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Strategic Research Partnerships: A Managerial Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Private sector incentives to participate in research partnerships can be grouped roughly into two categories: cost-economizing incentives and strategic incentives. This paper summarizes the argument in two streams of thought that are often identified with these two sides: the transaction-cost/incomplete contracts approach and the strategic management approach. The paper recounts business motives to engage in research partnerships in each and points out that differentiating between more traditional economic perspectives (transaction costs, incomplete contracts) and strategic management/organizational theory perspectives (strategic networks, resource-dependent view, dynamic capabilities, knowledge-based view, organizational learning, options approach) may not be as sharp as one might suppose at first. The complementary nature of these perspectives should be encouraging for theoreticians looking for a more integrated model of collaboration.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the role Strategic Research Partnerships (SRPs) play in Asia. Specific Asian institutional settings influence the roles of SRPs. Japan is regarded as a forerunner in the practice of SRPs. In Japan, lack of spillover channels, limited opportunities for mergers and acquisitions, weak university research and pressure for internal diversification motivate firms to form SRPs. In Korea, SRPs are regarded as a means to promote large-scale research projects. In Taiwan, SRPs are formed to facilitate technological diffusion. Empirical findings on SRPs, focusing on government-sponsored R&D consortia in Japan, are summarized. Issues regarding SRP formation, their effect on R&D spending of participating firms, and productivity, are examined. Reference is made to alternative forms of measurement of SRPs and their potential application to Asian countries is assessed. Enhancing the capacity of policy-makers to assess the extent and contribution of SRPs is considered to be a priority.  相似文献   

Policy implications of strategic research alliances are analyzed, with emphasis on government-private sector cooperation, government support for private sector innovation, and evaluation of such government programs.  相似文献   

Policy implications of strategic research alliances are analyzed, with emphasis on government-private sector cooperation, government support for private sector innovation, and evaluation of such government programs.  相似文献   

Small-Firm Strategic Research Partnerships: The Case of Biotechnology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the theoretical motivation and the empirical literature on small firm strategic alliances in biotechnology, an industry where these alliances have proliferated. We begin by examining the alliance strategy for knowledge-based small firms in general and then turn our attention to the case of biotech.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the theoretical motivation and the empirical literature on small firm strategic alliances in biotechnology, an industry where these alliances have proliferated. We begin by examining the alliance strategy for knowledge-based small firms in general and then turn our attention to the case of biotech.  相似文献   

Managerial Incentive Problems: A Dynamic Perspective   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
The paper studies how a person's concern for a future career may influence his or her incentives to put in effort or make decisions on the job. In the model, the person's productive abilities are revealed over time through observations of performance. There are no explicit output-contingent contracts, but since the wage in each period is based on expected output and expected output depends on assessed ability, an "implicit contract" links today's performance to future wages. An incentive problem arises from the person's ability and desire to influence the learning process, and therefore the wage process, by taking unobserved actions that affect today's performance. The fundamental incongruity in preferences is between the individual's concern for human capital returns and the firm's concern for financial returns. The two need be only weakly related. It is shown that career motives can be beneficial as well as detrimental, depending on how well the two kinds of capital returns are aligned.  相似文献   

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are spreading all over theworld. It may be quite plausible that they were initially startedmainly as an attempt to evade expenditure controls and hidepublic budget deficits. But if they are properly designed andtransparently reported, PPPs can play a useful role in enhancingthe efficiency of the provision of services that were suppliedbefore solely by the public sector. This article provides apublic economics perspective on PPPs. (JEL codes: H54, L33)  相似文献   

传统的战略过程研究一直缺少对组织内战略生成机理的深刻理解.本文将演化观引入到战略研究中,构建了一个具有层级演化性质的新战略发动的演化框架;从三种过程机制即惯例变异发生过程(起点机制)、惯例变异的主导逻辑松弛(传递机制)、主导逻辑松弛所引发的新战略发动(表现机制)全面分析了组织内新战略生成机理.本文的研究不仅从空间和时间上较为全面地揭开了新战略发动在组织内形成的"黑箱"过程,而且对战略过程理论是有力的拓展和补充.  相似文献   

近年来,"虚拟企业"因其对市场极强的适应能力而受到各界的关注.然而,虚拟企业理论的发展却相对滞后,现有研究成果大多将虚拟经营企业等同于虚拟企业,从而无法科学揭示虚拟企业的边界.从策略性外包的特征看,客户关系是企业真正无法被取代的一种"特权",除了这项"资源"外的任何资源都可以从供应商处取得.当企业将除客户关系外的所有功能都外包以后,它就变成了虚拟企业.对这类企业来说,惟一能够构成其边界约束的就是发现并满足消费者需求的能力.随着信息技术的突飞猛进,这种能力将得到无限延展.因此,虚拟企业是真正的"无边界企业".  相似文献   

<正> 1994年3月,按照国家投融资体制改革的总体部署,原六个国家专业投资公司并入国家开发银行,同时,新组建一个人员精干的国家开发投资公司。国家开发投资公司不是原六个专业投资公司的自然延续,而是一个在性质、任务、职能和运作机制等各方面都发生了根本变化的公司。吴邦国副总理指出:成立国家开发投资公司,既是我国投资体制改革的深化,又是投资体制改革的成果。其主要目的是,作为国家出资者代表,用国家资本金对国家基础产业、支柱产业和高新技术产业进行参股投资,形成股权,通过股权经营实现国有资本的保值增值,提高投资效益,增强国家宏观调控能力,促进国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展。  相似文献   

Existing studies of Strategic Research Partnerships (SRPs) suffer from data limitations that preclude an accurate assessment of the private and social returns to these activities. To address these limitations in a cost-efficient manner, statistical agencies should focus their data collection effort on public-private SRPs and measures of output and performance , including the role of SRPs in fostering technological diffusion and the creation of new products, firms, and industries. The collection of similar information from (observationally equivalent) firms not engaged in SRPs, including firms that applied for public funds and did not receive them, would also greatly improve our ability to evaluate government R&D programs. Government agencies should also partner with private organizations that have compiled data on SRPs and facilitate linkages between existing governments' datasets on SRPs and economic performance. The use of qualitative data should also be encouraged.  相似文献   

The Strategic Choice Of Managers And Managerial Discretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Managerial discretion is likely to be beneficial to shareholders because of strategic cross-effects in an oligopoly. In certain circumstances, shareholders deliberately retain managerial discretion in equilibrium even when the reduction of managerial discretion is cost free. It is found that the positive effect of managerial discretion on profits can only be created by power-building (shirking) managers if quantity (price) competition prevails in the market. Consequently, the dominant strategy for the owners of a quantity- (price-) competing company is to employ a power-building (shirking) manager. The strategic effect of such a match between the type of manager and the form of competition exists for all managerial decisions as far as firms interact with each other.  相似文献   

祝慧 《财经科学》2007,(2):90-95
社会转型时期,非政府组织作为一支较为重要的力量在推动着我国社会结构的变迁.非政府组织自身的建设引起了社会各界的广泛关注,本文梳理了改革开放以来我国非政府组织的发展状况,针对目前我国非政府组织发展困境,从管理创新的新视角,探索政府、社会、非政府组织的管理最佳互动领域,以期我国非政府组织社会功能在构建和谐社会的景象中得到最大程度的显现.  相似文献   

The resource-based strategy paradigm emphasizes the importance of firm-specific assets and knowledge, variously referred to as core competencies and distinctive capabilities. This perspective on sources of competitive advantage is complemented by knowledge and learning perspectives on strategic innovation. We explore conceptual links between knowledge development and the management of strategic innovation. We argue that the management of strategic innovation is the purposeful orchestration of organizational knowledge development and application and we highlight a variety of managerial dilemmas associated with this view.  相似文献   

The resource-based strategy paradigm emphasizes the importance of firm-specific assets and knowledge, variously referred to as core competencies and distinctive capabilities. This perspective on sources of competitive advantage is complemented by knowledge and learning perspectives on strategic innovation. We explore conceptual links between knowledge development and the management of strategic innovation. We argue that the management of strategic innovation is the purposeful orchestration of organizational knowledge development and application and we highlight a variety of managerial dilemmas associated with this view.  相似文献   

企业集团的价值创造与协同效应的实现机制   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
企业集团这种组织形式的存在和演进是备受学术界关注的问题.本文从价值创造角度,对企业集团的成员企业异质性、协同效应的特殊性进行了深入分析,进一步明确了企业集团的存在本质.本文认为,基于企业异质性基础上的协同效应的实现是企业集团的形成和演进的根本,企业集团的协同效应有着自身特殊的生成机理,它既要在附属企业层面得到体现,更要在集团总部实现进一步的价值创造.本文还从实践层面分析了国内外企业集团的差距,并就我国企业集团的发展战略提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

战略价值是指战略理论、战略知识、战略思维的存在、属性对于战略学习者和实践者的意义。正确把握世界和中国的发展趋势、增强分析复杂形势的战略思维能力,是领导者与管理者的必修课。登高则可望远,望远而致思深。优秀的战略家不一定是卓越的领导者,但卓越的领导者必须是优秀的战略家。而对于战略价值何在、为何研究战略、为何学习战略知识等问题,却大都莫衷一是。要知道,明确学习意义与目的是学习任何知识的前提,明确战略价值是领导者与管理者学习战略、运用战略的基石。沿用"价值是指客体的存在、属性对于主体的意义"的分析理路,以个体、政党、国家、人类为主体,战略的价值可以概述为:求知明智、获取权力、完善政策、引导历史。  相似文献   

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