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Drug discovery companies are coming under increasing pressure to prove the long-term safety of their products more precisely, and to provide more data on them. As highlighted by Vioxx, for many drugs, the existence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) becomes apparent once the compound has been extensively prescribed and a population base of considerable size has been exposed to the therapeutic agent. The ability to make decisions regarding termination of clinical development of a non-viable drug candidate as early as possible will have a large financial impact for a pharmaceutical company. Knowledge regarding the interactions of chemicals, genes, and cell function can improve chemical risk analyses. These efforts will be aided by continued improvement and expansion of predictive toxicology in combination with a range of mutually supportive technologies to develop strategies to facilitate better and more focused decision-making throughout the drug discovery process. Failure to implement such an approach causes companies to withdraw drugs from development or the market. This not only presents human health consequences but also has a negative economic impact on the industry. As such, one of the major challenges in drug discovery is to accurately predict which new drugs will be associated with a significant incidence of ADRs. The ability to produce information on potential toxicity early in the discovery phase will become the basis for judging whether a drug candidate merits further development.  相似文献   

中国是世界第三大药品市场,但新药研发能力低下,70%是仿制药,具有完全自主知识产权的创新药风毛麟角。南京先声药业集团积极开辰国际合作,吸引了大批海外高端人才,极大提升了研发能力,并成功开拓多种渠道获职新药,对促进我国新药研发模式进行了有益的探索。对先声药业集团国际合作+持续投入研发+顶尖开发团队的发展战略和实践经验进行介绍,其典型意义在于:世界医药行业正处在一种求变的局势中,各个方面都有着可待开发的机遇;中国药企应大力开展国际合作,主动逐步融入全球健康产业链,成为其中不可缺少的中坚力量;抓住中国的国际机会,在国际合作中获得国内定价权。  相似文献   

Disruptive technologies create growth in the industries they penetrate or create entirely new industries through the introduction of products and services that are dramatically cheaper, better, and more convenient. These disruptive technologies often disrupt workforce participation by allowing technologically unsophisticated individuals to enter and become competitive in the industrial workforce. Disruptive technologies offer a revolutionary change in the conduct of processes or operations.Disruptive technologies can evolve from the confluence of seemingly diverse technologies or can be a result of an entirely new technological investigation. Existing planning processes are notoriously poor in identifying the mix of sometimes highly disparate technologies required to address the multiple performance objectives of a particular niche in the market. For a number of reasons, especially the inability to look beyond short-term profitability, and the risk/return tradeoff of longer term projects, it is suggested that current strategic planning and management processes promote sustaining technologies at the expense of disruptive technologies.We propose a systematic approach to identify disruptive technologies that is realistic and operable and takes advantage of the text mining literature. This literature-based discovery process is especially useful in identifying potential disruptive technologies that may require the input from many diverse technological and management areas. We believe that this process holds great potential for identifying projects with a higher probability of downstream success. Further, we suggest a process to take the identified potential disruptive technology from the “idea stage” through to the development of a potentially feasible product for the market. This second stage makes use of workshops and roadmapping to codify the ideas of technological and management experts, who were identified in the literature-based discovery stage. Our goal is to describe and explain the pragmatic steps suggested by our innovative and practical process.The proposed process could identify technologies whose eventual development and application to specific problems would generate innovative products. The goal is to isolate technologies that have the potential to redefine an industry, or alternatively, have the potential to create an entirely new industrial setting. Use the text-mining component of literature-based discovery to identify both the technical disciplines that are likely candidates for disruptive technological products, and experts in these critical technical and managerial disciplines. While we know that this is but one way to investigate nascent disruptive technologies we feel it is imperative that the representatives of these potentially critical technical disciplines are included in the roadmap development process, either as implementers or as consultants.Every firm is looking for “the next great thing”. Literature-based discovery offers a starting point for identifying at least a portion of the major contributory technical and managerial disciplines necessary for potential disruptive technologies and discontinuous innovations. Combining literature-based discovery with a practical workshop/roadmap process dramatically enhances the likelihood of success.  相似文献   

Convergence between technologies can be regarded as an increasingly emerging trend, and has received particular attention in the coming-together of previously distinct products and solutions within the information and communication technologies (ICT) industry. In previous research, the overall impact of the convergence phenomenon remains ambiguous. Whereas some scholars suggest convergence to be associated with disintegration, entry and growth, others relate the phenomenon to opposite effects, such as consolidation and shakeouts. This inconsistency in managerial conceptions on convergence formulates a need for an integrated understanding. Within a multi-case study approach, the convergence within ICT has been observed through examining the coevolution of actors in a converging environment, and patterns in innovation dynamics and managerial responses have been identified. In reflection with existing models of innovation cycles, a model for convergence innovation processes is elaborated and discussed. In particular, the reasoning within the ICT case set is transferred onto the currently emerging entrepreneurial activities in the intersection between nano- and bio-technologies (NBT), resulting in a comparison between ICT and NBT convergences, and deriving recommendations from a retrospective to a predictive context.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors have made an attempt to build a scenario of how technology can have an impact on the Production structure i n Europe, and how these changes will effect the international division of labour. The authors start from the premise that the applications of new product and process technologies are leading to stepwise changes in production structures. They borrow from economic and managerial theories, present a number of scenarios for two types of technologies (biotechnology and information technology). From these scenarios some implications are proposed.  相似文献   

很久以来,干旱的沿海国家就开始了海水灌溉农作物的技术开发实验。20世纪下半叶,美、日等国家的科学家就此进行了专门的科学研究,形成了不同的学派;有的阿拉伯国家在产业化方面取得了引人注目的成就。中国山东、江苏、海南等地的科学家也进行了一些很有成效的试验。为了建立中国的海水灌溉农业,建议:列入国家经济社会发展计划,建立试验示范基地;制定正确的技术路线,组织全国力量协作攻关;开展国际合作,引进和消化先进技术和农艺。  相似文献   

在后学院科学时代,科学研究更加普遍地与产业界、政府部门相结合,科学种类和性质变得日益庞杂,原有的学院科学家角色逐渐发生分化,形成了学院科学家、产业科学家和政府科学家等多元角色并存及相互转化的发展态势。深入探讨“后学院”语境下科学家角色分化趋势、动因及社会影响,有助于更好地理解新兴技术时代科技与社会的深度互动,为进一步优化科技治理、推进创新体系建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   

物业管理与品牌效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
朱传华 《技术经济》2007,26(4):122-124
物业管理业是随着市场经济发展,住房货币化改革发展成长的新兴产业,在激烈的市场竞争中,只有注重品牌效应,促进企业管理与服务水平的提高,物业管理公司才能生存、发展、获利;物业管理业只有创造出品牌并不断创新,才能在市场竞争中占有一席之地。创名牌企业,建优秀小区,已成为物业管理业的管理目标和奋斗方向,创建物业管理品牌是满足居民日益增长物质、文化、生活水平的需要,也是物业管理业在市场竞争中生存与发展的保证。  相似文献   

The past 20 years have witnessed a revolution in high-speed rail technologies. More esoteric technologies such as MAGLEV now seem like technological dead-ends. However, there have been failed projects as well as successes, and the management of technological innovation has played a crucial role. The development of high speed trains illustrates the constraints and direction provided by social, political, economic and managerial factors, and their interplay.  相似文献   

Corporate governance has been in the recent years one of the most debated issues in conventional economic approaches. Agency theory combined with financial indicators has particularly contributed to the development of shareholder value as a key concept in companies’ governance both at a theoretical and empirical level. We argue that an evolutionary perspective can be developed on the governance of innovative firms since (1) conventional economic approaches only consider a restricted part of this complex issue, and (2) this restricted vision applied in practice has driven the economic system into major coordination problems and turbulences. On the basis of empirical investigations into the telecommunications industry, and guided by a simple model of evolutionary game, we propose new principles of corporate governance centered upon managerial entrepreneurship and its role on innovation and industry dynamics. The outcome is a set of rules of conduct for the manager and the shareholder.  相似文献   

This article investigates the forces that lead some firms to engage in more innovative activities than others using a survey of 360 large Australian firms. Many earlier studies on the determinants of innovation followed the Schumpeterian tradition, and focused on size and market structure as possible causes of innovativeness; however, with the event of new qualitative measures of industry knowledge and managerial styles, these factors have been found to be less important. The results of the present study show that external factors and generic routines common to all industries, such as the extent of learning, knowledge spillovers, appropriability and managerial approach are more important than industry specific forces. Locally-owned companies were also found to be more innovative, other things considered.  相似文献   

The leather-shoe industry in Ethiopia is thriving, and in the early 2000s it managed to recover the domestic market which had once been swept by imported Chinese shoes. Using primary enterprise-level data, this paper finds that the industry has been growing not only because of a number of new entrants but also because of the growth of enterprises that have been improving product quality and developing new marketing systems. Such multifaceted improvements have been introduced by highly educated entrepreneurs, who have successfully expanded the size of their enterprises. This development pattern is similar to that commonly found in East Asia.  相似文献   

皮革行业迅速的发展同时带来了严重的环境污染和资源浪费等问题。在皮革行业发展相对集中的区域,地表水和地下水均受到严重污染。此外,皮革行业还存在大量固体废弃物污染的问题。因此,研究在皮革行业实施清洁生产的途径,对其可持续发展有着非常重要的意义。文章通过简单介绍皮革行业的污染源,指出在制革过程中推行清洁生产审核以及政府引导的必要性,重点提出了在制革工艺、设备、废弃物管理等方面的清洁生产途径,目的是促使清洁生产及其实施途径能得到全面的认识和应用,从而达到节能、减污、增效等生态经济效应。  相似文献   

在新旧技术竞争过程中,传统企业会适时调整研发策略,以应对新技术进步对传统技术造成的冲击。然而,新技术对传统技术的影响究竟表现为创新替代效应还是创新互补效应,至今依然没有得到确切结论。以汽车产业为研究对象,比较传统燃油汽车和电动汽车两种新旧技术的发展路径,并结合产业生命周期理论提出汽车产业的三阶段演化模型。进一步基于1995—2021年省级专利数据和面板向量自回归模型,从产品创新和工艺创新两个维度实证检验各阶段电动汽车技术进步对传统汽车企业创新的影响。结果表明,在电动汽车产业的范式导入期(1995—2008年),新技术通过产品创新和工艺创新两方面促进传统技术发展;在电动汽车产业的范式构建期(2009—2021年),新技术依然对传统技术有显著推动作用,但仅通过工艺创新促进传统技术发展。  相似文献   

While the significance and effectiveness of patents in the chemical industry has been demonstrated in many industrialized countries, this study examines the role of the chemical industry and knowledge diffusion in building the innovative capacity of a nation in latecomer country Taiwan. The development of process innovation plays an integral role in the strategic industries of Taiwan, but few attempts have been made to address how the efficiency of process development can be enhanced. As a latecomer, Taiwan has built its national innovative capability on strategic industries such as semiconductors, consumer electronics and flat panel displays. Through patent data analysis, this study demonstrates the significant and indispensable role played by the chemical industry in technological interdependence and knowledge diffusion with other Taiwanese strategic industries. This study suggests that while the public resources of Taiwan are focused on accelerating the development of emerging sectors and technologies, the chemical industry serves as an effective linkage and catalyst in problem-solving.  相似文献   

Technological innovation in the minerals industry must be driven by the need to improve performance according to social, as well as environmental, safety, efficiency and production criteria. This paper outlines the possibilities and rationale for incorporating constructive technology assessment (CTA) into technology research and development within the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship (MDU). MDU represents an $80 million per year investment in transformational mineral technology. The paper reports on the development of a process called Social Licence in Design to address the future social challenges and opportunities of the technologies that may arise during implementation. Social Licence in Design utilises social research techniques to account for the perspectives and values of decision makers and likely stakeholders. Interviews with senior technologists and social scientists within MDU reveal the institutional context into which the Social Licence in Design process is to be situated and highlight key factors that may inhibit or enhance its uptake. Despite the long history of CTA the paper is the first to report on the incorporation of a CTA process to address the social implications of technology development within a mineral R&D institution.  相似文献   

选取2014-2016年中国创业板上市公司为研究样本,实证考察了创业板上市公司高层管理团队断裂带对管理者能力的直接影响,以及产业环境对两者关系的调节作用。层级多元回归分析结果表明:线性关系下,高层管理团队社会分类断裂带与信息基础断裂带对管理者能力产生显著负向影响,但在稳定产业环境下高层管理团队社会分类断裂带对管理者能力产生显著正向影响;非线性关系下,动态产业环境中高层管理团队社会分类断裂带与管理者能力呈显著倒U型关系,而信息基础断裂带与管理者能力呈显著U型关系;稳定产业环境下,高层管理团队社会分类断裂带与管理者能力呈显著U型关系,而信息基础断裂带与管理者能力呈显著倒U型关系。在理论层面,结论拓展了管理者能力影响因素研究,丰富了关于高层管理团队断裂带经济后果的复杂关系讨论。同时,考察了不同情境下高层管理团队断裂带对管理者能力的影响。在实践层面,可为企业高管团队构建、管理者能力发挥,以及新业务产业经营领域选择提供经验证据与管理启示。  相似文献   

Technology trend analysis anticipates the direction and rate of technology changes, and thus supports strategic decision-making for innovation. As technological convergence and diversification are regarded as emerging trends, it is important to compare the growth patterns of various technologies in a particular industry to help understand the industry characteristics and analyse the technology innovation process. However, despite the potential value of this approach, conventional approaches have focused on individual technologies and paid little attention to synthesising and comparing multiple technologies. We therefore propose a new approach for clustering technologies based on their growth patterns. After technologies with similar patterns are identified, the underlying factors that lead to the patterns can be analysed. For that purpose, we analysed patent data using a Hidden Markov model, followed by clustering analysis, and tested the validity of the proposed approach by applying it to the ICT industry. Our approach provides insights into the basic nature of technologies in an industry, and facilitates the analysis and forecasting of their evolution.  相似文献   

基于专利数据识别集成电路产业关键核心技术,构建技术发展水平评价指标体系并评估关键核心技术发展水平。进一步基于13项关键核心技术对产业政策进行分解匹配,测度各技术环节政策措施间协调度,并实证分析政策措施及其协调度对关键核心技术发展水平的影响。结果表明,我国集成电路产业各关键核心技术差距明显,技术发展水平相对较低;规划引导措施对关键核心技术发展存在显著正向影响,监管认证、税收优惠、规划引导与技术支持措施间协调情况对关键核心技术发展具有显著负向影响,现有金融支持、技术支持措施与其它措施间协调情况较差,不利于关键核心技术发展水平提升。未来政策应鼓励创新主体加大研发投入力度,及时更新监管认证措施并加强对金融支持等措施的监督,为关键核心技术发展提供更强有力的政策保障。  相似文献   

随着信息技术在企业管理中的推广应用,管理会计逐渐形成并与企业管理活动高度结合,最终脱离现有会计理论框 架的约束,成为为企业生产经营服务的信息化的管理活动。  相似文献   

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