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<正>一生物医药行业发展现状21世纪以来,随着时代的发展、科学的进步,生物技术逐渐发展成为一种趋势。无论是我们最为关注的粮食问题,还是能源紧张的问题,甚至于我们的健康、国家的安全都是生物技术所涉及到的领域。生物技术行业是基础,它拥有特殊重要的地位,谁拥有了生物技术创新的优势,谁就掌握着经济竞争的主动权。依据现在的发展形势来讲,我省的生物技术医药产业拥有较好的发展基础,主要表现在:1.产业规模较大。我省对于化工产业、医药产业、中药产业有着较为深厚的研究历史,现阶段我省已经初步形成一些有明显竞争优势的医药产业群。据统计,河北省生物  相似文献   

唐锋波 《价值工程》2012,31(21):6-7
生物技术的发展前景广阔。根据预测,在未来的2020年,56项和人类社会发展息息相关的重要技术中,其中生物技术就有26项。生物产业的发展已经成为了一种驱动力,促进着新的产业革命的进行,其影响远比前三次的科学技术革命深刻,因此,本文对于生物产业竞争力的研究,对推动我国生物产业的发展意义重大。  相似文献   

国内外专家普遍认为,21世纪“生物经济”必将超过“信息经济”,产业规模将达到信息技术产业的10倍以上,有望在未来10~15年内成为新的支柱产业。不过,这并不表示生物技术将成为每一个国家的支柱产业。只有那些肯花大力气投入的国家,才有可能使生物技术成为国家的支柱产业。  相似文献   

着眼世界科技发展态势和国际产业化格局,生物技术的发展已进入了大规模产业化的起始阶段:生物技术产业是继电子信息产业之后又一个战略性主导产业:世界各国都将决胜生物经济作为基本国策:抢抓机遇,加快发展生物技术产业,是我国实现跨越式发展的难得机遇,是应对全球金融危机的战略举措。近年来,生物技术及应用专业人才一直是国际和国内人才竞争的焦点之一。  相似文献   

在全球市场打破国界完全开放的后WTO时代,谁的技术标准领先,谁的产业发展就抢占先机;谁拥有国际标准,谁就赢得未来市场。“落后,就要挨打。”不仅是军事战场上的至理,在经济战场上也同样是警言。  相似文献   

中国大陆市场未来5年将是全球液晶面板企业竞争的焦点,谁能在中国大陆站住脚,谁就将是未来面板业的主导者。  相似文献   

21世纪是生物技术的世纪,随着科学技术水平的不断发展,人们对生命科学的研究不断深入,越来越多的生命现象和生物规律被人们所挖掘,加速推动了生物产业在工业、农业、食品、医药、环境、能源等多方向的发展。2013年国际生物经济大会在天津举办,生物技术的发展已经成为国际上各国争相研发的热点,我国作为正在谋求快速发展的大国,在新的机遇和挑战下,实施生物经济强国战略,大力发展生物产业,积极创新,迅猛发展,逐渐缩短了与国际一流水平的差距,一些研究领域达到了国际领先水平。  相似文献   

目前人类社会正处于生物技术产业革命的高潮时期,生物技术产业已成为产业创新的主战场。文章首先论述了生物技术产业创新的基本特征,然后阐述了生物科学技术促进传统产业创新的模式,以及企业实施生物技术产业创新的基本战略。  相似文献   

吴楠  陈健 《价值工程》2014,(36):169-170
本文以北卡罗莱纳州生物技术研究三角园、马萨诸塞州生物技术研究园两个生物产业集群为基础,研究了美国生物产业集群人才培养,重点探讨人才培育要素及运作模式,进而提出我国生物产业集群人才培养的建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的加快和技术创新的深刻变化,国际竞争已逐渐转化为标准的竞争。特别是在高新技术产业,谁掌握了标准的话语权,谁就掌握了市场的主动权。"得标准者得天下"已逐渐成为一种共识。  相似文献   

白永宏 《价值工程》2012,31(20):185-186
本文在解释生物产业竞争力概念的基础上,分析了我国目前生物产业发展的现状和存在的问题,根据生物产业的特性,在依据波特的产业竞争理论的基础上,分析了生物产业竞争力的决定因素,同时分析了我国在生物产业发展的现状与不足,提出了具体的经济战略及措施。  相似文献   

美国现代生物产业:现状、特征及扶持政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
继成为信息革命的最大受益者之后,美国又在新一轮生物科技革命占得先机,这绝非偶然。本文着重讨论了美国现代生物产业的总量规模和全球地位,总结了其发展过程的五大特征,梳理了美国政府对生物产业的六类扶持政策,力图通过这些分析揭示美国成功的经验。  相似文献   

Technology has molded the industrial and information societies and will mold the molecular society of the future. The latter will encompass nanotechnology, biotechnology, and materials science. It will also lead to unprecedented convergence in the sciences and technologies. This discussion considers the unique impacts on technological forecasting and foresight accompanying each of the three societies.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to forecast how the international business curriculum will appear in the early 21st century using the ten major world trends predicted by Naisbitt and Aburdene (1990). It concludes by prophesizing that the international business curriculum of the future will: (1) have to appeal to more international students in U. S. schools, (2) include more course work in the arts, (3) include more coursework in ethics, (4) attempt to resolve the conflict between global lifestyles and national culturalism, (5) recognize that world-wide privatization will lead to less public support for higher education and hence greater efforts must be made to meet needs and wants of a diverse student body, (6) attend to the cultural needs of Pacific Rim students, (7) have to appeal to more international female students for whom special courses and services will be necessary, (8) address biotechnology problems as ethical and moral dilemmas, (9) provide coursework to prepare students to manage a world-wide religious revival, and (10) provide programs that recognize the individual over the collective.  相似文献   

One of the most important decisions that a new biotechnology firm faces is whether to replace its founding CEO, who often has been involved with the invention of the firm's core technology, with a more professional manager, who has broader commercialization skills to help the firm to grow into a viable business. In this paper, we argue that leadership change away from the founding CEO is influenced strongly by the interests of key stakeholders and that the endogeneity inherent in the change (or non-change) influences firm performance. As the context surrounding decision-making changes from pre-patent to post-IPO, key stakeholders often may not view what is best for the firm and best for self-interest in the same way. Using data on change in leadership at 135 U.S. biotechnology equipment firms, we find evidence that the context in which decisions are being made influences which of the various competing interests will take precedence. The results further confirm the importance of controlling for endogeneity in decision-making when examining firm performance.  相似文献   

Do Firms Learn from Alliance Terminations? An Empirical Examination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, drawing from the learning from failure perspective, we argue that firms that have experienced prior terminations are less likely to have their future alliance terminated. Our key argument is that prior terminations will enable firms to design better alliances and adopt more appropriate alliance management strategies to avoid future terminations. We also suggest a more nuanced view of learning by hypothesizing that termination experience will mediate the relationship between alliance formation experience and likelihood of termination. We used the case–control methodology to select a sample of 198 alliances (consisting of 99 terminations and an equal number of surviving alliances) from the global biotechnology industry, and deployed logistic regression analysis to test the hypotheses in a multivariate setting. Our analysis strongly supports both hypotheses.  相似文献   

齐家珍 《价值工程》2010,29(6):29-30
未来社会是信息化和网络化的社会,谁能在这场信息革命中领先一步,谁就能在未来的国际竞争中占据优势。企业管理如何利用信息化技术进行BPR是很多企业面临的一个发展问题。  相似文献   

Alliance partners negotiate how they will govern their alliance. This study shows bargaining power, not just efficiency considerations, influences the outcome of this negotiation. Whereas previous research on this phenomenon associates bargaining power with firm size, this study employs more nuanced measures of bargaining power applicable to biotechnology firms while controlling both absolute and relative firm size. We find small biotechnology firms with partners that are over five times larger can still have the bargaining power to get their interests met when the two parties have opposing governance interests.  相似文献   

The next century of opportunity is less than a decade away. Materiel management must involve itself in the strategic changes occurring within the health care industry and its respective institutions. Those materiel managers who are aggressively ensuring that their operations are supported by a well-developed and well-orchestrated operational infrastructure are now well positioned to address the future challenges of this decade. Unfortunately, many other materiel managers are focusing their attention and efforts solely on the management of materiel for which they currently have control. Materiel managers must develop an acute awareness of the support needs of their respective organizations. Those who are not apprehensive about venturing from the traditional materiel management world will be exposed to incredible educational opportunities and will receive responsibilities of unparalleled organizational importance.  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is seen as one of the most globalized. It is also an industry dominated by SMEs in most countries. It would be expected then that these biotechnology SMEs themselves would be global in their focus. It is the intent of this research to understand the globalization issues that are encouraging biotechnology companies to go global, whether these companies really are truly global companies, and if not, at which stage of the globalization process these companies are operating. The study is undertaken using secondary quantitative data on all the publicly listed biotechnology companies in Australia that have undertaken some form of internationalization, based on 2003/4 annual reports. The main conclusion from the research is Australian biotechnology companies are still in an immature stage of development in the globalization process. The companies’ market strategies are directed at profitable countries and regions, such as the USA and Europe. This neglects other markets that are more accessible and can provide much needed early income streams. The internationalization effort of Australian biotechnology companies is only partial and could not be considered to be a true globalization effort.  相似文献   

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