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随着欧洲一体化进程的加快,并购已成为欧盟企业进行投资、重组的主要方式.联合国贸发会议报告指出,2000年世界并购总额超过11430亿美元,其5865亿美元是在欧盟进行的,约占该年世界并购总额的51.3%.在欧盟企业引人注目的并购活动背后,离不开欧盟对并购活动积极支持和有力监管.欧盟主要采取了以下措施,为企业并购活动创造有利的环境. 相似文献
欧盟农产品价格补贴政策的演变及特点 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
欧盟农产品价格支持与直接补贴政策,有其深远的历史性,其做法更有特殊性。分析比较欧盟农产品价格支持与直接补贴歧策及其特点,对我国农产品价格改革和财政补贴体制改革具有十分重要的借鉴意义。 一、欧盟农产品价格支持与直接补贴政策的演变历程 欧盟共同农业政策是在欧共体共同农业政策基础上形成的。以1992年为界,欧盟 相似文献
欧盟共同农业政策启示与借鉴 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解欧盟共同农业政策演变及其特征 ,广泛借鉴国际经验 ,研究加入WTO后我国农业支持和保护政策体系 ,最近 ,国家发展改革委农村经济司和培训中心组织12个省发展改革委 (计委 )有关同志 ,赴德国进行了为期20天的共同农业政策培训。现将培训团考察报告摘要刊发 ,供参考 相似文献
欧盟中小企业政策评介 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
欧盟中小企业政策的主要内容包括:在制度建设上改善中小企业生存和发展的环境、提供融资方便、促进技术创新、提供信息咨询和培训服务四个方面。本文从政策理念的定位、政策手段的实施和政策效益的评估等三个方面分别对该政策进行评述。 相似文献
共同农业政策通常被视为欧盟经济一体化的一大支柱,然而由于欧盟各成员国不同的历史自然背景,各国的农业发展状况以及农业在国民经济中的地位各不相同,欧盟委员会在制定和实施共同农业政策时困难重重,众口难调。从历史和现实两方面分析,各成员国农业发展状况和农业在国民经济中的不同地位,使得各国在制定共同农业政策时充满了矛盾与斗争。各国本身的差异与共同农业政策带来的得失不均,给共同体农业政策的发展带来了极大的变数。 相似文献
Margareta?E.?Kulessa Sven?Bode Sebastian?Oberthür Jason?Anderson Rainer?Walz Wolfgang?Schade Claus?Doll 《Intereconomics》2007,42(2):64-95
There is now almost universal agreement that climate change, with potentially disastrous consequences, is happening and that
it is contributed to by human activities. This Forum is dedicated to the discussion of various aspects of the European Union's
climate policy, e.g. the EU's future role in the global effort to combat global warming, the efficiency of its climate strategy,
the design of a new rule for sharing the corresponding burdens fairly among member states, and the interrelationships between
the Union's climate policies, on the one hand, and its energy and transport policies, on the other.
* and member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The author wishes to thank Helen Bicknell (Mainz University
of Applied Sciences), Oliver Deke (WBGU) and Jürgen Schmid (ISET, Department of Efficient Energy Conversion at the University
of Kassel) for their helpful comments.
** This contribution is based on a Jean Monnet Lecture held at Aarhus University on 19 March 2007. The author would like to
thank Harri Kalimo for valuable comments. 相似文献
Barbara Lippert Deputy Director of the Institut für Europ?ische Politik Berlin and lecturer at Humboldt University Berlin Germany Iris Kempe Senior research fellow Center for Applied Policy Research Munich Germany. Petr Kratochvííl Deputy Director 《Intereconomics》2007,42(4):180-204
The European Neighbourhood Policy aims at creating a ring of stable, friendly
and democratic countries surrounding the European Union. While this aim is generally
accepted across the Union, major differences persist as to how it should be achieved.
Where does the ENP stand today? What is its profile, potential and perspective? 相似文献
Eleanor J. Morgan 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(1):62-84
This article examines the application of the EC Merger Regulation to service industries in the light of the 50 final decisions relating to services taken in its first two years of operation. These cases generally raised few competition concerns and only one (Accor/Wagons-Lits) has led to full proceedings. However they have raised important questions about the calculation of turnover, definition of control and treatment of joint ventures as well as uncertainties about jurisdiction. An understanding of the Commission's evolving policy will be of increasing importance as service industries internationalise, especially if thresholds for investigation are eventually lowered as the Commission has proposed. 相似文献
Alfred Pfaller 《Intereconomics》1991,26(6):264-273
A European Monetary Union (EMU) and the complete transfer of the responsibility for monetary policy to a European central bank are no longer utopian ideas, but a politically highly relevant possibility. The question how economic policy goals can be achieved within such a monetary union is therefore gaining in importance. 相似文献
Eleanor J . Morgan 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(4):626-651
This article examines recent developments in the application of the EU Merger Regulation to services. Policy evolution regarding the jurisdictional divide between Brussels and the national authorities is highlighted as is the contrasting treatment of different types of joint ventures. Particular attention is given to the first two prohibitions of service industry transactions (in broadcasting and related telecommunications) which were among only three cases banned under the Regulation in its initial five years. These show some of the problems of ensuring competition in services where access to infrastructure plays an important role. The conditional clearance after full proceedings of the first case where a separate market for technology was defined is also considered with reference to licensing. 相似文献
Kai-Uwe Kühn 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2002,2(4):311-364
This paper is an attempt to derive priorities for the reform of European merger policy from observed problems with decision making in merger cases. We identify problems in the application of theory and empirical method as well as the impact of resource constraints and the potential for systematic decision bias. In contrast to the intense debate about the merits of a switch from a dominance criterion to a significant lessening of competition test, we find that such a switch would not effectively address any of the problems in Commision decision making on mergers. Similarly, the lack of an efficiency defense does not seem to explain any of the weaknesses of European merger policy. In contrast, we find that most of the problem areas identified in current merger control practice can be effectively addressed by reforming the merger procedure, the internal organization of merger control in the Commission, as well as addressing resource issues. Together with carefully crafted merger guidelines these should have strong priority for the reform of merger policy in Europe. 相似文献
Phedon Nicolaides 《Intereconomics》1999,34(1):3-9
While the European Union will hardly be in a position to receive new members without extensive policy and financial reform, the discussion so far has exaggerated the link between reform and enlargement. It has also tended to neglect the economic benefits to be expected from integrating the CEECs into the EU and has been dominated by concerns about intra-EU transfers. In an attempt to placate those member states which have complained that they pay too much, recent proposals could give rise to more inefficiencies and disparities within the Union. The author is grateful to Beuter, Frank Bollen, Veerle Deekmyn and Les Metealfe for their comments on a previous draft. The author alone is responsible for the views expressed in this paper. 相似文献
In this paper, we analyze the scope for conflict between national merger control agencies which simultaneously assert jurisdictions. We consider a positive model of merger control in which market definition and the analysis of dominance are both explicitly specified. Our main finding is that conflict in international merger control is less likely to occur when economic integration is high. Hence, economic integration should alleviate rather than exacerbate conflict. In addition, we observe that conflict is more likely to arise between countries of similar market size and for moderate competition policy rules. 相似文献