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Globalization is a force that produces deep changes in business and society. Business schools face great challenges and opportunities in educating future leaders who can work across countries and cultures. This article presents some strategic issues regarding the type of education that business schools should offer from a global perspective, aimed at developing business leaders/managers endowed with knowledge, values, and cross-cultural intelligence to seek progress for their communities, their businesses, and society at large. These goals must be achieved in a world of multilevel access to education and jobs with a more equitable array of opportunities for both developed and developing markets.  相似文献   

For business schools, AACSB and Middle States’ call for more experiential learning is one reason to provide study abroad programs. Universities must attend to the demand for continuous improvement and employ metrics to benchmark and evaluate their relative standing among peer institutions. One such benchmark is the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE, 2013) which outlines 10 “Engagement Indicators” classified under four dimensions representing broad aspects of the student experience. These dimensions and engagement indicators are addressed in this article and may serve as a litmus test of the value and impact of study abroad programs.  相似文献   


One of the features of international marketing which distinguishes it from purely domestic marketing is the role of government-sponsored programs in helping firms start and indeed succeed in overseas markets. There is evidence that American firms make much less use of these programs than their foreign competitors. One possible contributing factor to this situation is limited classroom coverage which American instructors of international marketing devote to this area.

Two hundred and six U.S.-based members of the Academy of International Business (A.I.B.) were surveyed. Results indicated that while instructors of international marketing feel that government export assistance programs are important for export sucess, they are not very familiar with most of these programs and do not have positive perceptives about the quality of services currently offered. Little class time is devoted to most of the programs and lecture remains the dominant pedagogical tool. The connection between instructor familiarity with these programs and perceived importance and quality is also addressed.  相似文献   

The growing reconciliation between the United States and Cuba has created a unique opportunity for U.S. business and hospitality students to observe and experience first-hand an economy in marked transition. Attempting to balance the tenets of socialism with a rapidly growing reliance on capitalism creates a rare learning environment for students. This article presents the plan for a 10-day faculty-led study abroad program to Cuba. The program is divided between the two (arguably) most important destinations in Cuba: the economic and cultural center, Havana, and the tourism powerhouse of Varadero. At each destination, students are engaged in lectures, site visits, research, and cultural experiences.  相似文献   


The authors of this article and their colleagues at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario are to be commended not only for this well-crafted article but also for their efforts to elevate and incorporate essential knowledge of business marketing into the fabric of their school's master's program. The provocative argument that the authors make is that business marketing behaviors, concepts and topics should not be the focus of just one elective course but that they should serve as a foundation of a school's entire master's program. According to the authors, that foundation can be built around four pillars or business marketing essentials-organizational buyer behavior, relationship marketing, customer value, and business markets. In this article, they present not only a process and guidelines for imbedding these pillars into a master's program but also recommend specific topics and cases for various master's level courses. For these reasons, this article is a “must read” for marketing scholars who seek not only to create and/or improve elective courses business marketing but also to enhance the prominence of the study of business marketing at their respective universities.  相似文献   


In this reply to James Narus, James Anderson and Earl Honeycutt (NAH) we elaborate on the journey, a 25-year process, in teaching Business Marketing at Ivey. We further discuss the goal to elevate Business Marketing knowledge in the core of the program, rather than to build a strong specialization in the area. Inspired by NAH's reply, we then comment on the root causes of lack of progress at some schools in bringing more Business Marketing into master's programs, and we address the question, “What about those schools where the characteristics are different from Ivey, i.e., how far can our ideas be generalized?”  相似文献   

Study abroad experiences are becoming increasingly common with business students. In this study, we build upon previous research into the motivations of students to study abroad by using Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior as a theoretical basis for indentifying the factors which might influence their intention to study abroad. A survey administered to 188 business students and subsequent analysis supported Ajzen's theory that attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms all were significant predictors of intention. This study also identified gender specific differences in the various factors.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to identify site selection factors under six categories that are most pertinent for the successful operation of U.S. franchise restaurants. The results highlight the most important site selection factors, which can be used as a guide by franchisors as well as franchisees. The selected six site selection categories as narrowed down in this study included general location, position of site, demographics, traffic information, competition, and cost consideration. The Delphi technique identified 56 site selection factors under these six categories, which were ultimately predicted as necessary for the success or failure of franchise restaurants.  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资主要宏观影响因素的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
影响一国对外直接投资的宏观经济因素很多,不同的国家或经济体、不同的宏观因素对对外直接投资的作用程度并不相同。本文针对我国的经济现实,主要以我国对外贸易、资源需求、工资水平为影响我国对外直接投资的主要宏观解释变量,利用1993-2006年的数据进行计量分析。结果显示,对外贸易、资源需求、工资水平因素都对我国对外直接投资有显著的影响。本文还分析了产生这种结果的可能原因并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This study addresses the effects of program trade regulation during large market moves. To address this issue, we analyze the effect of sidecars (halts that only affect program trades) on trade imbalance using Korean intraday data. We find that sidecars, as currently designed to halt all program trades, are not effective at controlling trade imbalance around volatile markets. Resolution of trade imbalance is more effective when program trade is unrestricted. Program trade, at least a subset, provides liquidity when it is at a premium. We conclude that current sidecars should be more carefully crafted as some program trades are market stabilizing.  相似文献   


Dell provides personalized marketing services through the Internet (Fischer et al., 2000). This type of application of the Internet is referred to as One-to-One Web-marketing. A review of the current literature relevant to information management and marketing revealed that, relative to other topics, research into this area is lacking. This study addresses this by exploring the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of One- to-One Web-marketing from the user's perspective. It employed a triangulation method of integrating qualitative and quantitative designs in a three-stage research process. The research results revealed that there are five Critical Success Factors of One-to-One Web-marketing from the user perspectives: (1) the satisfaction of customer requirements, (2) the identification of customer differentiation, (3) the design of a quality user interface, (4) the establishment of customer recognition, and (5) the provision of customized services.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between organizational size, structure and the strength of organization members' ethical predispositions. It is hypothesized that individuals in smaller, more flexible, organic organizations will display stronger ethical predispositions. Survey results from 209 individuals across eleven organizations indicate that contrary to expectations, larger, more rigid, mechanistic structures were associated with higher levels of ethical formalism and utilitarianism. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

徐虹 《财经论丛》2015,(6):57-65
本文提出交叉上市对企业投资效率的治理效应具有状态依存性,并进行探索性案例分析.首先,基于Richardson(2003)模型利用系统GMM方法测量我国A股主板上市企业1992-2013年期间的投资效率,发现上市企业普遍面临融资约束而呈现出投资不足;但其中交叉上市企业却普遍表现为投资过度.在此基础上,分别选取交叉上市前面临投资不足的招商地产和面临投资过度的中兴通讯进行案例分析,发现交叉上市能有效缩小投资不足程度,却显著扩大投资过度程度.本文通过案例间比较所得出的初步结论,构建起一个分析交叉上市影响企业投资行为的理论框架,为后续的大样本实证研究奠定重要基础.  相似文献   

This paper acknowledges the paucity of attention regarding the development of ethics programs within an academic environment and describes in a case study how the Duquesne University schools of business attempted to introduce, integrate and promote its own ethics program. The paper traces the business school’s attention to mission statements, curriculum development, ethics policy, program oversight and outcome assessment. Lessons learned are offered as suggestions for others seeking to develop and implement an ethics program in their school.  相似文献   

The online market in India is growing at an exponential rate, predominantly driven by the massive and extensive promotional activities. This strategy may not be appreciable in the long run, hence a real value addition is essential, which is explored through this study. The main objective of this research is to study about the determinants that are affecting the online purchasing behavior of millennial consumers. Conceptual framework, which consists of four factors that may induce online purchase behavior among millennial consumers: consumer innovativeness, perceived benefits, perceived risks, attitude and intention. The population of the study is from the millennial customer’s segment of Chennai metro, Tamil Nadu, India, and the study used systematic random sampling. The statistical tools applied are chi-square, ANOVA, correlation, multiple regression, and factor analysis. From the outcomes of this study, factors influencing online purchase are analyzed, and suggestive strategies for online companies are recommended.  相似文献   

There is a growing use of actor‐network theory (ANT) throughout management and organization studies. While earlier ANT research used ethnography to “follow the actors” in the production of organization/knowledge, more recent studies use archival sources to examine developments over time. We extend the latter approach using qualitative social network analysis (SNA) and apply this to a case study of the Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB). Our contribution is two‐fold: first, through an examination of actors in the ASB networking processes over 26 years, we demonstrate how the seemingly stable surface of an organization can hide the precariousness of organizing; second, we reveal the potential fusion of ANT with SNA as a method for dealing with large qualitative datasets over long periods of time. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debate exists as to the timing of student exposure to business ethics modules, and the degree to which business ethics education is integrated throughout business school curricula. The argument for an integrated model of business ethics education is well documented, however, such arguments do not stem from an empirical basis. Much of the debate about when and how business ethics should be taught rests on assumptions regarding the stage of moral awareness of business students. The research reported here adds to this debate by attempting to empirically gauge students' levels of moral awareness in order to explore the implications for the teaching of business ethics, specifically in terms of presenting the case for the importance of an integrated business ethics curriculum.  相似文献   

Milner  Dawn  Mahaffey  Tom  MacCaulay  Ken  Hynes  Tim 《Teaching Business Ethics》1999,3(3):255-267
This study empirically assesses the relative impact of business education on students' ethics while accounting for the potentially confounding effects of maturation and starting position. It finds that business education does not negatively effect the ethical development of students relative to the effect caused by non-business education.  相似文献   

文章以238家总部设在浙江赴异地投资的中小企业为实证对象,通过多变量变异数分析、以及GLM回归分析等方法进行实证研究,探讨进入模式、区域产业环境以及经营特性对浙商在国内异地市场经营绩效的影响。研究结果显示:中小企业进入异地市场时,在综合绩效上以多数股权表现最好、独资次之、等额股权第三、少数股权最差;区域产业环境对异地经营绩效存在显著性影响。在具有供应链优势、成本优势或营销密集度优势的产业环境中,企业容易获得更佳的绩效表现,而在高研发密集度的区域,则呈现无差异表现;企业经营特性对其异地经营绩效存在显著性影响。具有良好控制能力和营销能力的企业容易获得更好的绩效。  相似文献   

杨香合  岳坤  张丽 《中国市场》2009,(41):55-57
建立和完善市场经济条件下我国农村商贸流通体系,缩小城乡区域在商品经济上的发展差距,成为我国推进社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分。本文通过分析河北省农村商贸流通体系发展现状及存在的问题,提出建设河北省农村商贸流通体系的发展对策。  相似文献   

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