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Managerial efficiency is as important in social profit enterprises (SPEs) as it is for more traditional financial-profit organizations. In this regard, both donors and SPE executives use efficiency information in making decisions. Here, we suggest a linked, two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology for assessing efficiency in both charitable fundraising and cause delivery, while empirically investigating results for international aid organizations. The model allows efficiency assessment for both the fundraising and utilization of generated funds when directed for cause-related purposes. This, in particular, allows for measurement of the organization’s managerial efficiency relative to both multiple phased goals and peer organizations. Additionally, the approach provides benchmarks for identifying sources of improved performance in fundraising and program/cause service delivery. It can also project the results of changes in inputs on the amount of resources available for the charitable organization’s cause.The proposed model(s) allow the examiner to assess performance while, at the same time, identifying those instances wherein the simple ratio measures commonly used in non-profit assessment are (1) deficient, and/or (2) misleading because of the use of ‘incorrect’ variables, or the ‘hiding’ of inefficiency if/when tax form categories are filed by an SPE. Importantly, the suggested two-stage DEA methodology can be useful for any organization with multiple-linked goals.  相似文献   

我国加入世贸组织(WTO)后,实行国际商贸活动的全面依序接轨,在“引进来”的同时,积极执行“走出去”的战略,大踏步进入国际市场,展开国际市场竞争,进行广泛的境内与境外国际市场营销。而进行国际市场营销,必须以“本土”市场需求为导向,把其建立在适应差别区域市场的差别需求的基础上,把一般性与差异性有机结合起来。  相似文献   

信息时代的迅速发展,促使各行各业的人们开始不断的认识并使用网络信息,从起初人们使用网络信息办公到现在越来越多的领域投入并使用网络信息,特别是近年来,网上购物风靡一时,网络市场消费者购物模式引起了越来越多电子商务专家的关注与研究,本文试图通过研究网络消费者购物模式,为我国网络消费市场健康有序发展助一臂之力。  相似文献   

Special charity events are an important source of revenue for non-profit organisations in cancer control yet volunteering is declining and turnover is high. Experiences at cause-related events may influence retention, particularly emotions connected to the cause and ceremonies which honour cancer survivors and remember loved ones. We explore the degree to which emotions associated with cause-related volunteering and collective action in the literature are felt in response to Relay For Life and what emotions predict three indicators of retention: intention to return for future events, satisfaction with volunteering, and organisational commitment. Volunteers (n = 410) completed a cross-sectional survey at Relay For Life events in Queensland, Australia. Multiple regression analyses examined whether emotions associated with events predicted each indicator of retention, adjusting for number of years spent volunteering for events. Sixty-two percent reported an intention to return the following year. The most commonly reported event-related emotions were hope, pride, and empathy (62–69%). Intention to return, satisfaction, and commitment were each significantly predicted by hope and pride. The findings suggest special charity events in cancer control could retain volunteers by fostering pride and hope (e.g., for a cancer free future); however, future prospective research which examines the mechanisms of these relationships is warranted.  相似文献   

势在必行的精细化营销 中国20多年的市场经济进程,让众多的企业切身感受到了市场竞争的压力.企业为了能够在残酷的竞争中生存下来,日益强调营销的重要,而且脑子里堆满了各种营销新概念,如:整合营销传播、顾客关系管理、4C理论、网络营销、数据库营销、全球营销等等,可是这些公认的营销新概念又有多少被应用在我国的市场竞争中呢?现实是众多中国企业将这些概念抛在脑后,仍采用传统的粗放型经营方式.  相似文献   

面对"汽车制造行业是女性就业的 天然禁区"的行业习惯,出生在上海、成 长在美国的杨雪兰偏偏不信这个邪,她以 自己曾协助福特汽车公司巧妙定位"花 斑微型轿车"而使其迅速占领世界汽车 市场的成功创举,博得了通用汽车公司 CEO的青睐,应邀兼职了通用汽车公司 的市场营销主管,仅经过五年工夫的巧妙 运作就使通用汽车公司的汽车销量翻了 五番;她在三番五次推辞不成而担任了通 用汽车公司专管消费市场开发事务的副 总裁后,推出了令世界车坛营销高手面面 相觑的"营销取胜十法",编印出了让环 球车坛管理巨子眼前一亮的"工作效率 手册",冒险涉足了使各国汽车制造业同 行惊诧不已的"网上购车路径"。  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical foundation for marketing based on the ideas of the Austrian school of economists. After a discussion of the methodological foundations of Austrian economics, which reject the statistical and experimental methods of the physical sciences as the means to verify theory in the social sciences, the article presents the Austrians' principle of methodological individualism, which provides the basis for a theory of entrepreneurship and marketing.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - With a surge in communication channels increasing the complexity of today’s media landscape, companies face new challenges concerning...  相似文献   

Database systems are intimately associated with fundraising effectiveness, but often leave much to be desired in the way they are implemented. This paper looks at the strengths, weaknesses and origins of three main database types: island, integrated and transitional. Observations support the view that database systems are created reactively in the face of strategies for fundraising. Where marketing strategy dictates a holistic approach to donor management, then systems will ten to the integrated or ‘contacts’ model. However, where there is no co-ordinated view on donoi development and maximised lifetime value, then fragmented island-type databases will be found.  相似文献   

跨期决策系指做出购买决策与获得产品之间存在时间距离的一种决策类型,随着电子商务的发展,产生这种决策类型的消费情景日渐增多,使得对这一问题的消费行为学研究成为必要.本研究采用行为学实验的方法对于跨期决策中的消费者自我控制行为进行了研究,并发现当消费者作出决策的时间点与能够真实获取商品的时间点之间若存在一定时间间隔的场合,消费者会较之可以现场获取产品的场合展示出较强的自我控制行为,具体地表现为对能提供更多长期有用性但在短期内效用较低的产品的较强偏好与支付意愿.这一发现为现有的消费行为学有关理论提供了有益的支持,同时在电子商务日益发达的今天具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

知识经济、网络经济、快速经济代表的新经济和全球化虽已如热浪迎面而来,但在新兴市场经济的中国,业内人士最关心的还是利益之源--营销,营销是企业整体协调方式或称为管理观能否紧跟营销的思维,能否适应市场环境的变异和牵动企业管理思维的变革,则成为当今创新变革环境中企业成败的关键.下面是海外一些著名企业的成功营销范例.  相似文献   

郑宗 《中外企业家》2002,(11):38-41
惠普公司6L激光打印机在短短四年的时间里,在中国销售突破100万台,成为惠普激光打印机发展的一个里程碑.2001年8月6日,中国惠普有限公司专门为这款打印机举办了"百万庆典".6L的成功销售展示给业界的是一个运用整合营销方法的典范.  相似文献   

邹丹 《企业技术开发》2004,23(2):28-29,39
企业内部质量控制困难,传统的质量检测往往也起不到应有的作用。采用内部市场化管理可以有效地解决这个问题。内部市场化管理是把市场概念引入企业内部,将每一道工序视为上一道工序的客户。文章深入阐述了内部市场化的概念及内涵,具体操作及应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

In models without transfers, we show that every cardinal incentive compatible voting mechanism satisfying a continuity condition, can only take ordinal, but not cardinal information into account. Our results apply to many standard models in mechanism design without transfers, including the standard voting models with any domain restrictions.  相似文献   

新经济时代的体验营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这是一个微利的年代,但高端产品仍不胫而走;这是个务实的年代,但浪漫故事却不停上演;这是一个返璞归真的世纪,但诱惑也不断蔓延……在现代都市越来越多地出现这样一群人,他们在"421综合症"(即祖辈4人,父母2人都围绕着1个孩子)作用下成长,他们大多数独立,他们挣的不少、花的更多,他们无存款、无自己的物业,还经常借钱,他们是"精致文化"的拥护者,他们是时尚的生力军,他们被称为新新人类或者飘一代,他们声东击西,口是心非、忽冷忽热、没有规律、缺乏理性,他们一出生就与马斯洛需求层次的生理、安全等低层次无缘,自我满足是他们的不懈追求.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, marketing databases have grown significantly in terms of size and richness of available information. The analysis of these databases raises several information-related and statistical issues. We aim at providing an overview of a selection of issues related to the analysis of large data sets. We focus on the two important areas: single source databases and customer transaction databases. We discuss models that have been used to describe customer behavior in these fields. Among the issues discussed are the development of parsimonious models, estimation methods, aggregation of data, data-fusion and the optimization of customer-level profit functions. We conclude that problems related to the analysis of large databases are far from resolved, and will stimulate new research avenues in the near future.  相似文献   

Fundraising methods by charitable organisations are changing. Fewer collectors and increasing costs have imposed pressures on the traditional method of envelope appeals. Thus, charities have sought alternative means of gathering necessary funding. Recently in New Zealand, as in other developed countries, there has been a proliferation of charitable organisations linking with a company to raise funds. The company promises a certain monetary donation each time the product is sold. This approach is cause related marketing (CRM). From the literature it is evident that, although there are numerous trade publications discussing certain campaigns, there is a paucity of empirical research in the area of CRM. This study sought to develop an understanding of consumers' behaviour and perceptions towards this promotional activity. A majority of consumers had purchased a CRM product with some switching brands or increasing the quantity usually purchased. Overall, consumers express a favourable attitude to this form of fundraising. However, non‐purchasers in particular are more likely to agree that charities should use other methods for their fundraising. There were no significant differences in attitudes based on gender and income. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

An investigation is conducted into attitudes towards cause-related marketing (CRM) among Australian consumers, with attention to the underlying differences in consumer values. It is found that those who place greater importance on values such as warm relationships, self-fulfilment and security are likely to have more positive attitudes towards CRM. In addition, females appear to have somewhat more positive attitudes towards cause-related marketing than males. Interestingly, the degree to which consumers are susceptible to interpersonal influence is not related to attitudes towards CRM. The implications are that cause-related marketing efforts are therefore best directed at females and those who value relationships, self-fulfilment and security. Efforts to support CRM through social influences (ie via compliance and conformity) would appear to be unlikely to succeed. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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