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Academic failure creates financial and emotional issues for students, with associated resource and performance implications for higher education institutions. The literature reveals that much of the work on student performance is quantitative, restricting understanding of the deeper feelings and perceptions of students towards their studies. This paper explores undergraduate student performance from an experiential perspective, recognising the complexity and subjectivity of academic performance. Findings appear to highlight: the negative focus of reasoning underlying the choice of study; the impact of affect; the importance of the role of the tutor; the tutor expectations gap; levels of control and personal responsibility for learning; and patterns of participation as possible significant and important factors in understanding academic performance. Finally, the implications of the findings are discussed and further research outlined in terms of developing a predictive model that could offer early identification of students who are susceptible to academic failure and establishing appropriate, proactive support strategies for such students.  相似文献   

We document several gender differences in reward-based crowdfunding by analyzing a large sample of Kickstarter campaigns. We argue that these differences are most plausibly explained by male entrepreneurs’ relative over-optimism. Suggesting a tendency to overestimate the demand for their products, we find that male entrepreneurs set higher goal amounts, resulting in more frequent campaign failures. In successive campaigns, male entrepreneurs’ goal amounts and success rates converge toward those of female entrepreneurs, consistent with entrepreneurial experience mitigating the behavioral bias. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurs learn from experience, and that female first-time entrepreneurs may have more realistic expectations of the demand for their products, increasing their success rates in crowdfunding. Moreover, although serial entrepreneurs exhibit better performance already in their first campaigns, they still improve over successive campaigns, further highlighting the importance of entrepreneurial learning.  相似文献   

We examine whether gendered patterns can be observed in first-year students' achievement goals in an introductory accounting course; a question largely overlooked by prior literature. This investigation is motivated by perceptions of accounting as a masculine field involving gender role stereotypes and business schools as competitive and performance-oriented environments. Our findings suggest that male students tend to adopt performance-approach goal, implying that they are more competitive than female students, and that their performance is thus driven by a desire to outperform others. Our findings further suggest that male students' expectations of learning accounting are higher than those of female students. The expectations explain the gender differences in the performance-approach goal. Finally, we find that this performance-approach goal mediates gender differences in course performance depending on the mode of assessment; male students received higher grades for exams but not for teamwork. Overall, our study highlights the importance of considering contextual aspects related to competitiveness, masculinity, and the mode of assessment on an accounting course when addressing students’ achievement goals and expectations of learning accounting. We thus contribute to the understanding of how learning environment, accounting pedagogy, and the broader field of professional accounting intersects with individual student attributes, creating differential learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a postal survey designed to examine the teaching of taxation in UK universities. The project looks at taxation in undergraduate accounting degree programmes and adopts an objective centred focus. The principal aim of the survey was to examine the relationships between some characteristics of individual tax courses, including the course objectives and coverage, staffing, teaching and assessment methods, in an attempt to draw some conclusions on the nature of tax education in UK accounting degrees. The results of the survey and consequent analysis may provide taxation and accounting educators, professional bodies and researchers into accounting education with an insight into approaches to, and methods used in, taxation teaching. It may also present a framework for comparative international research in tax education.  相似文献   

In the commentary that precedes this reply, Nobes makes several comments on our article published in this journal (Ding, Y., Hope, O.-K., Jeanjean, T., Stolowy, H., 2007. Differences between domestic accounting standards and IAS: measurement, determinants and implications. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 26, 1–38). In our reply, we start with the key issue raised: the comment on the distinction between accounting practices (de facto) and accounting regulations (de jure). We then discuss the IAS bias in the “GAAP 2001” study, before presenting our reply on the endogeneity issue and on the robustness check for the “divergence” score. We conclude with a discussion of the separate dimensions of absence vs. divergence.  相似文献   

In an earlier edition of this journal, Ding et al. use data in GAAP 2001 to assess determinants and effects of differences between domestic and international standards. This paper examines whether those data are suitable for the purposes of academic research by outlining the biases and particular features of GAAP 2001. The main problem with the data for research is that the differences from IAS that it records, which focus on rules, are of varying importance for accounting practice. This raises questions about the equal weighting applied by Ding et al. This paper also questions their distinction between absence of IAS requirements and divergence from those requirements. Some doubts are also raised about the independent variables.  相似文献   

According to the Quality Assurance Agency [QAA (2006). Section 6: Assessment of students, Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education. <http://www.qaa.ac.uk/>. Accessed 14.03.2007] “Assessment describes any processes that appraise an individual’s knowledge, understanding, abilities or skills” and is inextricably linked to a course or programme’s intended learning outcomes. Assessment also has a fundamental effect on students’ learning where it serves a variety of purposes including evaluation, feedback and motivation. Assessment also provides a performance indicator for both students and staff. Computer-aided assessment (CAA) offers an option for “sustainable assessment” and provides opportunities for creating innovative assessment practices that help engage students and increase their motivation for learning. This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study where a series of on-line summative assessments were introduced into a first-year financial accounting course. Feedback from students obtained from an evaluative survey and focus group interviews indicates that assessment played a significant role in the teaching/learning process. That is, students perceived a beneficial impact on learning, motivation, and engagement.  相似文献   

The present paper provides empirical evidence regarding the academic performance of university students studying accounting. In particular, the effect of student origin is investigated by comparing the accounting performance of resident and international students. The present study controls for a number of other key variables, including ability, anxiety, work experience in accounting, accounting study prior to university and enrolment status. The question of whether international student performance improves over time through an acculturation effect is also investigated. Bivariate analyses revealed higher anxiety and lower general ability for international vis‐à‐vis resident students yet no significant difference in accounting performance between the two groups. After controlling for key variables, an association was observed between student origin and accounting performance with superior performance reported for the international student cohort. Statistically significant relationships were also observed between accounting performance and ability, anxiety, employment experience in accounting, enrolment status and accounting study prior to university. An acculturation effect was not clearly evidenced.  相似文献   

在全面深入贯彻落实十七大精神,广泛开展解放思想、深化改革、扩大开放、科学发展大讨论之际,我们迎来了中国改革开放30周年,迎来了中国注册会计师协会成立20周年。本文分析解剖云南文山州注册会计师事业的改革发展经验,研究边疆民族地区事务所做大做强的有效途径,为其它地区事务所资源整合提供借鉴,也作为对具有中国特色的注册会计师行业发展的一种回顾和探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse how socio‐economic inequalities in mortality (total and avoidable) evolved in Portugal from the 1990s onwards by looking at differences by gender, age group, poverty and cause of death. Results show that mortality in younger age groups is decreasing faster in the most deprived municipalities. Yet, avoidable deaths do not follow this pattern, particularly with respect to treatable mortality amenable to the health care services. Although total and avoidable mortality are decreasing across all age groups and both genders, decreases in treatable deaths during and after the 2011–14 economic crisis slowed down among the young, with a sharpening of socio‐economic inequalities in avoidable mortality among adults and the elderly. This provides evidence that, in some respects, focusing programmes on those living in poor circumstances has been successful over time. However, the impact of the Great Recession on health care services might have contributed to a significant increase in some treatable causes of death associated with these services.  相似文献   

This survey-based research deals with sectorial differences in terms of three main corporate finance policies: investment, financing and dividend. We used a multinational survey that was distributed to the chief financial officers in five countries: the US, the UK, Germany, Canada and Japan. We found statistically significant differences between the nine sectors examined in terms of all the three major financial policies. These differences may be due to the following: (1) the unique financial needs and operating conditions of each sector and (2) the imitation effect according to which firms imitate the financial behavior of other firms in their sector. We found that the use of established investment appraisal techniques is most common in the construction sector and least common in the technology sector. The IRR is the most frequently used investment appraisal technique for the entire survey sample, especially in the communication sector; however, it is rarely used in the technology sector. The technology sector has the lowest level of financial leveraging, while the finance sector has the highest level. A constant sum per share is the most common dividend policy in the following sectors: retail and wholesale, services, manufacturing and transport. On the other hand, construction, energy, communication and technology sectors are characterized by a high percentage of firms that do not pay dividends at all.  相似文献   

Psychometric instruments are widely used in accounting education research (Herring et al., Issues in Accounting Education, 4(1), 48–57, 1989; Benke and Street, Accounting Education: an international journal, 1(1), 33–45, 1992). Problems with the reliability of scores produced by such instruments have led to difficulties in interpreting the results of applied research (Schriesheim et al., Journal of Management, 19, 385–417, 1993). This paper has three aims. The first is to present a rationale for including information about the measurement properties of research instruments used in published accounting education research. Information regarding the reliability and validity of item scores is useful to readers, journal editors and reviewers - especially when the research topic addresses changes in educational policy and processes. Second, problems encountered with questionnairebased research are presented and current practice in accounting education is reviewed. Third, construct validation is discussed in respect of measurement validity and factor analytic methods. The paper concludes with suggestions for improving contemporary practice in accounting education research.  相似文献   

Shane Moriarity 《Abacus》2005,41(1):40-54
The value of an accurate accounting system is compared to one that introduces a cross-subsidy. In a two-product experimental market the accurate system is shown to provide value when a competitor has a system that introduces a cross-subsidy. The value appears to arise from better product-mix decisions. But it is likely that this value is transitory, explaining in part why observational studies of practice have found it difficult to document sustained value from improved information systems.  相似文献   

This exploratory study empirically investigates the performance of students in advanced management accounting. Findings are that English language as the first or subsequent language has no differential impact on introductory level performance. However, at advanced levels and in other subjects requiring the application of concepts to unfamiliar situations, students whose first language was English outperformed others. Similarly, students who had studied prerequisite subjects at the same university outperformed their exempted colleagues (both overseas and local) in advanced management accounting. These findings indicate that the difference due to language differences may not actually be due to language, but rather that language may simply be proxying for something else such as a different learning style.  相似文献   

The recent introduction of four computer-based instruction packages for accounting may offer an alternative to existing teaching methods, thereby providing staff with more time to undertake their other duties. This paper assesses the background to the use of packages of this type, and proposes a six-stage cycle to be followed if they are to be successfully integrated into accounting course. A report is then given of a study into the use of nine modules from one of the packages (the PEER Statements of Standard Accounting Practice course) by a class of second-year accounting students. It finds that the modules have limited value as an additional resource, but that supplantive use (i.e.lecturer substitution) may be a practical alternative to conventional teaching; that students like the approach and wish to see it used in other areas; and that low computer literacy is no barrier to use.  相似文献   

Major changes are underway in accounting education, in part because of the encouragement of the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC). To extend learning beyond the formal curriculum, the AECC advocates that accounting educators help students develop the ability to ‘learn how to learn.’ A learning technique called concept mapping, widely accepted in science education, is described in this paper. Concept mapping allows students to understand how they learn and how new knowledge is constructed. Students can then use this technique to ‘learn how to learn’ and carry knowledge absorption beyond their college experience.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a survey to determine how, where in the curriculum, and for what purposes accounting educators were using the Internet. The results indicate that pioneering accounting educators generally include Internet-based applications in their courses in order to familiarize students with the Internet, locate current materials to promote in-class discussion, and help with the completion of research projects. The authors report how accounting educators are using the Internet in specific courses and which resources and Web sites are found to be the most useful. The results also indicate that accounting educators experimenting with Internet-based applications in their courses are doing so with very little department or college support and little or no merit or official recognition for their efforts. The paper should be interesting to anyone currently using or contemplating using the Internet in accounting education.  相似文献   

This review note outlines and reviews the presence of the subject of taxation in undergraduate accounting courses in Australia. It covers the period 1945–1995. Through the outline and review an explanation is provided of why the subject of taxation was present in the accounting degree in Australia. A review is made of one long-standing accounting degree course to provide a case illustration and explanation of how taxation was located within a degree. Some comparisons are made with UK findings of how and why taxation was located in undergraduate accounting degrees. The rationales for the inclusion of taxation in undergraduate degrees are also explored.  相似文献   

A collaborative project of several Quebec universities, this study investigates nontraditional student withdrawal from undergraduate accounting programmes. A nontraditional student is older than 24, or is a commuter or a part-time student, or combines some of these characteristics. Univariate and multivariate analyses of student dropout factors were performed. A logistic regression for full-time students indicates several significant determinants of student withdrawal: returning to school after working for some time, enrolment in a non-first choice programme, dissatisfaction with programme choice and courses, and low grade point average (GPA). For part-time students, low GPA is the main explanatory factor for student withdrawal. Other factors appear to be instrumental in withdrawal decisions, such as management of external resources (time and family responsibilities) for women. The results suggest that students would benefit from university support services to acquire learning strategies that improve perseverance. Lastly, in-class learning activities that help bolster grades could decrease student withdrawal rates.  相似文献   

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