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本文为德国不来梅大学欧洲环境法规研究中心Till Markus发表在Marine Policy 2010年第34卷1117-1124页文章的中译文。2009年4月22日,欧洲委员会发布了"共同渔业政策改革绿皮书",指出该政策的一个矛盾,一方面对渔业领域的公共财政资助是重要的,另一方面这些资助常常与其他共同渔业政策(Common Fishery Policy,CFP)目标,特别是减少生产能力过剩的目标相冲突。文章提供了一种更好理解补贴影响的分析框架,以及对CFP下的基金计划总体评述,旨在解答欧洲委员会在绿皮书中提出的一些问题。问题的解答基于2种观点:海洋捕捞资源的开发最终依赖于可获得的鱼类种群水平,大量的补贴通过刺激投资动机使鱼类资源压力增大。忽视这种趋势的政策导致了无效和不可持续的捕捞以及公共基金的不公分配。虽然近年来CFP下的援助计划有所改观,但仍存在一些问题。未来对渔业的资助必需朝着可持续和有效利用的方向改革。文章对于了解欧盟的渔业补贴政策、增强渔业补贴经济学评价以及促进我国"强渔惠渔"政策的制定与实施等具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

绿色壁垒是当今国际贸易中企业不得不面对的贸易障碍。企业应强化环保意识,树立可持续发展观念,积极开展绿色创新,主动进行绿色认证,全力打造绿色产品和绿色企业形象,不断提升企业的国际竞争力,从根本上突破绿色壁垒对我国企业产品出口的限制。  相似文献   

The Uruguay Round trade agreement includes a new programme of work to examine the relationship between trade and environmental policies. Environmental groups remain suspicious that trade liberalisation will undermine or discourage improvements in environmental standards. In this paper, the use of trade measures to protect producers from competition with goods produced under less stringent environmental standards is examined. It is shown that such measures will not improve national welfare, and may undermine environmental policies. Failure of a government to enact appropriate environmental policies constitutes an implicit subsidy, and equity considerations suggest that this will continue to create pressure for changes to the GATT to protect producers who are meeting higher standards.  相似文献   

论述了伊春林区翠峦林业局实施林权制度改革的具体战略、做法,以及取得的经验和效果,对翠峦林业局提出的三种承包经营方式、新的管护模式,以及林区经营规划、为保证林权制度改革建立的服务体系进行了详细的剖析,全方位地论述了推进林权制度改革健康发展需要解决的各方面问题。  相似文献   

The Australian Government's White Paper ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ is the first large‐scale official look in the twenty‐first century at economic change in Asia and how it affects Australian opportunities and challenges. This paper comments on the analysis embodied in and the objectives defined by the White Paper, especially as it relates to Australian resources. This paper generally endorses the aspirations of the White Paper and notes that their achievement is going to require efforts and changes beyond those that are currently contemplated. It comments briefly on six things: the development context of twenty‐first century Asian growth; growth and structural change in Asia and Australia's terms of trade; macroeconomic management of a resource‐intensive Australian economy; restoring productivity growth; excellence in education; and linking Australia to Asian opportunity.  相似文献   

Trade actions, which can generally be claimed as trade wars, appear to be on the rise. This is particularly true in the case of agricultural commodities. It is a common perception that large countries will be the victors in such contests and this clearly affects the trade strategies of small countries, including Australia. The relationship between free-trade and trade-war pay-offs in the context of a prisoner's dilemma is explored in this paper. It is shown why neither a favourable terms of trade movement, a flatter import demand curve nor a larger population is, on its own, a sufficient condition for a relative victory in a trade war. The implications for small country trade strategies are then discussed.  相似文献   

Subsidies to agricultural producers through domestic tax and social programme policies are generally not included in producer subsidy equivalent (PSE) measures. This study examines the price induced distortions of domestic tax policy and social programmes on dairy trade between Canada, New Zealand, Germany, and the United States. The degree of tax subsidisation and the price subsidies needed to offset the tax and social programme advantages enjoyed by each country are estimated using a simulation model. Study findings suggest that current German taxation policy provides a substantial subsidy to dairy producers. Canadian and US farmers also have some trade advantages because of tax policy and social programmes.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the outcomes from an ambitious wildflower harvesting programme in South Africa's Western Cape, which has sought to achieve positive outcomes in terms of socio‐economic development and biodiversity conservation. Indigenous wildflowers, harvested according to conservation principles, are processed into ‘Cape Flora’ bouquets and sold into international and domestic markets. The principal supply chain provides an example of ethical trade due to the explicit environmental and social standards that are required at local sites of production. The incorporation of such standards represents an attempt to engender economic and social upgrading within the value chain. In this sense, the programme is consistent with dominant policy discourses, which suggest that exploiting potentially profitable niches within international trade flows represents a ‘high road’ to economic growth and transformation. The paper focuses upon the job creation and social impacts of the programme in the context of efforts to overcome South Africa's deeply entrenched socio‐economic disparities and high poverty levels. Despite impressive growth in production and exports during the global financial crisis, there have been mixed outcomes in terms of benefits to stakeholders at the upstream end of the supply chain. The paper concludes by considering the extent to which local initiatives operating under the framework of ethical trade possess the potential to facilitate effective social and economic upgrading.  相似文献   


This article explores the new economic context in which international olive oil marketing strategies are framed. The underlying premises are that the growing liberalization of international trade is inducing an emergent globalization process in product trading, and that business strategies are increasingly influenced by a more demand-driven food chain. The first part discusses the macro-factors conditioning olive oil trade on a worldwide scale, surveying the main changes in market regulation schemes as well as in recent world product supply and demand trends. The second part addresses a series of microeconomic and organizational factors shaping business strategies with respect to product marketing, placing special emphasis on quality as a key factor for expansion into potential markets.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the role of national administered protection agencies, whose primary responsibility is the enforcement of national teade remedy laws. After reviewing four recent cases of trade disputes between Canada and the United States, it is argued that the role of national administered protection agencies should be changed. The growth of regional trading blocks, the increasing use of anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions against fairly traded imports and the additional responsibilities assumed by the WTO in administering the Agreement on Agriculture strongly suggest that all trade disputes should be taken to the WTO for settlement. The role of national administered protection agencies should be changed to make them agents for trade liberalization. This would involve these agencies taking on three primary functions: (i) as transparency agents; (ii) as investigatory agents; and (iii) as advocacy agents.  相似文献   

This paper discusses in greater detail the case for tariff compensation set out in the Green Paper on Rural Policy. It considers a number of theoretical and practical arguments levelled against the principle, including those put forward in the Annual Report for 1973-74 of the Industries Assistance Commission. It concludes that despite the various counter arguments, the second best argument for tariff compensation applicable to low cost manufacturing as well as rural industries, remains valid in principle; in practice the extent to which any such partial compensation would be warranted needs to be assessed in the light of the appropriate substitution and complementarity relationships.  相似文献   

The implications for the world grains market of a reduction in China's domestic absorption, and of the removal of its key manufacturing protection, are analysed in this paper. These policy changes are modelled both alone and together with grain self-sufficiency in China and with reduction in farm support in the US and EC. In themselves, the reduction in absorption and removal of manufacturing protection in China would have only marginal effects on the world grains market. If, however, China were to achieve grain self-sufficiency while adopting these macroeconomic and trade policies, world grain prices and trade would fall considerably. In contrast, even a partial removal of protection in the US and EC, simultaneously with the above Chinese macroeconomic and trade policy changes, could substantially increase world grain prices and trade. These positive effects would be considerably reduced if at the same time China were to become self-sufficient in grain.  相似文献   

绿色物流是城市环保的新增长点,着重体现了城市和行业的可持续发展。在绿色物流的环境下,现代化物流的发展成为社会经济的“第三利润源泉”。本文首先阐述了绿色物流提出的背景和内涵;根据国外绿色物流的发展状况,对比了我国绿色物流存在的差距;又通过绿色物流与绿色交通、绿色保管与装卸、流通加工、可持续发展的运输模式等四个方面内在联系探讨了绿色物流在我国的实施策略和途径,从而有效地遏止物流发展造成的污染和能源浪费。  相似文献   

基于2009—2016年中国木质家具出口至105个贸易伙伴国(地区)的面板数据,构建异质性随机前沿出口模型,分析后危机时代中国木质家具出口影响因素及贸易潜力。结果表明:自由贸易协定、海运及港口基础设施和互联网普及率是贸易的促进因素;贸易壁垒、汇率波动、金融服务水平、海关手续负担、贸易自由度、货币自由度和互联网安全性是贸易的阻碍因素;港口基础设施和互联网普及率增加了贸易非效率的波动,加大了出口贸易效率的不确定性;贸易壁垒、汇率波动、金融服务水平、海关手续负担、货币自由度和互联网安全性降低了贸易非效率的波动,减少了出口贸易效率的不确定性。根据贸易潜力分析结果,将中国木质家具出口市场分为4种类型并提出相应的出口贸易布局战略措施。  相似文献   

Protection of indications of geographical origin (GIs) can reduce information asymmetry between producers and consumers, and potentially enhance trade. However, GIs can also possibly divert trade. We rely on panel data about agri‐food trade among the 27 countries of the European Union to investigate these issues using variations of estimators proposed by Head and Mayer ( 2000 ) and Santos Silva and Tenreyro ( 2006 ). Our findings suggest that the protection of GIs creates trade when the importing and exporting countries have GI‐protected products. There is also empirical evidence regarding a trade‐diverting effect when the importing country does not have GIs and a border enlargement effect arising from European GI‐protection.  相似文献   

As a small open economy, Canada has a considerable interest in the achievement of substantive trade liberalization for agriculture in a multilateral context. Despite the advantages of a multi lateral approach to international trade rules, there are clear economic benefits for small countries like Canada from pursuing unilateral trade liberalization. In the context of Canadian agricultural policy this would require a considerable adjustment to the high levels of protection afforded Canada's supply-managed sectors. The benefits of an open economy are often not reflected in public discussions or in the language of trade negotiations. Instead these tend to reflect a focus on rent-seeking by special interest groups. This misrepresents the concessions of reduced trade barriers as costs, rather than recognizing them as benefits. There is a challenge for agricultural and applied economists to spell out the benefits of an open economy more clearly. A related useful focus of research is to explore the conditions and the nature of compensation to producer groups that would encourage rapid unilateral trade liberalization.  相似文献   

林产品进口贸易与环境保护问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前已有对森林资源环境效益评价基础上,通过探讨林产品进口贸易与环境保护的关系,考虑不同木质林产品生产加工过程中对环境的影响,根据中国进口林产品的进口来源,指出了中国林产品进口贸易的环境影响以及非法木材贸易对环境的破坏。结果表明:国际上对中国大量进口木材的指责缺乏依据;对世界和中国来说,共同开发森林资源,打击非法木材采伐与贸易,中国大力发展可替代产品,走林业可持续发展之路,是双赢的必然选择。  相似文献   

运用滚雪球方法系统地梳理野生动物非法贸易及犯罪研究领域的相关文献资料,全面地分析野生动物的法律概念界定窄且不确定、“保护”与“利用”初衷存在偏离、协同监管体制不完善等治理困境,得到野生动物及其制品非法贸易治理遵循生物多样性规律、完善整体性保护的思路、创新非法贸易的治理举措三大治理需求,提出从重塑立法理念、科学界定野生动物概念、完善野生动物及其制品非法贸易治理体制、优化执法队伍建设体制等治理野生动物及其制品非法贸易的建议。  相似文献   

Using a new detailed dataset on country-product information on European Union (EU) Geographical Indications (GIs), we study the impact of this food quality policy on trade margins over the 1996–2014 period. We consider the effect of GIs on both intra- and extra-EU trade margins (extensive and intensive), as well as on export (and import) unit values. Our main results show that GIs affect trade flows differently depending on whether GIs are produced by the exporter or importer country. The presence of GIs in the exporter country systematically exerts a positive trade effect on both the extensive and intensive trade margin. When registered only in the importer country, GIs seem to act weakly as a trade-reducing measure, at least at the intensive trade margin. In addition, GIs positively affect export prices, consistent with the idea that GI products are perceived by consumers as higher quality goods. Importantly, extra-EU trade margins react similarly to those on intra-EU trade. These results have clear and interesting implications concerning the EU strategy of promoting the protection of GIs worldwide.  相似文献   

探讨我国生物多样性保护思想阶段的划分、理念、特征、影响因素、问题,以研究我国生物多样性保护思想的历程和演变。我国生物多样性保护思想从理想化向务实化转变,开始注重经济手段、利益机制的构建,力图使生物多样性保护具有良好的物质条件和经济、资金的基础。  相似文献   

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