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In South Africa we have, since 1990, experienced an upsurge of interest in the study and teaching of development. In this article it is argued that two brands of development research and teaching have emerged in South Africa: one brand has a distinct public administration/management focus, while the other has a more pan-disciplinary, development studies focus. Despite these different focuses, a peculiar convergence has taken place in that the themes of study of the two ‘schools’ often overlap. This convergence demands further exploration of a number of themes, such as the research methodologies appropriate to the South African development context; approaches to administration and management relevant to South African development; balancing the role of state and civil society in South Africa; and clarity on what we mean by the concept ‘empowerment’ in our deliberations on development in South Africa.  相似文献   

This article describes the prevailing farming system of emerging small‐scale commercial mango farmers in the Venda region of the Northern Province of South Africa. Analyses based on intensive group discussions with farmers and prioritisation of their problems using a ‘problem tree/objective tree'framework, as well as comparisons with adjacent commercial mango farmers, enabled the development of operational support strategies. This study followed a new (for South Africa) participative approach. The first step of the Objective Oriented Intervention Planning (OOIP) approach to Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) is a problem tree; the next is to convert the problem tree into an objective tree in order to identify alternative strategies for alleviating constraints and problems. These are then summarised in the LFA matrix. This methodology is described here.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, eastern Free State vegetable farmers increasingly relied on migrants from neighbouring Lesotho for seasonal labour. This coincided with a major downsizing of the mine labour force in South Africa, hitherto the major employer of Basotho migrant workers. However, there was no simple process of transfer of unemployed migrants from the mining to the farming sector; rather, decisions were mediated by domestic relationships and household poverty in Lesotho. Basotho women and girls have been a major casualty of mine retrenchments and the drying up of remittances, and those with domestic skills but little formal training have been forced into the labour market, mainly domestic work in towns and labour on farms. This article examines the Basotho migrants' experiences and conditions of employment, the regulatory environment within which they are recruited and employed, and their future in the context of changing immigration and migration legislation in South Africa.  相似文献   

This article considers what would happen if unemployed people in South Africa had a right to a minimum level of regular work on decent terms. It looks at the example of India, where a law was passed in 2005 guaranteeing rural households up to 100 days of work a year at minimum wage rates. More than 55 million households now participate in this programme – a rare example of a policy innovation bringing about significant change in a society. India's employment guarantee has important implications for social and economic policy and gives new meaning to the concept of ‘a right to work’. The article explores how structural inequality limits South Africa's development options, and considers early lessons from South Africa's Community Work Programme to make the case for an employment guarantee in South Africa.  相似文献   

The lack of published information on indigenous agricultural knowledge in South Africa frustrates the efforts of scientists who seek to enhance the creativity of subsistence farmers, and thus help their delivery from the cycle of poverty to commercialised farming. The term ‘indigenous crop’ is not clearly defined in the literature, and confusion about what is a traditional or an indigenous crop often arises even in conversations with local people. Perhaps the confusion stems from the generally accepted norm that a crop is associated with conventional production practices and commercialisation. Indigenous crop production and use of indigenous plants for food are generally not associated with conventional agriculture. Many subsistence farmers in South Africa have known only organic farming until recently, when they were introduced to ‘new seeds’ and agricultural chemicals. On-farm opinion surveys and physical farm appraisals were undertaken at the Msinga and Embo tribal areas in KwaZulu-Natal, in an attempt to assess the knowledge of subsistence and small-scale farmers about indigenous crops and organic farming. Results showed that the traditional definition of the term ‘indigenous crop’ may be broader than ‘African only’, at least in the context of indigenous South Africans. The findings also showed that subsistence farmers take organic farming to be a peasant's approach to food production, but its health and economic merits are recognised.  相似文献   

The government's recently released rural development strategy identifies the important role which local economic development can play in the rural areas of South Africa. This article examines the key features of local economic development and the degree to which recent initiatives in the rural village of Hertzog conform with the basic principles of local economic development. The recent establishment of an agriculture cooperative and smallholder farming on irrigated one‐hectare plots forms the basis of the initiative. Community structures, strategies and achievements are outlined and assessed.  相似文献   

Sustainability practices, particularly those relating to Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), have still to be fully evolved in a developing country context. This article considers international trends in SRI and how these may relate to South Africa. It considers how, internationally, SRI has become increasingly motivated by the business case for risk-management and therefore how it may have the potential to offer superior returns (as demonstrated by recent experience in the United States). It examines the relevance of SRI trends to South Africa, where the concept of SRI still faces further structural development, and reviews the performance of funds operating in the South African SRI arena.  相似文献   

This paper presents a synopsis of emerging issues in smallholder organic production and marketing in South Africa. The pros and cons of organic production for smallholder agriculture are demonstrated in a discussion of the reasons for adopting organic farming and the opportunities for and constraints on smallholder farmers in Africa. Also discussed are agro-ecological considerations; the process, requirements and costs for converting to certified organic production; and the information and decision-making required for smallholder organic production. Research and policy considerations are suggested.  相似文献   

More than two decades since the advent of democracy in South Africa, the place of small-scale agriculture in rural development, poverty alleviation and food security remains ambiguous and highly contested. However, there is now some new evidence that official income poverty estimates in South Africa may be underestimating the contribution of rural, land-based livelihoods when measuring household well-being. This paper aims to explore this possibility further by identifying how household production activities are associated with improved food security among rural Eastern Cape households in the former homelands. The analysis is based on data from Statistics South Africa’s 2008/9 Living Conditions Survey and its annual General Household Surveys. In adopting a food poverty lens, the findings suggest that hunger levels are lower among farming households in the Eastern Cape even though a higher percentage of these households (relative to non-farming households) live below the national food poverty line. The paper concludes by discussing some implications for policy.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the adoption of an Inflation Targeting (IT) framework in 2000 on the conduct of South Africa’s monetary policy. Taylor rule analysis is used to test empirically whether the implementation of IT in South Africa can be shown to have impacted on the conduct of monetary policy. In particular, the article analyses whether the implementation of the IT framework yields the expected changes when comparing the conduct of monetary policy pre and post the adoption of the IT framework. Thereafter, an analysis of term structure of interest rates, which serve as a proxy variable for market expectations, is used to test whether South Africa’s IT framework has resulted in more predictability and transparency in monetary policy conduct. Lastly, the article analyses the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008–2009, the so‐called Great Recession, on the predictability and transparency of monetary policy in South Africa.  相似文献   

The majority of South Africa's rural population resides in the former homelands. Although cash from urban and government sources is the mainstay of the rural economy in many areas, the multiple and diverse livelihood base of rural households is not widely recognised. This diversity includes the land-based strategies of arable farming, livestock husbandry and consumption and trade in natural resources. This article examines recent and emerging literature from a livelihood perspective in terms of the role and value of each of these three land-based livelihood sectors. We conclude that the contribution of land-based activities to rural livelihoods is important in both financial and social terms, and is probably greater than previously appreciated within the whole gamut of livelihood strategies adopted by rural households, including transfers from formal employment and state pensions. We examine the policy implications of this for land and agrarian reform in South Africa.  相似文献   

The article discusses the problems and prospects for the development of a Russian nuclear power plants in South Africa, as well as other innovative energy projects in this country. Acute energy shortages in South Africa give Russia a unique chance to enter the African market and create a technological link between African countries and Russian innovations. An analysis of the political and economic situation in South Africa, as well as an assessment of the prospects for Russian business participation in the development of the South African energy sector were carried out using research conducted by the authors in South Africa in 2016, and interviews with Russian and South African civil servants and businesmen.  相似文献   

This article empirically analyses the state of inequality in South Africa. International comparisons show South Africa to be among the most unequal countries in the world. The levels of income inequality and earnings inequality are analysed with a range of measures and methods. The results quantify the extremely high level of inequality in South Africa. Earnings inequality appears to be falling in recent years, with relative losses in the upper-middle parts of the earnings distribution. Decomposing income inequality by factor source reveals the importance of earnings in accounting for overall income inequality. The article concludes by observing that, internationally, significant sustained decreases in inequality rarely come about without policies aimed at achieving that, and suggests that strong policy interventions would be needed to reduce inequality in South Africa to levels that are in the range typically found internationally.  相似文献   

South African firms have been slow to adopt cleaner technologies, and little research on this topic has been carried out in South Africa. This article reports on the results of a survey of 26 firms in South Africa that had recently adopted cleaner technology. The survey results indicate that market-led factors are seen as the most significant in prompting firms to adopt cleaner technologies. Proactive market factors, such as obtaining a competitive edge and taking advantage of a market opportunity, are rated highest. The results suggest that the adoption of cleaner technology in South Africa is often a 'win-win' situation in which firms and the environment both benefit.  相似文献   

The Maputo Development Corridor (MDC) was officially launched in May 1996 in Maputo by the presidents of South Africa and Mozambique. Within two years it has become known as the ‘most advanced international development corridor in Africa’ (Department of Transport, 1997). As the flagship of the Spacial Development Initiative (SDI) process, the methodology utilised in the MDC is now being applied to the other eight SDIs in South Africa and increasingly is being considered by other African countries. The objective of this article is to examine the lessons learned in implementing the MDC in the Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Having provided a brief orientation and having outlined the short history of the MDC and its institutional context, the article will focus on the progress made by the project in attaining the key objectives set at its launch.  相似文献   

This article presents estimates of off‐farm wage returns to education in rural areas of Lesotho. Results from a sample survey conducted in the northern Lowlands and Foothills of Lesotho indicate that returns to education are relatively higher for people wage‐employed in Lesotho than those wage‐employed as migrants in South Africa. For people working within Lesotho, education appears to have a significant and positive effect on off‐farm wages. Most people working within Lesotho are employed as teachers, nurses and civil servants and these job categories require an educated labour force. For people wage‐employed in South Africa, education appears not to have a significant effect on off‐farm wages. Most men working in South Africa are employed as labourers in mines while women working in South Africa are employed as domestic servants.  相似文献   

The objective in this article is to examine the key determinants of successful SME development in post-apartheid South Africa. The determinants of successful SME growth are investigated by concentrating upon one specific branch of manufacturing, namely clothing production in the Witwatersrand. The article unfolds through four sets of material. First, a review is undertaken of research concerning the factors influencing successful SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa. Major themes are the elements of successful individual enterprise, successful clusters of enterprises and of available research in South Africa. In section two, attention turns to the case study and outlines key features of the development of the South African clothing industry. Section three presents the findings from 27 detailed interviews conducted with successful clothing producers in the Witwatersrand. Overall, it is concluded that the South African research confirms certain of the findings relating to trajectories of successful SME development in other parts of Africa.  相似文献   

For any development facilitator or change agent, a potential paradox can arise when, assisting with self‐reliant participatory development. This paradox occurs when the change agent tries to help and encourage people to develop themselves and, in so doing, undermines their self‐reliance and sustainability, the very aim of development. The theoretical basis for the meaning of development is often at the root of such a paradox: it is argued that theory and the concept of development are in actual fact incompatible within the realm of social reality. It is further argued that Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), which rejects theory as the foundation for development and embraces human consciousness, can offer an appropriate strategy that can avoid such a paradox. This article is inspired by the tenacious efforts of resource‐poor people. It is largely based on PLA initiatives undertaken in the Little Karoo, South Africa and Odibo, Namibia, as well as in various communities in Zambia, and on numerous RDP capacity‐building training initiatives in the Northern Cape Province. South Africa.  相似文献   

An important component of the informal economy in South Africa, the Spaza sector is portrayed as dominated by foreign nationals who outcompete South African shopkeepers on price. Indeed, this business competition from foreign nationals is a key reason given to explain xenophobia in South Africa. This article sets out to interrogate this widely held assumption. Drawing on evidence from over 1000 Spaza shops from South Africa’s three main cities, the article makes the case that business competitiveness does not correspond with ‘foreign’ or South African identities in a simple way. Firstly, while citizenship or nationality is a factor, it is not captured by the labels of ‘foreign’ versus South African, as there are significant differences by nationality within the ‘foreign’. Secondly, not all foreign nationalities out-compete South Africans on price. Thirdly, place matters too, not only because we find different nationalities in different cities, but also because there are different patterns of price competition by nationality in each place. Lastly, there are product-specific dynamics that impact on price more profoundly than nationality. For example, regardless of nationality, milk is cheaper in Cape Town and bread is cheaper in Johannesburg.  相似文献   

The argument in this article is that population growth and the concept of balancing resources against population growth is flawed when the context, in this case South Africa, is gross inequalities in resource distribution. The fact is that causes of poverty are located in the social and political structures which give people unequal access to existing resources or international aid. Population trends reflect the mode of production of that society. It is argued that the Malthusian law of population and the theory of demographic transition is ahistorical and inaccurate. The theory does not explain why population growth rates change. In South Africa, fertility reflects lack of control over one's life and poverty. Migrant labor in South Africa undermined normal social institutions and disrupted family life. Government has emphasized a fear of a future population crisis because of resource shortages and a fear of the growing black population. The South African population development program is extracted and discussed. Questions are raised about the theory of demographic transition, the way resource allocation is ascertained, the relationship between resources and population in a specific area, and the relationship between population growth and development in general. The theory of demographic transition is examined and the Western influences which contributed to population growth through requests for changes in sexual mores and the effects of colonization. When demographic transition theory postulates that mortality rates decline with industrialization as a result of access to medical care and an improved diet, it doesn't take into account the discriminatory health care allocation under apartheid, or the displacement of rural people from their land and undermining of the rural peasantry. Separate development has led to inferior schooling and lack of access to skilled employment. In discussing the availability of resources in South Africa, the question is raised as to whether there is an absolute limit to water, or whether water management or water conservation is at issue, as in the case example of the Transkei. What is economical reflects political decisions about national priorities when consideration is given to alternative strategies for increasing the water supply, or solving pollution problems. The potential to feed South Africans is substantiated, and the problems of maldistribution identified. In establishing the balance between family planning and development, the Population Development Program (PDP) expresses contradictory aims; i.e., seeking community involvement of a politically disenfranchised population. The concept of overpopulation and the application of population control programs in South Africa does not address the problems of poverty and powerlessness.  相似文献   

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