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吴建新 《南方经济》2010,28(8):51-60
本文用非参数生产前沿方法将我国1978—2007年服务业劳均产出增长分解为效率变化、技术进步和资本积累的贡献三个部分,并用方差分解方法估算了各部分对地区服务业劳均产出增长率差异的贡献,然后采用核密度分布方法分析了上述三个部分对地区服务业发展的影响。研究发现:(1)技术进步是促进各地区服务业增长的重要因素,其作用随资本积累的提高呈上升趋势;(2)效率虽然对服务业经济增长的平均贡献较小,但却是各地区服务业增长率差异的主要原因;(3)资本积累在不同时期对地区服务业增长的贡献差别很大,其作用随时间发展呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

金融发展与增长源泉:要素积累、技术进步与效率改善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈刚  李树 《南方经济》2009,(5):24-35
本文通过基于DEA的经济增长核算框架将中国28个省市的劳均GDP增长分解为了劳均资本积累、技术进步和技术效率改善三个部分的贡献,然后采用GMM动态面板回归技术分别检验了在1994—2003年间金融发展对这三者的影响,研究发现,金融发展显著加速了劳均资本的积累,但其却阻碍了技术进步和技术效率的改善。本文的研究为理解中国金融发展与经济增长问的关系提供了新的视角和经验证据,金融发展通过不同的机制对经济增长产生了不同的效应可以解释为何“金融引导经济增长”这一命题在中国难以成立。  相似文献   

基于广泛的文献回顾,本文认为在企业层面的创业研究领域,除了创业导向外,公司创业也是一个关键构念.本文分析了创业导向和公司创业两个构念的起源和演进历程,对创业导向和公司创业进行了深入的比较,并且发现在起源、内容与维度、适用层次、演化路径、测量方法和主要贡献者六个方面两者存在明显的差异,因此,它们是两个不同的构念.最后,本文分析了相关研究的不足,并对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

确定一国经济增长过程中的总量生产函数,是宏观经济学界面临的重要问题。本文在估算中国物质资本存量的基础上,通过研究不同年份技术变迁的总体情况,使总量生产函数本身的变迁与沿着该曲线产生的各种移动相分离,从而能够弥补已有文献在这一领域的不足,得出更加准确的总量生产函数形式。资本存量、技术变动和总量生产函数的确定,既能满足研究各种要素投入对经济增长贡献的需要,又能成为政府评估和预测经济走势、合理制定长期经济政策的重要依据。  相似文献   

王莹 《魅力中国》2011,(9):285-285,287
近一年来,我国物价涨势旺盛,尽管在国家各种宏观调控措施的作用下,物价有所调整,但整体物价仍然是涨声依旧,表现得扑朔迷离。物价上涨对民生、金融、经济、社会等各方面都会产生很大的影响,那么导致物价上涨的主要原因是什么?物价为什么会长期的走高?本文对此分别从内外两个方面进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

人口红利所谓人口红利,按照中国社科院人口与劳动经济所所长蔡昉的说法,指从事经济活动的人口不断增加带来的高生产率与高储蓄率导致的较高的资本积累。生之者众、食之者寡的人口年龄结构对经济增长的贡献,即为人口红利。人口红利的形成取决于三个因素的共同作用。人口多只是经济发展的一个背景条件,劳动人口多并不等于人口红利。另外两个条件,一是经济持续快速增长,提供巨大的劳动力需求,使劳动力有机会和资本结合;二是劳动力供给的增长大于劳动力需求的增长,存在一个强大的后备军推动经济的进一步增长。没有这个后备军,经济就会进入均衡状态,人口红利将消失。  相似文献   

党国英 《发展》2005,(8):16-18
从2004年开始,我国农村政策发生了极大变化.连续两个中央一号文件包含了非常丰富的内容,一个比较富于进取精神的、全面的农村政策新体系浮出水面.  相似文献   

现代西方通货膨胀理论要述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志勇 《山东经济》2006,22(5):31-34
自凯恩斯以来的西方经济学家,以不同学派的经济理论为基础,对通货膨胀从各自理论的角度进行了研究,形成了各具特色的通货膨胀理论。从通货膨胀的涵义、分类、机理、效应和治理等方面,探讨西方有代表性的通胀理论,对我国在经济增长过程中趋利避害、预防和治理通货膨胀,具有重要的镜鉴意义。  相似文献   

周旭东  张兵 《辽宁经济》1998,(12):38-38
改革开放20年,我国在国民经济和社会发展诸多领域取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。其中具有深远意义的成就有两个方面:第一、历经多年的摸索,我国确立了市场化取向的改革方向。第二、经过多年的努力,我国社会总供需的格局开始发生重大转变,主要生产资料和消费品已经由卖...  相似文献   

本文的研究对象为国有上市公司,它们的性质是公有制,从一定意义上讲,它们是属于全体中国人的,因此,更应该注重对社会的贡献.企业社会层面价值包括的内容非常广泛,但由于数据收集难度以及本人能力方面的限制,本文在全面衡量之后,选取了所得税和主营业务税金及附加(以下简称主营税金)两个指标来研究公有制上市公司实施MBO的社会价值.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between relevant senate committee membership and campaign contributions from financial services industry political action committees (PACs) from 1998 to 2002. Since this was a period of significant legislative activity affecting the industry, it provides a fruitful time period to investigate the relationship between contributions and committee membership. It is found that membership on the Senate Banking Committee is consistently related to contributions from financial services PACs. Membership on the Senate Finance Committee is related to PAC contributions from some sectors of the industry for some time periods. It is also found that contributions are significantly higher for those senators facing re-election in the particular election cycle. The importance of relevant committee membershipto PAC contributions in the senate is consistent with previous work dealing with the House.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article reviews John Butterworth's significant contributions to the accounting and information economics literature. Some of the reviewed work is unpublished and is first exposed in this paper. I describe the general nature of John's diversified contributions and focus on some theoretical components of his work. Résumé. Cet article fait la revue des contributions importantes de John Butterworth à la littérature dans les domaines de la comptabilité et des systèmes d'information. Certains des travaux révisés n'ont pas été publiés et sont dévoilés pour la première fois dans cet exposé. Je décris de façon générale les contributions diversifiées de John en me concentrant sur quelques-unes des composantes théoriques de ses travaux.  相似文献   

At the end of 1997 and after twenty-five years of duty, Professor Simon Kuipers retired as managing editor of De Economist. As a token of indebtedness and gratitude, this article reviews Kuipers' written work. The article focuses on two topics that dominate Kuipers' endeavours. First, his contributions to macroeconomic theory, with particular emphasis on his (neo-)Keynesian approach are examined. Second, Kuipers' contributions to actual monetary and economic policy are discussed, emphasis being placed on his empirical work.  相似文献   

Summary The historical roots of macroeconometric model building go back to the studies of Jan Tinbergen in constructing statistical models of The Netherlands and the United States. His work built on the contributions of J.M. Keynes to macroeconomic theory and Simon Kuznets to the design of accounts to measure national income and product. Wassily Leontief's input-output models helped to extend the effort to many industrial sectors. Other economic theorists and statisticians also made important contributions in the 1930s and 1940s. A breakthrough has been the arrival of the electronic computer. Many seemingly impossible tasks are now quite easy. Among the many approaches to economic forecasting, policy analysis, and cyclical analysis, macroeconometric modeling stands out as the most accurate and insightful. There are many challengers, but none that is demonstrably superior on a replicated basis. The present thrust of model building has extended beyond Professor Tinbergen's original work at the national level. World models of economic interdependence are now operational in many international centers.Benjamin Franklin Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania.Final draft of the first Tinbergen Lecture delivered on October 24th in The Hague on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association.  相似文献   

Empirical work on intra-industry trade (IIT) is almost 30 years old. Initial research sought to identify if IIT was a significant share of total trade (TT). The Grubel-Lloyd (GL) index was widely used for this purpose. Interest has since shifted to the changing importance of IITover time. Using movements in the GL index to infer the importance of IIT over time is not only vague, but can be misleading. In this article, we measure the contributions of growth in net trade (NT) and IIT to the growth in TT. To understand changes in IIT over time, we also derive the contributions of imports and exports to the growth in TT, NT, and IIT. All our formulas are illustrated with data for 205 Australian manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

田德辉 《边疆经济与文化》2005,(7):127-128,F003
期刊工作是高校图书馆工作的一个重要组成部分,期刊文献是图书馆资源建设的信息源.在众多的信息资源中,期刊文献在图书馆资源建设中的功绩得到众多学者的认可和欣赏.高校图书馆要做好期刊管理和读者服务工作、期刊咨询工作、知识导读工作等,在提高期刊利用效率的同时使期刊文献得到共享.  相似文献   


Professor Hugo E. Pipping's work on the vicissitudes of the Bank of Finland (the central bank of the country) is one of the weightiest contributions that has yet been made to Finnish economic history. With the completion of volume lIt he has brought the story up to the beginning of World War I.  相似文献   

J. Kol 《De Economist》2004,152(2):273-296
Jan Tinbergen's scientific writings cover six main areas of research. His articles in De Economist represent these areas; in some cases the contributions to De Economist were of a pioneering nature (business cycles, economic models, economic integration); in others De Economist was the first or even single outlet for Tinbergen's work. This article provides an overview of these contributions. The wide scope of Tinbergen's areas of research goes together with a unity in approach, the characteristics of which are: policy relevance, quantification and measurement, balance in analysis and presentation, and learning from experience. Tinbergen's articles in De Economist bear witness to this approach which at the time also met with scepticism and resistance as this overview shows. According to Houthakker, Tinbergen's main contribution may be that, amidst the pleas of interest groups and the slogans of the laity, an attempt is made that the voice of the professional economic researcher be heard. Tinbergen's work still sets an agenda for both economic research and policy making.  相似文献   

王晓青 《理论观察》2004,7(5):103-105
瞿秋白是一位品质高尚、理论涵养深厚的优秀编辑,编辑活动分为上个世纪的“五四”、二十年代中后期和三十年代三个时期,其编辑工作主要呈现出宣传方向的坚定性、政策舆论的前导性、编辑与创作的一体性等特点。他为我党报刊宣传事业作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

F. De Roos 《De Economist》1984,132(1):1-22
Summary In 1983 Dr. Jelle Zijlstra was a member of the board of editors ofDe Economist for 35 years. At the request of his co-editors, this article has been written to put in a clear light the person and work of Dr. Zijlstra. Zijlstra has been a professor of economics, a minister of economic affairs and of finance in several Dutch cabinets, and, from 1967–1981, President of the Netherlands Bank. During these activities he has made important contributions to economic theory and economic policy, both in legislative work and in various publications. In this article his valuable contributions in such different fields as economic competition, economic order, public finance, monetary theory and central banking policy are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that Dr. Zijlstra is an original thinker, who has been a stimulating and inspiring contributor to the different fields of economic theory and economic policy in which he has been active. The author thanks Professor P. Hennipman and Professor S. K. Kuipers for their valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

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