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20世纪90年代初,国内一些经济学家去温州考察后,对当地的家庭、家族企业赞不绝口,他们给当地相关政府部门的建议却是:尽快建立集团大企业!或许,经济学家们压根就瞧不起作坊式的家庭、家族企业。甚至还有经济学家断言,温州经济必定会停滞,因  相似文献   

温州的民营企业大都是以家族企业的形式存在。家族企业作为一种特殊的企业形式,它的治理结构表现在企业主要的、实质性的控制权由家族成员把持的一套制度安排,以及因此而形成的一种组织结构。  相似文献   

根据2003-2004年在浙江地区的家族企业实地调查结果,提出家族企业的决策权结构模式、企业发展规模阶段与家族企业不稳定性显著相关的实证观点,否定了家族企业不稳定性对家族企业股权结构因素依赖的假设,并给予了实证结果一个比较可能的解释。这对于认识和促进家族企业稳定发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

本文以香港2006年遗产税改革为政策背景,设计自然实验并运用计量经济学的方法研究遗产税对家族企业劳动决策的影响.实证结论表明,通常情况下,遗产税不会对家族企业的劳动决策产生较大影响,家族企业劳动雇佣水平更多取决于企业生产规模、行业类型等自身特质.仅在家族企业面临交接班时,遗产税会在一定程度上对企业主的劳动需求产生负激励效应.因而,本文认为,以往关于遗产税会阻碍投资、劳动和资本积累从而影响民营经济发展等的一般判断有待进一步商榷.尤其是在目前国内由“营改增”引发的重构地方税体系和社会财富分配不公导致的深化收入分配体制改革的诉求日渐强烈的背景下,更有必要对遗产税这一财产税系的重要税种进行重新反思和客观评判.  相似文献   

本文在梳理薪酬差距相关理论的基础上,对苏北地区徐州市42家民营家族企业薪酬差距进行了实证分析,揭示了苏北地区徐州市民营家族企业薪酬差距的现状以及薪酬差距与企业绩效的一般关系,为家族企业薪酬差距战略决策提供理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

本文在梳理薪酬差距相关理论的基础上,对苏北地区徐州市42家民营家族企业薪酬差距进行了实证分析,揭示了苏北地区徐州市民营家族企业薪酬差距的现状以及薪酬差距与企业绩效的一般关系,为家族企业薪酬差距战略决策提供理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

根据对浙江地区家族企业的抽样调查研究,本文得到以下实证结论:在我国家族企业治理结构和经营绩效关系方面:家族企业融入外部资本和管理资源都存在一个追求短期销售绩效的倾向;非上市中小家族企业并不存在“一股独大”问题,而是具有“一股独大”优势;家族企业股权分割清晰能显著提高企业绩效;家族企业外部顾问制度的“公正性效率”的提高显著大于“适用性效率”的降低,家族企业的治理效率得到改善。  相似文献   

眼前的这位年轻人穿着休闲西装,微笑有点腼腆,脸上还带有稚气。很难想象,他已经是温州一家著名企业集团的掌舵人,他叫张鹏飞,现任温州泰昌集团董事长兼总经理。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,人力资源管理问题日益成为影响民营企业发展的关键因素.而家族企业作为民营企业的典型代表,人力资源管理问题对其制约性表现地尤为突出.基于次,文章以中国民营经济的发源地,家族企业普遍存在的浙江温州为例,分析家族企业人力资源管理现状,并总结问题,分析原因,提出了相应的解决对策.  相似文献   

温州经济增长方式实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出 改革开放以来,温州经济以年均21%速度稳步发展,其中80年代(1980~1990年)经济发展主要依靠粗放型经济增长方式。在当时条件下,温州经济发展道路重点选择了民间资本,地方政府主要职能是搞好区域宏观调控与基础设施建设,使温州经济在1980~1990年的10年间以年均16%的速度增长,为温州后10年的经济腾飞赢得了时间,  相似文献   

This forward thinking article examines the risks and rewards of using survey research firms to enable empirical data collection, and issues a cautionary note about its application. An exposition and discussion of this form of data collection in supply chain management is relevant today, due to the “survey‐fatigue” among the population of business professionals from whom we seek a response. While this approach has some history in other disciplines, it is still relatively new among supply chain management researchers. To help supply chain management scholars assess the appropriateness of this type of data collection method, this forward thinking article provides invaluable guidance as derived from the authors' recent experiences with the approach. As such, we share our observations and lessons learned. The conclusion is that the use of survey research firms for empirical data collection can be a viable, alternative approach to self‐administered surveys. However, care should be taken in its application.  相似文献   

Crucial to the success of China’s transition to the marketeconomy is the central government’s capacity for institutionalinnovation. Since 1997, Chinese politicians have sought to transformthe governance of state-owned industries from decentralizedadministrator control to centralized corporate shareholder control.This essay examines the ideological, political, and institutionalcomponents of the central state’s strategy of "disembeddedness"that aimed to disrupt preexisting social norms and exchangerelations of the planned economy. However, this authoritarianapproach to organizational change has generated sociopoliticalcontentions and unintended economic outcomes that point to alternativeconceptions of authority and exchange relations at industrialand firm levels. Focusing on the recent restructuring of theoil and petrochemical sectors into national oil corporations,I provide evidence of how certain types of informal social dynamicshave shaped and constrained the implementation of asset controlstrategies and industrial policies favored by the state, withdirect implications for the proper functioning of new marketinstitutions.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the interorganizational nature of the marketing research process, very little research has addressed how research organizations differ and how they affect each other in the conduct of ethical marketing research. The purpose of this study is to examine differences among three typical participants in the research process: corporate research departments, marketing research firms, and data subcontractors. These organizations were examined with respect to having and enforcing internal codes of conduct and the awareness and enforcement of external codes of conduct. By exploring these differences, this study should help marketing researchers better understand the relationships among participants in the research process. Understanding these differences is the first step toward controlling the potential for ethical conflict among research participants.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the choice between single or multiple banking relationships affects credit availability for a complete panel of small and medium-sized Spanish firms. The results seem to indicate the existence of rationing, since a substitution relation has been found between trade and bank credit. We also analyse the relationship between the level of indebtedness and the interest rate for each group of firms. The results show that those SMEs that work with fewer financial intermediaries obtain fewer funds for the same increase in the interest rate, which indicates that these companies have more financial restraints.  相似文献   

从微观层面实证研究企业竞争力源泉的文献仍十分缺乏。结合经济转型背景,本文采用苏州制造业的微观调研数据和自抽样方法,从企业技术供给和应对市场需求两个层面去研究企业竞争力的内生决定因素。实证研究结果发现,企业竞争力取决于企业的技术能力水平和企业在价值链上的位置;而且这两者与企业在同行中所处的规模三者之间存在正向的联动关系,这表明企业规模和价值链位置往往是企业及其技术竞争力的甄别信号。本文的实证研究从企业微观层面有力地支持了转型期FDI背景下企业通过增强技术能力来提升其竞争力的观点,也直接证明了全球价值链理论关于企业在价值链上的位置与企业竞争力两者之间正向关系的论断。  相似文献   

在大数据时代下,信息技术既可以深层次加强资源开发和资源共享,还可以增强信息管理的高效化以及精准化。审计的对象是以会计为主的信息系统,审计软件及审计底稿也是复杂的系统数据。基于大数据对审计的程序、方法、证据、成本等工作均产生影响,结合大数据时代审计质量控制机制建设的新内容,以中兴财光华会计师事务所为例,对其在大数据时代审计质量控制机制内容与不足方面进行了研究,并提出了加强和优化控制机制的系列建议。  相似文献   

本文将出口退税引入产品异质性理论分析出口退税对异质性产品出口的影响,并采用2002-2006年企业、产品和目的国三个维度的出口数据,从中国出口增长的集约边际和扩展边际两个角度检验该影响机制。实证检验发现,面对出口产品退税率的提高,企业通过降低出口价格达到出口数量的增长;同时,出口退税率的提高增加了企业出口某产品的目的国数量。进一步研究发现,出口退税对企业核心产品的价格和出口国数目有显著影响,而对边缘产品影响不显著。核心产品的需求相对缺乏弹性,因此出口退税对核心产品的数量影响较小。基于不同生产率、样本和退税率度量方法,以上结论均较为稳健。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that CEO incentive pay mediates the effect of family preferences on corporate investment policy. Our study focuses on the option portfolio volatility sensitivity vega, which motivates the risk‐taking behavior of undiversified managers. After controlling for factors that affect incentive pay and investment policy simultaneously, we find that one‐third of underinvestment in riskier R&D projects in active family firms can be attributed to a significantly lower vega. Passive family firms allocate more capital to R&D as opposed to active family firms, and are more active in M&A deal making. In contrast to many prior studies, pay incentives and families are not associated with capital expenditures. Overall, our empirical results suggest that CEO pay incentives induce investment policy contingent on firm risk. Family CEO incentive pay manifests the family preference for lower risk, especially in firms with higher firm risk. Nonetheless, after replacing family CEOs with outside professionals, investments in both R&D and M&A increase, which is consistent with the family preference for extended investment horizons. Interestingly, such a preference seems not to be manifested in incentive pay.  相似文献   

企业国际采购在向战略型全球采购发展的过程中会经历不同的阶段.为更加全面地对中国企业国际采购阶段进行分析,应结合中国企业实际,从企业国际采购的利益、企业国际采购面临的挑战、企业国际采购的能力三个维度出发,将中国企业国际采购的发展划分为基于需求的被动型海外采购阶段、有选择的主动型国际采购阶段、国际采购的战略阶段、协调与整合的全球采购阶段等四大阶段.中国企业在国际采购的初级阶段不是为了追求低成本,而是更看重海外供应的高质量和高技术.中国企业国际采购初级阶段的利益是企业战略的低层次利益,比较容易实现,在国际采购中面临的障碍主要是硬性成本和外部障碍.而随着企业在全球化竞争中不断走向成熟,国际采购越来越追求多样化的战略利益,软性成本和内部障碍矛盾更为明显,国际采购资源挑选技能不断提高,逐渐具备全球采购能力.  相似文献   

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