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纵向约束是现代产业组织理论的前沿研究课题之一,具有广泛的实际应用前景。本文以图书出版行业为研究对象,首先运用微观经济学的基本原理确定处于产业链中间的出版商的最优产量、批发及零售价格决策;接着运用纵向约束理论设计作者对出版商以及出版商对书局的纵向约束方式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide the first comprehensive firm level analysis of cost structures and production in the interstate pipeline industry during the transition from price regulation to partial deregulation, 1977–85. The regulatory changes during this period were numerous and complex. We do not attempt to isolate the impact of any single change in regulation; rather, we examine how the regulatory environment, as a whole, affected the industry. Our study is based on a newly constructed panel of twenty-four interstate pipeline firms. We give particular attention to the impact of output change, technical change, scale economies, and non-optimal input allocation on total factor productivity growth and the implication of the 1978 Natural Gas Policy Act partial price decontrol relative to total wellhead price decontrol for residential, commercial, utility, and industrial consumers of natural gas, and for the transport industry itself. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文中通过对柳州服装批零业现状分析,指出存在的主要问题,分析其发展的优势所在,并提出通过提高服装批零市场的整体规划水平;创建前店后厂模式;将服装批零业由目前的业内竞争转变竞合;提升服装批零市场的现代化程度等措施来提高柳州市服装批零业在区域经济中的吸纳辐射作用,为实施柳州"三大一新"商贸发展战略作出贡献。  相似文献   

研究由单个制造商和单个零售商组成二级供应链,基于市场需求是线性的,且受价格与销售努力的影响。首先,研究在对称信息下,集中模式和分散模式两种情况下的供应链,求出制造商和零售商使得利润达到最优时的最优批发价及销售价;其次,研究了在信息不对称情况下,制造商的机制设计问题,得到了制造商激励批发价的表达式以及零售商的最优零售价的公式;最后利用实例仿真对模型进行分析,结果表明该激励机制对整个供应链的收益有改善作用。  相似文献   

Why Are Royalty Rates Higher in Service-type Franchises?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Royalty payments from a franchisee to a franchisor serve as incentive for the franchisor to provide appropriate levels of quality and brand, name investment. However, since they also distort the service provided by the franchisee, we should expect relatively lower royalty rates in franchises that are primarily service-oriented. Casual examination of royalty rates across product-oriented and service-oriented franchises shows that the opposite is true, with service-type franchises enjoying higher royalty rates. We resolve this apparent puzzle. The basic argument we put forth is that in product-type franchises, a franchisor can charge a wholesale price on goods transferred to the franchisee, thus using an alternative instrument that also serves as an incentive for the franchisor. Moreover, in general, a franchisor will use both wholesale price and royalty to minimize distortions in retail price and service at the retail level. We then test the predictions of our model on different industries and find confirmation for the same.  相似文献   

本文根据长沙市市区2008年-2012年的土地交易资料,结合近年来长沙市住宅土地的具体出让情况,采用GIS空间分析方法,得到地价等值线图,并结合地价相关理论知识,分析了长沙市市区住宅地价的空间分布特征及其影响因素。研究表明:(1)住宅地价空间分布具有一定的连续性和变异性;(2)距商业中心的远近对住宅地价的空间分布有重要的影响;(3)住宅用地对居住环境质量要求较高。  相似文献   

This empirical study seeks to provide empirical evidence identifying key factors that have influenced per residential customer electricity consumption in the U.S. during recent years. This empirical analysis takes the form of P2SLS (panel two-stage least squares) estimations. State-level data are adopted for the five-year period from 2001 through 2005. The P2SLS findings indicate that the annual consumption of electricity per residential customer is an increasing function of the annual number of cooling degree days, real per capita personal disposable income, and the real unit price of natural gas. Annual per residential customer electricity consumption is also found to be a decreasing function of the real unit price of electricity and the extent of usage of natural gas for residential heating, as well as the degree to which each state has pursued energy efficiency policies. Finally, said consumption is also found to be positively a function of a control variable measuring peak summer electricity generating capacity.  相似文献   

Upstream Pricingand Advertising Signal Downstream Demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers price and advertising decisions by a monopolist manufacturer who is privately informed about the strength of consumer demand. Consumers respond to advertising and to the retail price chosen by an uninformed retailer on the basis of his beliefs about demand. This signaling game has a unique intuitive equilibrium outcome in which a high-demand manufacturer chooses his full-information pair of wholesale price and advertising. When demand is low, the wholesale price is distorted downward from its full information level, whereas demand-enhancing advertising may be distorted in either direction. Dissipative advertising is not distorted because it is never used.  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between bank risk and retail deposits. Predicted risk premiums on wholesale funds explain retail rate heterogeneity through two channels. First, increased bank risk premiums encourage the bank to substitute from wholesale funds to small certificates of deposits (CD) by increasing small CD rates. Second, increased rival risk premiums in a local market require the bank to increase small CD rates even more. Our results are consistent with risk encouraging the use of small CDs as a marginal source of funds and promoting local market competition for small CDs. As risk premiums rise, banks also reduce rates on other retail deposits. Our approach has implications for regulatory and monetary policies and financial stability.  相似文献   

We empirically study the price adjustment process at multiproduct retail stores. We use a unique store level data set for five large supermarket and one drugstore chains in the USA, to document the exact process required to change prices. Our data set allows us to study this process in great detail, describing the exact procedure, stages, and steps undertaken during the price change process. We also discuss various aspects of the microeconomic environment in which the price adjustment decisions are made, factors affecting the price adjustment decisions, and firm-level implications of price adjustment decisions. Specifically, we examine the effects of the complexity of the price change process on the stores' pricing strategy. We also study how the steps involved in the price change process, combined with the laws governing the retail price setting and adjustment, along with the competitive market structure of the retail grocery industry, influence the frequency of price changes. We also examine how the mistakes that occur in the price change process influence the actions taken by these multiproduct retailers. In particular, we study how these mistakes can make the stores vulnerable to civil law suits and penalties, and also damage their reputation. We also show how the mistakes can lead to stockouts or unwanted inventory accumulations. Finally, we discuss how retail stores try to minimize these negative effects of the price change mistakes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A static equilibrium and a dynamic partial adjustment model of residential demand for electricity and natural gas are presented and estimated for the United States over a recent period characterized by sharply increasing energy prices. The static model is estimated using Ordinary Least Squares while the instrumental variables method is used for the dynamic partial adjustment model. The estimates of long-run elasticities suggest the residential demand for electricity and natural gas are price and income elastic. Intercept and slope dummies used in the models identify significant regional differences in demand functions.  相似文献   

傅柏翔 《价值工程》2010,29(32):71-72
如何制定科学的成品油零售经营战略(加油站经营)以应对经济的飞速发展是国有石油公司予待解决的重大问题。本文在分析国有石油公司零售发展配套策略的基础上,对于国有石油公司零售发展战略进行总结分析,对于今后国有石油公司发展具有一定帮助。  相似文献   

陈星 《价值工程》2011,30(19):14-15
本文从零售商的角度,首先分析了零售商自身利润最大化的分散式决策,然后分别研究了供应链系统利润最大化、供应商和零售商联盟下的渠道利润最大化的集中式决策模型。进而提出了与展示量和零售价格相关的批发价加补贴合同,得到协调零售商的分散式决策,达到与系统利润最大化决策一致的结果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the lag distribution relating wholesale to consumer price changes. Sims' causality test indicates a one-sided lag structure. Following Hatanaka and Wallace, parameters of the lag distribution which can be estimated with relatively high precision are emphasized. Thus, our concern is with the sum of coefficients and the first four moments of the distribution. Short-run effects are estimated from lag moments using Pearson's method for equating moments. As a smoothness prior, a Beta distribution in the lag weights is suggested. Tests for bias due to missing components in the wholesale price index indicate little is lost because of misspecification.  相似文献   

在金融危机下对中小城市商品住宅市场进行投资决策前,首先需要对其价格进行预测分析,文章采用修正后的GM(1,1)模型建立起商品住宅价格预测模型,选取安阳市商品住宅价格数据进行预测分析,在检验了模型精度的基础上,得出在当前金融危机下,由于国家刺激计划的作用以及金融危机的缓解,安阳的商品住宅价格呈现上升的趋势,其投资市场仍然具有很大的发展潜力的结论。  相似文献   

Analysis of seven wholesale and retail markets for long-distance telephone services since the AT & T divestiture indicates that service provider concentration declined in the later 1980s and then stabilized in the 2990–1993 period. In addition to this stability in market shares, a number of other conditions established since 1990 have been conducive to the development of market sharing rather than significant price competition. The most important of these conditions has been the tarifing process of the Federal Communications Commission by which MCI and Sprint replicate ATGT's price announcements. As market shares stabilized and became more equal, and as regulation formalized the price-setting process, the price-cost margins of the three large carriers increased and became more nearly identical. These results are consistent not with price competition but rather with emerging tacit collusion among AT&T, MCI, and Sprint.  相似文献   

We propose an agent-based computational model to investigate sequential Dutch auctions with particular emphasis on markets for perishable goods and we take as an example wholesale fish markets. Buyers in these markets sell the fish they purchase on a retail market. The paper provides an original model of boundedly rational behavior for wholesale buyers׳ behavior incorporating learning to improve profits, conjectures as to the bids that will be made and fictitious learning. We analyze the dynamics of the aggregate price under different market conditions in order to explain the emergence of market price patterns such as the well-known declining price paradox and the empirically observed fact that the very last transactions in the day may be at a higher price. The proposed behavioral model provides alternative explanations for market price dynamics to those which depend on standard hypotheses such as diminishing marginal profits. Furthermore, agents learn the option value of having the possibility of bidding in later rounds. When confronted with random buyers, such as occasional participants or new entrants, they learn to bid in the optimal way without being conscious of the strategies of the other buyers. When faced with other buyers who are also learning their behavior still displays some of the characteristics learned in the simpler case even though the problem is not analytically tractable.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1980,4(11):1-4
Price inflation is on the way down The most dramatic evidence of this is the fall in retail price inflation as the VAT effect comes out of the index. But as the Charts overleaf show, there are clear signs of a fall in inflation rates in wholesale output prices and, more strikingly still, in manufacturers' input prices.
This may be good news for consumers, but so far any reduction in inflation has been chiefly at the expense of profit margins as price rises have fallen below the increase in wage costs. The question for the immediate future is whether the fall in price inflation will now lead to a fall in wage inflation  相似文献   

文章选取1995年-2008年我国城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入和零售业销售总额、批发业销售总额的时间序列数据,通过基于VAR模型的协整分析、脉冲响应分析和方差分解的有机结合进行研究,发现上述序列间存在长期均衡。对标准化协整方程和误差校正模型的分析表明,我国城镇居民收入水平和零售业销售总额、批发业销售总额之间形成了长期的、稳定的关系,且城镇居民收入水平是零售业销售总额、批发业销售总额的格兰杰原因。脉冲响应分析和方差分解均显示,城镇居民收入水平在过去十四年内对零售业、批发业产生了持续性的影响。  相似文献   

科学测算房地产交易市场买卖双方议价能力对市场价格形成的影响作用,是当前政府制定“因地施策”宏观调控机制的重要前提。采用双边随机边界模型,考察房地产交易环节中买卖双方议价能力的差异,结果表明:(1)买卖双方讨价还价因素对商品房销售价格的最终形成存在显著影响;(2)从全国平均水平看,对于整体市场以及住宅、写字楼和商铺等细分市场,卖房者议价能力在双方讨价还价过程中占主导地位,但买方议价能力的影响作用也不容忽视;(3)从一线、新一线、二线和三线城市角度看,除了一线城市商铺市场以及三线城市总体城市、住宅市场和写字楼市场外,其他均处于卖方市场阶段。  相似文献   

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