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居民储蓄-准货币之主源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文的主旨是探求广义货币中之准货币部分与居民储蓄行为间的关系。本文利用分析时序数据的经济计量模型,建立和估计出城乡居民的人均消费行为关系,用以推算居民的储蓄潜力。再用居民储蓄潜力来解释银行城乡储蓄总额,最后用银行城乡储蓄总额来解释广义货币中的准货币部分。建模试验结果表明,居民人均储蓄行为具有相当的规律性,而且储蓄与准货币供给之间也存在着相当稳定的关系。本文还就利率、利率差、收入及收入不确定性等因素对居民储蓄的影响,做了各种模拟试验。  相似文献   

居民储蓄—准货币之主源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
秦朵 《经济学》2002,1(2):339-356
本的主旨是探求广义货币中之准货币部分与居民储蓄行为间的关系。本利用分析时序数据的经济计量模型,建立和估计出城乡居民的人均消费行为关系,用以推算居民的储蓄潜力。再用居民储蓄潜力来解释银行城乡储蓄总额,最后用银行城乡储蓄总额来解释广义货币中的准货币部分。建模试验结果表明,居民人均储蓄行为具有相当的规律性,而且储蓄与准货币供给之间也存在着相当稳定的关系。本还就利率、利率差、收入及收入不确定性等因素对居民储蓄的影响,做了各种模拟试验。  相似文献   

居民储蓄与投资选择:金融资产发展的含义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对我国银行储蓄高企的原因进行探讨,认为单纯从消费角度解释与消化居民银行储蓄是不适当的,化解高储蓄的另一有效方式在于发展准储蓄替代产品、拓展金融投资渠道.金融资产的不确定性增强了储蓄的价值,银行储蓄高企与居民直接投资所受的约束密切相关.我国现阶段低风险资产的缺乏,以及风险资产的广度和深度难以配比居民的投资选择,产生强制性银行储蓄,是现在储蓄高企的重要原因.因此,有必要反思传统的投融资方式,大力培育储蓄替代型金融资产,加快金融体制改革.  相似文献   

与以往研究不同,笔者首次以1978年~2009年我国居民的广义储蓄数据为基础,根据Houthakker和Taylor提出的动态存量调整模型构建理论框架,利用ARDL方法,分别估计了预期通货膨胀、非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄总额及结构的影响.结果表明,预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄行为有显著影响,且金融储蓄受影响程度远大于实物储蓄;除了居民存款外,预期通货膨胀对其他储蓄形式的影响均为正;非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄的影响不显著.  相似文献   

<正> “格蓄”一词有狭义与广义、存量与流量之别。狭义的储蓄一般指城乡居民在银行中的储蓄存款。如果指某一时点的存款余额,它就是一个存量;如果指某一时期的存款增加额,它就是一个流量。广义的储蓄则是指国民经济在一定时期内收入总额与消费总额的差额,它是一个流量。本文所用的储蓄概念指广义的储蓄流量。它有点类似于人们长期使用的积累概  相似文献   

一、问题的提出改 革开放以来 ,我国居民收入分配结构发生了巨大变化 ,个人部门在国民收入最终分配结构中的比重迅速提高 ,与此相适应 ,银行储蓄产品消费结构中城乡家庭对银行储蓄产品的消费占总消费的百分比 ,也从 1979年的 2 3 6 %上升为2 0 0 0年的 5 1 96 %。居民储蓄已成为社会资金的主要来源 ,同时也成为各家商业银行竟相争夺的客户资源。而竞争的有效利器是对客户有吸引力的服务和产品的提供 ,这又根源于对城乡家庭银行储蓄产品历史的分析。通过对家庭 ,这一中国银行储蓄产品需求主体力量进行分析 ,找到影响因素 ,明确其储蓄行为特点与偏好 ,为探索中国金融产品合理创新做一个理论铺垫。资源在当前消费和未来消费 (储蓄 )之间的分配 ,是一切经济所面临的基本选择之一。也就是说 ,储蓄是收入中未被消费的部分 ,它与消费息息相关 ,因而关于储蓄的决定也与消费的决定紧密联系。关于消费和储蓄决定理论 ,西方经济学界有许多人提出理论加以解释。凯恩斯之前的古典经济学家大多赞同如下观点 ,即储蓄与投资一样取决于利息率。而凯恩斯 ( 1933)则认为消费主要决定于人们的可支配收入 ,当人们的可支配收入增加时 ,其消费...  相似文献   

王岩 《经济师》1992,(7):38-39
<正> 储蓄的目标,除了筹集资金、调节货币流通之外,还应包括引导消费在内。尽管时下还鲜为人关注,但十分重要,有必要加以研究。 一、储蓄引导消费的必要性 从理论上说,储蓄(S)是居民货币收入(Y)的一个因变量,即S=f(Y)。二者成正方向变化,即随着居民货币收入的增加,储蓄将按一定函数关系相应增加。但需要指出,这种关系是建立在一个假定的基础上,即假定由居民货币收入所形成的消费需求与市场供应相适  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 本文所指的储蓄是特指居民个人在一定时期内的货币收入未消费掉的剩余部分进行价值积累的行为,或是居民个人金融资产的积累过程,而非全社会国民财富的储蓄。本文所指的投资是特指货币资金投入再生产过程从而引起生产流通规模扩大、实物资产积累的过程,而非投资愿望或金融资产投资行为。  相似文献   

首先对利率变动与居民储蓄的关系进行理论分析,然后选取2000年1月到2010年12月的数据,利用VAR模型,就我国居民储蓄利率敏感性问题进行了实证研究,实证结果表明我国的居民储蓄和存贷利率之间的变化存在长期稳定的关系,但是居民储蓄对存贷利率变化并不敏感。居民储蓄利率敏感性差的根本原因是政府行为、企业行为、银行行为和居民行为还不符合市场经济的要求。最后对提高储蓄利率敏感性提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文用中国城镇居民1980-2007年的数据,检验了影响居民储蓄行为的三类动机,即生命周期动机、遗赠动机和预防性动机。结果发现这三类储蓄动机都对中国城镇居民的储蓄行为产生影响,其中生命周期储蓄动机是解释中国居民高储蓄率的重要原因,但收入分配差距扩大导致整个社会的遗赠储蓄增加,引起总消费不振。此外,由于居民面临的不确定性增加,中国城镇居民的预防性储蓄动机也随之提高。  相似文献   

This study derives household saving potential empirically from econometric models of Chinese urban and rural household consumption and uses this potential to explain household bank deposits. Model simulations are performed to analyse the effects of interest rates, income and income uncertainty on the saving potential and the bank deposits. The bank deposits variable is then used to explain quasi‐money supply. High bank absorption of household savings is found to account mainly for the rapid growth in quasi‐money, which in turn explains the exceptionally high M2/GDP ratio. Households’ savings are largely predictable from their regular consumption.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study is to determine the savings potential of urban and rural households in India and in the process determine the possible savings and consumption functions separately for urban and rural areas. Four different possible functions have been used for determining the savings behaviour of the households both at the aggregate level and at the per capita level. The rural households, according to the results, have an extremely low rate of saving with income elasticity of saving of less than unity. For the urban households on the other hand, the income elasticity of saving is high enough to suggest the possibilities of considerably high savings potential. To understand the consumption behaviour of these households, the long-run and the short-run marginal propensities to consume and the marginal propensities to consume out of‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income and ‘transitory’ income have been worked out. For the urban sector none of these give encouraging enough results and the analysis has been extended to examine whether other factors like prices and household assets are of any significance. Whereas for the rural sector, Milton Friedman's theory of ‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income is somewhat substantiated, other factors like ‘transitory’ income, prices and assets appear to inthence urban consumption behaviour though no single one of them substantially enough. A negligible effect of ‘permanent’ income on urban consumption behaviour is, on the other hand, very clearly suggested by the results. Household consumption and savings have next been projected using the above results to determine the possible levels for the next three years. The results suggest that the rate of domestic savings likely to be achieved by the end of the Third Five Year Plan (1965–66) falls short of the targets laid down.  相似文献   

利用1995年、2002年和2007年的CHIPS(China Household Income Projects)数据实证分析了家庭人口结构变化对城乡居民家庭消费结构和储蓄率的影响。家庭收入、规模大小、户主年龄和家庭不同年龄人口占比等家庭人口结构变量对消费结构和储蓄率都有一定的影响。就消费结构来说,如教育支出方面,老年家庭明显低于年轻家庭;医疗保障支出方面,老年家庭明显高于年轻家庭。同时,研究表明我国城镇和农村家庭的户主年龄与储蓄率略呈U型结构,也就是说我国家庭微观储蓄率与经典的生命周期假设不一致。进一步探讨了未来家庭人口结构变化对中国家庭储蓄率和经济结构的影响以及相关政策涵义。  相似文献   

Protecting consumption from the effects of uninsured risk is vital for rural farming households, who tend to be poor and live close to subsistence level. Income uncertainty and habit formation play important roles in the consumption and savings. Variability in weather conditions has a strong linkage with variability in agricultural income in developing countries. This study analyzes consumption and saving decisions of rural farm households in India. Using household panel data for 4 years, we estimated consumption equation accounting for habit formation under income uncertainty. Our findings suggest an evidence for habit formation among rural households. Additionally, we found that both annual and seasonal weather risks significantly influence savings among rural households. Findings from this study also suggest a robust and vibrant farm economy and that the nonfarm economy could contribute to the economic well‐being of rural farming households.  相似文献   

通过使用中国家庭收入调查(CHIPS)数据,本文从储蓄率的角度,实证检验了生命周期/持久性收入假说在中国是否成立。实证结论表明,中国城市家庭的储蓄行为和生命周期/持久性收入假说的预测并不一致,且在不同时期,导致中国城市家庭储蓄率的生命周期分布特征的原因也不一样。对此,本文从教育、医疗、养老和住房等视角入手,解释了转型时期中国城市家庭储蓄率的生命周期分布特征及其动态演变模式的原因。  相似文献   

Dividing China into seven regions reveals rural income and consumption divergence for both 1980–2005 and 2000–05. But while real rural consumption growth averaged 7.7 percent over 1985–2005 in the eastern coastal region, it averaged 6.5 percent uniformly in the interior. In evaluating well-being, such rapid improvement in all regions arguably overshadows negative connotations of divergence. Twenty years of household survey data reveal dramatic increases in rural household savings, as rural consumption improved more slowly than income in some periods. This raises questions about the suitability of consumption as a basis for measuring well-being and its distribution. Increased savings appear to be transient, as some households save while others dissave to purchase durables and afford lumpy services like education and healthcare—supplies of which became more plentiful in the 1990s. The paper argues that more meaningful measures of regional disparities come from differences in regional poverty headcounts. It also suggests that higher regional inequality and accompanying interregional migration indicate that inequality plays an important positive role in inducing economic actors voluntarily to move to more productive locations and activities as a mechanism for ensuring sustainable improvements in individual well-being.  相似文献   

转型经济中农户储蓄行为:中国农村的实证研究   总被引:65,自引:4,他引:65  
本文运用大样本农户家庭调查资料 ,对决定中国农户家庭储蓄行为的影响因素进行了探索 ,从实际出发构建了一个具有较好解释力 ,且能对各种类型的变量均有所考虑的储蓄模型。研究发现 :(a)流动性约束、预防性储蓄动机以及工业化等对储蓄率的上升贡献相当大 ,且为正值 ;(b)在解释区域间储蓄率的差异时 ,文化是一个相当重要的因素 ;(c)家庭生命周期的“∪”型分布假说被拒绝 ,相反的“∩”型分布被发现 ;(d)当家庭财富与储蓄率的相关关系表现为负时 ,持久收入假说也被拒绝。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的高储蓄率越来越引起关注。本文利用中国城镇居民住户调查数据对城市家庭的收入、消费以及储蓄率进行基于组群分析的实证研究。实证结果表明,中国城市家庭的储蓄行为具有独特性,家庭储蓄率不断提高。本文从两个方面对此做出解释:其一,各个组群的家庭消费增长慢于收入增长;其二,年轻组群的高储蓄倾向及其在样本中随时间的比重不断提高。此外,本文也分析了养老金收入对于年老组群家庭收入和储蓄的影响。  相似文献   

While it is common to use income uncertainty to explain household saving decisions, there is much disagreement about the importance of precautionary saving. This paper suggests that income uncertainty is not an important motive for saving, although households do have other precautionary reasons to save. Using a question from the Survey of Consumer Finances that asks how much households want for precautionary purposes, this paper shows that expressed household preferences, and liquid savings, are much lower than predicted by standard modeling assumptions. Households rarely list unemployment as a reason to save. Perceived income uncertainty does not affect liquid savings or precautionary preferences. Neither does being in an occupation with higher income volatility. Instead, households seem very concerned with expenditure shocks.  相似文献   

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