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A proof is offered for the best possible version of the following Gauss type characterization of normality: LetF () be a family of distribution functions with translation parameter such thatF (0) has a densityf with certain regularity properties, and letM{1, 2, ...}. If the mean of every sample of any sizemM is a maximum likelihood estimate of , thenF (0) is normal with zero expectation. While in the best prior version of this theorem,f satisfies a continuity assumption andM={2, 3}, here no regularity condition is needed, andM can be any of the sets {3}, {4}, ....  相似文献   

A model of development is presented where growth is initially driven by physical capital accumulation, as in the neoclassical model. After a critical level of physical capital is reached, the economy takes off and enters a stage of sustained growth driven by human capital accumulation. The link between these two stages is provided by the assumption that private incentives for human capital accumulation increase with the average levels of human and physical capital. At the early stages of development, these incentives are low so the level of human capital stays stagnant until sufficient physical capital is accumulated. Other results are that some economies may reach a steady state of physical capital before a take-off is possible. This is especially likely for economies in which agents have low savings propensities. Such economies remain stuck in a no-growth equilibrium forever. Economies that do grow may experience endogenous cycles if the return to investment in human capital is sufficiently increasing in the level of physical capital.  相似文献   

Trade liberalisation and endogenous growth: Some evidence for Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of trade liberalisation on the long-run economic development as measured by the real GDP per capita in Turkey. Based on the endogenous growth theory, we employ bivariate and multivariate cointegration analyses to test the long-run relationship among the relevant variables. Results for Turkey suggest a stable, joint long-run relationship among real GDP per capita, an index of trade liberalisation, human and physical capital in accordance with the endogenous growth theory. Statistically significant error-correction terms provide further evidence that those variables are indeed cointegrated. This also implies causal effects.  相似文献   

Summary For a random variableX and >0 letU n (X)–X, wheren (x)=nZ iffx(n–/2,n+/2]. Random variables of this type are important in the theory of measurement errors. We derive formulas for the distribution ofU and apply them to the case XN(,2). General conditions for the unimodality ofU are given. The correlation of the measurement errorsXE (X) andU (X) is seen to beO (j) withj depending on the smoothness and asymptotic behavior of the density ofX. This gives a precise sense to the assertion that scale errors upwards and downwards are averagely well-balanced. In the normal case the density ofU is shown to be constant up to , as 0.  相似文献   

J. S. Rao 《Metrika》1981,28(1):257-262
The problem of estimating the unknown upper bound on the basis of a sample of sizen from a uniform or rectangular distribution on [0, ] has considerable interest. This or the analogous discrete version is variously known as the Taxi-problem or the German bomb (or Tank) problem and has a long history. The emphasis here is on estimation of through the lengths of the observed gaps or spacings which seem natural for this problem.  相似文献   

Summary LetS be ap×p Wishart matrix with parametersn and . For a rational number =r/s withr ands integers ands positive, letS denote a positive definite matrix such that (S ) s =S r . Using a decision theoretic argument, we prove thatE[(trS)2 trS ]=(np+2+2)E[trS trS ] when =I andnp+2+2 is positive.  相似文献   

This paper develops a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the transition from a central planned economy to a market economy. The model is an extension of Wellisz and Findlay's (1986) model of the Soviet second economy. By distinguishing alternative assumptions about the disposition of the government budget, two model variants — the activist and non-activist — are analyzed. Equilibria of these model variants are computed for various parameter specifications of the Kantorovich ray, which represents the stringency of central planners' direction of the economy. The paper shows that increasing efficiency of the private sector, while it reduces the size of government subsidies to the state sector, does not necessarily increase the net government budget.  相似文献   

S. Dahel  N. Giri  Y. Lepage 《Metrika》1994,41(1):363-374
LetX be ap-normal random vector with unknown mean and unknown covariance matrix and letX be partitioned asX=(X (1) ,X (2) , ...,X (r) ) whereX (j) is a subvector of dimensionp j such that j=1 r p j =p. We show that the tests, obtained by Dahel (1988), are locally minimax. These tests have been derived to confront Ho: =0 versusH 1: 0 on the basis of sample of sizeN, X 1, ..., XN, drawn fromX andr additional samples of sizeN j, U i (j) , i=1, ..., Nj, drawn fromX (1), ...X (r) respectively. We assume that the (r+1) samples are independent and thatN j>p j forj=0, 1, ..., r (N oN andp op). Whenr=2 andp=2, a Monte Carlo study is performed to compare these tests with the likelihood ratio test (LRT) given by Srivastava (1985). We also show that no locally most powerful invariant test exists for this problem.  相似文献   

Dr. C. C. Brown 《Metrika》1976,23(1):83-89
Summary The problem of testing the mean vector of the two dimensional circularly symmetrical normal distribution with unit variances, where the data consists of just one sample point inR 2, is examined for stability of -maximin criteria. If the null hypothesisH 0 is the one point set containing the origin and the alternative set equal to the whole ofR 2H 0, then the -maximin is not unique. If a zone of indifference I containingH 0 is introduced, then the problem of testingH 0 againstR 2 I can turn out to have a unique -maximin test. In the present paper we show a class of such I for which this is the case. We show further that, given any -maximin test for testingH 0 againstR 2H 0, there is a decreasing sequence of I , with intersection equal toH 0, for which the corresponding sequence of -maximin tests forH 0 againstR 2 I approaches a limit (in the usual weak star topology) which is not equivalent to .  相似文献   

C. H. Kapadia  D. L. Weeks 《Metrika》1984,31(1):127-144
Summary In this paper, an Eisenmhart Model II with interaction for a GD-PBIB design withp replicates per cell is considered. Specifically the Model Yijl=µ+i+j+()ij+eijl is assumed, wherei=1, 2, ...,b; j=1, 2, ...,t andl=0, 1, 2, ...p s ij wheres ij=1, if treatmentj appears in blocki, 0, otherwise.If i, j, ()ij ande ijl are normally and independently distributed, then a minimal sufficient (Vector-valued) statistic for the class of densities for this model is found, together with the distribution of each component in the minimal sufficient statistic. It is also shown that the minimal sufficient statistic for this class densities is not complete. Hence the solution of the problem of finding minimum variance unbiased estimators of the variance components is not straightforward.  相似文献   

Se, essendof la funzione obiettivo del problema, {x k } e {f(x k )} sono le successioni delle approssimazioni rispettivamente di una soluzione ottimax * e dell' ottimof(x *) generate da un noto algoritmo di direzioni ammissibili a parametri antizigzag k , mostriamo che per avere (a) lim k f(x *)=f(x *) basta assumere lim k k =0. Inoltre, ove si assuma in più la stretta convessità dif, si ha anche (b) lim k x k =x *. Da quest'ultima condizione deriviamo infine specifiche ipotesi, in ordine alla (b), per il caso particolare del problema di trasporto stocastico.
Summary The aim of the present paper is to analyze, without differentiability of the objective functionf, the convergence of a known «feasible directions» algorithm for constrained optimization problems having the constraints linear [8], 6.5.2.In these circumstances (i.e. iff is not differentiable) one must, almost in general, verify some preliminary conditions to obtain convergence [4]. Nevertheless, this work is not always easy to accomplish particularly in absence of differentiability.Here, we establish that under the convexity assumption forf, the only condition lim k k =0, where the k are the antizigzag parameters, suffices to obtain the convergence of the algorithm, i.e. lim k f(x k )=opt., thex k being the approximate solutions to problem. The proof is obtained by application of the Th. 24.5, [6]. Successively, we consider the question if one has also the convergence of {x k } to optimal solution. By using now the Cor. 27.2.2, [6], we establish, for this purpose, that under an additional general qualification forf — precisely the strict convexity — the convergence of {x k } is also stated. Finally, we examine the above property for the stochastic transportation problem [1] for which we indicate special conditions in order to verify the latter convergence property.

pervenuto il 28-4-82  相似文献   

Dr. L. Baringhaus 《Metrika》1980,27(1):237-242
Summary LetE denote the generating function of a non-degenerate probability distribution on the positive integers, letF be a non-degenerate distribution function, and let be a real valued function on the interval (0, 1]. In the present paper the solutions (E, F, ) of the functional equationE(F(x)/E()=F(x+()), –<x<+, (0, 1] are given. It is shown that ifF is symmetric about zero,E andF belong to a solution of the functional equation if and only ifF is a logistic distribution andE is the generating function of a geometric distribution.  相似文献   

M. Kolonko  H. Benzing 《Metrika》1985,32(1):395-407
Summary Consider the following optimization problem: Find a decision rule such thatw(x, (x))=max a w(x, a) for allx under the constraint (x)D (x). We give conditions for the existence of monotone optimal decision rules . The term monotone is used in a general sense. The well-known stay-on-a-winner rules for the two-armed bandit can be characterized as monotone decision rules by including the stage number intox and using a special ordering onx. This enables us to give simple conditions for the existence of optimal rules that are stay-on-a-winner rules. We extend results ofBerry andKalin/Theodorescu to the case of dependent arms.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the sequence of techniques in an explicitly dynamic version of the Dobb-Sen choice of techniques model. It is proven that when the modern (capital intensive) technique dominates in an optimal full employment steady state, traditional capital accumulation is characteristic of an optimal path in the labor surplus phase when: (1) traditional capital has the higher maximal growth rate and (2) the initial capital stock is sufficiently poor. The switch date from traditional to modern capital accumulation is shown to be a function of the maximal growth rate and steady shadow price of labor for each technique and the optimal phasing out of traditional capital is characterized. These results are placed in the context of the choice of techniques controversy between Dobb, Sen and Kalecki and its relevance to early Soviet economic development.  相似文献   

Dr. W. Sendler 《Metrika》1982,29(1):19-54
Summary Let gn be real functions,U ni, 1in, the ordered sample ofn independentU(0,1) distributed random variables, andc ni(), 1in, 01 be (known) real numbers,n=1, 2, ... The random quantity , 01, is studied. Based on a method proposed byShorack [1972] the main result is the weak convergence of to Gaussian processes, where , 01. The convergence is with respect to theSkorokhod [1956]-topologiesM 2,M 1 onD (I) and the -topology onC(I), depending on the conditions imposed on thec ni().  相似文献   

S. K. Bar-Lev  P. Enis 《Metrika》1985,32(1):391-394
Summary LetX 1, ...,X n be i.i.d. random variables with common distribution an element of a linear one-parameter exponential family indexed by a natural parameter . It is proved that the distribution of is an element ofF, for all andn=1, 2, ... if and only ifF is a family of scale transformed Poisson distributions.  相似文献   

Summary SupposeX is a non-negative random variable with an absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure) distribution functionF (x) and the corresponding probability density functionf(x). LetX 1,X 2,...,X n be a random sample of sizen fromF andX i,n is thei-th smallest order statistics. We define thej-th order gapg i,j(n) asg i,j(n)=X i+j,n–Xi,n 1i<n, 1nn–i. In this paper a characterization of the exponential distribution is given by considering a distribution property ofg i,j(n).  相似文献   

E. Landhäusser 《Metrika》1973,20(1):240-244
In an eralier work [Landhäusser, 1973] the densities for the form variables 21 2 , 31 2 , 32 2 were derived by means of the assumption of a population sphere. The variables cited represent the ratio of each two eigenvalues of the 3×3 matrixX, whose elements satisfy theWishart-density.In this wrok the densities for the form variables are invesigated while assuming an arbitrary populaion ellipsoid (Concentration ellipsoid) and for the resulting series an estimate fo the remainder is given. With the help of this estimate it is possible to establish an upper limit for the summation index. An evaluatio nis only possible when very fast machines are used.For the rotation ellipsoides one gains relatively simple results. The densities are give for 21 2 . Possiblities for application of these densities can be found in the fields of geodesy and ballistics.A given target (e.g. an object in flight) is enveloped by a rotation ellipsoid whose half-axial rations are introduced into the densities as populations parameters. After determination of an error-probability the form of cluster of points can be tested for significance. Additional tests with regard to volume and center of a random-sample are possible.  相似文献   

L. Gajek 《Metrika》1985,32(1):73-84
Summary In this paper Lehmann-unbiased estimation of the scale and location parameter is considered. Lehmann-unbiased estimators depend strongly on the form of the loss function. Therefore quadratic and the other loss functions are discussed. Results of this paper, obtained in the class of linear statistics, can be specified to these obtained byGoodman andKiciska-Slaby [1982a, 1982b].  相似文献   

N. D. Shukla 《Metrika》1979,26(1):183-193
Summary The estimation of the regression coefficient of a population, defined byE (y)= +x, incorporating two preliminary tests of significance has been discussed. The experimenter has two random samples of different sizes from two such populations, as defined above, with regression coefficients 1 and 2 respectively, where 2 may possibly be equal to 1. Besides this, it is also conjectured that the common conditional variance 2 of the two populations has a specified value 0 2 . The two preliminary tests are used to resolve these two uncertainties.The author has rejoined Lucknow University, Lucknow India on Oct. 4, 1976 after availing leave for two years.  相似文献   

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