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《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(4):459-468
Book reviewed in this article:
Analysing Qualitative Data, A. E. Maxwell, Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics, Methuen
Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States 1870–1950, E. S. Lee, A. R. Miller, C. P. Brainerd, R. A. Easterlin, S. Kuznets, D. S. Thomas
The Ownership of Major Consumer Durables, J. S. Cramer
Elementaire Statistiek, L. A. van Wijk, J. B. Wolters
Elementary Statistics, P. G. Hoel
The passage problem for a stationary Markov chain, J. H. B. Kemperman, Statistical Research Monographs, Volume 1
An introduction to Statistical Communication Theory, D. Middleton
An Introduction to infinitely many variates, E. A. Robinson, Grifin's Statistical Monographs and Courses
Queues, D. R. Cox en W. L. Smith, Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(2):129-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(2):205-212
Book reviewed in this article:
De organisatie van de kwaliteitszorg, J. H. Enters, H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V.
Statistiek voor Medici. Korte inleiding, Chr. L. Rumke, C. van Eeden, uitgeverij L. Stafleu en Zoon
De bloemisterij in Nederland
Characteristic Functions, E. Lukacs, Griffins Statistical Monographs and Courses no. 5 Charles Griffin and Cy. Ltd.
Portfolio Selection, Efficient Diversification of Investments, H. M. Markowitz, Cowles Foundation Monograph 16
Finite Markov Chains, J. G. Kemeny en J. L. Snell, University Series in Undergraduate Mathematics, Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey
Operations Research and Systems Engineering, onder redactie van Charles D. Flagle, William H. Hugginsen Robert H. Roy
Tables of the Hypergeometric Probability Distribution, G. L. Lieberman and D. B. Owen, Stanford Studies in Mathematics and Statistics III
Probability with statistical applications, Frederick Mosteller, Robert E. K. Rourke, George B. Thomas, Jr.
Probability: a First Course, F. Mosteller, R. E. K. Rourke, G. B. Thomas, Jr.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(3):171-183
Book reviewed in this article:
Elementary statistical methods , W. A. Neiswanger.
Elementaire statistische opgaven met uitgewerkte oplossingen , J. Hemelrijk en Doraline Wabeke.
Non parametric methods in statistics , D. A. S. Fraser. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series , U. Grenander and M. Rosenblatt, L. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
Principles of Medical Statistics , A. Bradford Hill.
Mathematical thinking in the social sciences , Paul F. Lazarsfeld (editor).
Tables for use with Binomial Samples , Donald Mainline, Lee Herrera and Marion I. Sutcliffe.
Finite Mathematics , John G. Kemeny, J. Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.
Waarschijnlijkheid en statistiek , Hans Freudenthal.
Bedrijfsstatistiek , P. de Wolff.
Wiskundige Propaedeuse voor Economisten , J. H. C. Lisman.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(3-4):293-307
Book reviewed in this article:
"Netwerkplanning volgens PERT", Oorspronkelijke uitgave Federal Electric Corporation. Voor Nederland bewerkt door H. POOLMAN Jr en TH. M. FEMER.
Group representations and applied probability, E. J. HANNAN
Wahrscheinlichkeit und Information, A. M. YAGLOM und J. M. YAGLOM
Linear programming and the theory of the Arm, K. E. BOULDING en W. A. SPIVEY
Einftihring in die matbematische Statistik, L. SCHMETTERER
Recent results in information theory, S. KOTZ
Formeln und Tabellen der mathematischen Statistik, U. GRAF, H. J. HENNINO en K. STANGE
The elements of probability theory and some of its applications, H. CRAMER
Quality control and industrial statistics, ACHESON J. DUNCAN
Méthodes Statistiques de ľéonometrie, E. MALINVAUD
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, H. RICHTER
Linear statistical inference and its applications, C. R. RAO, Wiley
Gebouw en getal - capita aselecta uit het bouwen en de statistiek, aangeboden aan JAN VAN ETTINGER
The Mathematical Approach to Biology and Medicine, NORMAN T. J. BAILEY
Zum Problem der Produktionsplanung in Ein- und Mehrproduktunternehmen, W. DINKEL-BACH
[1] Die grundlagen der Theorie der Markoffschen Prozesse, E. B. DYNKYN
[1a] Theory of Markov processes, E. B. DYNKYN
[1b] Markov Processes, 2 delen, E. B. DYNKYN
[2] Probability and related topics in physical sciences, M. KAC, Interscience publ., London, 1959.
[3] Markov chains with stationary transition probabilities, K. L. CHUNG
[4] Probabilités et potentiel, P. A. MEYER
[4a] Probability and potentials, P. A. MEYER
[4b] Processus de Markov, P. A. MEYER
[5] Intégration, N. BOURBAKI
[6] Principles of random walk, F. SPITZER
[7] An introduction to probability theory and its applications, second edition, W. FELLER  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this article
The Accountant in Management . By R. I. T ricker
The Foundations of Accounting Measurement . By Y uji I jiri
The Use of Accounting Data in Decision Making . By T homas J. B urns (ed.)
Management Planning and Control . By C. S. D everell
Integrated Managerial Controls . By R. O. B oyce
Network Based Management Systems . By R. D. A rchibald and R. L. V ilioria
Critical Path Construction and Analysis . By L. N. M orris
Handbook of Management Technology . Edited by G. W ills and R. Y earsley
The Game of Budget Control . By G. H. H ofstede
A Manager's Guide to Computer Processing . By R oger L. S isson and R ichard G. C anning
The Management of Data Processing . By R ichard G. C anning and R oger L. S isson
Computers in Business Manugement . By J ohn D earden
Data Processing Managers . By R. J. H arper
Introduction to Algol Programming . By T orgil E kman and C arl -E rik F roberg
Report of the Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Emplyers' Associations 1965–1968.
The Manager's Guide to Inhstrial Relations . By L. F. N eal and A ndrew R obertson
Experiment in Industrial Democracy . By A llan F landers , R uth P omeranz and J oan W oodward
Sharing the Profits . By A cton S ociety T rust and G uy N aylor .
Management in the Printing Industry . By C. S pector
Managers and their jobs . By R osemary S tewart
Managerial Thinking. An International Study . By M ason H aire , E dwin E. C hiselli and L yman W. P orter
Management in International Perspctive . Edited by S. B enjamin P rasad .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(2):172-178
Book reviewed in this article:
Mathematical Spectrum
De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen.
Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani .
Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin.
Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill .
Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff .
Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode .
Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov .
Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson .
Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster .
Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg .
Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl .
Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin .
Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss .
Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot .  相似文献   

Book Notices     
Die Wanderungen im Bundesgebeit 1951 (Internal Migration in the German Federal Republic in 1951). By Werner Nellner.
La Sociologia en los Estados Unidos, 1900–1950 . By L. L. Bernard.
The Control of the Location of Industry in Great Britain . By John Jewkes.
Costs in Alternative Locations: the Clothing Industry . By D. C. Hague and P. K. Newman
The Economics of Annual Improvement Factor Wage Increases . By Jules Backman.
Red Design for the Americas: Gautemalan Prelude . By Daniel James.
The Choice Before South Africa . By E. S. Sachs.
Contemporary Ethiopia . By David A. Talbot.
Studies in the Structure of the American Economy . By Wassily Leontief and members of the Harvard Economic Research Project.
Darwin: Competition and Cooperation . By Ashley Montagu.  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDUSTRY Corporate Social Responsibility. A Reassessment . By M ichael B eesley and T om E vans
Marketing in a Regulated Environment . By G eorge S. D ominguez
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT A New Look at Portfolio Management . By D avid M. A hlers
Industrial Pricing in the United Kingdom , University of Cambridge, Dept. of Applied Economics, Monograph 26. By K. C outts , W. G odley and W. N ordhaus
PRODUCTION AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Information Systems Concepts for Management . By H enry C. L ucas J r .
Managing Manufacturing Operations. A Casebook . By T. A. J. N icholson
Managing Manufacturing Operations: Analysis and Discussion. Teacher's Manual . By T. A. J. N icholson
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Power, Innovation and Problem-Solving in Personnel Management . By K aren L egge
The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity . By B rian E. M oore and T imothy L. R oss
MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Metadevelopment: Beyond the Bottom Line . By R oberi K irk M ueller
ORGANIZATION THEORY Organizational Strategy Structure, and Process . By R aymond E. M iles and C harles C. S now
THE LABOUR MARKET Working Couples . Edited by R hona R apodort and R obert N. R adoport with J anice B umstead  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Management Consultants . By F rank D avidson
Personnel Managment in a Changing Society . By T. P. L yons
Job Enrichment and Employee Motivation . By W. J. P aul and K. B. R obertson
Occupational Pysychology . By D onald E. S uper and M artin J. B ohn J r .
Human Bebaviour and Employment Interviewing . By D ean B. P eskin
Case Studies in Human Relations . By K enneth V. P orter
Information for Decision Making; Quantitative and Behavioural Dimensions . By A lfred R appaport (Ed.)
Income Theory and Rate of Return . By J. L. L ivingstone and T. J. B urns (Eds.)
Accounting Case Studies (Business Case Studies Series) . By K. M idgley and R. G. B urns
The Prediction of Profitability and Other Studes of Company Behaviour . By G eoffrey W hittington  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(2):109-120
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Statistical Analysis , W. J. Dixon and F. J. Massey Jr.
Probability Theory, Foundations, Random sequences , Michel Loève, D. van Nostrand Cy Inc.
The Theory of Games and Linear Programming , S. Vajda.
Einführung in die mathematische Statistik , L. Schmetterer.
Operations Research for Management , volume II, edited by J. M. McCloskey and J. M. Coppinger.
Risk and Gambling, The Study of Subjective Probability , John Cohen and Mark Hansel, Longmans.
Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences , Allen L. Edwards.
Statistical Methods Applied to Experiments in Agriculture and Biology , G. W. Snedecor.
Statistical Mechanics T. L. Hill.120
Bericht über die Tagung Wahrschcinlichkeitsrechnung und mathematische Statistik in Berlin. vom 19—22 oktober 1954, herausgegeben von B. W. Gnedenko, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Decision Rules in Markovian Decision Processes with incompletely knownm Transition Probabilities , J. W esels .
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Volume I , Third Edition, W. F eller .
S. S. Willks: Collected Papers. Contributions to Uathematical Statistics , edited by T. W. A nderson .
The Theory of Random Clumping ; S. A. R oach .
The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic , R ichard A. E pstein .
Handbook of Methods of Applied Statistics, vol. I and II , J. M. C hakravarti , R. G. L aha and J. R oy .
Input-output experiments, The Netherlands 1948–1961. , C. B. T ilanus .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
The Small Group . By Robert T. Golembiewski
Handbook of Small Group Research . By A. Paul Hare
Working with Groups . By Josephine Klein
Learning to Work in Groups . By Matthew B. Miles
The Small Group . By Michael S. Olmsted
Designing for Production . By B. W. Niebel and E. N. Baldwin
Organization for Production . By E. S. Roscoe
The Management of Production . By J. D. Radford and D. B. Richardson
Casebooks in Production Management: Basic Problems, Concepts and Techniques . By Arch R. Dooley
On Thinking Statistically . By M. B. Brodie
Cases in Management Statistics . By Norbert
Management Accountancy . By J. Batty
Accounting . By M. Moonitz and L. H. Jordan.
Accounting Principles . By A. D. Braden and R. G. Allyn
Accounting Principles and Practice . By S. Hall
Accounting Step by Step . By R. G. A. Boland
Control Accounting by Function . By A. Dixon
Period Planning & Budgetary Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Cost Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Efficient Accounting Methods . By H. F. Wilson
An Introduction to Business Computer Programming . By T. W. McRae
Management Standards for Data Processing . By Dick H. Brandon
System Design for Computer Application . By H. N. Laden and T. R. Gildersleeve
Executive Decision Making in Business and Government . By Marion B. Folsom
The Art of Leadership . By S. W. Roskill
Network Analysis . By J. Battersby
An Introduction to Critical Path Analysis . By K. G. Lockyer
Schedule, Cost and Profit with PERT . by R. W. Miller
PERT/CPM . By Stires and Murphy  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Sociai Psychoology of Work . By M ichael A rgyle
Perceptions of Work . By H. B eynon and R. M. B lackburn
The Receding Ideal . By G. D. N ewbould and A. S. J ackson
Six Approaches to the Person . By R alph R uddock
Mathematics for Managers . By A. F letcher and G. C larke
Modern Mathematics . By K. W illiams
Calculus – A Short Course . By M ichael G emignani
Winkler on Marketing Planning . By J ohn W inkler
Planning for Products and Markets . By D ouglas W. F oster
Marketing Management . By H arper W. B oyd J r . and W illiam F. M assy
Integrated Marketing . By B. G. S. J ames
Marketing Logistics and distribution Planning . Ed. by M artin C hristopher and G ordon W ills
How To Do Business in Branded Goods . By E ric A. G. M organ
Profit From Figures; A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods . By C yril J. A nson
Statistical Analysis for Business; A Conceptual Approach . By L ee H. S mith and D onald R. W illiams
Statistical Methods for Business Decisions . By C harles T. C lark and L awrence L. S chkade
Sources of Economic and Business Statistics . By Bernard Edwards
Guidance, Selection and Training - Ideas and Applications . By P eter C. M orea
Managing the Training Function - U sing Instructional Technology and Systems Concepts . By C hristopher G ane
Performance Appraisal in Management . By M. R. W illiams
Management Controls in Action . By W illiam M urray
Productivity Committee Development Division 1970
Personal and Organkational Effectiveness . By R ichard H acon
The Reality of Organisations . By R osemary S tewart
Organisational Desip . By P eter A. C lark
The Study of Organisations . By D avid D unkerley
The Applicability of Organisationaal Sociology . By C hris A rgyris  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Combination of One-sided Statistical Tests , J. O osterhoff .
Probability Models with Business Applications , R. C. Shook, H. J. H ighland and E. H. H ighland .
Handbook of Nonparametric Statistics , III (Analysis of Variance) by J onh E. W alsh .
Mathematik für Mediziner und Biologen , G. F uchs .
Nonparametric Statistics , J. H ájek .
Sampling Inspection and Quality Control , G. B. W etherill .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Symposium on Monte Carlo methods. , Herbert A. Meyer.
Sampling theory of surveys with applications , P. V. Sukhatme.
Statistische kwaliteitsbeheersing en produktiviteit , W. Geiss.
Chance and choice by cardpack and chessboard, an introduction to probability in practice by visual aids , L. Hogben.
Statistics for Economics and Business , D. W. Paden and E. F. Lindquist.
Basic statistical concepts , J. K. Adams.
Sidney Siegel, Non parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
Statistics: A New Approach , W. Allen Wallis en Harry V. Roberts.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(4):227-231
Book reviewed in this article:
Introductory Mathematical Statistics Principles and Methods, E rwin K reyszig .
Choice against Chance: An introduction to statistical decision theory, J ohn A itchison .
Calcul des probabilités et introduction aux processus aléatoires, A. T ortrat .
Selected Quantitative Techniques and Attitude Measurement, F. M osteller , R. R. B ush & B. F. G reen .
Models in regression and related topics, P. S prent .
Zes intresttafels, J. J. M. M ichels en A. J. van R eeken .
Production and income relations in the Netherlands, J. H. F. S childerinck and H. J. N. S inner .
Experimental design; selected papers of F rank Y ates .
Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference, Proceedings of the first international symposium on nonparametric techniques held at Indiana University, June 1969; edited by M. L. P uri .
Distributions in Statistics, Vol. I: Discrete Distributions, Vol. II en III: Continuous univariate distributions 1 en 2. N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(1):121-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Henry L. A1der and Edward B. Roessier
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, Emanuel Parzen
Introduction to Probability and Random Variables, G. P. Wadsworth and J. G. Bryan
Elements of statistical inference, R. M. Kozelka
Measurement: delinitions and theories, C. West Church man and Phi1burn Ratoosh
Regression Analysis, E. J. Wi11iarns
Meer door kwaliteit, J. van Ettinger en J. Sittig.
Economic Arithmetic, Robin Marris
Lehrbuch der praktischen Statistik, Bevolkerungs-, Wirtschafts-, Sozialstatistik, Peter Quante
Statistisch Stedenboek. Cijfers omtrent de Nederlandse gemeenten met 50.000 en meer inwoners, 1955-1960
De Joden in Nederland na de tweede wereldoorlog. Een demografische analyse, Amsterdam 1g61, 39 blz.
Waterlandse Varia, W. A. van der Donk
Gezinsbudgetten in Belgie 1957-1958, Levenswijze in drie sociale beroepsmilieus, Pierrede Bie
Papers on National Income and Allied Topics, Vol. I, Edited by V. K. R. V. Rao, S. R. Sen, M. V. Divatia and Uma Datta
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, L. F. Richardson
Arms and Insecurity, L. F. Richardson
Linear Programming, Sauli. Gass
Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Spiele, Ewald Burger
Mathematical methods for digital computers, Anthony Ra1ston and Herbert S. Wi1f  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Chief Accountant in the System of Economic Management. (Glavniyat Schetovoditef v Sistemata na Stopanskoto Upravlenie.) I van D ushanov
The Industrial Relations Act: A Review and Analysis . By A. W. J. T homson and S. R. E ngleman
Unfair Dismissal: How and Why the Law Works . By D udley J ackson
Power Sharing in Industy: A Practical Guide of Emphyee Participation in Company Operations . By I nnis M acbeath
The Interview in Staff Appraisal . By W. E. B everidge
Retraining and Tradition; The Skilled Worker in an Era of Change . By K enneth H all and I sobel M iller
The Development of Japanese Btlsiness 1600–1973 . By J. H irschmeier and T. Y ui
Japanese Private Economic Diplomacy . By W. E. B ryant
Private Enterprise and Public Intervention - The Courtaulds Exterience . By A rthur K night
Elites and Power in British Society . By P hilip S tanworth and A nthony G iddens
Bosses in Britain Business . By F. R. J ervis
Business and the Changing Environment . By R. J oseph M onsen
Changing Hospitals - A report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project . Edited by G eorge F. W ieland and H ilary L eigh
Hospitals: Communications, Choice and Change - The Hospital Internal Communications Project seen from within . Edited by R. W. R evans  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Statistische Grundausbildung für Wirtschaftswissenschftler, W olfgang W etzel
Modelkeuze via voorspellingsintervallen. Academisch proefschrift van A. M. Q. M. M erkies
How to tind out about statistics, G. A. B urrington
Biometrikn Tables for Statisticians, E. S. P earson and H. O. H artley
Posterior probabilities of alternative linear models, F. B. L empers
Statistiek, te pes en te onpas, J. H emelruk
Econometrics, R onald J. W onnacott and T homas H. W onnacott  相似文献   

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