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The study explores, through qualitative research, levels of brand orientation in large, medium and small‐sized charity organisations where brand orientation refers to the extent to which the organisation regards itself as a brand. The results indicate that charity managers are largely endorsing the conversion from charity organisation to charity brand. Brand status was seen to offer a shorthand communication of what the charity organisation did, its cause, and what it represented, its values. Significantly, it was also seen to fulfil organisational objectives such as raising awareness, building trust, fundraising and parliamentary lobbying, with a more focused and more consistent communication of what the organisation stood for. Strategically, however, charity organisations were not making the best use of their brands. It was suggested, for instance, that more sophisticated targeting of key donor segments with research‐based, tailored messages, might help reverse the trend of declining donor numbers. Overall, however, the study provides much evidence of brand orientation in the charity sector with most charity managers clearly wedded to the concept of putting the brand at the heart of the organisation. The charities that enjoyed a full commitment to the branding process from all their stakeholders were best placed to reap the benefits of charity brand status. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

A number of fundraising managers and directors of UK charities were interviewed with the objective of understanding to what extent branding was used in the sector, what development possibilities exist for commercial techniques in charities, and what the constraints may be on such practices. It was found that many charities already use day-to-day brand techniques, (without describing them as ‘branding’), but brand development work was scarce. Charities have a number of objectives competing with fundraising when considering their brand content. They must also satisfy the need to respect issues about how the cause itself is communicated, and possible needs to re-educate the donor community or the public. One commercial practice in particular could be developed further in charity branding: this is the idea of using the personality of the charity itself as something with which donors could associate positively.  相似文献   

  • Despite the costs of charity re‐branding, there is little research in the public domain of its effect on staff. This study addresses that gap in knowledge by evaluating the effects of re‐branding large UK charities on staff knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
  • A quantitative survey of 465 charity staff was carried out in 10 large UK charities. The study shows that knowledge has benefited most from re‐branding although unevenly across different levels of seniority. Length of service has no effect on levels of knowledge but level of support was positively correlated.
  • The impact of re‐branding on attitudes proved positive with staff at all levels feeling more motivated, involved and valued as a consequence. However, the study also demonstrates that not all staff feel engaged with the re‐branding process for the organisation to capitalise fully on enhanced staff performance.
  • Behaviour was less affected by re‐branding with the exception of a very positive impact on staff retention. The report discusses the practical implications for charity managers.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • This paper explores the use of online social networks in the charity sector. Twelve major UK charities from a range of sectors and three digital marketing agencies were selected to provide rich interview data on the current adoption of online social networks by UK charities. The empirical findings illustrate the diverse drivers in adopting online social networks including regaining control of a brand, external pressures and gaining new audiences. Levels of usage differed significantly and the resistors consistently cited were the lack of skills and resources. The strategic marketing implications for the development of online social networks are also outlined for the UK charity market. The value provided by this paper stems from exploring the organisational perspective rather than the consumer experience of contributing to social networks, within a context which is often overlooked, the charity sector.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some charity organisations are turning to charity brand status, not only in terms of a name and logo but more importantly in terms of communicating value and meaning to their stakeholders. Brand orientation is described in this paper as the extent to which charity organisations regard themselves as brands, an indication of how much (or how little) organisations accept the theory and practice of branding. Through literature‐based and field‐based research, this paper examines the nature of brand orientation in the charity sector. A conceptual framework of brand orientation is proposed with antecedent factors which may augment or diminish levels of brand orientation and consequences which may follow its adoption. A number of research propositions are put forward which constitute both a framework for discussion and a research agenda for the charity sector. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

  • Enlisting or retaining the support of celebrity volunteers is a crucial element in the fundraising and communications strategies for many third sector organisations. But whilst there is a plethora of literature on volunteer motivations, there has been little exploration of the relationships between celebrity volunteers and the charities that they support. Furthermore, the limited theory that exists appears to be based on the experiences of fundraisers and other media specialists with little primary research on attitudes of celebrities themselves. This paper therefore considers celebrity/charity relationships on the basis of existing volunteer motivation theory and attitudinal data from a sample of 208 celebrity volunteers associated with a major fundraising charity in the UK. The findings indicate that the motivation of celebrity volunteers may be much closer to those of other charity volunteers than might be expected from other literature on celebrities. In addition, the study found that amongst other factors, celebrity volunteers typically prefer their engagements to be simplistic and expedient in nature, but that where possible, the engagement activity should be fun and rewarding. It also reveals that individual motives for supporting charities are varied in nature and range from purely altruistic tendencies at one end of the continuum to egoistic motives at the other. In addition, the study indicates that factors such as security and trust in the endorsed organisation are a key motivating factor for many.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • There is growing interest in the trend towards co‐branding alliances between non‐profit and commercial entities,which are undertaken by these organisations to transfer associations and affect between each brand partner. Certainly, it makes sense that commercial entities want to gain more from their brands and that non‐profits want secured funding, however, in the same way that the joining of two brands can be beneficial, it can also bring with it major risks when the brand alliance is not well received and evaluations of the alliance are not favourable.
  • This research supports the notion that both commercial entities and non‐profit organisations can benefit from a branding alliance, however, an understanding of how these brand alliances are evaluated is important. This research investigates evaluations of brand alliances and the resulting spillover effects for original brand partners that result from brand alliances.
  • This research provides empirical support relating to reactions to brand alliances between a non‐profit organisation and a commercial business in terms of how original brand attitudes, familiarity of original brands and perceived brand fit impact on evaluations. While collaboration is important and has potential benefits for each partner—they rest on partner selection and fit between alliance partners. Managerial implications and future research directions are also provided.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although corporate fundraising is popular there has been very little discussion in the voluntary sector literature of its context. Using questionnaire data from senior executives representing one‐third of the FTSE350 companies, and in‐depth interviews with a number of top level business men, this paper reports the first UK survey of the personal involvement of senior executives with charities, voluntary and community organisations,[Walker, C. and Pharoah, C. (2000) ‘Making time for charity: A survey of top business leaders' involvement with voluntary organisations’, Charities Aid Foundation, Kent.] and pinpoints messages about corporate involvement which may help fundraisers develop corporate fundraising strategies. The data give the first indications of how many of the UK's top business executives give time to charity, how much time they give and what they do. It also addresses what there is to gain for and from the charity, the senior executive and their company. The results present a picture of widespread and enthusiastic involvement of senior executives with the voluntary sector; a picture of both a deep personal commitment and of a strong sense of corporate benefit. The survey also raises several important issues and implications for corporate fundraising: should charities be doing more to attract top executives into an active relationship with them? How can they do this? What are the pros and cons of an alliance between corporate figureheads and charitable organisations; how might this relationship be viewed by the public; and how might it best be managed? This paper draws on the results of the survey to illustrate and discuss these issues. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Charity shops seem inherently contradictory in many ways. This paper unravels some of the contradictions by analysing charity shops in their ‘sectoral contexts’. First it puts forward different meanings of ‘sector’ and introduces notions of ‘sector values’. Then it presents results from empirical research into UK charity shop organisations, to show how senior managers of charity shop chains deal with ‘sectoral contradictions’. Finally, it asks how the sectoral contexts influence the management philosophies and marketing strategies (in the broadest sense) of these senior managers. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

  • Branding in universities has become an increasingly topical issue with practitioners, with some institutions committing substantial financial resources to branding activities. It has, however, received only limited academic investigation, and as the particular characteristics of the sector present challenges for those seeking to build brands, it seems to be timely and appropriate to investigate potential barriers to branding.
  • This exploratory study investigates the opinions of the ‘brand guardians’ of UK universities—Vice Chancellors, Principals and Rectors—on the barriers to successfully building brands and draws conclusions on their views of the key challenges facing successful branding activity in the sector. Implications for practitioners are also explored.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of celebrity–charity co‐branding fit on perceived celebrity philanthropy (celanthropy), attitude towards the celebrity and charity, as well as donation intention. We manipulate celebrity–charity functional fit through a 2 (celebrity: comedian vs athlete) × 2 (charity: comedy related vs sports related) factorial design whilst controlling for celebrity credibility (attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise). Results show that a functional fit between the celebrity and charitable organisation encourages positive altruistic attributions in terms of perceptions of celebrity social responsibility, and egoistic attributions, with regards to celebrity and charity attitudes, and donation intention. Finally, results demonstrate that celebrity–charity fit (athlete (comedian) with sports related (comedy related) charity) can promote positive attitudes towards a celebrity and charity brand, as well as donation intention, with these relationships mediated by perceptions of celebrity social responsibility or philanthropy. Findings from this research are able to aid nonprofit organisations and celebrity brand managers in the creation of effective and persuasive co‐branding alliances. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the benefits and constraints for smaller charities of developing a strong brand image and identity. It focuses on Crisis' own example as a medium-sized charity of defining, creating and building its brand over the past 18 months and seeks to summarise the lessons it learnt. The paper is based on a presentation given by the author at the Henry Stewart Conference Studies' conference ‘Creating a brand image and identity for charities’.  相似文献   

  • In the climate of public spending cuts, charities are increasingly expected to fill the gap. Yet charities themselves face huge challenges. Not just increasing demand for their services but falling income and low investment returns. Encouraging philanthropy has never been more important, and that includes legacy giving. Following the announcement last year of the Government's major inheritance tax incentive to encourage us to give more to charity on our death, the time is right for a major report on current trends in charitable legacy giving. Late last year, Mishcon de Reya undertook the most detailed analysis ever by a firm of solicitors of its clients' wills. In a study of over 1000 wills, we did not just look at how many people leave a legacy to charity. We considered the value of the legacy, the type of legacy, the likelihood of the charity ever receiving it, whether clients prefer to give to multiple charities, and the most popular charitable sectors. This article will give a quick overview of our research followed by a more detailed look at the three types of legacy to charity: cash—‘for example, I leave £10,000 to charity’,—specific items—‘for example, I leave a painting to charity’—and residuary gifts—‘for example, I give half my estate to charity’. The article will then briefly touch on the charity sectors most favoured by our clients before giving a brief summary of Mishcon de Reya's key findings in conclusion.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of brand orientation on the managerial practices of fundraising managers in the top 500 UK charities and, in particular, on their ability to attract voluntary income. A series of hypotheses was tested including whether level of brand orientation is associated with different patterns of influence within charities, with the range and type of brand communicators used and with the extent to which organisational objectives are fulfilled. A key finding of the research was that high brand‐oriented fundraising managers attract significantly more voluntary income than low brand‐oriented fundraisers, but that level of brand orientation was not related to statutory income. Such findings are consistent with current theory and practice of branding in which a brand is perceived as a product or organisation plus, where the plus indicates a unique set of values which allows differentiation and hence, donor choice, within competitive environments. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Although the charity sector is one of the United Kingdom's biggest users of direct marketing, little is known about the characteristics of the people who manage direct marketing within charities. This paper presents the results of a survey of 115 direct marketing managers in the UK's largest fundraising charitable organisations; focusing on their experience, motivation, training and educational backgrounds. The degrees to which respondents' employing organisations placed a high value on the marketing function and the extents to which various categories of direct marketing manager possessed wide-ranging general managerial competencies were also examined. There was little evidence of the ‘hybridisation’ of direct marketing specialists. Rather, individuals exhibiting hybrid manager attributes were sometimes put in charge of direct marketing.  相似文献   

  • The literature on graph use and graphical distortions in nonprofit organisations is reviewed, highlighting measurement issues. A sample of 50 disclosed annual reports of Dutch charities containing graphs is analysed, leading to the observation of significant graphical distortions. These distortions seem to be related to organisational efficiency, though not in the way one might expect: better performing charities ‘embellish’ the data in their graphical representations, whereas the opposite seems to be the case for the less performing charities.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • Non‐traditional charitable sources of revenue may be categorised as follows:
    • Venture philanthropy: Human resources and funding invested as donation in the charity by entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, trusts and corporations in search of a social return on their investment. It involves high engagement over many years with fixed milestones and tangible returns and exit achieved by developing alternative, sustainable income.
    • Commercial ventures: They seek a financial return on investment by creating a social enterprise operated by charities and their trading/holding companies alone or in partnership with the corporate sector, venture capitalists or investors to provide funding. Venture philanthropists may also ‘invest’ without establishing an equity position in the commercial enterprise. Any profits are re‐directed to mission‐related activity, although the business activity may or may not be mission related.
    • Social venture capital: It funds commercial ventures (as above) but may not seek a complete return on investment; instead the investor may off set some or all of the investment against social outcomes.
  • Within the context of venture philanthropy, this paper demonstrates how charities, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs may work together in strategic alliances. It explores venture philanthropy from the perspective of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, giving examples. Charities are shown how to prepare themselves to take advantage of these entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Although the emphasis in this paper is on venture philanthropy, the processes outlined may be used to help a charity take advantage of opportunities within the broader social entrepreneurial context. Successful venture capitalists and entrepreneurs have demonstrated the ability to turn outline business ideas into big results, frequently in highly competitive business environments.
  • A common characteristic that appears to unite these individuals when they divert their interest toward social ventures is a desire to apply their business‐like approach, which includes planning processes, milestones and outcome measurement to their social venture activity.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Voluntary organisations have a unique set of stakeholders. Their services are paid for, not by their customers, but by ‘purchasers’ such as social services or grant-making trusts. This separation of customers from purchasers denies voluntary organisations a direct market mechanism for feedback on their services. As a result, charities are in danger of providing outdated poor-quality services for years, while convincing purchasers that they are still doing a good job. This paper examines the extent to which voluntary organisations do in fact respond to market needs, despite their undemanding environment. The paper draws on research from 15 national disability charities to explore the extent to which charities are market orientated, and to identify examples of best practice in the field. The paper concludes by identifying the critical role played by charity chief executives in urging their own organisations to adopt marketing principles. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

This paper discusses the recommendations arising from the Strategy Unit review of charities and the wider voluntary sector in England and Wales and the government's response to these. The proposed reforms will involve an updating of charity law; changes to the regulatory framework governing the sector; and a greater emphasis on improving the accountability, transparency and performance of charities and voluntary organisations. In the main these proposals have been welcomed by the sector. In particular there is a clear recognition of the need to modernise the legal position of charities to reflect changes in society and changing public perceptions of what is, or should be, charitable. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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