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对冲基金及其监管问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平 《南方金融》2008,(4):43-46
近年来,随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也迅速扩张,成为国际金融市场的重要参与者。与传统的资产管理、共同基金相比,对冲基金在投资策略、组织形式等方面具有自己的特点。对冲基金日益扩大的资产规模和自由灵活的投资策略增加了金融市场的流动性、提高了市场效率,但同时也给金融体系带来了新的不稳定因素。2006年以来,对冲基金对金融稳定的影响日益成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。有些国家主张通过间接监管的方式,有些则一直推动加强对对冲基金的直接监管。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,仍然是全球金融业面临的一项挑战。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀。与此同时,对冲基金业也出现了新的变化:投资者结构出现了机构化趋势,并受到监管当局日趋严厉的监管。这也使得对冲基金的收益和风险水平有了新的变化,呈现稳中趋降的态势。全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。中国需要审慎地推进资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀。与此同时,对冲基金业也出现了新的变化:投资者结构出现了机构化趋势,并受到监管当局日趋严厉的监管。这也使得对冲基金的收益和风险水平有了新的变化,呈现稳中趋降的态势。全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。中国需要审慎地推进资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

随着金融全球化的发展,对冲基金的跨国活动对全球金融稳定的影响已成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,成为全球金融业面临的一项挑战。笔者在陈述对冲基金监管现状的基础上,简要探讨了如何对对冲基金进行监管。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩、对冲基金发展与中国金融稳定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀,也使得对冲基金业在结构和投资动向上也出现了新的变化。对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响,在此背景下,中国需要审慎资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀。与此同时,对冲基金业也出现了新的变化:投资者结构出现了机构化趋势,并受到监管当局日趋严厉的监管。这也使得对冲基金的收益和风险水平有了新的变化,呈现出稳中趋降的趋势。全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。我国需要审慎资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

金融稳定视角下的对冲基金监管框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来,在低利率环境下对冲基金规模、市场影响和行业特征发生了一系列重要变化。从金融稳定视角看,对冲基金既可以基于不受直接监管的特点,向市场注入流动性,充当系统性风险"缓释器",也可以因高杠杆、隐蔽的操作直接或间接触发市场危机。为趋利避害,在构建对冲基金监管框架时,应遵循如下原则,一是避免直接限制对冲基金投资活动和风险管理细节,防止对其像共同基金或银行那样实施监管;二是在把握对冲基金市场影响传导机制的基础上控制监督关键变量,提高预警能力;三是在多元治理视角下,努力引导加强市场纪律。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对冲基金的定义、特点及主要类型,分析了对冲基金业的变化趋势,并就完善对冲基金监管方式、维护金融稳定提出了建议。  相似文献   

对冲基金的发展为金融市场提供了流动性,减少了市场的低效率,并为投资者提供了多元化的投资途径和高额回报。但有时候,对冲基金的过度投机也被认为对金体系产生了威胁。2011年被称为中国的对冲基金元年,如何发展对冲基金,并最大限度发挥其对金融市场的正面作用是摆在我们面前的紧迫课题。由于我国资本市场仍处于新兴加转轨阶段,金融制度不够完善,衍生品市场不够成熟,在鼓励发展对冲基金的同时,监管机构也应该做好应有的风险监管工作。  相似文献   

1997年的金融危机使东亚新兴市场国家的经济遭到沉重打击,至今尚未完全恢复,而在这场危机中兴风作浪的国际对冲基金更令人记忆犹新。随着加入WTO,我国经济融入经济全球化的步伐将进一步加快,资本市场的最终开放和金融自由化也只是迟早的事。因此对对冲基金及其监管进行深入的研  相似文献   

We propose a new method to model hedge fund risk exposures using relatively high‐frequency conditioning variables. In a large sample of funds, we find substantial evidence that hedge fund risk exposures vary across and within months, and that capturing within‐month variation is more important for hedge funds than for mutual funds. We consider different within‐month functional forms, and uncover patterns such as day‐of‐the‐month variation in risk exposures. We also find that changes in portfolio allocations, rather than in the risk exposures of the underlying assets, are the main drivers of hedge funds' risk exposure variation.  相似文献   

李志冰  刘晓宇 《金融研究》2019,464(2):188-205
本文以2006年1月至2016年12月中国64家股票型主动管理基金为样本,从基金净资金流变化的角度,检验了投资者决策与基金业绩结构的关系,以期更好地理解投资者行为。本文结论有:(1)整体上,投资者在衡量基金经理能力时,更关注原始超额收益率或只基于市场风险调整风险敞口,这可能与中国市场投资工具仍然不够充分、风险难以有效对冲有关;(2)机构投资者相比个人投资者对风险敞口的识别更严格;(3)简单模型的优势集中在市场波动低、投资者情绪高的时期;(4)除基金经理能力外,净资金流变化对市场风险报酬也很敏感;(5)从alpha的角度,我国基金市场仍存在“赎回异象”,可能与“处置效应”有关,仍需提升投资者对风险的认知,引导市场形成更加科学的投资观念。  相似文献   

Volatility risk plays an important role in the management of portfolios of derivative assets as well as portfolios of basic assets. This risk is currently managed by volatility “swaps” or futures. However, this risk could be managed more efficiently using options on volatility that were proposed in the past but were never introduced mainly due to the lack of a cost efficient tradable underlying asset.The objective of this paper is to introduce a new volatility instrument, an option on a straddle, which can be used to hedge volatility risk. The design and valuation of such an instrument are the basic ingredients of a successful financial product. In order to value these options, we combine the approaches of compound options and stochastic volatility. Our numerical results show that the straddle option is a powerful instrument to hedge volatility risk. An additional benefit of such an innovation is that it will provide a direct estimate of the market price for volatility risk.  相似文献   

To identify capacity constraints in hedge funds and simultaneously gauge how well-informed hedge fund investors are, we need measures of investor demand that do not affect deployed hedge fund assets. Using new data on investor interest from a secondary market for hedge funds, this paper verifies the existence of capacity constraints in hedge funds. There is more mixed evidence on the information available to hedge fund investors. Buy and sell indications arrive following fund outperformance. While buy indications have little incremental power to predict hedge fund performance over and above well-known forecasting variables, sell indications do somewhat better.  相似文献   

在强大的市场需求和金融科技支持下,消费金融公司自正式试点以来呈现良好的发展态势,其中资产证券化成为消费金融公司的重要融资方式。资产证券化在助力消费金融公司增资扩容、改善流动性和提高运营稳健性的同时,也促使消费金融行业风险高并导致诉讼案件的增加。本文基于捷赢个人消费贷款资产支持证券的经验证据,明确了消费金融创新、消费金融风险与金融市场系统性风险管理之间的内在联系,揭示可以通过大数据精准获客、规范催收行为和智能风险防控等措施为消费金融市场发展保驾护航。因此,针对消费金融资产证券化,政府应制定专门的政策法规以强化风险管理,不断完善消费金融资产的监管机制,借助系统性风险管理来规避套利和资金风险,进而促进消费金融资产证券化的稳健有序发展。  相似文献   

Our paper concerns the question of whether there exist hedge assets during extreme market conditions, which has become increasingly important since the recent financial crisis. This paper develops a novel extended skew-t copula model to examine the effectiveness of gold and US dollar (USD) as hedge or safe haven asset against stock prices for seven developed markets over the 2000–2013 period. Our results indicate the existence of skewness and heavy/thin tails in the distributions of all three types of assets in most of the developed markets, lending support to the employment of flexible distributions to evaluate the tail dependences among assets. We find that USD is preferred to gold as a hedge asset during normal market conditions, while both assets can serve as safe haven assets for most countries when stock markets crash. Our simultaneous analysis of the three assets advises against a joint hedge strategy of gold and USD due to the high tail dependence between them during extreme market conditions. This result highlights the importance of simultaneous modelling of multiple assets in financial risk analysis.  相似文献   

Against COVID-19 risks, this paper examines the hedging performance of alternative assets including some financial assets and commodities futures for the Chinese stock market in a multi-scale setting. Dynamic conditional correlations and optimal hedge ratios of the Shanghai stock exchange with Bitcoin, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Gold, WTI, Bonds and VIX returns are estimated before and during the pandemic crisis. In the short-term, the use of wavelet decomposition shows that Bitcoin provides the best hedge to the Shanghai stock market. In the long-term, commodities dominate. Whereas WTI offers the highest hedging effectiveness, Gold ranks second by a slight margin. These results allow investors to choose the highest returns and protecting tail risk during the current sanitary crisis. Our findings suggest particularly more pronounced economic benefit of diversification including alternative financial assets while commodities futures serve as good hedge assets especially during unpredictable crisis like the current sanitary crisis relating to the covid-19.  相似文献   

Thinly traded private assets do not fit into the traditional finance paradigm of a liquid and well‐functioning market where trading is continuous and instantaneous. Since private assets cannot be bought and sold easily, they bear liquidity risk. Classical finance theories cannot properly gauge the performance of illiquid private assets because they implicitly assume such illiquidity is trivial. This paper proposes an alternative performance metric for the illiquid private asset, which explicitly captures liquidity risk in a formal analysis. Applying the new performance metric, we are able to explain the decades‐old “real estate risk premium puzzle.”  相似文献   

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