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After 1995, the United States experienced housing and mortgage booms, fuelled by increased lending from less regulated institutions, such as hedge funds. At the micro level, the housing boom may have left families with more wealth, but the mortgage boom may have increased their financial vulnerability. Using the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, we consider both wealth creation and a select number of financial vulnerability measures of homeowners. The data indicate that the housing boom was not only associated with larger house values, but also moderated wealth gains and substantially greater financial vulnerability of homeowners. Both trends were more pronounced among middleincome and Hispanic families, who saw larger wealth gains, but also greater increases in financial vulnerability than their counterparts. Given the breadth of the spread in homeowners’ financial vulnerability alongside sharply higher house prices, our results support the link between more deregulated financial markets and rising financial instability.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(3):540-563
The present paper explores the effect of trade liberalization on the level of productivity as well as the rate of productivity growth in an R&D-based model with heterogeneous firms. We introduce new and plausible features that are absent in existing studies. First, technical progress takes the form of continual quality improvement of products over time. Second, firm entry and exit are endogenously determined due to creative destruction of products. In this framework, we demonstrate that a lower transport cost or export sunk cost unambiguously reallocates resources to R&D and top-quality product industries from low-quality good industries. This means that trade liberalization increases the rate of technical progress as well as the level of manufacturing productivity. These results are found to be robust in an extended model with population growth without scale effects.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple analysis of the role of international technology transfer in the determination of the long-run pattern of trade, growth, and welfare in a two-country world within an endogenous growth framework. It is shown how the possibility and form of technology transfer impinge upon the long-run pattern of trade and therefore long-run growth rates and welfare. The most interesting finding of this paper is that, under certain conditions, there is a case in which restricted trade is growth- and welfare-enhancing compared with free trade.  相似文献   

The paper presents a dynamic general‐equilibrium model of interindustry North–South trade that is used to analyze the effects of trade liberalization on the Northern wage distribution. Both countries have a low‐tech sector where consumer goods of constant quality are produced by use of unskilled labor. The North also has a high‐tech sector that employs skilled labor and features a quality‐ladder model structure with endogenous growth. Both innovation and skill acquisition rates are endogenously determined. In a balanced trade equilibrium, it is found that Southern‐originated (Northern‐originated) trade liberalization leads to an increase (decrease) in Northern wage inequality both between skilled and unskilled workers and within the group of skilled workers. The endogenous change in the Southern terms of trade determines the direction of change in unskilled wages in both the North and the South.  相似文献   

A large empirical literature has documented differences in Schumpeterian profits, both among firms in single industries and between firms in different industries. Theorists have proposed various institutional and strategic factors to account for such differences but have had relatively little to say about the manner in which technology affects entry and profits. In this paper I present a model in which persistent intraindustry differences in firm profitability arise as the outcomes of learning and imitation, and interindustry differences in the persistence of above normal profits arise solely from production being more technologically complex in some industries than in others.  相似文献   

This paper builds a model of Schumpeterian innovation and trade that emphasizes endowments of innovators and labor as a key factor in determining the pattern of trade. The model suggests a strong complementarity between intra‐industry and inter‐industry trade. The pattern of inter‐industry vs intra‐industry trade is analyzed using the Grubel–Lloyd index. The theoretical model predicts that the prominence of intra‐industry trade is a nonlinear function of the ratio of the proportion of world knowledge domestically generated to the domestic share of the world labor supply. Strong empirical evidence for this key result is presented and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We develop Lancaster's model of consumer behaviour under product differentiation to analyse Schumpeterian creative destruction. Launching new products with novel characteristics enables firms to temporarily steal market share from rivals. Product launch is monitored by using trade marks, patents and research and development. The dataset covers a large sample of UK service and manufacturing firms. We find that stock market value is positively associated with own trade mark activity and trade mark‐active firms achieve significantly higher value‐added. Greater trade mark activity by competitors reduces net output of firms, but raises their stock market value. This is consistent with the Schumpeterian process of competition through innovation.  相似文献   

This essay explores the role of established firms in the evolution of innovative industries. Both direct and indirect contributions are discussed. Besides innovation in their own industries, established firms are often among the pioneering entrants into related markets. They enable spin-off entrepreneurship and provide exit options for startups through acquisition. Furthermore, established firms help shape and directly support public research activities. The multiple roles of established firms, their interaction with new entrants in the innovation process, and the dynamics on industry evolution in an increasingly globalized world are not sufficiently well understood.  相似文献   

从资源禀赋角度看我国贸易顺差   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高额贸易顺差的连续出现,给经济政策的制定带来了诸多难题。本文分析了我国当前贸易顺差的结构特点,借助资源禀赋与贸易顺差的相关理论,剖析了顺差形成的内在原因。本文认为,相对较低的资源价格是形成我国贸易顺差的主要原因。积极推动金融体制改革,完善要素市场是解决顺差的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the growth and welfare effects of the privatization of public firms in a Schumpeterian growth model. Two alternative definitions of privatization are proposed in our model. The first is the ratio of mixed R&D firms’ equity shares owned by the household, which is dubbed vertical privatization. The second is the number of unmixed R&D firms, which is called horizontal privatization. We find that, under both definitions, privatization is beneficial to economic growth while the effect of privatization on social welfare is ambiguous. Accordingly, our analysis reveals that a partial privatization could be an optimal policy. Moreover, we also discuss how the extent of patent protection is related to optimal privatization.  相似文献   

相对贸易收支差额视角下的我国对外贸易政策分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以贸易收支差额/GDP比率测度的我国相对贸易收支差额与同一时间维度的经济增长率严重背离,说明我国并没有实行重商主义。随着我国经济增长的加速,相对贸易顺差水平在收缩,净出口对中国经济增长的拉动作用在降低,持有对华双边贸易逆差的国家试图以打压中国经济增长的措施来缩减对华贸易逆差的政策无效。  相似文献   

I take a new look at the long-run implications of taxation through the lens of modern Schumpeterian growth theory. I focus on the latest vintage of models that sterilize the scale effect through a process of product proliferation that fragments the aggregate market into submarkets whose size does not increase with the size of the workforce. I show that the following interventions raise welfare: (a) granting full expensibility of R&D to incorporated firms; (b) eliminating the corporate income tax and/or the capital gains tax; (c) reducing taxes on labor and/or consumption. What makes these results remarkable is that in all three cases the endogenous increase in the tax on dividends necessary to balance the budget has a positive effect on growth. A general implication of my analysis is that corporate taxation plays a special role in Schumpeterian economies and provides novel insights on how to design welfare-enhancing tax reforms.  相似文献   

徐晗  王毅 《技术经济》2017,36(2):65-74
选取16个发达国家和12个发展中国家作为样本,利用其1992—2011年的数据,采取回归方法,分组检验了不同类别复杂技术产品出口额所占份额及其增长率对经济增长的影响。结果显示:无论是简单技术产品还是复杂技术产品,其出口增长都会促进经济增长,但是前者的促进作用存在拐点,且简单技术产品出口额增长与经济增长之间存在倒U型关系;各类产品的出口额对经济增长同样具有显著影响,且该影响不是线性的。提出中国在大力发展复杂技术产品的同时,应关注出口结构的调整,以保证出口持续促进经济增长。  相似文献   

The authors calibrate two static computable general‐equilibrium (CGE) models with 16 and 5999 representative households. Aggregated and disaggregated household categories are consistently embedded in a 2000 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Vietnam, mapping on a one‐to‐one basis. Distinct differences in poverty assessments emerge when the impact of trade liberalization is analyzed in the two models. This highlights the importance of modeling micro‐household behavior and related income and expenditure distributions endogenously within a static CGE model framework. The simulations indicate that poverty will rise following a revenue‐neutral lowering of trade taxes. This is interpreted as a worst‐case scenario, which suggests that the government should be proactive in combining trade liberalization measures with a pro‐poor fiscal response to avoid increasing poverty in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

蔡洁 《经济经纬》2007,(3):45-48
作者从宏观交易成本的角度和微观企业制度的角度分析了制度差异导致贸易摩擦的机制,并且用博弈的方法分析了各国间进行制度差异协调的必要性,得出我国应从政治、经济、历史文化方面采取相应对策加强制度差异的协调,以减少与贸易伙伴间的摩擦的发生.  相似文献   

In this paper, following Blanchard and Fischer (1989), I investigate how the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic—the increase in the probability of death—may affect growth and welfare in a scale-invariant R&D-based Schumpeterian model. Without money, the increase in the probability of death has no effect on long-run growth and a negative effect on welfare. By contrast, when money is introduced via the cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint on consumption, the increase in the probability of death decreases long-run growth and welfare under elastic labor supply. Calibration shows that the quantitative effect of an increase in the probability of death on welfare is much larger compared to that on growth.  相似文献   

徐晗  王毅 《技术经济》2011,30(7):71-76
从国际贸易的视角来探讨我国复杂技术产业的市场追赶态势。研究发现:我国复杂技术产业的市场追赶绩效明显,就产品和工艺都复杂的产品而言,我国出口额占全世界出口额的比例从2000年的2.41%快速上升到2008年的10.96%,产品和工艺都复杂的产品的出口额占我国出口总额的比例从2000年的46.43%上升到2008年的72.35%;从中、美、德、日、韩五国的比较结果来看,在产品和工艺都复杂的产品的出口总额中,2000—2008年间美国和日本所占份额都在下降,德国和韩国缓慢增长,我国快速增长,从第5位上升到第2位;从国际贸易平衡来看,在产品和工艺都复杂的产品领域,2000—2008年间我国成功地从净进口国转变为净出口国,但同期日本和德国在此类产品上一直保持较高的贸易顺差,我国和日本、德国在复杂技术产业领域的贸易顺差还有较大差距。  相似文献   

This paper considers the links between trade liberalization and technology choice in the nonliberalizing country. Trade‐liberalization‐induced changes in relative product prices have direct effects on equilibrium relative factor returns. The consequent changes in relative input costs may also lead producers to switch to alternative technologies, which will in turn induce a further indirect change in relative factor returns. Will this indirect affect exacerbate or ameliorate the direct effect on relative factor returns? It is found that this depends on the relative cost savings across sectors and factor cost shares.  相似文献   

The paper considers the role of technology diffusion and trade liberalization for the catching‐up of structurally backward countries. A New Economic Geography model is presented that accounts for firm entry/exit and international mobility of skilled labor employed in public R&D sectors. This raises the traditional agglomeration effects in a core–periphery setting as firms and mobile factors usually cluster within spatial agglomerations. With international technology diffusion, however, there is a counteracting effect on the traditional agglomeration effects as firms in the periphery also benefit from increasing R&D expenditures in the core lowering entry costs for firms. It is found that the catching‐up of structurally backward countries is spurred not only as a result of trade integration but also because of technology diffusion.  相似文献   

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