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新世纪的开局之年,举世瞩目的九届全国人大四次会议、全国政协九届四次会议圆满地完成了各项任务后,胜利地闭幕了。“两会”翻开了“十五”计划崭新的第一页,奏响了迈向社会主义现代化强国的新乐章。我们对“两会”的圆满成功表示热烈的祝贺。  相似文献   

辛玺  宗和 《上海质量》2012,(3):9-11
在今年的十一届人大五次会议、全国政协十一届五次会议上,"两会"代表委员有关质量的话题丰富多彩。我们特意采集选编一组与质量发展相关的内容,以飨读者。  相似文献   

自2003年,律师、会计师等“新阶层”代表、委员登上国家最高政治舞台开始,来自财会界的代表和委员每年均完成为数不少、反映业界呼声或站在更高、更广角度的提案。这些提案背后,凝结着提案作者的智慧和汗水,折射出代表委员的个体风采,也折射出财会界与参政议政热忱相融合的理性和建设性。  相似文献   

1月15日晚7点至9点,一年一度的北京市“一府两院”接受市“两会”代表、委员的咨询活动如期举行。北京市局总队领导苏辉、顾兖州、于秀琴、邵建民、李萍、邢志宏及相关专业处负责人通过网络视频,在线接受市人大代表和政协委员的咨询。  相似文献   

2012年3月3日至3月14日,备受世界关注的第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议和全国政协十一届五次会议在北京胜利召开。  相似文献   

2009年广东省两会于2月11日——17日在广州召开。今年两会邀请各路媒体与委员代表们面对面进行座谈,通过互动的方式,使得思想得以碰撞,进一步源人探讨提案所涉及的深层次问题和解决方法。会场上代表委员们讨论的异常热烈,精彩纷呈,本刊编辑一组与行业的相关资讯,以飨读者。  相似文献   

三月 《物流时代》2010,(4):30-32
2010年3月5日9时,十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议在京开幕。国务院总理温家宝作了政府工作报告,就政治、经济、民生、国防等各方面问题进行总结,并对2010年的中国发展进行了展望。其中提到大力发展物流等面向生产的服务业,促进服务业与现代制造业的有机融合。此外,“两会”上全国人大代表、全国政协委员们递交的与物流有关的议案、提案涵盖了物流业的方方面面,对于物流业的发展具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

邢星 《数据》2010,(2):39-39
2010年北京“两会”期间,北京市统计局、国家统计局北京调查总队首次采用网络视频方式接受代表和委员们的咨询。北京局队高度重视此项工作.局队领导亲自负责,召开会议周密部署,提出要以满足代表委员需求为目标,做好相关准备工作。  相似文献   

春风三晋暖,喜迎奥运年。山西省质量技术监督局机关及直属单位“迎奥运、促和谐”老干部健身走步暨运动会在山西聚华体育场举行。省质监局党组书记、局长王正喜同志和在并的其他领导同志,各直属单位的主要领导和离退休部门的负责人、工作人员,以及来自省局、各直属单位、太原市局(特邀队)的广大离退休人员200余人参加了开幕式。  相似文献   

I investigate empirically the role of religion and political institutions in policies against human trafficking, using the new 3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index. The dataset contains 175 countries. The results show that governments in countries with Christian majorities implement stricter anti-trafficking policies than governments in countries with Muslim majorities. The differences between countries with Christian and Muslim majorities are pronounced in dictatorships but less so in democracies. For example, the 3P Anti-Trafficking Policy Index in a dictatorship with no Muslims was by 1.9 points higher than in an otherwise identical but purely Muslim dictatorship (on a scale from 3 to 15). The association between religion and the overall 3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index is driven by protection and prevention policies. As compared to prosecution policies that mainly target the perpetrators of human trafficking, protection and prevention policies mainly protect the victims of human trafficking, i.e. predominantly women. The conclusions are consistent with other empirical findings regarding the association between religion, political institutions, and human development.  相似文献   

It is a widespread concern that schools and other public buildings are in poor conditions. A popular explanation is that maintenance is given too little priority in the budgetary process because politicians are shortsighted. In this paper we investigate this hypothesis using two novel survey data sets on school and general building conditions in Norwegian local governments. We use political fragmentation as a proxy for myopic behavior and provide strong empirical evidence that a high degree of political fragmentation is associated with poor building conditions, both for schools and for buildings in general. The finding is robust to handling of controls, outliers, and estimation method. We also provide evidence that lack of maintenance is the channel for poor building conditions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses environmental reporting practices found in the annual reports published by 51 large companies operating in Spain, with the aim of determining which factors in the firms analysed – belonging to ecologically sensitive sectors – explain the quantity and characteristics of the environmental information published and its evolution. Moreover, the paper takes into account the implementation of the Spanish compulsory accounting standard of 25 March 2002 and its impact on the environmental reporting behaviour. The results of the content analysis for the period 2001–02 show a significant increase in the environmental information compared with the 1992–94 period. For the first year in which the environmental accounting standard was in force (2002), the results show a high percentage of environmental disclosures in the notes to the annual accounts, although the degree and level of disclosures is very heterogeneous, in both form as well as quantity and quality. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This work describes the role of the district councillors of Naples, through an analysis of their relational networks. District councils are the result of the administrative decentralization of the major Italian municipalities. During a 2 year field research study, I gathered 387 semi-structured interviews with the councillors and 35 unstructured interviews with a set of key informants. In order to increase the understanding of the political networks, I have also collected information through direct observation of the councillors meetings and activities. The analysis combines qualitative and quantitative data. At a formal level, district councillors don’t have any actual power, but, in practice, they gain important social capital resources by playing a brokerage role between political patrons and their potential clients. I provide evidence that, on one side, they hold strong ties with the higher level politicians; and, on the other side, they play a fundamental role in taking care of the voters and collecting the electoral consensus. In conclusion, I argue that the district councillors of Naples perform the tasks which were previously carried out by the traditional party organizations, assuming the role of the “new” professionals of grass roots politics.  相似文献   

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