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对外部投资者利益的保护主要依赖于对公司内部人掏空行为的各种监督和处罚措施,外部的独立审计师则代表着一种监督机制。研究结果证明,独立审计师和内部人在两阶段的博弈过程中存在纳什均衡解,均衡状态下如果对于审计失败和内部人的掏空行为实施更严厉的惩罚,那么,公司会有更高的总投资水平,股权结构更分散,审计师将获得更高的审计费用,内部人也将得到更高的预期投资回报。同时自利的审计师在进行自身利益最大化的理性选择时,将不自觉地达到高质量审计的要求。  相似文献   

蔡春  张梦 《会计之友》2009,(9):94-98
对外部投资者利益的保护主要依赖于对公司内部人掏空行为的各种监督和处罚措施,外部的独立审计师则代表着一种监督机制。研究结果证明,独立审计师和内部人在两阶段的博弈过程中存在纳什均衡解,均衡状态下如果对于审计失败和内部人的掏空行为实施更严厉的惩罚,那么,公司会有更高的总投资水平,股权结构更分散,审计师将获得更高的审计费用,内部人也将得到更高的预期投资回报。同时自利的审计师在进行自身利益最大化的理性选择时,将不自觉地达到高质量审计的要求。  相似文献   

对外部投资者利益的保护主要依赖于对公司内部人掏空行为的各种监督和处罚措施,外部的独立审计师则代表着一种监督机制.研究结果证明,独立审计师和内部人在两阶段的博弈过程中存在纳什均衡解,均衡状态下如果对于审计失败和内部人的掏空行为实施更严厉的惩罚,那么,公司会有更高的总投资水平,股权结构更分散,审计师将获得更高的审计费用,内部人也将得到更高的预期投资回报.同时自利的审计师在进行自身利益最大化的理性选择时,将不自觉地达到高质量审计的要求.  相似文献   

运用中国家庭追踪调查数据,研究发现:农村家庭的炫耀性消费支出比例显著高于城镇家庭,且这一结果随时间变化比较稳健。进一步研究发现,在考虑了家庭参照群体的平均收入之后,城乡炫耀性消费差异不再显著,且参照群体的平均收入对家庭炫耀性消费的影响显著为负。这很可能来源于家庭为寻求社会地位而消费的动机,更高的社会地位意味着更多的财富和带来更高的收益。炫耀性消费充当了家庭社会地位的信号,向其参照群体传递了自身的收入水平状况,参照群体的平均收入越低,消费者寻求社会地位的消费动机越强。农村家庭参照群体的平均收入较低,所以其寻求社会地位的动机更强、炫耀性消费水平更高。因此,寻求社会地位的消费动机是城乡炫耀性消费差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用一般动态均衡的分析方法,基于微观视角,构建了两部门经济体低碳运行的经济模型,研究了低碳运行模式长期均衡的决定及发展路径,并得出了一些重要结论和改进措施。首先先,只消耗资本和清洁空气的两部门经济体运行的长期均衡路径是存在的的,它是由微观主体最优化选择导出和决定的。其次,低排放运行模式长期均衡的条件是资本的边际产出等于资本折旧率与效用函数贴现率之和,以及碳排放的边际产出等于空气损失率与效用函数贴现率之和,两者缺一不可。第三,低排放运行模式的长期均衡发展路径主要是由资本和碳排放同向变动的互动机制所决定的的,并且使经济体必然朝向稳态均衡收敛。  相似文献   

本文通过引入系统动力学,将三螺旋模型量化分析,对社会资源在企业和大学之间配置比例进行研究,给出了资本在二者之间配置比例的均衡值计算方法。结果表明,在经济周期波动使资源在企业和大学间的配置偏离均衡状态时,为了使社会产出速率能够达到更高的发展水平,政府应当进行宏观调控,本文给出了各地区政府进行宏观调控的具体方向。政府在引导资本流动时,调整速率对调整效果没有显著影响。  相似文献   

采用数理方法和博弈理论,研究土地市场中开发商行贿的特点、条件及博弈路径。研究发现:(1)开发商行贿的博弈情形取决于参与者——开发商、官员的策略组合;(2)开发商行贿的博弈要素主要包括议价权和效用函数;(3)开发商行贿的博弈路径呈现出动态变化和均衡差异。由此认为开发商行贿基于反复的讨价还价,博弈要素的不同配置伴随着规划调整和商谈的进程,而且开发商行贿带有动态演化的特征,"知己知彼"的熟知程度和市场运行的发展态势从主观与客观方面决定了博弈的均衡状态。  相似文献   

采用数理方法和博弈理论,研究土地市场中开发商行贿的特点、条件及博弈路径。研究发现:(1)开发商行贿的博弈情形取决于参与者一开发商、官员的策略组合;(2)开发商行贿的博弈要素主要包括议价权和效用函数;(3)开发商行贿的博弈路径呈现出动态变化和均衡差异。由此认为开发商行贿基于反复的讨价还价,博弈要素的不同配置伴随着规划调整和商谈的进程,而且开发商行贿带有动态演化的特征,“知己知彼”的熟知程度和市场运行的发展态势从主观与客观方面决定了博弈的均衡状态。  相似文献   

企业效用是与企业社会责任和企业利润等因素相关的多元效用函数。追求短期利益最大化的企业效用函数,其经济绩效的权重很高,企业社会责任的权重较低;追求长期利益最大化的企业效用函数,企业社会责任的权重较高。企业履行社会责任的最佳水平取决于企业效用函数中的企业利润和企业社会责任的权重。如果企业赋予企业社会责任更多的固有价值,企业履行社会责任水平将提高。同时,企业履行社会责任受生产许可和最低利润等条件的限制。  相似文献   

循环经济的发展核心是实现以销售服务代替销售产品,使生产生活资料的公有共用能得以实现,并最大限度地增加资源利用率,从而保护生存环境和空间,使得人与环境尽可能长时间地可持续发展。人和自然具有耗散结构特征的生命周期,是销售服务代替销售产品的基础。文章通过引入产品的生命周期作为变量,对循环经济的边际效用进行分析,并建立投资消费均衡模式。在所建立的循环经济的投资消费均衡模式中,科技要素代替了古典主义所定义的“资本、劳动和土地”生产三要素中的资源要素(土地等),构成了循环经济生产消费的新三要素:资本、劳动和科技。作为市场经济的循环经济,相对于自由市场经济,更偏好于社会主义市场经济。循环经济的均衡模式和边际效用函数的确定,也可应用于产品服务的定价。作为一个应用实例,将所推导的循环经济边际效用函数和均衡模式的关系,用来分析权重较大的居住服务套利或非套利的定价模式,通过设定不同的房产生命周期,得到区别巨大的房产总价值。通过分析该结果可以说明2008-2009年美国次贷危机引起金融海啸的深层原因。这是本文的一种应用解读。  相似文献   

Prior research shows that firms benefit from the social capital of their boards of directors but has not explored the antecedents of new director social capital. We argue that firms can attract directors with social capital by offering more compensation. We also argue that more complex firms (firms with a greater scale and scope of operations) are more attractive to such directors because of the greater experience and exposure that such directorships provide. Similarly, we argue that firms with high‐status directors on their current boards will be more attractive to directors with social capital. We analyse the social capital of new outside directors added to boards of semiconductor firms between 1993 and 2007. Surprisingly, we find no support for the hypothesis that higher compensation is associated with adding directors with high status or board ties. However, firm complexity is associated with the ability to add new directors who have social capital, and the status of current board members is associated with the ability to add new directors who also have high status.  相似文献   

选取2000—2012年中国大陆30个省份35个工业行业的数据为研究样本,分析社会资本和政府干预影响区域间资本配置效率的作用机制并进行实证检验后发现:较高的社会资本水平和较低的政府干预程度,有助于提高资本配置效率;社会资本与政府干预在影响资本配置效率方面存在替代关系,在政府干预比较严重的地区,社会资本对资本配置效率的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

曹岚 《价值工程》2014,(23):5-8
上市房地产公司由于其特殊的经济地位和所占据的重要社会地位,导致了它毫无疑问地成为了政府进行宏观调控的焦点。本文在阐述宏观经济要素对资本结构影响理论的基础上,利用多元线性回归模型实证分析了房地产行业的资本结构。实证表明:资产负债率与通货膨胀率呈反向变化,而与实际贷款利率呈同向变化,与GDP增长率和市盈率关系不显著。进而探讨了房地产上市公司资本结构的优化策略。  相似文献   

Social capital refers to social networks and the norms of reciprocity, cooperation and trust associated with them. It can be studied at different levels of analysis. As previous literature suggests, social capital has aspects at both the individual and collective levels. However, theory development and empirical research have focused on separate, sometimes diverging levels. In an attempt to address this, this research examines the simultaneous influence of individual and regional social capital on the discovery and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities using individual-level data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor linked with regional-level data on social capital. The results show that individuals from regions with higher social capital are more likely to discover and to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities. Moreover, individuals having networks with other entrepreneurs are also more likely to identify a business opportunity and to become an entrepreneur. Also, we found that social capital at individual level had a greater effect than social capital at regional level in the two stages of the entrepreneurial process.  相似文献   

This article investigates how firms’ use of social capital criteria in staffing practices has been affected by China's transitional institutional environment and explores the impacts of person‐job fit in the social capital dimension on employees’ performance. Empirical results show that non‐state‐owned enterprises set a higher social capital standard in the hiring process than state‐owned enterprises. Foreign‐invested enterprises outperform other firms in promoting a better match between individuals rich in social capital and the positions that need such resources. In places with intensive market competition, foreign and private enterprises pay even more attention to employees’ social capital when making HR decisions. Moreover, a better match between people and positions from a social capital aspect has a positive impact on employees’ performance. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Distinct to expatriate managers at the subsidiary-level, inpatriate managers' influence at the headquarter (HQ)-level is controlled by the extent to which an inpatriate manager is able to ‘win’ status from HQ personnel. The primary goal of the paper is to conceptualize how organizational support, in the form of global talent management (GTM) practices, can alleviate inpatriates' difficulties in building social capital at HQ. Building social capital at HQ is vital for inpatriates to attain status in order to build the inter-unit social capital that enables them to pursue their boundary-spanning role across HQs and subsidiaries. Status inconsistency theory is put forward to recognize the personal, professional and structural incongruence of events and activities at HQ carried out with respect to inpatriates. We argue that inpatriate managers become empowered at HQ only when social capital is accumulated whereby social capital is driven by an acknowledgment of inpatriates as a legitimate staffing option. The relationship between GTM practices and social capital building needs to be managed properly by inpatriates themselves as well as by the organization. A future research agenda helping to build social capital of inpatriates through GTM infrastructure is discussed and propositions are offered throughout.  相似文献   

张燕南  申俊龙 《价值工程》2011,30(8):148-149
我国已步入人口老龄化社会,老年人口比例日益增多,本文在对社会资本理论分析的基础上,结合老年人就医现状,分析了社会资本对促进老年人就医的作用与意义,但也不能忽视社会资本的滥用对于老年人就医的消极作用,所以应该加大对老年人基本医疗的投入,方便老年人就医。  相似文献   

李学兵 《价值工程》2012,31(36):124-126
产业集群竞争力与人力资本水平具有正相关性。拥有较高人力资本水平的地区产业集群更具竞争力,对增量人力资本的吸纳力也更强。一个地区在致力于产业集群形成与发展的过程中,必须以人力资本水平的提升为政策出发点,形成高水平的专业化的人力资本市场,依靠人力资本的高劳动率,高创新能力和外部的经济与社会的网络资源以提升产业集群生产率,提高产业集群竞争力。  相似文献   


This article investigates the substitution and complementarity effect that organizational social capital generates between two different types of performance information: nonroutine and routine performance information. The study of this topic is important since it offers a better understanding of how public managers inform their decision-making. Using department level data from 57 counties in Florida, this article finds that departments with higher levels of organizational social capital are more likely to complement the use of both routine and nonroutine performance information. Thus, the article reinforces the role and importance that organizational social capital plays into well-established and consolidated managerial practices.  相似文献   

In recent years, the growing importance in developed countries of the Social Economy sector and the contribution of social capital to regional economic development are being studied in depth. Linking these two fields of research, the aim of the present work is to analyse the social capital endowments of Social Economy firms in comparison to those in traditional profit-maximizing firms. To do so, a literature review will be firstly carried out to clarify both the concept of social capital and, more specifically, its relation with entrepreneurship and social enterprises. In the empirical section, the social capital endowments both of social firms (cooperatives and owned-worker enterprises) and traditional firms are compared using data from two surveys conducted in Andalusia, a lagged Spanish region with long tradition in the Social Economy sector. Results show that social capital endowments measured through cooperation agreements and company links with local suppliers and costumers are higher in cooperatives and worker-owned companies. Therefore, Andalusian authorities must continue with its support policy to these enterprises as a mean to reinforce the regional economic development.  相似文献   

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