行业、企业必须联合起来,各尽其能,共同应对国外反倾销。  相似文献   

This thesis takes its focus on study on present outline, existing edge and future prospect of China‘s software industry. Through statistics and survey of software industry, thepaper analyzes the general hallmarks (such as the vertical and regional structure, manpower situation, firm scale, etc.) of the industry in current development stage.Finally, the paper analyzes why China will provide great opportunities for the foreign investors and software manufacturer.  相似文献   

运用Time Study项目工具,通过对其工作流程的介绍和分析,以及在广州某快速消费品有限公司时间管理中的运用,指出实际作业时间与标准作业时间的差距是衡量叉车司机在进行实际工作中效率和业绩的重要依据。据此提出了各生产要素之间配合方案的改进措施,建立该企业的一种动态即时调整机制,对快速消费品企业提高时间管理水平具有一定得参考价值。  相似文献   

The brief of the case goes as follows. In 1989, a peasant couple named Bai (the couple for short) of the Maoshan township of Jurong City set up a "Meiwei Restaurant" in the Maoshan scenery area. The couple made a typical local dish, preserved goose, for their customers in the restaurant or for them to take out.  相似文献   

African wildlife meat offers South Africans' a healthy and novel red meat alternative, yet consumption is far less than that of beef and lamb. Laddering interviews with 40 respondents were employed to identify the consequences and values associated with the product's perceived attributes. Important attributes included low levels of fat, dryness, novelty, and special preparation requirements. Significant values included security, self-esteem, hedonism, tradition, and stimulation. Promoters of the product are advised to capitalize on consumers' interest in health and the health benefits of the meat in their advertising strategy. They can also address current barriers to consumption as indicated by negative, undesirable consequences (difficult and time-consuming to prepare) by promoting quick and easy ways of preparation, provision of ready-to-eat dishes and training.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on multichannel retailing strategies and describes the state of consumer behavior regarding “showrooming” (the practice of examining merchandise or products in a retail store and then buying it online). Founded on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), the authors examine the antecedents of showrooming using data collected from a sample of 176 retail consumers. Based on their results, they define perceived control, website compatibility, and subjective norms as the main antecedents of consumer attitudes toward online purchases. Additionally, they state that previous experience and reasons against purchasing online are directly associated with consumers’ intention to purchase on the retailer’s website. Finally, some theoretical conclusions and practical implications for retailers are discussed.  相似文献   

Halal provides guidelines for food production, processing, and handling. Thus, the extent of which segments of Halal food preparation (food safety, environmentally friendly, animal welfare, and fair trade) influence consumers’ perception toward sustainable agriculture development is being studied. Using an ordered probit model, factors that significantly influence the sustainability concept arising from practicing Halal principles are determined. The majority of consumers reported that Halal food production can be an effective vehicle to promote sustainable farming and agriculture. Food safety, environmentally friendly, fair trade, and animal welfare are the most likely determinants associated with Halal principles and production to support sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is said to become an important cornerstone of the Internet of Services. However, while some market research and IT provider firms fervently support this point of view, others already conjure up the failure of this on-demand sourcing option. Oftentimes based on weak empirical data and shaky reasoning, these inconsistent perspectives lack scientific rigor and neglect to present a more differentiated picture of SaaS-adoption. This study seeks to deepen the understanding of factors driving the adoption of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Grounded in transaction cost theory, the resource-based view, and the theory of planned behavior, we develop a research model to assess SaaS-adoption at the application level. Survey data of 297 firms in Germany with 374 valid response items across different industries were collected to test the theoretical model. Our analysis revealed that patterns on the decision on SaaS-adoption differ across application types. Social influence, attitude toward SaaS-adoption, adoption uncertainty, and strategic value turned out to be the strongest and most consistent drivers across all application types. Furthermore, we found that firm size does not matter in SaaS-adoption, since large enterprises and small- and medium-sized companies had similar adoption rates. Overall, this study provides relevant findings that IT vendors can use to better appeal to potential companies that consider adopting SaaS.  相似文献   

本文选取2008年1月9日至2010年12月31日之间期货价格和现货价格数据,运用传统回归模型(OLS)、双变量向量自回归模型(B—VAR)、误差修正套期保值模型(ECM)、误差修正GARCH模型(EC—GARCH)对样本数据进行平稳性和协整关系检验,在估计最小风险套期保值比率的基础上发现:(1)我国黄金期货市场运行三年多来,通过黄金期货市场进行套期保值是有效的,可以较为明显地降低参与者面临的价格波动风险;(2)在具体进行套期保值操作时,应该根据套期保值时限长短的不同和预期效果的差异,采用不同的模型来合理确定自身的套期保值比例。在此基础上,本文提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impacts of index inclusions and exclusions on corporate sustainable firms by studying a sample of US stocks that are added to or deleted from the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index over the period 2002?C2008. The impacts are measured in terms of stock return, risk and liquidity. We cannot find any strong evidence that announcement per se has any significant impact on stock return and risk. However, on the day of change, index inclusion (exclusion) stocks experience a significant but temporary increase (decrease) in stock return. Liquidity deteriorates after the announcement day and bounces back significantly near the day of change. Systematic risk shows little change after announce- ments. But, idiosyncratic risk is higher after announcements. The overall results support Harris and Eitan??s (The Journal of Finance 41(4), 815?C829, 1986) price pressure hypothesis, which posits that event announcement does not carry information and any shift in demand (and hence the corresponding price change and liquidity change) is temporary.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to scrutinize organizational innovation adoption from a process perspective. This qualitative single-case study is based on ten thematic interviews within the food-processing industry. The results accentuate the embedded nature of organizational innovation adoption in that the process studied was entangled with the company’s previous and current business processes and with its future visions.  相似文献   

Many scholars have shown great interest in Dickens' humor writing.On the basis of the scholars' studies,this thesis will make an analysis on the humor in his works that arise as reaction to what we perceive incongruous.The thesis will apply the incongruity theory to Dickens' humor writing.  相似文献   

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