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This paper investigates the impact of China's export expansion during 2000–2007 on the local intergenerational education mobility. We construct prefecture-level export shocks, by exploiting variations in national cross-industry export changes and cross-prefecture industrial employment. Empirical results suggest that prefectures experiencing larger export shocks are more likely to have higher intergenerational education mobility. The baseline results stand when we use alternative measures for educational outcomes, consider the migration situations, or include more controls. Using the intergenerational mobility framework proposed by Becker et al. (2018), we explain and empirically test how income effect and substitution effect of export expansions influence education mobility. The mechanism testing suggests that the income effect is the dominant force underlying the results.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of innate ability, compulsory education (grades 1–9), and non-compulsory education (grades 10–12 and higher education) on inequality and intergenerational mobility of income, by constructing a four-period overlapping-generation model. We find that innate ability and family investment in early education play important roles in explaining income inequality and intergenerational income mobility. Though children from the wealthiest families are only 1.36 times ‘smarter’ that those from the poorest, the gap in human capital expands to 2.35 at the end of compulsory education and to 2.89 at the end of non-compulsory education. One important reason for the increase is that poor families invest relatively less in children's early education than do wealthy families; therefore, their children attend lower-quality schools, which results in them being much less likely to participate in higher education. By simulating policy experiments for different types of government education expenditure, we find that direct subsidies to poor parents are the most efficient and effective policy for mitigating poor families' budget constraints with regard to early-education investment in their children.  相似文献   

This study examines the heterogeneous effect of higher education on intergenerational mobility of rural and urban residents before and after China's higher education expansion (CHEE). Drawing on data from seven waves of the China General Social Survey (CGSS), we find that, although the overall effect of higher education decreases on alleviating intergenerational persistence after CHEE, undergraduate or postgraduate education can still significantly promote rural intergenerational mobility in terms of occupational-socioeconomic status. However, higher education appears to have changed from assisting social mobility to advancing intergenerational persistence in urban areas after CHEE. The propensity score matching method was used to mitigate sample selection bias, and all the findings were validated by several robustness checks, including placebo and Oster's (2019) omitted-variable tests.  相似文献   

More than 70 million people have attained a tertiary education due to China's higher education expansion (CHEE). Using data from the Chinese Household Income Project Survey, we examine how dose education expansion have an effect on the intergenerational transmission of education (ITE) by using the exogenous surge brought by CHEE. Our finding is that, after carefully addressing the interference induced by the Compulsory Education Laws and the selection bias caused by intergenerational co-residence, CHEE reduces ITE when educational achievement is measured by schooling years. However, when taking the quality of higher education into account, we find that CHEE does not have a significant effect on ITE, which suggests that the intergenerational inequality in higher education remains. Moreover, we identify the mechanism that the inequality in the quality of high school education extends to tertiary education to explains our findings. To account for the mixed findings in previous literatures, we further propose a general framework for understanding the effect of education expansion on ITE.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential effects of macroeconomic policies, stock market performance, exchange rate fluctuations, and other related variables on real GDP in Mexico. Extending the works by Arango and Nadiri (1981) and Bahmani‐Oskooee and Ng (2002), and applying comparative‐static analysis, possible effects of a change in the exchange rate or government debt on the equilibrium output are examined. All the variables have unit roots and are stationary in first difference. There is a long‐run stable relationship between real GDP and the right‐hand‐side variables. The GARCH(p,q) (Engle 2001) model is applied to estimate regression parameters. Real GDP is positively associated with real M2, government deficit spending, stock prices, U.S. output, and world oil prices, and negatively affected by the government debt ratio, peso depreciation, and the expected inflation rate. Therefore, fiscal policy to incur more debt needs to be pursued with caution, and both net exports and money demand need to be considered in studying the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on output.  相似文献   

文章通过梳理我国1980年以来的高等教育政策演变的文献,推测出中国高等教育政策未来的发展趋势:即逐渐形成和完善高等教育质量体系,建立按需就读的终身教育体系,职业教育朝着精细化和尖端化方向发展。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kapitalmobilit?t, Wirtschaftspolitik und Zahlungsbilanz. — In diesem Aufsatz wird ein einfaches Modell konstruiert, das einen Sektor und zwei Verm?genstitel enth?lt und dazu dient, die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Bestands- und Str?mungsgr?\en in einer offenen Volkswirtschaft zu untersuchen. Die von Uzawa entwickelte dynamische Investitionstheorie und die dynamische Portfoliotheorie von Metzler sind die beiden Eckpfeiler des Modells. Auf kurze Sicht, wenn Bestandsgr?\en wie Geld und Wertpapiere historisch gegeben sind, bestimmen das Portfolioverhalten und der Grad der Kapitalmobilit?t das Zinsniveau. Die Investitions- und Spart?tigkeit determinieren die au\enwirtschaftliche Bilanz und den Anpassungsproze\. Langfristig werden die Bestandsgr?\en endogen durch die Investitions- und Spart?tigkeit bestimmt. Es wird auch gezeigt, da\ die übertragung eines wirtschaftspolitischen Ansto\es von dem Finanzmarkt auf den Gütermarkt sofort und kr?ftig erfolgt, aber im allgemeinen nur von kurzer Dauer ist, w?hrend die übertragung von St?rungen des Gütermarktes auf den Finanzmarkt langsam und zurückhaltend, aber meist dauerhaft vor sich geht. Als entscheidend für den übertragungsproze\ erweist sich der Grad der Kapitalmobilit?t.
Résumé La mobilité des capitaux, les politiques économiques et la balance des paiements. — Dans cet article l’auteur construit un simple modèle à deux actifs et un secteur pour étudier l’interaction des variables de stock et de flux dans une économie ouverte. La théorie dynamique d’investissement développée par Uzawa et la théorie dynamique de portefeuille développée par Metzler sont les fonds principaux du modèle. A court terme quand les variables de stock comme par example la monnaie et les valeurs mobilières sont historiquement données, le comportement de portefeuille et le degré de mobilité des capitaux déterminent le taux d’intérêt. Les activités d’investissement et d’épargne déterminent la balance des comptes externes et le processus d’ajustement. A long terme, les valeurs de stock sont endogènement déterminées par les activités d’investissement et d’épargne. L’auteur démontre aussi que la transmission d’un impact de politique du marché financier au marché des biens est immédiate, vigoureuse, mais en général de courte durée, pendant que la transmission des perturbations du marché des biens au marché financier est lente, tempérée, mais souvent de longue durée. Il est démontré que le degré de la mobilité des capitaux est essentiel pour le processus de transmission.

Resumen Movilidad de capital, políticas económicas y balanza de pagos. — En este artículo se construye un modelo simple de un sector y dos activos para estudiar la interacción de variables de stock y de flujo en una economía abierta. La teoría dinámica de inversiones desarrollada por Uzawa y la teoría dinámica de portafolio desarrollada por Metzler son los dos elementos de construcción del modelo. En el corto plazo, donde las variables de stock como el dinero y valores están históricamente dadas, el comportamiento de portafolio y el grado de movilidad de capital determinan la tasa de interés. Las actividades de inversión y de ahorro determinan la balanza de cuentas externas y el proceso de ajuste. En el largo plazo las variables de stock se determinan endógenamente por medio de las actividades de inversión y ahorro. Se demuestra también que la transmisión del impacto de una política del mercado financiero hacia el mercado de bienes es inmediata, vigorosa, pero generalmente de corta vida, mientras que la transmisión de perturbaciones del mercado de bienes hacia el mercado financiero es lenta, moderada pero a menudo de larga duración. Se muestra que el grado de movilidad de capital es crucial para el proceso de transmisión.

As one of the countries sharing the world's largest population of smokers and drinkers, China has been facing serious health-related problems from smoking and drinking in recent decades. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of education on unhealthy consumption behaviors (smoking, binge drinking, and drinking) and their intergenerational persistence, using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) for the period from 1991 to 2011. Estimation results suggest that there exists significantly positive intergenerational persistence of unhealthy consumption behaviors in China, and this persistence seems to be higher from the mother than from the father. After introducing two institutional changes as instruments to address the endogeneity problem of education in unhealthy consumption equations, we find that education has a significantly negative impact on smoking and binge drinking according to the results from instrumental variable estimation. Specifically, an additional year of education decreases the probability of smoking and binge drinking by 4.1% and 3.4%, respectively. Although the health effect of drinking is ambiguous, we also find that the likelihood of drinking decreases by 1.6% with one additional schooling year. Interestingly, an additional year of education could counteract intergenerational persistence of smoking and binge drinking from the father, but it has no impact on intergenerational persistence from the mother. Our results suggest that education might be an efficient way to control unhealthy consumption behaviors in China, but it might not be an efficient way to prevent intergenerational persistence of unhealthy consumption behavior from the mother.  相似文献   

万胜利 《特区经济》2014,(3):228-230
我国学术界对于家族企业代际传承问题研究从2002~2012年已历时10个年头,业已取得了阶段性成果。本文就我国学者对于中国家族企业传承问题的研究现状,以中国知网期刊全文数据库作为检索库,以检索主题、关键词和篇名的模式收集与家族企业传承相关的文献,从研究时间、研究内容和研究方法等方面对文献进行统计、分类汇总和分析,以期为后续的研究者更快更准地发现家族企业传承领域的核心问题、把握该领域的研究趋势提供参考。  相似文献   

本文根据经济规制理论 ,对我国基础产业的经济性规制进行了考察和分析 ,并结合产业组织政策的制定 ,提出了基础产业经济性规制的改革设想。  相似文献   

谈合同当事人的重大误解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗晖 《华东经济管理》2002,16(1):130-132
关于我国应实行什么样的货币和财政政策 ,社会上观点很多。本文从封闭经济和开放经济两个角度对此进行了分析 ,并结合我国经济的实际情况提出了实施积极的财政和适当放松的货币政策的建议。  相似文献   

外资银行进入发展中国家以后,有助于东道国外资企业信贷获取增加和产出增加,不利于东道国本地企业信贷获取增加和产出增加。我们的经验研究进一步提供了中国方面的证据:外资银行进入中国上海以后,对上海的外资企业年度产值增加有积极影响,并超过对其他类型企业的影响。  相似文献   

文章通过分析以美元计价的铁矿石和原油等大宗初级产品价格波动的特征和原因,研究了初级产品价格波动对中国的影响机制和渠道,同时提出了应对初级产品价格波动的对策。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the causal effect of education on health using an instrumental variable approach. The instruments we employ consist of two institutional changes in China that generated discontinuities in educational attainment among individuals. To ensure the validity of the instruments and obtain prudent conclusions, we adopt more restrictive identification tests than previous studies. The results indicate no causal impact of education on either perceived health or anthropometric health. With regard to the impact of education on male health behavior, namely smoking, we cannot provide conclusive results due to a violation of the exogeneity of our instruments. Nevertheless, we can confirm that education has no causal effect on female health behavior. To overcome the widely documented shortage of quasi-experimental identification, we also employ spouse's education as an alternative instrument to examine the causal effect of education. Identical results are obtained, with the exception that the impact of education on the reduction of overweight among women becomes significant. We conclude that this provides some evidence of a causal impact of education on health.  相似文献   

目前我国汽车消费正由卖方市场向买方市场,以公款购车为主体向以私人购车为主体转变。借鉴发达国家经验,优化汽车消费环境是促进个人汽车消费的关键。本文从汽车税费、汽车金融服务、汽车保险、汽车召回、汽车维修服务、汽车报废等方面对中日汽车消费政策进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

Two essential strategies to understand the mechanisms of intergenerational mobility are to compare mobility across countries and across time. However, for multi-generational mobility, estimates for developing countries are mostly missing, and trend studies are rare. This paper uses education to measure social status and provides nationally representative estimates of social mobility over three generations in China that are suitable for international comparison. Results show that grandparents’ education positively correlates with children’s education, controlling for the parents’ education. This grandparent effect is comparable to what is found in Western countries, despite differences in cultures and institutions. During the sample period, the correlation between grandparent and child education is relatively stable. When exploring mechanisms, we find that the observed grandparent effect is primarily due to omitted information from the parents’ generation, not direct interactions between grandparents and children.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on patterns of earnings mobility for China for the 2000s and before to study how the labor market reform in the late 1990s affects individuals' earnings mobility. We find convergent earnings mobility in the 1990s but clearly divergent earnings mobility in the 2000s, meaning that those with the highest earnings to begin with experienced the largest earnings gains after 2000. Policies would be desirable such as compensating low-skill workers by establishing government-initiated training programs. More generally, welfare policies are necessary to help disadvantaged workers avoid from low-income or poverty traps who suffer from negative shocks in market-oriented reforms.  相似文献   

This study employed a difference-in-differences design to assess the effect of market-based environmental regulation on green total factor energy efficiency (GTFEE) in a quasi-natural experiment that investigated China's carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS). The empirical results show that ETS had a positive effect on GTFEE. A series of robustness tests revealed that the results were robust. Potential mechanisms through which ETS can improve GTFEE include the promotion of technological innovation and the upgrading of industrial structure. The positive effects varied in different cities and different regions – the result was pronounced in eastern China and developed cities, but it was insignificant in central and western areas and developing cities. This study confirms the satisfactory performance of China's ETS in improving GTFEE, and this is relevant for other emerging countries.  相似文献   

Using provincial data, the present paper examines the impact of cultivated land conversion on agriculture and the environment. It is found that the grain production center is gradually moving towards more fragile and water scarce areas, putting more pressure on the environment. Land conversion caused large losses in ecosystem service values in the 1990s, but large scale ecological restoration programs have been implemented since 2000 to compensate for such losses. The ecological restoration programs are concentrated in regions with relatively low land productivity, whereas cultivated land conversion usually takes place in areas with relatively high land productivity. Newly-cultivated land, especially that in areas marginally suit for agricultural production, is likely to have much lower productivity levels than the original cultivated land. Because the stock of potentially cultivable land is almost exhausted, China's grain self-suffiency policy can only be maintained by preserving the available stock of arable land and increasing its productivity in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

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