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近年来,贸易和环境问题越来越成为各国关注的焦点,传统贸易理论忽视了环境资源的合理使用和保护,给发展中国家带来了严重的环境问题。文章在揭示传统贸易理论在环境资源分析不足的同时,建立了一个政策干预下的发展中国家的自由贸易模型,在此基础上结合我国实际情况分析贸易自由化的福利效应。  相似文献   

贸易自由化中并购问题的经济学剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在贸易自由化对并购影响进行考察的基础上 ,可以发现 ,贸易自由对于潜在的并购者来说有两种意义 :受到保护的市场中的低效企业此时更容易被并购 ,对相对低效企业进行的并购变得越来越缺乏吸引力 ,不能实际地融合在一起 ,或者如果已经融合在一起的话 ,就出现了 (资源的 )耗散。无论在哪种意义上贸易的自由化都会激发并购活动的发生 ,但其中并不是所有的都符合整个社会的利益  相似文献   

Research on innovation and entrepreneurship policy (IEP) is almost exclusively concerned with the instrumental question of which policy measures are most effective in promoting “productive” entrepreneurial activities. The positive (political economy) and normative (welfare) dimensions are largely neglected. I focus on the latter, asking what could be a plausible normative rationale for innovation policy beyond the simple invocation of “growth” and the related use of orthodox criteria (such as “market failure”). This is a non-trivial issue, given (i) the ambiguous welfare implications of innovation in general, and (ii) the fact that standard notions of welfare cannot be consistently applied in an entrepreneurial, “Schumpeterian” economy. I suggest a dynamic criterion according to which IEP should ensure that individuals are able to engage in effective preference learning over time. This reconstruction of the normative basis of innovation policy helps clarify several contentious issues, among which are the desirability of selfemployment and the role of social security arrangements.  相似文献   

India's economic policies have undergone major reforms since the early 1990s. Before that, government regulation and control of economic activity was pervasive, and the trade sector did very poorly. One consequence was that imports were highly restricted and their scarcity was itself a major constraint on growth. After the crisis of the early1990s, trade policy was substantially liberalized. In this paper, the pre‐1990s regime is first briefly described. Thereafter, the economic policy reforms that impinged most directly on the trade sector are set forth, and the response of exports and imports to those changes is outlined. Exports have grown rapidly, from about 5% of the gross domestic product to around 15%, and they continue to grow at an average annual rate of 20%. Improved performance of the trade sector has been a major contributing factor to India's dramatically accelerated growth performance. A final section of this paper assesses the current situation, and sets forth the major policy challenges that will need to be met if that performance is to be sustained, if not improved upon.  相似文献   

证券市场的层次结构与中国金融市场改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达的证券市场都表现出多层次结构,大量的理论和经验证据表明;资本市场,尤其是中小型资本市场要受到逆向选择行为和高昂的直接融资成本的影响;而市场结构的型式,例如,二板市场是否平行于交易所市场,是否采取交易商制度等则成为影响小型资本市场成败的决定性因素。这些根据为我国的金融市场改革提供了理论参考和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

构建了一个土地对社会福利影响的分析模型,并用天津市的数据进行检验。研究结果表明:(1)政府对于土地供应量的控制减少了均衡资本量;(2)严格的土地政策会使单位资本产生的福利量减少;(3)土地政策的适时调整能使经济发展沿着社会福利最大化的路径发展。因此,土地政策的制定应该以社会需求为导向,并通过适时调整以实现社会福利最大化。  相似文献   

This study applies recently developed bootstrap panel Granger causality, proposed by Kónya, to investigate a causal link between economic policy uncertainty and stock markets in nine countries over monthly periods from 2003M01 to 2014M12 (Kónya (2006 Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling, 23, 978992. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2006.04.008[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling, 23, 978–992). The modeling allows us to examine both the cross-sectional dependency and the country-specific heterogeneity. The empirical results indicate that not all countries are alike, and that the theoretical prediction that stock markets fall at the announcement of a policy change is not always supported. Specifically, this work finds evidence of the stock market leading hypothesis for India, Italy, and Spain, while the economic policy uncertainty leading hypothesis cannot be rejected for the United Kingdom. In addition, the neutrality hypothesis was supported in the remaining countries (Canada, China, France, Germany and the United States), while the feedback hypothesis, however, is not found. The findings of this study could provide important policy implications for these nine countries.  相似文献   

经济发展在一定意义上是一系列经济政策选择的过程.在数学上,经济政策的选择与微观经济学消费者选择可以具有同样形式.然而,从内容上看,经济政策的选择无法直接应用消费者行为理论进行分析,因为前者没有市场价格.为了解决这个问题,需要引进交易成本的概念,经济政策的交易成本相当于市场价格.这样,一种经济政策选择的理性模式就可以建立起来.  相似文献   

中国股市政策市中的正反馈交易机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骆颖  何小锋 《经济经纬》2005,(2):144-147
中国股市是政策市,但我国政策市的政策效率低下,国家宏观政策与预期效果相差甚远,股市上非理性投资者对政策反应的情绪作用被放大,从而导致了宏观政策出台后,股市的更加不稳定。  相似文献   

Jaakko Pehkonen 《Empirica》1997,24(3):195-208
In 1994 the number of workers participating in active labour market programmes in Finland was 299,000. On average there where 125,000 workers in these programmes at any one time, the average length of participation in a programme being about 5 months. In relation to the 2.5 million-strong Finnish labour force, these figures are proportionally large. In 1994 the total expenditure on unemployment amounted to 6.7 per cent of GNP of which the share spent on active labour market programmes was about 25 per cent. The study investigates the displacement effects of active labour market programmes in the youth labour market in Finland. The two age groups analysed are 15-19-year-olds and 20-24-year-olds. The results, based on a VAR analysis of quarterly data from the period 1981.1-1995.2, suggest that the displacement effects of job-creation programmes may be substantial. The study cannot, however, provide any robust estimates of the likely size of such displacement effects on youth employment in Finland. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以利率调整、存款准备金率调整、货币供应量变动作为货币政策调整变量,以印花税调整和财政支出变动作为财政政策调整变量,来研究股票市场的波动,分析了单个政策调整对股票市场波动的影响和政策调整组合对股票市场波动的影响。研究发现,单一货币政策中存款准备金率调整对股票市场波动性影响显著,而利率调整对股票市场波动性影响不显著。单一财政政策中印花税调整在中期对股票市场波动性影响显著。不考虑宏观经济指数变动时,只有利率调整对股票市场波动性的影响显著为负向,印花税调整和存款准备金率调整对股票市场波动性影响不显著;考虑宏观经济指数变动时,三个政策调整对股票市场波动性的影响不显著。不论是否考虑宏观经济景气指数的变动,财政支出变动对股票市场波动的影响显著负向,货币供应量变动对股票市场波动的影响显著为正。  相似文献   

赵旭 《财经研究》2011,(3):124-135
文章对中国商业银行1998-2007年的市场势力与效率之间的关系及其福利效应进行了初步研究。结果表明,运用随机前沿成本函数所估计的贷款边际成本大于存款边际成本,四大国有银行的市场势力勒纳指数明显大于股份制商业银行,国有银行行政性市场势力不容忽视。在此基础上,文章估计了基于市场势力的社会福利效应,因银行成本无效率带来的福利损失远大于因市场势力而引致的社会福利损失。检验安逸生活假设表明,贷款市场拒绝安逸生活假设,而存款市场接受安逸生活假设。贷款市场势力对银行业发展具有一定的负面作用,而银行生产率的提高促进了银行业的持续发展。  相似文献   

近几年来非正规金融的发展问题受到普遍关注,已成为经济理论的热点问题之一。长期以来,我国大型企业与国有企业主要从正规金融获得信贷资金,中小企业主要从非正规金融获得信贷资金,形成了相对割裂的二元金融结构。学者们普遍认为金融抑制是我国二元金融产生的主要原因,弱化二元金融也成为了我国利率市场化改革的原动力。始于2011年初的温州债务危机使非正规金融进一步受到广泛关注。加强民间借贷的疏导与监管、推动金融改革与创新、实现非正规金融的阳光化与合法化等日益成为热点问题。  相似文献   

我国的经济改革是在传统计划体制背景下启动的,也是在一定的改革意识引领下发生的,但在传统政治经济学框架内形成的改革理论具有一定的局限性。改革开放以来,经济学者运用现代经济学方法对中国经济进行分析,获得了有价值的成果。但是,我国经济学理论的转型还没有完成。为了深化市场经济的改革,如何科学地认识市场经济,怎样在经济学理论研究中体现现代精神,都需要在范式转型的前提下继续进行探索。  相似文献   

论股票市场对扩张性货币政策效力的影响及相应对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢赤  吴丹 《当代经济科学》2002,24(4):21-27,43
面对我国20世纪90年代中期以来的通货紧缩状况,货币当局实施了一系列扩张性货币政策。由于我国股票市场在发展过程中的一些问题、银行体制上的缺陷以及宏观经济环境的影响等因素,股票市场并不能在货币政策和实体经济之间有效地发挥传导作用;货币政策本身也受到了股票市场发展的重要影响。为解决问题,应当在股票市场、企业投资环境和货币政策本身三个方面进行完善。  相似文献   

资本市场开放不仅是扩大国际融资、更好地利用国际金融市场的需要,而且对我国资本市场发育和上市公司行为具有多重外部治理效应。本文借助我国内地与香港资本市场互联互通机制这一准自然实验,研究资本市场开放对企业真实盈余管理的影响。研究发现:(1)总体上,“陆港通”机制的实施显著降低了标的公司真实盈余管理程度。(2)委托代理问题是企业进行盈余管理的重要原因,而“陆港通”机制开通后,能够缓解标的公司代理矛盾,进而约束管理层的真实盈余管理行为。(3)当资本市场信息环境改善、管理层面临较大股票抛售压力以及大股东监督力度较强时,“陆港通”抑制企业真实盈余管理行为的治理效果更强。本文结果表明,资本市场开放有助于提高我国上市公司财务信息披露质量及公司治理水平。  相似文献   

资本市场开放不仅是扩大国际融资、更好地利用国际金融市场的需要,而且对我国资本市场发育和上市公司行为具有多重外部治理效应。本文借助我国内地与香港资本市场互联互通机制这一准自然实验,研究资本市场开放对企业真实盈余管理的影响。研究发现:(1)总体上,“陆港通”机制的实施显著降低了标的公司真实盈余管理程度。(2)委托代理问题是企业进行盈余管理的重要原因,而“陆港通”机制开通后,能够缓解标的公司代理矛盾,进而约束管理层的真实盈余管理行为。(3)当资本市场信息环境改善、管理层面临较大股票抛售压力以及大股东监督力度较强时,“陆港通”抑制企业真实盈余管理行为的治理效果更强。本文结果表明,资本市场开放有助于提高我国上市公司财务信息披露质量及公司治理水平。  相似文献   

加入WTO标志着中国的金融改革要向自由化方向迈进.本文从金融自由化与金融全球化的推进逻辑出发,分析了当中国引入WTO变量后,如何通过修正金融改革路径实现金融市场开放的最优选择.其中引言部分综述了金融自由化理论的发展及中国面临的挑战;第二部分提出引入WTO变量后中国金融改革路径的修正;第三部分实证性地研究了中国推进金融市场开放的最优顺序安排;最后是结论及进一步改革建议.  相似文献   

Applying a spatial competition model to banking, we analyze the effects of the choice of a monetary policy rule by the central bank on banks market power as measured by the Lerner index. We show that a procyclical monetary policy may reinforce the countercyclical movement of the Lerner index. That is, this measure of competitiveness of the banking sector may vary more over the business cycle due to the monetary policy rule.JEL classification: G21, E52, L13.Acknowledgements The author thanks Hans Degryse, Hans van Ees, Marco Haan, Eko Riyanto, Bert Schoonbeek, Elmer Sterken, three anonymous referees, and participants of the EARIE 2001 conference (Dublin), the NAKE Day 2002 (Amsterdam), and a seminar at Ghent University for their constructive comments.revised version received November 11, 2003  相似文献   

We analyse the effect of product market integration on environmental policy incentives in an international duopoly, where national policy makers act strategically. If traditional trade policy instruments are not available, environmental policies will typically be determined by the interaction of conflicting policy incentives. Contrary to popular belief, we find that international product market integration, in this particular setting, might reduce the need for transnational policy coordination, both from a purely environmental and from a social welfare perspective.  相似文献   

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