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This study examines the factors affecting students' performance on an introductory UK undergraduate financial accounting course and changes in students' attitudes and perceptions towards Computer Aided Learning (CAL) and accounting. It differs from previous research in that non-specialist accounting students taught using CAL are studied here. Questionnaire data was collected at the beginning and end of the module and is statistically analysed. Multiple regression analysis on student performance shows that age and attitude towards accounting are significant influences, but that attitude towards CAL and students' entry qualifications are not. Students' perceptions of CAL appear to be affected negatively by its use. The study shows that students are significantly more likely to perceive CAL as easy to use, but significantly less likely to view it as flexible, helpful or useful in improving computer literacy. Students' perceptions of accounting as a subject are also negatively affected. They are shown to be significantly less likely to choose to study accounting and significantly more likely to view accounting as a boring subject, following the completion of a CAL course. The negative impact on students' perceptions and attitudes towards CAL and accounting has implications for extending the use of CAL in order to efficiently redirect limited staff resources. However, given that there is no significant effect on performance this may warrant further consideration by higher education institutions.  相似文献   

杨然 《投资与合作》2014,(2):327-327
Cooperative Language Learning ( hereafter CLL ) is one of the most widely used pedagogical theories, both m China and abroad. It emphasizes on the learnercentered teaching principle and makes maximum use of cooperative activities. Under the guidelines of the Cooperative Language Learning, this paper explores the application of cooperative language learning in the spoken English class of the university  相似文献   


In this note some interrelationships between, and inequalities involving, the gamma and beta functions and the hyper geometric function with the last argument unity are established.  相似文献   

Utilizing a convenience sample of 305 professional staff from seven public accounting firms, this study examined: a) the factor structure of the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS10; Cohen & Williamson, 1988); b) the invariance of its factor structure; c) the scale's reliability; and, d) its convergent and divergent validity. Our analyses support a structure with two primary factors, (General Distress and Ability-to-Cope), which load on a single second order factor, Perceived Stress, regardless of gender. Spearman–Brown reliability coefficients, item-total correlations, and coefficient alphas each supported the reliability of the items loading on the full scale as well as on each of the two primary factors. Collectively, these findings provide compelling evidence in support of the PSS10 as a perceived stress measure for accounting professionals. However, more research is warranted to investigate the efficacy of a reduced six-item version of the instrument.  相似文献   


1. Introduction and Summary

The spectral analysis plays an important rôle in the study of stationary stochastic process. It cannot, however, always, be assumed that the nature of the corresponding spectral function is known a priori—we are then faced with two problems. In the first we may have either a discrete spectrum plus a uniform noise or a continuous spectrum and in the second we may have both at the same time. A possible method has been suggested by Whittle [5] as a solution to the second problem. A discriminatory test based on the likelihood ratio has been put forward by Bartlett as a solution to the first problem which is an important one occurring in practice. The test procedure was applied to two suitable artificial series. The test, when applied, to a series with a harmonic element resulted in the failure to arrive atadecision. An investigation was then made on the applicability of this test to such series in general.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the cautionary theme advanced recently in Stout and Ruble (1991a; 1991b) regarding the use of the LSI-1985 in accounting education research. We focus on evidence relevant to the construct validity of the LSI-1985 and identify a number of psychometric problems with the instrument. The evidence regarding the measurement properties of the LSI-1985 (in both its standard and scrambled versions) argues for suspension of its use in accounting education research. In short, the LSI-1985 does not provide meaningful measures of the learning style constructs posited by the Experiential Learning Model (ELM).  相似文献   

全国会计领军(后备)人才培养项目是我国高端会计人才建设的战略性工程,从2005年启动以来得到了社会各界的广泛关注。2015年是项目启动十周年,以此为契机,我们对项目学员开展了大规模问卷调查,以期对项目成效进行评估,并就进一步优化项目培养方案进行探讨。研究结果表明:企业类会计领军(后备)人才培养成效显著,学员们的管理水平、专业能力和综合素质都有显著提升,在发挥引领带动作用、推动本土化实践、拓宽国际化视野、促进行业和经济社会发展等方面都发挥了积极作用。与此同时,相对于持续的社会变革和培养对象不断变化的内生需求而言,全国会计领军人才培养项目还需要在课程设置、师资安排、国际化培养以及选拔使用等方面持续优化。  相似文献   

杨斌 《涉外税务》2003,86(7):32-37
反避税港避税之法律措施的比较研究 国际避税在很多情况下都与避税港有关。而经济实体要实现避税目的往往通过在避税港建立各种基地公司,从事离岸经济活动。跨国纳税人利用避税港进行逃税避税的主要形式是在避税港建立“基地公司”。基地公司指在避税港设立而实际受外国股东控  相似文献   

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (hereafter GASB or Board) was established in April 1984 as the authoritative accounting standard‐setting body for United States state and local governmental entities. There are over 87,000 state and local entities in the country, and for the most part these entities are required to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles established by the GASB; hence, the work of the GASB is significant. On 30 June 2009, the GASB completed its twenty‐fifth year of standard setting. Because of the Board's influence and the importance of its mission, an increased understanding of the GASB and its accomplishments during its first 25 years of existence is important. This is the first of two papers which together provide a complete sequential treatment of the GASB's operational history through the end of its first quarter century. This first paper begins with an historical perspective about municipal accounting issues from colonial times to 1934. The origin of professional self‐determining standards is the feature of the next section, identifying standard‐setting bodies that contributed to municipal accounting from 1934 to 1984. The early activities of the Board are then reviewed. Two appendices are provided to detail the composition of the Board during its first quarter century, along with biographical information about the early Board members and later Chair and Vice Chair personnel. This segment concludes with a review of the relationship of other governmental standard setting bodies at the federal level and the international level.  相似文献   

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (hereafter GASB or Board) was established in April 1984 as the authoritative accounting standard‐setting body for state and local governmental entities in the United States. There are over 87,000 state and local entities in the country and for the most part these entities are required to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles established by the GASB; hence, the standards promulgated by the GASB are significant. On 30 June 2009, the GASB completed its twenty‐fifth year of standard setting. Because of the Board's influence and the importance of its mission, an increased understanding of the GASB and its accomplishments during its first 25 years of existence is important. This is the second of two papers which together provide a complete sequential treatment of the GASB's operational history through the end of its first quarter century. The first part provided an historical perspective about municipal accounting issues from colonial times to 2009 and included appendix materials identifying the composition of the Board and biographical material on key personnel. The first paper concluded with a review of the relationship of other governmental standard setting bodies at the Federal and the International level. This paper provides an overview of the future challenges faced by the Board and supplies a digest of the standards including appendix and a synoptic summary of the standards the Board has promulgated by topic and by standard number.  相似文献   

本文分析并比较了财政部发布的《企业会计准则第X号保险合同(修订)(征求意见稿》与我国现行保险会计准则在利润披露与确认方面的差异。通过仿真模拟利润计量,发现征求意见稿下定期寿险合同的承保后期将会确认更多的利润贡献;合同服务边际对利润计量的平滑效应更加突出,尤其是对亏损计量的吸收作用将会显现;征求意见稿对手续费及佣金的规定会进一步平稳计量利润;收入口径的改变更符合寿险合同长期性的经济特质等。因此,建议我国寿险公司统一数据平台,衔接财务系统与精算系统;调整绩效考核指标、业务结构和产品策略;更加谨慎合理地进行产品定价测算;进一步加强保单的维护工作,为应对征求意见稿的实施做好充分准备。  相似文献   

科技保险能有效转移企业技术创新活动中面临的科技风险,对促进我国科技进步和经济发展有着重要意义。本文运用灰色理论构建灰色关联评价模型,测算了全国第一批6试点城市(区)科技保险实施的绩效,找出了指标体系中影响首批试点城市(区)科技保险实施绩效的主要因素,并在此基础上提出了改善目前我国科技保险实施绩效的相关建议。  相似文献   

2011年是中国加入WTO十周年.十年来,我国保险业对外开放程度明显提高,保险业步入了快速发展的黄金时期.截至目前,我国共有外(合)资保险公司46家,世界上主要的跨国保险金融集团和发达国家的保险公司已经基本进入我国.2009年,我国外(合)资保险公司保费收入458.02亿元,与加入WTO前相比增长了约4.7倍.本文选择...  相似文献   

2015年6月,日本会计准则委员会(ASBJ)公布了《日本修正国际准则(JMIS)》,旨在进一步普及国际财务报告准则(IFRS)。本文从多个角度对其进行对比研究,发现JMIS缺乏实用性和可操作性,违背充分认证程序,缺乏完整性、统一性以及明晰的发展方向。JMIS既不能从根本上推动IFRS在日本的普及,也无法成为有效向国际社会表达意见的方式,因此日本政府还需寻找其他合理有效的方式。JMIS在国际趋同中遇到的挫折和教训值得我国反思。  相似文献   

许燕  杨再贵 《保险研究》2019,(4):116-127
本文依据国发〔2014〕8号文件规定,利用统计年鉴数据对2012-2016年城乡居民养老保险缴费人群和领取待遇人群的总参保率进行测算,并结合灰色GM(1,1)模型对未来缴费人群的总参保率进行预测,运用规划求解方法对缴费人群总参保率进行分解得分年龄参保率。研究结果表明:首先,2012-2016年缴费人群总参保率在持续上升,若保持这种参保积极性,那么到2030年符合参保条件的人口可全部参保。其次,2012~2016年领取待遇人群总参保率总体呈上升趋势,2015年略有下降,总参保率平均值达到了96.50%,城乡居民养老保险符合领取待遇条件的人口基本实现全参保。缴费人群分年龄参保率的研究为城乡居民养老保险的人口预测及基金收支测算等提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

Michael Martin 《Futures》2011,43(1):112-119
This paper argues for the applicability of utilising the State of the Future Index to forecast the future of small developing nations across a range of areas that are considered important determinants of the type of future a developing country is likely to experience. This analysis provides an insight into the benefits of using such a tool for creating more effective policy towards Official Development Assistance (ODA) and its impact on Stabilisation Operations, in addition to measuring the success and effectiveness of previous policies. Timor-Leste was chosen as a case study because of its contemporary policy significance to Australia and the considerable amount of resources that the Australian government has committed, both directly and indirectly, to its reconstruction. Outputs from the State of the Future Index (SOFI) are used to track some of the key variables that will be significant drivers of future change in Timor-Leste. Hence, Timor's progress at a national level can be monitored. Moreover, individual economic, societal and demographic forecasts provide a more in-depth perspective of the drivers of change and future challenges that Timor-Leste will face.  相似文献   

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