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胡锦涛总书记在清华大学建校100周年大会上的重要讲话中明确指出:要积极推动协同创新,鼓励高校同科研机构、企业开展深度合作,建立协同创新的战略联盟,促进资源共享,联合开展重大科研项目攻关,在关键领域取得实质性成果,努力为建设创新型国家做出积极贡献。本刊作为面向全国各种交通运输方式、交通工程及交通服务行业广大读者的经济类工作指导性期刊,有责任为促进高校、科研机构科技成果尽快转化为交通运输行业、企业的现实生产力助一臂之力。为此,本刊从本期起在《信息发布》栏目下新开设创新成果、科研团队、企业需求等信息发布栏目,希望能够为政府部门、高校、科研机构与企业在科技创新上搭建沟通平台,促进政、产、学、研各方深度融合、协同创新。栏目投稿电子邮箱:zzh@jtqygl.com或932990312@qq.com。联系电话:027-86561629。信息发布单位、个人请同时将加盖公章的纸版稿件寄往本刊(430063武汉市武昌和平大道1040号交通企业管理杂志社)。欢迎交通运输主管部门、高校、科研院所和企业积极参与本刊科技协同创新信息专栏的发布活动。  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:王冠男大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息中俄发表联合声明:反对欧盟征航空碳排放税本刊讯中国民用航空局9月27日公开发布了与俄罗斯联邦运输部的共同声明,双方反对就航空排放采取任何单边、强制性、未经双方同意的做法,认为欧盟将  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:冯金平大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息民航行业协会完成改革本刊讯有关中国民用航空协会“注销登记的申请  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:冯金平大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息全国民航安全工作会议在京举行2007年1月11日,全国民航安全工作会议在京举行。  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息栏目主持人:王冠男航空公司大连航空揭牌本刊讯2011年8月8日,大连航空有限责任公司(以下简称大连航空)揭牌仪式在大连富丽华大酒店隆重举行。据悉,大连航空由国航和大连保税正通有限公司共  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:王冠男大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息2011年中国民航发展论坛将于5月在京举行本刊讯2011年中国民航发展论坛将于今年5月11~12日在北京举行  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:王冠男大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息民航局受理中石化1号生物航煤适航审定申请本刊讯近日,中国民用航空局正式受理了中国石化自主研发的1号生物航煤适航审定申请,这标志着备受国内外关注的国产生物航空煤油将严格按照适航标准  相似文献   

何敏华 《中国储运》2023,(1):187-188
<正>0.引言实现物流信息管理,就是实现对物流信息的全面收集、有效整理、稳定存储以及传播利用。当前,物流信息管理方面仍存在很多不足,为此,本文设计了计算机物流信息管理系统,将系统硬件框架进行优化,并在此基础上对系统软件进行优化设计,在分析系统需求的基础上,划分需求功能,按功能分区将数据信息建立相应的管理模块,包括企业前台信息管理模块、用户信息管理模块以及企业后台信息管理模块三类,同时,建立善物流信息数据库,完善数据库信息表,完成系统的设计。通过实验测试,验证本文设计系统的使用性能,实际结果表明,本文设计的系统能够有效便捷地进行物流信息的管理,提高了信息管理的操作简易度,在提高物流企业信息管理效率方面具备极高的有效性。  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:王冠男大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息中国政府禁止境内航空公司参与欧盟排放交易体系本刊讯根据国务院授权,中国民用航空局于近日向各航空公司发出指令,未经政府有关部门批准,禁止中国境内各运输航空公司参与欧盟排放交易体系,禁止各  相似文献   

信息即财富传播即营销栏目主持人:王丛雷大家都来发布信息大家都能享有信息航空公司大新华快运两字代码由HU更改为GS本刊讯2007年8月18日,大新华快运航空有限公司(以下简称"大新华快运")正式将航班二字代码由海航的HU更改为大新华快运的GS,并实现了GS和HU之间的  相似文献   

在高速公路建设进入快速发展时期,交通信息服务成为提升公路运输服务水平和发挥基础设施社会效益的主要措施。为此提出基于公众出行服务的高速公路信息化建设的总体框架结构, 并对高速公路的信息采集、信息整合、信息发布,以及信息安全等问题进行分析论述,以使高速公路发挥最大的社会效益。  相似文献   

A new column generation based exact optimization approach for the vehicle routing and scheduling problem with semi soft time windows (VRPSSTW) is presented. Elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints and late arrival penalties is solved as a subproblem, which rises from the Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition method. Exact solutions of VRPSSTW and hard time windows variant are compared on Solomon’s benchmark instances as well as on an instance based on Tokyo road network. It was found that the VRPSSTW solution results in fewer routes thus overall costs are reduced and late arrival penalties contribute only a small fraction to total cost.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the towing process of airplanes as part of the turnaround process. We introduce a VRP based MIP model which assigns different types of towing tractors to jobs with specified service time windows. The objective function minimizes operating costs subject to operational restrictions such as technical compatibility of tractor types with plane types. Our modeling approach allows for multiple depots as well as multiple trips. To solve the model we develop a column generation heuristic. Computational results show the superior behavior of the proposed heuristic compared to the original MIP formulation solved with CPLEX. In a case study we derive insights which support schedulers in their daily work. For this, we identify cost drivers and evaluate the efficiency of manual schedules in retrospect.  相似文献   

铁路运输生产安全管理工作需要健全铁路信息安全管理体系。简述了我国铁路信息安全管理的现状及存在的问题,介绍了国外信息安全管理的特点和信息安全管理的发展趋势,研究提出了铁路信息安全管理的内涵和目标以及信息安全管理模型,梳理了铁路信息安全管理关键流程,提出了建立信息安全管理组织体系的建议。  相似文献   

Transportation service subcontracting is becoming an effective means of business for many leading carriers to maintain their market dominance and profitability. This research is based on an outsourcing practice in one of the few largest limousine fleet companies in the US, whose (mostly advance) demand for services often exceeds its capacity. We develop a model for ride service outsourcing. A column generation method is proposed. The outsourcing decision is made simultaneously with pre-scheduling of in-house ride services as well as staffing. Test with services data indicates that the developed method dramatically improves the carrier’s outsourcing decision.  相似文献   

Differences are identified between the preferred information and learning channels of small and medium‐sized tourism enterprise (SMTE) proprietors, who have an interest in business operations (growers) or who have relatively less interest (lifestylers). Lifestylers sign up frequently to tourism industry associations, whereas growers have a tendency to join generic business groupings. The most common information for both groups is marketing related, and intensive use is made of online information to support day‐to‐day business operations. In aggregate, SMTE proprietors are avid information seekers, attaching importance to the advice provided from experienced and trusted sources. Growers proactively gather information about general management as well as tourism‐specific knowledge. Adopting a ‘one size fits all’ approach to providing information for the SMTE sector is unlikely to be effective. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在分析铁路业务模式的基础上,论述了铁路专用信息安全平台的设计思路,以及数据库系列、MQ模式、P2P模式的实现原理。列举了信息安全平台的典型应用,如在铁路调度信息系统中的应用和在专线模式中的应用。提出的网络安全防护理念的信息安全平台,能适用于多种业务模式下的信息交换。  相似文献   

This study examines the influences of en route information on travel behaviours, based on cognitive dissonance theory, which explains that selective exposure to new information leads to the presence of dissonance. Fifteen travel activities were identified from the related literature to measure levels of unplanned travel behaviours. Moreover, two types of information sources used during trips were tested to evaluate the degree of dissonance in accordance with new information provided to travellers while on vacation. The results indicated that during trips, those who use information technology change their intended behaviours, while those who use ‘traditional’ information sources actualize their intended behaviours. In line with cognitive dissonance theory, information technology is viewed as dissonance-increasing information, while traditional information sources used during trips are considered consonance-increasing information.  相似文献   

ATM information providers publish reports and notifications of different types using standardized information exchange models. For a typical information user, e.g., an aircraft pilot, only a fraction of the published information is relevant for a particular task. Filtering out irrelevant information from different information sources is in itself a challenging task, yet it is only a first step in providing relevant information, the challenges concerning maintenance, auditability, availability, integration, comprehensibility, and traceability. This paper presents the Semantic Container approach, which employs ontology-based faceted information filtering and allows for the packaging of filtered information and associated metadata in semantic containers, thus facilitating reuse of filtered information at different levels. The paper formally defines an abstract model of ontology-based information filtering and the structure of semantic containers, their composition, versioning, discovery, and replicated physical allocation. The paper further discusses different usage scenarios, the role of semantic containers in SWIM, an architecture for a semantic container management system, as well as a proof-of-concept prototype. Finally the paper discusses a blockchain-based notary service to realize tamper-proof version histories for semantic containers.  相似文献   

情报信息工作是公安工作的重要内容,公安机关要履行三大政治和社会责任,实现全方位服务人民的宗旨,就必须构建情报信息主导警务战略机制,切实把情报信息工作置于公安工作的基础性、先导性位置,以情报信息引导实战,指导防范和打击犯罪。然而,当前基层公安机关存在的思想认识不到位、信息系统分散、信息化素质不高、信息研发滞后等问题,严重制约了公安工作的深入开展,因而有必要对基层公安民警的信息素养进一步加强和提高。  相似文献   

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