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欧洲社会民主党的意识形态在历史上的转型发展是相互影响、相互联系的,各党在具有标志意义的转型节点上会互相借鉴,互相吸取经验教训,并且一个具有代表性政党的成功转型往往会带动起其他政党的集体转型热潮,这种趋势在全球化以来变得越来越明显,但同时需要注意的是,各国社会民主党意识形态的转型与发展也有自身的独立性,它们不会盲目的照搬他国社会民主党的思想理论路线,而是会根据在自己国家的社会历史文化背景下所形成的政治传统的基础上进行适合于本国国情的思想理论革新。以德国社会民主党、英国工党、法国社会党和瑞典社会民主党这四个有代表性意义的政党为对象比较分析它们意识形态转型发展的趋同性和差异点。  相似文献   

通过对第11、12届欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段所有比赛场次的进球情况进行统计与比较分析.结果显示,第12届欧洲足球锦标赛的第一个进球高峰提前到16~30min这一时段.进球的主要射门区域仍是在罚球区内,在所有进球中头球占23.1%,定位球占35.1%.这两组统计数据均比第11届有明显提高,在第12届欧洲足球锦标赛中定位球进球也住住块定着比赛的胜负.中路进攻与边路相结合的打法成为各欧洲球队的主要进攻手段.  相似文献   

高校普遍面临对传统文学史课进行教学改革的问题,尤其是作为地方性本科院校的中文系,更要根据学院的办学定位以及人才培养目标和培养方案进行课程的教学改革,其中实践课的比重增大是一项重要的改革举措,在广泛调查研究的基础上,笔者着重提出了现代文学史教学中实践课程的设计与操作的具体环节与实施细则。  相似文献   

在美国财险公司的投资组合中,固定收益证券占据了重要地位(图16)。这与美国发达的债券市场不无关系,它为投资人提供了从公司债、免税市政债到MBS、ABS等多种投资选择,使其可以通过债券组合来创造较高收益。  相似文献   

施慧洪 《商业时代》2012,(24):138-139
本文在对长三角、珠三角、环渤海、广西北部湾四大经济区进行分析的基础上,对金融推动产业化的现状和特点进行探讨。并从行政效能、竞争协作关系、实力、中心城市等角度,对其进行了宏观比较。  相似文献   

欧洲票据市场的发展和EMTN   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在欧洲货币市场上,出现了一个欧洲票据市场,与欧洲债券市场、欧洲辛迪加贷款市场相并立,共同构成了欧洲货币市场。作为欧洲票据市场的一个主要特征是,在融资工具的发行过程中,银行提供了各种形式的信用支持,这种信用支持形式的差异,形成了ECP、EMTN与Euro-note之间的区别。  相似文献   

蜜蜂欧洲幼虫腐臭病是世界上最严重的蜜蜂病害之一,病原体主要是蜂房蜜蜂球菌。我国现有检测标准和文献中关于检测蜂蜜中蜂房蜜蜂球菌的方法很少,本研究是在蜂蜜中检测蜜蜂欧洲幼虫腐臭病,将微生物培养法和PCR法结合,改进了对病原菌的培养和分离,再用PCR法定性鉴别,降低了检出限,提高了检测的准确性。  相似文献   

上海市商务委受邀组团考察了法、德两国家政服务业的情况.其齐全的机构设置、规范的管理和较高的服务水平为上海家政服务业的发展提供了思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper presents an inventory of the largest private companies in the Russian Empire in 1914, and their comparison to the largest contemporary British, German, and French companies identified by Youssef Cassis as ‘big business’. It focusses on three questions. First, how big was big business in Russia from a European perspective? Second, how did the structure of big business in Russia compare to that of other large European economies? And finally, how did foreign entrepreneurship appear in Russian big business? Drawing on new empirical evidence, it contributes to the discussion on the ‘backward’ and ‘peripheral’ character of the Russian economy before the First World War.  相似文献   

“历史”在本质上是一种依赖于人的主观判断而存在的“书写”行为,不同的“书写”主体总是会导致变化多端的“历史”形态.现代中国文学史的“重写”,不能离开“虚构”的基本路线:一方面,文学史家必须作为历史的“见证人”说话,保持最大限度的“客观”与“公正”;另一方面,他又不得不作为历史的“预言家”说话,先验地裁决(假定)诸多无法充分证“实”或证“伪”的“历史现象”.  相似文献   

亚里士多德贬抑历史,颂扬文学,在<诗学>中的叙述自成一家,开辟文学与历史关系探讨的先河,对后世影响深远.笔者将结合其他批评大家的论述以及中国古典诗哲传统,对亚氏观点作出简略的阐释.  相似文献   

国际“四大”会计师事务所合伙制文化探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李丹 《商业研究》2006,(4):91-94
合伙制会计师事务所的价值需通过合伙人个体共同创造和维持,合伙人应当如何选择也是目前一个难题。从国际“四大”合伙人变迁探讨国际会计师事务所合伙人文化的不同对其发展的影响,对我国会计师事务所的发展将有所启示。  相似文献   

In the strategic management field, dynamic capabilities (DC) such as organizational agility are considered to be paramount in the search for competitive advantage. Recent research claims that IT business value research needs a more dynamic perspective. In particular, the Big Data Analytics (BDA) value chain remains unexplored. To assess BDA value, a conceptual model is proposed based on a knowledge-based view and DC theories. To empirically test this model, the study addresses a survey to a wide range of 500 European firms and their IT and business executives. Results show that BDA can provide business value to several stages of the value chain. BDA can create organizational agility through knowledge management and its impact on process and competitive advantage. Also, this paper demonstrates that agility can partially mediate the effect between knowledge assets and performance (process level and competitive advantage). The model explains 77.8% of the variation in competitive advantage. The current paper also presents theoretical and practical implications of this study, and the study's limitations.  相似文献   

As envisioned by the European Commission, national boundaries are supposed to disappear under the Digital Single Market. Many small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) are not aware of the significant potentials and promises of big data for their business activities and models.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the complex history of the important new product liability directive of the European Community. The member countries must amend their laws and meet the directive's proconsumer standards and spirit. The lengthy political evolution of this policy involved many aggressive constituencies, including nations, parts of the European Community governance structure, business federations, consumer organizations, and other functional interest groups.  相似文献   

不可靠叙事作为一种突破传统的文学创作手段,在文学中带来了新的审美和文化意义。而儿童形象作为文化符号和审美符号的双重意义极大地丰富了现代文学的表现力。从“五四”新文化运动到新中国成立这一时间限度的现代文学作品中,儿童形象作为一种不可靠叙事的限知视角,表现出独特的的文学、社会学、历史学价值。其中隐含在成人意识形态下的作者叙事作为一种隐形视角反思整个文化和社会背景,而这亦是儿童的不可靠叙事主体向可靠性叙事的转变。  相似文献   

新浪 《广告大观》2007,(5S):127-128
2006年中国网络广告市场收入接近五十亿元.并且仍在保持40%-50%的增长。2006年的网络广告可谓浓墨重彩.众望所归,既有量的不断增长.也有质的显著提高。纵览2006年中国网络广告市场.以下四大焦点值得关注.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):1-16
Japanese economic success has been built upon the establishment and development of key manufacturing sectors, and the perspectives of business history can especially reveal that complex interaction of companies, markets, business networks, and state which has over time created a globally competitive industrial system. Long-term economic growth was capped in the 1950s and 1960s by growth rates that were unprecedented in their scale and duration. Similarly, the process of industrial transformation accelerated in the years between 1918 and 1950, important developments finally coalescing during the post-war period into the so-termed ‘Japanese industrial system’. Debates over the timing of economic development in Japan are intertwined with debates on the contribution of a pre-industrial national culture to business success. The historical record suggests that the acquisition of organisational capabilities within Japanese manufacturers has been shaped by the timing of the country's industrialisation and by its consequent development needs. The nature of Japanese management and Japan's industrial system, although influenced by cultural attributes, was shaped by organisational and economic objectives attuned to the circumstances of the country's industrialisation, and competitive advantage followed from the unavoidably nationally specific process by which potential was ultimately matched by capability.  相似文献   

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