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The theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980) has been widely used to predict behavioral intention toward marketing- and consumer-related behaviors. Miniard and Cohen (1983) have also proposed a model that is designed to predict behavioral intention. Their model is similar in structure to the theory of reasoned action, but has important theoretical and operational differences. The present research investigates the effects of experimental manipulations on both models’ constructs, as well as a comparison of their causal structures and predictive ability. The results offer support for the independent effects of personal and normative influences in the Miniard and Cohen model, and corroborate previous findings pertaining to crossover effects in the theory of reasoned action.  相似文献   

Managing rewards to enhance relational worth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, cognitive evaluation theory illustrates how the controlling aspects of reward redemption policy (stringent versus flexible) interact with the type of offered reward (social versus economic) to influence relational program effectiveness. We look at effectiveness by defining and measuring relational worth, the non-financial value of consumers to organizations. The hypotheses are empirically tested with a sample of season ticket holders of a professional sports team (n = 373) and then replicated in a second study with experimental data using scenarios in a hotel reward program context. Results indicate that perceived social rewards lead to affective commitment, while perceived economic rewards lead to continuance commitment. Involvement is a significant determinant in how reward type and policy influence commitment types; specifically, low-involvement consumers are more influenced by reward program signals than high-involvement consumers. Affective commitment produces the most relationally valuable consumer to an organization in terms of relational worth. Controlling policies have an undermining effect on all commitment types, regardless of reward type.  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of 40 opinion leaders in marketing toward theory in consumer behavior. These individuals exhibited favorable attitudes toward theory in marketing in general. More favorable perceptions of the value of the contributions of theory to consumer behavior existed than for promotion and channels of distribution. In comparison to eight other areas of marketing, the consumer behavior area was perceived as having made the greatest past contribution to marketing thought and the one most likely to make worthwhile future contributions. The sample believed that much future effort was needed in progressing toward a general theory of consumer behavior and that such effort would indeed be forthcoming.  相似文献   

消费者与组织购买行为的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费者购买行为是消费者为满足个人或家庭生活需要而发生的购买商品的决策或行动,组织购买行为是组织与组织之间的营销活动。组织购买与消费者购买有着较大的差异,因规模远比后者大而对市场经济的作用巨大,在市场营销理论中也占看重要的地位。对消费者与组织购买行为进行比较研究,对组织购买决策模型加以对比分析,有助于更好地理解组织购买活动与购买决策过程。  相似文献   

Giving behavior toward a charitable organization is modeled by two different procedures: discriminant analysis and a log-linear model. Although the discriminant procedure is beter known in marketing, the log-linear approach has less restrictive model assumptions and may more accurately represent the conceptual basis of consumer decisions. Two situations are considered: (1) a simple binary classification of the giving decision, and (2) a three-group case of no gift, small, and large gift. Utilizing a large data base and a holdout sample for comparative purposes, the log-linear procedure is found to be an attractive alternative to discriminant analysis in terms of correct classification of individuals. Research support for this study was provided by the School of Business, University of Louisville  相似文献   

基于FAS 157的公允价值层级理论,采用Ohlson价格模型,以公允价值的三个层级为切入点,通过对A股金融行业的实证分析,研究公允价值层级信息被我国资本市场的认可程度。分析结果表明,公允价值层级信息的披露有助于公司提升股价,第一层级公允价值资产比第二层级公允价值资产更具增量价值;而第三层级公允价值资产以及公允价值负债的三个层级均未呈现显著的价值相关性。相关部门应尽快制定公允价值层级披露的统一标准,并鼓励上市公司通过评估事务所、会计师事务所等中介机构对其公允价值资产和负债进行计量。  相似文献   

消费经济理论在解释我国衣户家庭消费行为方面具有局限性,应借鉴农民经济学和经济人类学等学科的研究视角及其成果来分析我国农户家庭经济行为特征。农户家庭经济具有生产活动与消费活动统一、市场活动与非市场活动统一以及经济行为具有社会属性等特征,这也是正确理解农户家庭消费行为的出发点。因此,不但要基于消费经济理论、传统消费伦理,还需要从基于村庄共同体的社会性消费和基于血缘关系的人情消费等方面,多角度解析农户家庭消费行为特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents an operationalization of Srinivasan's model for examining multi-stage information processing behavior. Based on theoretical considerations, specific hypotheses regarding multi-stage information processing behavior are posited. An experimental investigation undertaken to test these hypotheses is described.  相似文献   

新制度经济学作为现代西方经济学中的一个重要派别,突出了经济社会中行为主体的社会性,突破了传统经济学自利理性人假设的局限性,这与现代西方哲学中的主体间性问题不谋而合。从笛卡儿开始,由康德奠基的主体性哲学思想在被胡塞儿推向顶端的同时也开始向主体间性转变。这种主体间性理论从一开始就有着诸多地表征形式,新制度经济学便是其中之一。本初步探讨了新制度经济学和主体间性理论的关系,试图对现代经济思想的进一步发展及其对市场经济实践的指导以及建立更为合理的人与人之间的交往关系等方面做些有益的探索。  相似文献   

国外对基金经理证券选择能力的研究已经持续了近半个世纪。最近十余年来,随着行为金融学的兴起,对基金持有人选择能力的研究开始逐渐受到重视,并取得了重要进展。目前,关于基金持有人选择能力的研究方法,根据使用的数据不同,分为基于基金净资产数据的研究、基于基金持股组合数据的研究、基于基金交易数据的研究三类。今后,应设计能够更准确地反映基金持有人选择行为的指标,获得更精确的反映基金持有人买卖行为的数据,探索评价基金业绩的更为准确和稳健的方法,以进一步深化关于基金持有人选择能力的研究。  相似文献   

环境意识是多层次、全方位地反映人与环境关系的内容体系,环保行为是指主体在环保意识支配下的一切有利于环境保护和环境改善的积极做法。环保行为受环境意识的影响,又反作用于环境意识。本文对武汉市市民的环境意识和行为做了调查,分析存在的问题,并针对调动广大市民参与环境保护的积极性和大力推进"两型社会"建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

进化博弈的计算机仿真实验与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大多数经济行为都可以看作博弈论的一个特殊案例。进化博弈理论对传统博弈论做出了改进,它能够对群体行为随着时间的推移提供动态描述。本文介绍了通过计算机模拟实验对进化博弈理论的特点所进行的验证分析,详细描述了模型,并对实验结果进行了讨论分析。本文将有助于充分理解进化博弈论的基本特性,为在经济研究中的应用提供基础。  相似文献   

法律经济学以经济人和完全理性假设为基础,以追求效率最大化为目的,以预期效用理论为分析工具。但行为经济学的研究表明,经济活动中的个人遵循的是“有限理性”和“有限自利”,他们的行为符合前景理论而不是预期效用理论。因此,应该在行为经济学的基础上对法律经济学进行拓展。  相似文献   

The authors formulate and test a model of organizational factors leading to successful implementation of the telemarketing innovation. Data to test the model were collected by interviewing two key informants in each of 110 industrial salesforces. Support was found for many of the individual hypotheses in the model. Preliminary conclusions are drawn for marketing management and theory.  相似文献   

As customers’ repurchase behavior leads to long-term corporate profitability, managers should know the success factors influencing repurchase intent. Knowledge of gender differences in these success factors would enable managers to separately optimize repurchase intent for men and women. This research thus develops original hypotheses on gender differences in the formation of repurchase intent. Based on hierarchical linear modeling of data from five countries and ten industries, this research finds that public brand image more strongly influences customer satisfaction and repurchase intent for women than for men. Perceived value has a weaker effect on repurchase intent for women than for men. The analyses do not detect any gender difference in the influence of customer satisfaction on repurchase intent. Contrary to conventional wisdom, relational switching costs more strongly influence repurchase intent for men than for women. Further analyses illustrate moderating effects of country differences in gender egalitarianism and of contextual differences between products and services.  相似文献   

主流观点认为,制度是博弈过程中参与人的均衡策略,但对避免相向碰撞的行路规则的考察发现,现实中经济行为者采纳的惯例化规则远较制度的均衡策略论揭示的复杂多样。制度博弈均衡策略论的这种不充足解释力不仅仅是因为现有的制度博弈模型忽略了一些现实的基本行为策略,也因为博弈论框架只是一个有关社会交互问题的部分性分析框架,并不能覆盖所有的解决社会交互问题的方法。一个统一性的制度解释框架宜放弃博弈论的分析思路,更多地考虑制度的互补性问题。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论不仅是一种管理技巧,而且是一种企业和经济伦理理论。其含义是指能够影响企业或受企业决策和行为影响的个人与团体,有广义和狭义之分:广义的利益相关者以经验主义的事实为基础,集中于参与者对企业行为的影响力方面;狭义的利益相关者则以合法性原则要求为基础,合同、法律和道德义务成为确定利益相关者的依据。其伦理维度是,企业与利益相关者之间是一种相互对待、双边互求的平等的伦理关系,是一种信任伦理,要求企业尊重利益相关者的包括道德权利在内的各种权利,具有广泛的公正性。企业处理与利益相关者的关系时必须认清关系、认定权益并对社会负责。  相似文献   

GDP作为衡量宏观经济运行的指标存在两个方面缺陷:既难以精确地反映一个国家或地区的产出情况,又无法真实地反映一个国家或地区经济运行的质量。GDP这两个方面的缺陷与经济理论的建构有内在关联,只不过是经济理论缺陷的外在反映。经济理论的缺陷则是由于经济理论在建构之时以洛克的自然状态下利益天然同一性作为经济人活动的时空背景造成的。  相似文献   

Self-congruity versus functional congruity: Predictors of consumer behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Four studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that (1) consumer behavior is more strongly predicted by functional congruity than by self-congruity, and (2) functional congruity is influenced by self-congruity. The pattern of the results provides support for hypotheses.  相似文献   

投资收入纳入收入要素内容更能体现其让渡资产使用权所形成的经济利益的流入这一特点 ;费用是企业在销售商品、提供劳务等日常活动中所发生的经济利益的流出 ,它不包括那些因偶发性、不可控事项产生的损失性支出 ;利润要更能准确地反映企业一定会计期间的经营成果 ,它应是“收入”、“利得”、“费用”、“损失”要素金额的代数和。  相似文献   

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