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This study empirically attempts to identify key factors determining the settlement patterns of undocumented immigrants within the United States. The estimations imply that undocumented immigrants appear to settle in states that border the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico, and states where median family income is higher, average January temperatures are higher, the percent of the state population that is Hispanic is higher, and where economic freedom is higher. On the other hand, undocumented immigrants are less likely to settle in states with a higher cost of living.  相似文献   

The recent recognition of the matrícula consular as an acceptable form of alien identification by financial institutions has increased undocumented Mexican immigrants' access to U.S. banking services. Usage of the banking system's low-cost wiring and money-transfer services may encourage Mexican immigrants to save and potentially transfer more money to Mexico. We use data from the Mexican Migration Project (MMP107) to examine the hypothesis that immigrants with access to banking services in the United States between 1970 and 2004 sent back more funds to Mexico than their unbanked counterparts. We find that banking among Mexican immigrants in our sample is limited. While having a U.S. bank account does not appear to significantly raise monthly remittance flows by Mexican immigrants, it does help boost the amount brought back home. Thus, our analysis sheds light on the potential effects of matrícula cards on the future flow of remittances to Mexico.  相似文献   

Mounting foreclosures and disclosures of abusive lending practices led many states to adopt new anti-predatory lending (APL) laws. Researchers have examined the impact of such laws on credit flows and the cost of credit. This research extends the literature by examining whether the market responded to these laws by substituting different mortgage products for those restricted by APL provisions. The evidence indicates that the laws were effective in restricting loans with targeted characteristics, and that the market substituted other product types to maintain access to credit and affordability in the face of these restrictions. The laws reduced the involvement of investor and second home purchases but appeared to impact borrower credit scores or down payments.  相似文献   

The National Flood Insurance Program was created to seek two often conflicting goals: (i) shifting risks from federal taxpayers to those who choose to live in flood plains and (ii) ensuring flood insurance is available to everyone at “reasonable” rates. Efforts to accomplish the second goal currently take the form of subsidies based on location and the date a home was constructed. The resulting revenue from subsidized insurance premiums is not sufficient to cover the true cost of flood insurance, and federal taxpayers have paid the difference: $30 billion to date. Based on a detailed survey of households in the high‐risk flood zones of New York City (NYC), we find that replacing existing premium subsidies with risk‐based prices and a subsidy for low‐income housing‐burdened households could better meet both goals by ensuring low‐income individuals have access to affordable flood insurance while still saving the federal taxpayer up to $183 million per year in NYC alone.  相似文献   

The traditional structure-conduct-performance framework makes the explicit prediction that market structure determines market conduct, performance and power. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate this prediction using the South African (SA) short-term auto insurance market. The empirical evidence shows that a link between market structure and market conduct, performance and/or power is not present. "Prices" and profits are not statistically significantly related to various sellers' concentration measure and do not follow any explicit trend over time. By construction, profits are directly related to "prices" and follow a cyclical trend, as observed in other countries. A secondary goal of this paper is to compare the findings for the US auto insurance market with the empirical evidence on the SA auto insurance market. While there are few similarities, there is an underwriting cycle in the SA auto insurance market such as is observed for the US auto insurance market.  相似文献   

从美国汽车保险谈我国汽车保险改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界各国,汽车保险都是财产保险的主要险种,受到是世界各国政府的重视。美国建立了较为完善和发达的汽车保险体系,为各国所效仿。借鉴美国的发达经验,我国的汽车保险改革刚刚起步,仍需要进一步深化。本文从费率厘定、强制保险以及销售方式等方面提出深化我国的汽车保险制度  相似文献   

In 1988, in an effort to reduce risks at auto races, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) implemented a provision requiring the installation of carburetor restrictor plates at its higher speed events. Restrictor plates make a car's engine less effective, thereby slowing the field. Many NASCAR drivers and fans alike question whether the reduction in speed has led to increased safety. This article investigates the empirical determinants of racetrack safety, paying particular attention to the results of restrictor-plate racing on driver safety. We conclude that whereas restrictor-plate races are characterized by more cars being wrecked, there is no systematic evidence that they have led to more driver injuries.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that state-level restrictions on abortion access are linked to increases in child fatal-injury rates. The rationale is that such restrictions may disproportionately increase births of “unwanted” children as well as births to young, single, and low socioeconomic-status mothers, which in turn may lead to more adverse child outcomes—including more child fatal injury deaths. The paper uses state-level data on child fatal injuries in the 0-4 age group for 1981-2002, and estimates count-data models with state and year effects separately for white and black children. The abortion restrictions considered are enforced parental consent and notification laws, no public funding, and mandatory delays. Many of the restrictions are found to be significantly associated with increased homicide-resultant fatal injuries for white and black children, and increased unintentional fatal injuries for white children. Results for unintentional fatal injuries for black children are mixed.  相似文献   

This paper first builds a simple theoretic model to explore how a special feature of enrollment policy of public primary schools in urban China, the unequal enrollment right between home owners and tenants, would produce rent-yields gap between different housings. The model also predicts that an enrollment policy featuring with tenant discrimination, accompanying with strict credit constraint, would reduce the chance of kids from middle-income families to attend better public schools while allow families with high initial wealth to access better high-quality public education at a lower cost. Using a hedonic pricing model, we find that, in Shanghai, rental yields of housings in neighborhoods associated with reputed public primary schools is on average 0.1–0.35 percentage-point lower than those associated with ordinary ones. We also explore how the rent-yields-gap varies across housing types, locations and changes over time. Nonetheless, our simulation computation suggests that the estimated opportunity cost of holding such schools in Shanghai is generally not a big amount and affordable for many families. Overall, the high entry costs of owing a housing is the major obstacle to access high-quality public primary education in urban China. These findings highlight how an education policy with features of inequality may contribute to education and residential segregation, and then reduce intergenerational mobility.  相似文献   

Average fuel efficiency of vehicles improved substantially over the last three decades in Japan. Yet, the carbon emissions from on-road passenger vehicles continued to increase until 2000, and then turned to a steadily declining trend. We empirically investigate this disparity. To that end, we apply an analogue of the Copeland-Taylor decomposition, combined with an empirically estimated behavioral model of car ownership and utilization choice, to economically decompose vehicle carbon emissions into the scale, composition, and technique effects over our study period, 1990–2015. We find that exogenous demographic changes such as population size, driver’s license holdings, or labor migration across regions can only explain this disparity partially. After accounting for endogenous changes in household’s geographically-explicit transport demand by the estimated behavioral model, the predicted emissions match the time path of the observed emissions surprisingly well. Of all the factors in the behavioral model, the fuel cost per unit of driving accounts for the largest share of the total variation in the observed emissions. Our result indicates that 60% of the technique effect is offset by the perverse effect of induced transport demand due to the lower fuel cost. Importantly, the induced demand comes from both the intensive margin (driving) and the extensive margin (car ownership).  相似文献   

Many low- and middle-income countries have introduced public health insurance schemes to increase access to health care and provide financial protection against the costs of care for disadvantaged groups. Using national health household survey data from Vietnam and an appropriate two-part model, this paper examines the targeting effectiveness of public health insurance schemes and their impact on health care utilization for persons with disabilities. Results suggest that current community-based targeting methods are not effective, and that insurance mechanisms are an unsatisfactory buffer for inpatient-related costs to which persons with disabilities are prone. A higher level of disability targeting is recommended, both in terms of eligibility and benefits.  相似文献   

Indonesia has made well-documented and drastic progress in raising average incomes and reducing poverty. This article adds to the literature by providing a complementary perspective of poverty between 1984 and 2011. We discuss the evolution of poverty in Indonesia using international poverty lines—$1.25 per person per day (in 2005 purchasing power parity dollars) and $2.00 per day, and we add $10.00 per day. We generate estimates of poverty since 1984 and make projections based on various trends in growth and inequality. We find that Indonesia has the potential to become a high-income country by around 2025 and end $1.25-per-day and $2.00-perday poverty by 2030, but this will require strong economic growth and favourable changes in distribution. Looking ahead, the end of poverty in Indonesia may mean that a large proportion of the population will remain vulnerable to poverty for some time to come, suggesting that public policy priorities will need to balance insurance and risk-management mechanisms with more ‘traditional’ poverty policy.  相似文献   

高伟  程文明 《科技和产业》2011,11(11):98-100
准确预测未来汽车保有量,对产业调整、城市基建、车市调控和能源、环保策略等具有重要意思。根据主要省份的相关统计数据,采用各地区横向比较法分析人均GDP、基尼系数、公共交通、汽车成本对汽车拥有水平的影响,并以江西省为例,通过多元二次回归分析建立了基于人均GDP、汽车成本和城市万人拥有公交车数的民用汽车保有量预测模型,并对未来10年汽车拥有水平走势进行预测。  相似文献   

宋英华 《特区经济》2009,242(3):132-134
本文通过全面揭示我国火灾安全保险的现状,指出了建立火灾责任保险的基本构想,并就火灾公众责任保险和消防安全责任保险的特征进行了深入分析,提出了推进火灾公众责任保险的系统对策。  相似文献   

We investigate how private information and monitoring affect the role of accounting quality in reducing the investment–cash flow sensitivity. We argue that access to private information and direct restrictions on investments are likely to affect the extent to which accounting quality reduces financing constraints. Our results suggest that, for financially constrained firms, banks’ access to private information decreases the value of accounting quality. We further find that, for both financially constrained and unconstrained firms, covenants directly restricting capital expenditures also mitigate the importance of accounting quality. Our results suggest that, when information asymmetry problems are likely to be the largest, accounting quality is most important. However, the importance of accounting quality is mitigated if outside capital suppliers have access to private information and is eliminated if they impose contractual restrictions on investment. We also provide evidence that banks’ access to private information reduces the cash flow sensitivity of cash and mitigates the importance of accounting quality in reducing this sensitivity. This additional evidence suggests that our investment–cash flow sensitivity results are not driven by measurement error of the investment opportunity set.  相似文献   

沈蕾 《特区经济》2011,(11):238-240
大陆汽车保险市场历经几轮改革,发展速度惊人,但其快速发展的同时存在着诸多问题。而台湾汽车保险历经50多年的发展,目前形成了相对比较完善的市场体系。本文从市场规模、赔付状况、投保状况、市场结构四个方面研究台湾汽车保险的发展现状,并从保险条款、行销方式、经营绩效等角度把它和大陆汽车保险市场比较,最后得出了我国台湾汽车保险的发展给大陆带来的若干启示。  相似文献   

We employ cost‐of‐living surveys, business archives, and firm data to examine the impact of the compulsory pension on the demand for life insurance in Sweden from 1884 to 1914—a period that covers the implementation of the first public compulsory old‐age pension reform and the take‐off of industry life insurance. As predicted on the basis of the contemporary literature on crowding‐out effects, we find that the compulsory pension reduced the demand for life insurance. Our panel‐data analysis of lapse rates on insurance policies shows a significant crowding‐out effect of pension payments. We conclude that the introduction of the general compulsory pension had a crowding‐out effect on households’ holdings of insurance policies.  相似文献   

In Singapore and many fast-growing cities of China, auctions are used to implement a quota system of car ownership. Three such cities where influential auction formats have been developed for allocating car licenses are the Asian metropolises of Singapore, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with other cities following suit. The current paper examines car auction formats both theoretically and experimentally, with the purpose of maximizing social welfare by improving efficiency and reducing misunderstandings. Reaction time is introduced as an essential non-economic factor of model bidding behaviors in these car license auctions. At the theoretical level, this paper finds that reaction time causes inefficient allocations in the Shanghai auction, but not in the Singapore or Guangzhou auctions. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical prediction that late bids prevail in all of these auction formats, but only lead to inefficient allocations in the Shanghai auction. Additionally, the subjects' reaction time in the Shanghai treatment was scored by conducting a number comparison task, finding a positive correlation between the probability of winning and the reaction time score.  相似文献   

In China, many of the top- and second-tier hospitals are overcrowded, this is partly due to the fact they are providing services which can provided by other medical facilities such as long-term care. The implementation of the Qingdao Long-term Care Medical Insurance (LTCMI) which began as a pilot in Qingdao in 2012 may alleviate the burden of overcrowding in these hospitals. In this pilot, the Qingdao government shifted patients who did not require hospital inpatient care from top- and second-tier hospitals to lower tier facilities, care homes and home care to i) reduce the expenditure of patients, ii) reduce the burden on the top- and second-tier hospitals and iii) improve delivery (from a time and geographic perspective) of long term care to those that need such attention.The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of this policy from a burden and cost perspective. Our finding suggests that there is a reduction in costs to all stakeholders. The total cost to the government-subsidized medical insurance decreases by around $7918 RMB per recipient. The cost to the individual decreases by around $2324 RMB per recipient. Thus, netting a decrease of $10,242 RMB in total expenditure. Furthermore, we find that there is a 12% reduction in inpatient service after a recipient participates in the pilot. Given the reduction in costs and admissions, this does indicate some level of success with the program. This paper concludes by examining the policy implications of these results.  相似文献   

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