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本文运用非均衡面板数据的广义矩估计,从产业关联和技术差距的角度考察了外商直接投资对中国纺织业的技术溢出效应.经验分析结论表明,外商直接投资主要通过水平关联和后向关联对纺织业内资企业产生溢出效应;外商直接投资是否通过水平关联促进内资企业生产效率的改善还取决于内外资企业间的技术差距,只有当内外资企业技术差距小于门限值时,外...  相似文献   

本文利用Grossman-Helpman-Szeidl(2006)模型研究了外资企业在发展中国家内部的选址决策,模型表明:效率高的企业偏向选址于固定成本高可变成本低的地方,效率低的企业偏向选址于固定成本低可变成本高的地方。同时各个地区的效率空间会被运输成本所压缩。由于中国东部、中西部与东南亚国家之间劳动力工资以及固定投资成本的结构差异,高效率的企业会选址于印尼、菲律宾、越南三国,效率处于中间的企业会选址于中国中西部以及中国东部,效率最低的企业会选址于马来西亚、泰国两国。随后本文用2004-2013年Bvd亚太企业母公司层面面板数据验证了企业因效率不同而导致的选址差异。最后本文分析了双边自由贸易区对企业选址的效率空间的影响,研究表明双边自由贸易区对中国中西部的影响大于对中国东部的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of local firms’ participation in global value chains (GVCs) on productivity by considering three different patterns of GVC participation. We conducted a DID-PSM estimation involving three countries, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and 17 manufacturing sectors in 2009 and 2015 in a panel framework. We found an endogenous relationship between firm productivity and GVC participation: firms that enter GVCs have high productivity before participating in the GVCs (selection effect), and only Indonesian firms that entered GVCs had high productivity growth after joining GVCs (learning effect). These two effects were only found for firms that both import intermediate goods and export output and not for firms that only either import or export. We also found that indirect exporting does not improve a local firm's productivity. Several recommendations are made to help firms and governments facilitate the participation of firms in GVCs.  相似文献   

This study examines how the origin of foreign investors affects the degree of horizontal and vertical technological spillovers, using firm-level panel data from Vietnam in 2002–2011. The results show a positive association between the presence of Asian firms in downstream sectors and the productivity of Vietnamese firms in supply industries, but no significant relationship in the case of European and North American affiliates. Within Asia, we find that foreign direct investment from China and Taiwan generates positive vertical spillovers to local suppliers. We hypothesize that distance, preferential trade agreements, and institutional or technological differences that affect the degree of local sourcing significantly impact vertical spillovers from foreign direct investment. The horizontal spillover effects are in general negative and statistically significant. Various robustness checks are performed.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers whether trade between China and sub‐Saharan Africa results in productivity‐enhancing technology transfers to sub‐Saharan African manufacturing firms. As trade flows between countries potentially results in interactions that lead to technological improvements in the production of goods and services, we parameterize the level of total factor productivity for African manufacturing firms as a function of foreign direct investment flow, and for the country in which it operates, trade openness with China, and its interaction with foreign direct investment. With micro‐level data on manufacturing firms in five sub‐Saharan African countries, we estimate the parameters of firm‐level production functions between 1992 and 2004. Our parameter estimates reveal that across the firms and countries in our sample, there is no relationship between productivity‐enhancing foreign direct investment and trade with China. In addition, increasing trade openness with China has no effect on the growth rate of total factor productivity. To the extent that total factor productivity and its growth is a crucial determinant of economic growth and living standards in the long run, our results suggest that increasing trade openness with China is not a long‐run source of higher living standards for sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

We construct a data set of long-lived German patents of patent classes dyes (22) and dyeing (8) to measure the accumulation path of technological knowledge with respect to dyeing textiles. Using these data we show with a vector error correction model that in the German Empire inter-industry knowledge spill-over between the new chemical industry and the old textile industry created an upward circle of “endogenous growth.” The increasing demand for synthetic dyes of the prospering textile firms initiated further research and development projects of the chemical firms that led to new patents and via customer consulting and customer training to additional economic benefits of the textile industry.  相似文献   

The cotton textile industry was the primary source of Britain’s industrial revolution and Japan’s economic takeoff. The Chinese domestic mechanized cotton textile industry experienced a boom during the interwar period and became the leading industry in the manufacturing sector, although it failed to gain domestic leadership against Japanese funded firms. There is a debate on the role of external finance on firm growth both in the contemporary context and historical cotton textile industry context. The literature offers several competing hypotheses on the relationship between capital and industry growth such as “modernization”, “oppression” and “efficiency” argument. Our empirical results using firm level data between return of capital and the size of the capital indicate a clear positive effect of external finance on firm growth. This supports the “modernization” hypothesis and suggests that the causes of the mediocre performance of the Chinese-owned spinners relative to Japanese mills may have been mismanagement, undercapitalization, lack of reinvestment incentives, and low labor productivity etc.  相似文献   

在中美贸易摩擦的背景下,美国商务部工业与安全局(BIS)发布的出口管制实体清单(下文简称“实体清单”)对我国企业带来了外部冲击。本文以2016-2022年的A股上市公司为样本,运用多期双重差分(DID)模型检验了 2018-2022年BIS 历次发布实体清单对我国相关企业全要素生产率的影响及机制。本文研究发现。所属行业被列人实体清单未能阳碍我国企业发展,相反显著提高了企业全要素生产率。进一步分析发现,相对于国有企业、大型企业、行业集中度高的企业和中、西部地区企业,出口管制实体清单对民营企业、中小型企业、行业集中度低的企业和东部地区企业的全要素生产率的促进作用更强这一作用机制主要通过减少企业的代理成本和降低管理者短视主义倾向来实现。为此,我国需要重视企业治理能力的提升,并根据产业结构、企业规模和区域发展水平等导质性因素提出有针对性的应对策略:同时需深化市场化改革,促进生产要素自由流动、维护公平有序的市场竞争,激发市场活力。  相似文献   

纺织业作为我国的传统产业,对国民经济的发展起着非常重要的作用。但是后配额时代、无配额时代的到来,使我国纺织业面临着更激烈的国际竞争。通过系统比较美国、日本、欧盟、韩国、印度和巴基斯坦纺织工业的技术创新和产业升级路径,为我国提供了有益的借鉴和启示。促进我国纺织业技术创新与产业升级,应加大政府的政策支持力度,努力推进战略重组和产业升级,积极进行海外生产型战略的实验,多渠道促进产业结构升级。  相似文献   

This article investigates the spillover effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on productivity growth in the Indonesian food-processing (ISIC 311) and electrical machinery industries (ISIC 383). Total factor productivity (TFP) growth is decomposed into efficiency change and technological change by using the Malmquist productivity index. The empirical results show that efficiency improvement is the major driver of TFP growth in the food-processing industry, whereas technological progress is the dominant contributor in the electrical machinery industry. There are positive spillovers on efficiency change but negative spillovers on technological change in the food-processing industry. However, FDI spillovers turn out to be negative in efficiency change while positive in technological progress in the electrical machinery industry. These findings demonstrate that different industries experience different sources of productivity gains, which are dependent on the characteristics of firms in the industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the responses of firms in the textile industryof South Africa to that country's rapid liberalisation of tradesince the early 1990s. The data reveal that there have beenincreased exports accompanied by reductions in employment andcontraction of production of yarns and fabrics. Drawing on asurvey of companies, followed by interviews, it documents howcompetitive pressures from imports have led firms to increasetheir exports. Exporting is not, however, directly associatedwith better performance. This is due to its being a responseby many firms to weak domestic demand and the need to maintainproduction capacity. But, liberalisation has also been accompaniedby much upgrading of equipment and by increased specialisationand vertical disintegration in order to develop competitiveniches despite South Africa's manufacturing wage levels beinghigher than those of many of its international competitors.Firms focusing on non-price factors of export competitivenesshave been better performing. Firms have also been most successfulwhere technological capabilities based on the domestic marketprovided a foundation for export competitiveness. There areindications that with the restructuring induced by liberalisationthe sector is in a position more effectively to exploit itscompetitive strengths in international markets. In addition,the United States' African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)offers some stimulus for the textile industry to supply fabricsto firms in the export garment sector which previously importedthem.  相似文献   

Efficiency and productivity analyses of Indonesian manufacturing industries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study estimates the technical efficiencies and total factor productivity (TFP) growths in food, textile, chemical and metal products industries from 1993 to 2000 in Indonesia by using the stochastic frontier model. Furthermore, the determinants of inefficiency are also analyzed and TFP growth is decomposed into technological progress, a scale component, and efficiency growth. The results reveal that the food, textile, chemical and metal products sectors are on average 50.79%, 47.89%, 68.65% and 68.91% technically efficient, respectively. It is noted that ownership contributed to technical inefficiencies in the food sector; location and size contributed to technical inefficiencies in the textile sector, whereas size, ownership and age contributed to inefficiencies in the chemical and metal products sectors. We note that productivity in food, textile, and metal products sectors decreased at the rate of 2.73%, 0.26%, and 1.65%, respectively, but increased at a rate of 0.5% in the chemical sector. The decomposition of TFP growth indicates that the growths are driven positively by technical efficiency changes and negatively by technological progress in all four sectors.  相似文献   

This study investigates what happened to productivity growth during the Information Technology (IT) revolution in an IT-driven economy, Korea. To this end, we have decomposed the source of productivity growth into technological change, technical efficiency and scale economies using a stochastic frontier function and examined how the composition of productivity growth has changed with different phases of IT developments. We have used panel data that is comprised of 4022 firms from 1996 to 2000. We have found that Korean firms have been quick to embrace organizational restructuring to adapt to a new business environment brought about by IT, which seems to be the major source of the success of Korean firms. We have also found that: (i) there is no substantial difference in productivity gains between IT-producing firms and IT-using firms; (ii) productivity growth is more robust to business cycles in an IT-driven economy than in the traditional economy; and (iii) efficiency improvement attributed to organizational transformation plays a greater role in productivity growth as IT applications become more widespread.  相似文献   

This paper studies the way workers and firms behaved in a highly cyclical sector such as the Catalan cotton textile industry. Using firm level evidence from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the paper shows that, in spite of weak unionization and the lack of regional or local collective bargaining institutions, piece rates in cotton spinning and weaving were not subject to competitive rate cuts and remained fixed over the cycle. When facing a negative demand shock, firms adjusted by reducing output, hours of work, labour productivity, and employment. The paper finally evaluates the possible sources of wage rigidity in the industry.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, automotive industries in developing economies were rebuked for their failure to set in motion the technological learning and industrial externalities that justified state promotion. However, in the 1990s, a number of Asian automotive industries throve with the rapid growth of their host economies. This paper assesses the current state and prospects of automotive industries in selected Asian countries with state-sponsored development programs—South Korea, Taiwan, China and India—and the ASEAN economies—Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. To date, Korea is the only developing economy in Asia with an indigenous auto-manufacturing base capable of competing in the international market. Given developments in the world industry, the catch-up task for other countries in the region will be more difficult.  相似文献   

Do Special Economic Zones (SEZs) promote the productivity of producer services, and what are the channels of the effect? To shed light on these questions, we collect a dataset of 1.46 million producer service firms on the basis of the Second Economic Census of China. We then use the dataset to prove the productivity advantages of producer service industry in the SEZs. Guided by a “new” new economic geography model, we estimate these advantages using the IV model and unconditional distribution characteristic-parameter correspondence method. Results imply that agglomeration effect is the source of the productivity advantages of the producer services in the SEZs. This effect is positively correlated with the local manufacturing scale. A high industrial relevancy between the producer services and the leading manufacturing industry in the SEZs results in a strong agglomeration effect. The preferential policy in the SEZs reduces the entry barrier for firms and attracts a high proportion of inefficient firms entering with the selection effect. This result has a negative impact on promoting the productivity of producer services. The conclusions are robust in different circumstances.  相似文献   

Even though Indonesia's CO2 emissions are dominated by deforestation while China's are dominated by industry, Indonesia has much to learn from China's industrial energy saving programs. To begin with, it is only a matter of time before Indonesia's emissions from fossil fuels overtake those from deforestation. Given the long technological lock-in effects of energy systems and industries, Indonesia needs to think now about how it will tackle this problem. There are other reasons for believing that Indonesia might learn something from China – the CO2 intensities of GDP, of industry and of cement production have been rising in Indonesia, while they are falling in China. China's better intensity performance is due to policies that Indonesia would do well to follow – adopting a technological catch-up industrial development strategy; raising energy prices to scarcity values; liberalising domestic markets and opening the economy to trade and investment; and mounting a massive energy saving program.  相似文献   

China has been utilizing foreign direct investment (FDI) based on the strategy of “trading market access for technology” since 1978. However, there are differences in opinion regarding the performance of China's strategy. This paper examines the growth of technological capability of Chinese indigenous firms under a revised model of technological learning and catch-up based on research by Kim (1997) and Lee and Lim (2001). The paper investigates the process of industrial growth in China by developing the two cases of the telecommunication equipment industry and the automobile industry, and analyzes the aforementioned strategy from the viewpoint of technological learning and industrial catch-up. This study finds that knowledge was gained by leveraging China's huge market to “trade market access for technology”, and that indigenous firms must enhance the intensity of their efforts to assimilate acquired technologies so as to improve their technological capabilities. Through comparison of the two industries, we find that industrial policy regulating private firms’ market access directly affects the performance of the industrial catch-up.  相似文献   

Is the spatial concentration of manufacturing activity able to enhance firm-level productivity? This question is particularly relevant to production in China, which has a huge territory and population, but a skewed distribution in terms of urban–rural development. This paper aims to examine the dynamics of industrial agglomeration and the impact of agglomeration on firm-level productivity in China's textile industry by using a firm-level panel dataset from 2000 to 2005. First, the average value of the Ellison–Glaeser (EG) index (city level) is found to be approximately 0.00019. Moreover, the calculated city EG index of spatial concentration for each year exhibits a decreasing trend of spatial agglomeration for garments and other fiber products, but an increasing trend for the textile industries' agglomeration in China. The above findings are similar to the findings of Lu and Tao (2009). Secondly and importantly, this study finds an inverted U-shape relationship between agglomeration and productivity. It suggests that while industrial agglomeration enhances firms' productivity, agglomeration diseconomies may appear if the degree of agglomeration is too high.  相似文献   

品牌逐渐成为纺织服装专业市场的核心竞争力,专业市场品牌对纺织产业转型升级的促进作用也因而越来越明显。文章在揭示纺织服装专业市场品牌内涵及其形成机制的基础上,着重分析了其对纺织产业技术创新、结构优化、区际转移的作用机制,并以绍兴中国轻纺城为例,实证检验了理论分析框架和简化模型。  相似文献   

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