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牛晓健  郑祖玄 《经济研究》2005,40(4):108-115
本文根据我国过渡性资本外逃的现实,构建一个政府和国内企业之间关于外资超国民待遇和资本投向的博弈模型,从理论上演绎了外资超国民待遇导致过渡性资本外逃的机制;揭示了资本管制程度对于过渡性资本外逃的效应;诠释了我国改革开放初期为何能够实施程度较高的内外资差别待遇,而在国内资本存量越来越大的今天,政府降低外资超国民待遇的客观必然性。文章进一步分析了当政府不了解企业资本外逃真实成本时,不对称信息对最优外资税率的效应。最后文章认为,统一内外资的税率和其他政策待遇是今后改革的必然取向  相似文献   

从东道国与外商投资者的博弈行为出发,构建了一个用于分析外资优惠政策调整的动态博弈模型,据此模型得到三个命题:东道国引资过程满足边际收益等于边际成本条件,优惠政策的边界条件取决于收益系数、成本系数以及最佳外资规模的大小;优惠政策与投资环境具有反向的替代关系,与外资的最佳规模呈正比关系;低质量的投资对环境的敏感系数要小于高质量投资,低质量的投资对优惠政策的敏感系数要大于高质量投资。并用这三个命题对中国外资政策调整的历程做了解释。  相似文献   

王一兵 《当代财经》2006,(10):13-15,20
空气污染己成为社会各界所关注的一个热点问题。政府制定的各种环保法规只有得到企业有效配合才能实现其环保目的。但是政府在实施各种环保法规时所遇到的一个难题是企业不合作问题(不投资购买治污设备)。本文提出了一个能够有效解决企业不合作问题的税收-补贴管制机制,并证明了实施该管制能够得到子博弈最优均衡唯一解:所有企业均会选择合作策略。  相似文献   

煤矿安全事故博弈分析与政府管制政策选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国煤矿安全管制是一种典型的监管博弈。现实煤矿安全管制体制必然导致当前煤矿安全事故频发的结局。政府管制机构的责任心和对煤矿不安全行为的惩罚有效地遏制了煤矿安全风险,加上煤矿企业安全培训与安全投资加大,有力地保障了大多数煤矿的生产安全。但是,地方政府利益保护和管制官员与矿主的合谋,导致了安全事故的频繁发生。  相似文献   

投资博弈模型表明,在城市公共服务产品的价格无法预知的条件下,只有给投资商预定的利润率才能吸引资本进入,而预定的利润率却进一步降低了成本激励.基础设施供给厂商和规制者合谋的子博弈完美纳什均衡表明,预定的投资收益率管制并非激励相客机制,直接管制定价反映出城市公共服务产品产业的低效率、高成本、高价格状态,远远偏离于政府管制的消费者福利最优化的初衷.  相似文献   

东道国利用外资的博弈均衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用现代经济学理论和方法,针对东道国与外资间的利益博弈,试图构造满足投资需求的博弈分析理论架构。基于抽象的假设条件,通过东道国与外资之间的完全信息静态博弈分析论证了东道国利用外资最佳点的存在,并结合均衡分析,针对我国外资优惠政策的调整提出一些建议,以期合理定位我国的外资优惠政策。  相似文献   

引进外贵促进本地经济发展一直是我国各级地方政府的工作重点之一.外资始终是稀缺的,为获得更多的外资流入本地区,各地方政府之间不可避免地展开了有形或无形的招商引资博弈.在我国现行的地方政府政绩考核指标体系下,地方政府官员的经济人行为导致了地方政府的有限理性,进而导致其引资博弈动机与行为的扭曲,以外资优惠政策为主导的引资博弈策略往往造成地区社会福利的净损失.基于对有限理性地方政府目标函教的创新与分析,本文采用博弈模型详细演绎了有限理性地方政府引资博弈的动机、行为与后果,从中得出问题的症结及改进思路.  相似文献   

巴西汽车产业是发展中国家外资依赖型产业发展战略的典型代表。本文在阐述巴西汽车产业发展历程的基础上,结合巴西国内的产业发展条件和汽车产业的国际发展环境探讨了外资的行为选择和巴西政府的作用。巴西的经验表明,外资依赖型的产业发展模式及其可能的产业发展状况,实质上是在给定国家本土优势的前提下,外资与东道国政府之间反复博弈的结果。  相似文献   

外商在华直接投资问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁华 《当代经济科学》2004,26(5):97-100
外商在华直接投资问题一直是学界关注的焦点,本文主要从外资的区位变化与聚集效应、外资的溢出效应与机制、外资对中国市场结构的影响及其投资战略分析、中国利用外资政策的有效性及其变迁路径、利用外资与产业政策的协调博弈、投资者甄别机制与国内企业自生能力的建立等几个方面对国内2003年的研究现状进行了系统梳理.  相似文献   

管制的经济理论与过程分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
<正> 严格说来,管制经济学只有二十多年的历史。它主要研究在市场经济体制下,政府如何对微观经济行为进行直接的干预。目前,我国政府对市场经济的管理很不健全,尤其在微观经济领域内存在许多职能不明、管理混乱的现象。为此,本文打算就西方经济学界在管制的经济理论及实行过程方面已取得的研究成果,作些介绍,以期引起国内经济界的关注和重视。 一、市场、法律与管制的合理性 1.管制经济理论的一般发展 早期的胸融学文献一般将重点放在对公用事业(汕lic呶ility)管制的研批(Kahn,  相似文献   

In the period from 1995 to 2008, many countries experienced what we call the “value-added erosion.” It describes the decline in the sectoral shares of domestic value-added in a country’s exports as the country becomes more integrated into the global value chains (GVCs). We argue that the decline of the domestic value-added share in a country’s exports is likely to be caused by the expansion of high value-adding activities performed by foreign lead firms in the upper stream of the GVCs. The variables of interest — the domestic value-added share in exports and foreign high-skill labor embodied in a country’s exports (a proxy for foreign lead firms’ high value-adding activities) — are estimated using a multi-regional global input-output model. Using these results and other control variables, we apply a panel cointegration model to explain and assess the likelihood of value-added erosion and its possible determinants.  相似文献   

刘珺 《经济研究》2004,39(1):16-24
本文以调查问卷和命题论证的方式 ,遴选出中国境内外资银行客户和中资银行客户两个样本 ,运用线性回归分析和结构模型等计量手段 ,论证服务质量认知、风险付出和企业形象等因素与服务价值之间的关联关系 ,分析服务质量认知的五个维度与服务价值的关联关系 ,测试企业形象在风险付出与服务价值间的中介角色 ,并验证中、外资银行客户对核心服务和风险付出的认知机制是否一致。通过比较研究发现 ,服务质量认知无论在总样本中还是在中、外资银行客户的分样本中都与服务价值正相关而且是影响价值认知最关键的因素 ;风险付出以企业形象为中介反向影响价值认知 ;在服务质量五个认知层面中 ,人员因素和系统因素成为服务价值认知的核心 ;中、外资银行客户对核心服务的认知机制没有显著的区别 ,而对风险的看法则不同。分析结果同时引申出中资银行如何在金融市场化过程中进一步提升服务价值的建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the desirability of service trade liberlization in the presence of incompleteness of markets where there is both inter-spatial and intertemporal trade between countries. We use numerical simulation methods for insights and relate our discussion to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the WTO. We interpret the absence of intertemporal trade as an absence of intermediation services provided by both domestic and foreign service providers. For simplicity, we consider extreme cases where intertemporal intermediation services can only be provided by domestic providers, so that when intertemporal trade in services is not allowed, markets are not complete. To our knowledge, this type of models is not used in the trade literature as general comparative statics results are unavailable. We first consider the liberalization of trade in financial services in an inter-spatial and intertemporal model of two countries, and we show how services liberalization can be welfare worsening in the presence of a tariff on spatial trade in goods. We show that this can hold in an artificial world with no domestic financial services provider. We compare financial service trade autarky in which there is no intermediation to financial service trade liberalization which involves costless intertemporal intermediation provided by foreign service providers. We also consider a more complex (and realistic) world where costly intermediation services can be provided by both domestic and foreign providers. This paper draws in part on material of an earlier paper, “Financial Services Trade Liberalization in A Joint Spatial Intertemporal Multi-Country Model” by Huang et al. (2004). We acknowledge the financial support from The Centre for Intentional Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, Canada and from National Social Science Foundation of China (SSFC Grant 07AJL002), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant 70825003) and “Humanities and Social Science” Major Project, Chinese Ministry of Education (Grant Number 07JJD790145).  相似文献   

张朝帅  韦倩青 《技术经济》2021,40(12):85-95
文章基于服务贸易壁垒与制造业服务化的矛盾分析了遭受服务贸易壁垒对制造业global value chains(GVC)升级的影响,并利用2000—2014年的跨国面板数据进行实证检验,得出如下结论:第一,遭受服务贸易壁垒会阻碍制造业GVC升级,降低制造业参与GVC分工的程度,缩短制造业在全球价值链中的生产长度,且遭受服务贸易壁垒会阻碍制造业在GVC中地位的提升,增加制造业出口产品中国内增加值的使用,减少国外增加值的使用;第二,遭受服务贸易壁垒对发展中国家影响大于发达国家,对中高技术行业的影响大于中低计划行业.分要素密集度行业来看,遭受服务贸易壁垒对前向参与GVC生产活动的影响程度大小顺序为:技术密集型行业>资本密集型行业>劳动密集型行业,对后向参与GVC生产活动的影响程度大小顺序为:资本密集型行业>技术密集型行业>劳动密集型行业.  相似文献   

Due to the intense voice service competition and subscriber growth saturation, the average revenue per user (ARPU) of mobile communications service providers continues to decline, thereby severely affecting their total revenue and profitability. To counter this challenge, mobile communications service providers are now moving from “tariff competition” to “service competition.” As mobile communications enter the next-generation network (NGN) era, network bandwidth and transmission speed are greatly enhanced. The enhancement enables mobile communications service providers to provide content-rich, multimedia value-added services to create new service value, meet demands of customers, and increase ARPU. To understand how to construct mobile value-added services, this study uses survey forms to collect feedback from 35 industry and research institution experts and scholars and to present systematically the finding on the mobile value-added services strategy. The research employs the analytic network process (ANP) to analyze the strategy of mobile service providers in delivering mobile services in the NGN. The business strategy evaluation framework and evaluation result can be used as guides for players in the mobile communications industry to review, improve, and enhance their service and strategy.  相似文献   

This paper employs a 55 sector small open economy computable general equilibrium model of the Kenyan economy to assess the impact of the liberalization of regulatory barriers against foreign and domestic business service providers in Kenya. The model incorporates foreign direct investment in business services and productivity effects in imperfectly competitive goods and services markets endogenously, through a Dixit–Stiglitz framework. The ad valorem equivalent of barriers to foreign direct investment have been estimated based on detailed questionnaires completed by specialists in Kenya. We estimate very substantial gains to Kenya from regulatory liberalization in business services, and additional gains from uniform tariffs. The estimated gains increase to 50% of consumption in the long run steady state model, where the impact on the accumulation of capital from an improvement in the productivity of capital is taken into account. Decomposition exercises reveal that the largest gains to Kenya will derive from liberalization of costly regulatory barriers that are non-discriminatory in their impacts between Kenyan and multinational service providers.  相似文献   

本文分析作为制造业中间投入的生产者服务对我国制造业出口的影响.首先,基于2000-2007年投入产出数据,我们计算了我国制造业出口的国内生产者服务增值份额,结果表明我国制造业单位产品出口中直接和间接的生产者服务投入处于波动中上升的趋势.其次,利用2004-2007年25个行业的数据,我们建立面板数据模型分析生产服务对制造业出口的影响,结果显示:生产者服务对我国制造业出口的增长起促进作用;与金融、保险等高端生产者服务相比较,制造业出口对批发零售、运输仓储等低端生产者服务依赖度较大.最后,论文基于上述研究结论给出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Foreign producer services can provide substantial benefits for domestic firms. We build on earlier monopolistic‐competition models of intermediate producer services in this paper. Results show that: (1) while foreign services are partial‐equilibrium substitutes for domestic skilled labour, they may be general‐equilibrium complements, (2) service trade can provide crucial missing inputs that reverse comparative advantage in final goods, (3) the 'optimal' tax on imported services may be a subsidy, and (4) in our dynamic formulation, there may be earnings losses for immobile workers along a transition path that suggest potentially important equity consequences of reform. JEL classification: F12, F16, F23  相似文献   

When a country imports goods that have been assembled abroad, some amount of the labor and capital services embodied in those goods may originally be from the country that is now importing them. Similarly, some of the value added of a country's exports may be foreign in origin. For the median country in my sample of 14, I calculate that 21.5% of imported labor services are domestic labor, 17.7% of imported capital services are domestic capital, 12.3% of exported labor services are foreign labor, and 23.3% of exported capital services are foreign capital.  相似文献   

我国商业银行投资银行业务的创新与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
袁宏泉  赵燕 《经济经纬》2007,(4):121-123
加入WTO之后,国外金融集团利用其在人才、产品及混业经营等方面的优势,为国内客户提供综合性的金融服务,给国内商业银行带来了激烈的竞争。面对国外混业经营的强烈冲击和严峻挑战,发展我国商业银行投资银行业务势在必行,如何寻求投资银行的业务发展模式并取得的突破,这是摆在我国各商业银行面前的一个共同问题。  相似文献   

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