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This paper focuses on strategies and opportunities for European and global development offered bythe globalization of technological innovation (GTI). The author clarifies the concept of GTI by examining eight main aspects of this phenomenon. Focus then turns to Europe as it moves towards integration under the Single European Act. The question of Europe's global position is addressed, and the opportunities prospects and issues raised by GTI for European societies are analysed. The strategic implications of GTI for Durope are examined, and three main options for European (and global) development are presented.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》2001,45(4-6):731-741
We develop an industry life cycle that reconciles the observed and documented different pattern of (geo) concentration–dispersion of industries through time. Our theoretical framework supports the finding of a different dynamic of localization between different sectors through time and the evidence of higher spatial concentration of more mature and low-tech industries as well as of highly innovative ones.  相似文献   

经济全球化是人本质发展的内在要求,是人类社会发展的必然趋势。在漫长的经济全球化进程中,经济全球化具有不同的实现机制。在资本主义阶段,资本主义生产方式是经济全球化的实现机制。资本全球化不仅具有经济全球化的一般性质,而且具有资本的特殊属性。资本全球化是当今经济全球化的具体实现形式。  相似文献   

经济全球化趋势下服务业的特点及中国的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了经济全球化进程逐渐加快成为世界经济发展主流条件下 ,全球服务业发展的新趋势 ,分析了中国服务业发展存在的问题 ,中国服务业国际化的战略意义 ,提出了中国服务业国际化的路径选择。  相似文献   

文章从当前全球化所面临的困境,即逆全球化现象入手,剖析全球化危机的来龙去脉和全球化的实质。在以中国视角展望了全球化未来的同时,提出了应对全球化困境的中国智慧和中国举措。  相似文献   

This paper has multiple objectives. I set out linkages of a causal model to portray how globalization influences international terrorist strategies. I also point to methodological and theoretical shortcomings in the literature with respect to the levels of disaggregation at which issues are analyzed, and I evaluate the opportunity–cost argument for assessing international terrorism. The paper and conclusions present perspectives on developments of terrorism in the context of globalization, including the relationship of terror to immigration.  相似文献   

李永宁 《开放时代》2002,(6):113-118
本文首先在对全球化的历史和内涵进行界定的基础上引入了"内部全球化"与"外部全球化"的模式;其次,东盟被作为一个特例用于对"内部全球化"过程的验证;第三,通过对东亚国家拟形成东盟+3或建立东亚经济集团(EAEG)战略构想的分析,展示了从东盟到整个东亚的次区域"外部全球化"的进程;最后,本文提出了相关的结论,即"东盟+1"是实现东亚政治经济新格局和应对全球化在目前的现实选择.  相似文献   

本文在吸收国内外全球化研究成果的基础上,对全球化进行重新定义,剖析其内涵.界定其外延,分析其两重性,阐述它与全球一体化的关系.  相似文献   

万晓文 《现代财经》2003,23(4):35-39
21世纪,是经济全球化时代,也是会计全球化时代。世界各国要想共事全球会计资源,就必须参与到会计全球化活动中来。本文着重对经济全球化形势下的会计全球化的基本理论问题进行了探讨,主要包括会计全球化的涵义、理论依据、根本动因、目标与原则等。  相似文献   

There is general agreement on the moral values that globalization should serve. These are widespread prosperity and economic growth, ecological sustainability, and cultural diversity. Proponents believe that neoliberal globalization will achieve these goals, while the critics believe that globalization undermines them. An institutionalist theory that recognizes the reality of economic power and choice posits that globalization enhances the power of the business sector at the expense of the government and moral–cultural sectors. Policies for redressing this imbalance are discussed.
John P. TiemstraEmail:

全球化与反全球化观点评述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘伟丽  李伟 《财经问题研究》2001,(10):79-80,F003
全球化成为当今世界经济的一个最具争议的话题,随着全球化的加速发展,反全球化运动也同时发展,各界人士从不同角度分析全球化,有的学者持乐观态度,而有的学者持悲观态度,本文试图将有关全球化的观点和反全球化的观点进行评述,最后提出笔者对全球化的看法。  相似文献   

There is general agreement on the moral values that globalization should serve. These are widespread prosperity and economic growth, ecological sustainability, and cultural diversity. Proponents believe that neoliberal globalization will achieve these goals, while the critics believe that globalization undermines them. An institutionalist theory that recognizes the reality of economic power and choice posits that globalization enhances the power of the business sector at the expense of the government and moral–cultural sectors. Policies for redressing this imbalance are discussed.  相似文献   

万晓文 《现代财经》2003,23(1):33-36
21世纪,是经济全球化时代,也是会计全球化时代,世界各国要共享全球会计资源,就必须参与到会计全球以活动中来,对经济全球化形势下的会计全球化的基本理论问题进行探讨,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

试议国家创新体系中技术创新与制度创新的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立在熊彼特的创新思想基础上的技术创新经济学和制度创新经济学,从经济运行角度来看,对于在市场经济条件下的国家创新体系建设无疑具有重要的科学指导意义。文章在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对国家创新体系中技术创新与制度创新的关系提出新的研究视点。  相似文献   

苏凤萍 《生产力研究》2001,(4):15-16,19
展现在 2 1世纪人类社会的全球化趋势实际是源于 16世纪的世界资本主义发展的继续。计算机技术和网络信息的极大发展 ,使这一全球化带有迥异于其过去任何时代的特点。今天 ,应用马克思主义的历史分析方法看待新一轮全球化潮流 ,仍然具有极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

论全球化的本质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢文涛 《经济师》2002,(1):42-43
把握全球化的本质 ,应着眼于其所体现的生产关系。全球化背后体现的仍然是资本主义生产关系。然而与过去的资本主义历史不同的是 ,在全球化时代 ,资本已在世界范围内突破各种政治、文化和传统因素的制约 ,成为真正的能主宰全球的力量。而跨国公司的发展 ,金融的全球化 ,各种国际经济组织的成立 ,市场经济的普及以及信息网络的发展 ,这些都是资本统治的具体形式或条件 ,绝非全球化的本质。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深度推进,世界就业呈现出一系列规律性特征。主要表现在就业方式、就业结构以及劳资关系的变革上。正确认识全球化进程中劳动就业的规律性特征,对于制定正确的对外开放以及就业战略具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Globalization presents threats to and opportunities for women working in the informal sector. The paper, which draws on the work of Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Global Markets Program and of HomeNet, focuses on women home-based workers and analyzes, within the framework of global value-chains, the impact of globalization on labor relations and other market transactions. The chains reviewed are: manufactured goods (fashion garments); agricultural products (nontraditional exports); and nontimber forest products (shea butter). The paper shows how this form of analysis helps to identify the uneven distribution of power and returns within the chains – between rich and poor and between women and men. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of the work of the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA), HomeNet, and StreetNet in organizing home-based workers, both locally and internationally, as well as that of WIEGO in supporting them.  相似文献   

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