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交易所交易基金(ETE)在我国的前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘俊  李媛 《上海金融》2002,(11):37-40
交易所交易基金(ETE)是近年来发展非常迅速的一种金融产品,由于它结合了开放式基金和封闭式基金的特点,并且具有独特的双重交易机制,因此,它与传统的指数基金相比有着更多的创新和优势。可以预见这种产品将来会在我国的资本市场上有所发展。  相似文献   

ETFs跟踪误差产生原因探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,交易所交易基金(ETFs)在全球范围内、尤其是在美国发展迅猛,成为机构投资者和个人投资者青睐的指数化投资创新产品。投资者若看好某个市场指数,就可以投资以该指数为基准指数的ETFs,以期获得与该基准指数相近的收益率。投资者在投资ETFs时,考察ETFs的一个重要指标就是看ETFs组合(以下简称复制组……  相似文献   

交易所交易基金(ETF)在我国的前景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
交易所交易基金(ETF)是近年来发展非常迅速的一种金融产品,由于它结合了开放式基金和封闭式基金的特点,并且具有独特的双重交易机制,因此,它与传统的指数基金相比有着更多的创新和优势.可以预见这种产品将来会在我国的资本市场上有所发展.  相似文献   

交易所交易基金(ETF,Exchange Traded Fund)是一种投资组合证券化凭证,其交易方式和一般股票一样,可在证券交易所买卖。EFT可以自由申购或赎回、指数基金高度透明.最大限度地降低了投资者的交易成本。投资者可以通过下达一个单一的交易指令,一次性完成一个投资组合的交易.这种组合交易技术的出现,不仅为大额交易商节省了交易时间,同时又减少了交易成本,而且为ETF的诞生和运作提供了有力的技术支持.  相似文献   

关于推出ETFs的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ETFs的产生是市场需求诱发的,是发达的投资业需要ETFs作为一种补充性的投资工具的自然结果。对于中国证券市场何时适合推出ETFs这个问题,答案似乎也是何时市场产生需求,投资理念的转变将是ETFs产生的大前提。……  相似文献   

杨小妹 《中国外资》2013,(11):43-43
本文通过对交易所交易基金(ETF)自身特点的介绍,概括分析其在我国证券市场发展的现状,我国推出ETF的原因探讨以及ETF在我国的发展创新,同时剖析ETF对我国证券的正反面影响,最后提出制约ETF在我国的发展的因素和对策。  相似文献   

Exchange-traded Funds(交易所交易基金,简称ETFs)的迅速发展是近十年来投资管理领域的一个热点,被誉为过去十年“最富有创新、发展最迅猛”的金融产品。ETFs是一种在证券交易所交易的代表长期股票投资信托所有权的有价证券。该证券信托的是一揽子股票的投资组合,并以此作为实物担保品,将其分割为众多单价较低的投资单位,以代表持有者的受益权。投资者通过购买ETFs,即可模拟某一指数或某一精选组合的价格表现及其股息收益,  相似文献   

吴功庭 《理财》2007,(10):88-88
何为ETF?ETF属于一种混合型的特殊基金,是指数型基金里一个特殊的种类。它既可以像开放式基金一样申购赎回,又可以像封闭式基金一样上市交易,所以一般对ETF的俗称是"交易所交易基  相似文献   

We analyze a set of 97 NASD-listed securities that trade on both the Nasdaq and Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) to determine if trading costs and price improvement differ between the two markets. We find that order execution costs, which we define by the traded spread and the signed effective half-spread, are significantly lower on the CHX. This difference is consistent over trade types and for trades of at least 1,000 shares. Also, we find that trades occurring on the CHX receive more price improvement than do those occurring on Nasdaq.  相似文献   

外汇占款对货币供给影响的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邓涛  鄂永健 《新金融》2010,(1):27-29
通过对外汇占款变化和货币供应增长之间关系的实证分析发现:外汇占款对广义贷币和储备货币均有非常显著的正向影响;外汇占款主要通过影响基础货币来影响总体贷币供给;汇率制度改革放大了外汇占款对储备货币的影响,近年来外汇占款已经成为国内流动性的重要来源。建议积极促进国际收支平衡,加大对境外资金流八的监管力度,保持人民币对美元汇率基本稳定,以避免因外汇占款增长过快而导致国内流动性过剩。  相似文献   

This paper documents clustering in currency stop‐loss and take‐profit orders, and uses that clustering to provide an explanation for two familiar predictions from technical analysis: (1) trends tend to reverse course at predictable support and resistance levels, and (2) trends tend to be unusually rapid after rates cross such levels. The data are the first available on individual currency stop‐loss and take‐profit orders. Take‐profit orders cluster particularly strongly at round numbers, which could explain the first prediction. Stop‐loss orders cluster strongly just beyond round numbers, which could explain the second prediction.  相似文献   

本文对责任准备金证券化的发行背景、市场发展、构架、案例和风险进行了系统梳理,并把它与传统再保险、巨灾债券和其他人寿风险证券化进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

FX Trading and Exchange Rate Dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
I examine the sources of exchange rate dynamics by focusing on the information structure of FX trading. This structure permits the existence of an equilibrium distribution of transaction prices at a point in time. I develop and estimate a model of the price distribution using data from the Deutsche mark/dollar market that prroduces two striking results:(1) Much of the short-term volatility in exchange rates comes from sampling the heterogeneous trading decisions of dealers in a distribution that, under normal market conditions, changes comparatively slowly; (2) public news is rarely the predominant source of exchange rate movements over any horizon.  相似文献   

我国证券市场启动之初,之所以将保证金划归券商管理,主要是出于分离银行业和证券生的考虑。但这项制度并未有效地达到两业分离的目的,反而在银行系统之外形成了一套“灰色”的间接融资体系,并衍生出许多问题。  相似文献   

This study proposes unexamined technical trading rules, which are dynamically switching strategies among filter, moving average and trading-range breakout rules. The dynamically switching strategy is formulated based on a discrete choice theory consistent with the concept of myopic utility maximization. We utilize the transaction data of the individual stocks listed on the Nikkei 225 from September 1, 2005 to August 31, 2007. We demonstrate that switching strategies produce positive returns and their performance is better than those from the buy-and-hold and non-switching strategies over our sample periods. We also demonstrate equivalent performance for switching with different learning horizons, implying that behavioural heterogeneity of stock investors arises from the coexistence of different strategies with varying degrees of learning horizons. Our result supports several research assumptions and results on agent-based theoretical models that successfully replicate empirical features in financial markets, such as fat tails of return distributions and volatility clustering. However, upon considering the effects of data-snooping bias superior performance disappears.  相似文献   

我国企业集团财务管理模式的选择与构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国企业集团正处于发展的初期阶段,大多数企业已经实现了会计核算的电算化,集中式的财务管理软件正在得到大力推广,但集团下属成员企业的财务活动尚不规范。如此现状决定了相对“集权式”财务管理模式为企业集团最优选择。这种相对“集权式”财务管理模式,通过建立财务公司或资金结算中心并在集团内部实行财务总监委派制等方法来实现集团的整体战略目标。  相似文献   

Reputation Effects in Trading on the New York Stock Exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theory suggests that reputations allow nonanonymous markets to attenuate adverse selection in trading. We identify instances in which New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stocks experience trading floor relocations. Although specialists follow the stocks to their new locations, most brokers do not. We find a discernable increase in liquidity costs around a stock's relocation that is larger for stocks with higher adverse selection and greater broker turnover. We also find that floor brokers relocating with the stock obtain lower trading costs than brokers not moving and brokers beginning trading post‐move. Our results suggest that reputation plays an important role in the NYSE's liquidity provision process.  相似文献   

Whether insider trading affects stock prices is central to both the current debate over whether insider trading is harmful or pervasive, and to the broader public policy issue of how best to regulate securities markets. Using previously unexplored data on illegal insider trading from the Securities and Exchange Commission, this paper finds that the stock market detects the possibility of informed trading and impounds this information into the stock price. Specifically, the abnormal return on an insider trading day averages 3%, and almost half of the pre-announcement stock price run-up observed before takeovers occurs on insider trading days. Both the amount traded by the insider and additional trade-specific characteristics lead to the market's recognition of the informed trading.  相似文献   

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