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本文系统探讨了西方规制经济学关于政府与市场关系所经历的从“看不见的手”、“扶持之手”到“掠夺之手”的三个理论模型,并在此基础上以中国股票市场规制为例探讨了这些理论对于转轨时期中国规制型政府构建的有益启示。  相似文献   

“经济人”假设的发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文首先简述“经济人”假设形成过程 ,经过批判和修正这一假设已经成为现代经济学大厦的理论基石。我国的经济学界对“经济人”假设存在不同的认识 ,尤其在我国建设市场经济是否要承认这一假设的问题上 ,还存在很大的分歧。本文联系“经济人”假设和我国国有企业经理的选拔以及激励约束机制的建立等问题 ,认为我国国有企业新一轮改革不但要承认“经济人”假设 ,而且要以之为基础 ,使之成为制定一系列制度的基本前提。  相似文献   

本文通过对2003—2011年中国31个省级地方政府教育和公共部门固定资产投资的面板数据研究发现:相对于扶持之手,掠夺之手对中国省级地方政府固定资产投资抉择更具解释力。教育固定资产投资受到公共部门固定资产投资的挤占,仅能反映民众的一般性社会需求,并受到资金、土地资源以及中央政府调控的强烈限制;而公共部门固定资产投资则在官僚意志和官员私利的主导下,几乎挣脱了资金、土地资源和中央政府禁令的限制。由此,得以看清中国省级地方政府固定资产投资抉择背后的掠夺之手的行为逻辑。然而,针对学者们所暗含的"掠夺之手仅具有纯粹的掠夺性",本文则提出了质疑,笔者认为:掠夺之手具有混合性,掠夺性包含了扶持性。  相似文献   

政府与经济增长的关系微妙且具有极端重要性,它一方面具有"扶持之手"的特征,另一方面也带着"掠夺之手"的印记。该文从政府双重角色的分析入手,构建了一个以"辖区竞争、组织竞争、选举竞争"为代表的政府职能动态转变的框架模型,进而提出该模型在宏观经济发展和基层公共产品供给中的具体运用,以期对"十二五"时期政治体制改革和政府职能转变问题的分析有所裨益。  相似文献   

连军  刘星  连翠珍 《财经研究》2011,(6):133-144
以往的研究为政治联系带来的"扶持之手"提供了较多证据,而文章从资本投资视角探讨民营企业构建和维持政治联系所付出的隐性代价,发现在市场化程度较低的地区有政治联系的民营企业资本投资很大程度上受到政府"掠夺之手"的侵害,虽具有较大的投资规模,但却表现为较低的投资效率,并且不利于企业R&D投资;而在市场化程度较高的地区"掠夺之手"则未显著出现。文章认为,从资本投资角度看,在市场化程度较低的地区构建政治联系对民营企业弊大于利。  相似文献   

制度变迁视角的意识形态理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诺斯的意识形态理论和哈耶克的道德进化论,都研究道德和伦理。两者的区别在于:意识形态概念的个体性与群体性,基本假设的“完全理性”和“有限理性”,制度变迁的主体意识性和自发秩序,意识形态的作用权重,不同的基本方法论等。前者对后者有明显的借鉴,两者相似之处有:理论出发点上均重视“文化”和“学习”的作用,基本假设上对“有限理性”的认识趋同,具体方法论上都注意博弈论的运用,哲学基础均是自由主义的世界观,一致认为意识形态是影响制度系统稳定与变迁的重要因素,得出了正式制度变迁应在意识形态框架内进行的结论。本文认为两者有综合的可能,并对制度变迁视角下意识形态理论的发展做了进一步的思考。  相似文献   

辜胜阻 《商周刊》2013,(24):25-25
经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点。核心问题是处理好政府与市场的关系。市场经济需要市场“无形之手”和政府“有形之手”配合。充分尊重市场客观规律。  相似文献   

政府规模与经济发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了地方政府规模过大对地方经济发展的负面影响。通过计量分析发现,地方政府规模与当地人均GDP水平呈显著负相关。地方政府可以在培育市场、提供公共物品上发挥重要作用,从而成为"帮助之手";但也有可能设租和寻租,从而阻碍当地的经济发展,成为"掠夺之手"。而设租、寻租的规模与政府的规模密切相关。本文试图通过信号传递模型解释政府规模是如何影响地方经济发展的,以此说明政府机构改革的必要性。  相似文献   

李健 《经贸实践》2014,(3):48-49
“人有德行,如水至清”,德清由此而得名。近年来,这个有着深厚历史文化底蕴的城市围绕创新驱动发展和全面深化改革这两个主题,改革当先、聚焦落实、注重质量、转变作风,切实从“越位点”退出、把“缺位点”补上,使市场“无形之手”和政府“有形之手”协同发力。  相似文献   

根据古典经济学原理,在价格这只“看不见的手”的引导下,市场机制可以实现资源的有效配置。然而,看似完美的市场机制却是在一系列的假设的前提下实现的,如完全竞争、“经济人”假设等。但在现实经济生活中,由于公共物品、垄断、外部性等的存在,市场机制在很多场合不能导致资源有效配置,从而产生“市场失灵”。环境作为一种公共物品,并不能通过市场有效配置。主要表现在:  相似文献   

I study the value to society of information about central bankers' preferences for inflation relative to output stabilization. I find that the value to society of information is only positive if bankers are “very” conservative. The reason is the following. More information has two effects. On the one hand it allows the public to make more accurate predictions, reducing surprise inflation and consequently the expected variance of output; on the other hand, information increases the expected variability of inflation. The latter effect dominates the former when bankers are not “sufficiently” conservative.  相似文献   

China’s economy is currently at a crossroad leading to two different directions. One is to further deepen the reform, concentrate on crucial aspects and relax control over details, govern by non-intervention and let the market play an increasing role and lead the economy; while the other is to enhance the state sector with weakening the private sector, and let the government play a greater role and lead the economy. Which direction should China head for? The answer would undoubtedly be the former. As such, this paper argues that there does not exist the so-called “China Model” and attributes the deep-seated problems caused by those misconceptions in China’s economy to three pairs of “over-emphasis” versus “under-emphasis”, namely, over-emphasis on the government versus under-emphasis on the market, over-emphasis on enriching state versus under-emphasis on enriching the people, and over-emphasis on development versus under-emphasis on public service. Moreover, in regard to how to solve these problems, the paper proposes to further advance the two fundamental transformations of government functions: (1) to transform from a development-oriented government to a service-oriented government, and (2) to transform from an omnipotent government to a limited government.  相似文献   

Fiscal federalism is commonly held to reduce the size of government, but how does it do so: through shrinking the welfare state, cutting government consumption, or reducing public investment? This paper examines tax competition under fiscal federalism through the lens of imperfect competition theory, derives new empirical implications from different theories of fiscal federalism, and tests those hypotheses with new variables and data. Cross-national statistical results show that jurisdictional competition under fiscal federalism is associated with reductions in the administrative expense of government but not the size of the welfare state. Moreover, the apparent impact of fiscal federalism with a high degree of jurisdictional competition is larger than that estimated in previous research. Once the models have been appropriately specified, the United States is no longer an outlier among high-income democracies on either government consumption or social spending. Close examination of the data reveals that some fiscally federal systems better approximate a “market-preserving model” and others a “capital-privileging” or “state-corroding” model.  相似文献   

建设创新型国家和“双一流”大学是国家重大战略决策。近年来,大学科研人员创新积极性受诸多因素掣制,难以充分激发,引起广泛关注。借鉴现代冲突理论,探讨大学科研治理中,科研人员因所处弱势地位而可能面临的冲突;阐述冲突的表现,包括群际冲突、群内冲突、学科冲突和个体冲突;分析冲突的生成,主要有政府信任假设与期待冲突、科技制度供给与需求冲突及治理方式对立与合作冲突;阐发大学科研治理变革的理论逻辑,主要有互动互信是大学科研治理的前提、科技制度是大学科研治理的保障、协同共治是大学科研治理的目标;提出变革的实践路径,包括诚信建设常态化、科技制度体系化、制度创新多元化、治理方式柔性化、科研服务精细化和治理手段智能化。  相似文献   

Tony Lawson has argued that the methodology of neoclassical economics is deductivist: in constructing their formal models, economists hope to be able to provide explanations based on laws, as described by the deductive-nomological model of explanation. This article argues in contrast that neoclassical economics cannot be understood as following just one methodology. It is argued that neoclassicism exhibits two methodologies, one “official” and one tacit. The former is empiricist, and corresponds to the practice that has been described by Lawson. The latter, which can be called “hypothetico-deductive rationalism”, amounts to the position that knowledge of the world can be obtained without any empirical verification of one's assumptions, simply by exploring the implications of the assumptions one makes.  相似文献   

我国科学技术决策立法存在明显的压制型法特征,突出表现在公众等外部意见未能充分流入行政机关、行政裁量权缺乏有效约束、《科学技术进步法》对地方立法约束力过强等。该立法模式极大阻碍了我国科学技术进步,因此有必要对其展开反思,结合治理实践中官员“行权”与“避责”的逻辑,将自治型法与回应型法理念有效融合,以此为基础,在立法体系上鼓励基层政府自我规范化,并结合备案审查与规范性文件附带审查制度,确保法秩序和有效治理的协调。在具体运作中,可尝试打破政府对决策权的垄断、引入科技专家和公众作为多元决策主体,参考重大行政决策程序制度建立科技决策程序机制,从而形成符合实际的回应型立法模式。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a discussion on evolutionary technological change and economic growth theory, using the Lakatosian Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes as an appraisal criterion. Since the persistence of some inflexibility in this approach made it difficult to capture fundamental features of the scientific undertaking at hand, an alternative hypothesis was explored, that developed by Hoover (Scientific research program or tribe? A joint appraisal of Lakatos and the new classical macroeconomics. In: de Marchi N, Blaug M (eds) Appraising economic theories: studies in the methodology of research programmes. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1991). This latter framework is used here not as a formal methodology but rather as a language to find patterns in these theories. This exercise evolved then towards a number of considerations on the confrontation between these evolutionary theories particularly in terms of that which can be seen (in a loose sense) as their “rival research programme”, the new neoclassical growth models.  相似文献   

Research has shown that altruism is lower in diverse communities. Can this phenomenon be counteracted by government intervention? To answer this question, this paper introduces diversity to the canonical model of “warm glow” giving. Diversity may have two effects on incentives: it may attenuate individuals' altruistic preferences for public goods, and it may “cool off” the warm glow that individuals get from voluntarism. Either of these effects leads to diverse communities having lower levels of public goods, consistent with prior research. However, these effects have opposite implications for the efficacy of government intervention. I then empirically investigate whether government intervention is more effective in diverse communities. For identification, I exploit the Supreme Court-mandated 1991 expansion of the SSI program. Using a new dataset of United Methodist churches from 1984 to 2000, the results show that the expansion of SSI crowded-out charitable spending by churches. The crowd-out estimate for the average church is reasonably large, but this masks significant differences in crowd-out between communities. Crowd-out occurred almost entirely in relatively homogeneous communities; there is only modest evidence of crowd-out in racially diverse communities. Thus diverse communities, while having the lowest levels of altruism, are in this instance the most amenable to government intervention.  相似文献   

政策预算通常称之为部门预算.而公共预算中的"公共"范围大于政府公共部门中的"公共"范围.后者有明确的政府组织边界,而前者却包括与政府预算有关的部分,边界是难以确定的.这个难点也就是政府职能部门和事业组织之间效率边界决定的难点;同时也是公共预算效率资助的难点.本文从政府职能部门和事业组织之间的效率边界问题、事业组织的效率问题和政府职能部门对事业组织效率资助问题三个方面展开讨论.  相似文献   

构建了一个逐步回归模型,并用2010~2011年间对103家资源型企业进行问卷调查的数据进行检验。研究结果表明:(1)在企业的资源因素有利、企业的技术能力较强、企业可能获得的合作利益较小、技术创新政策推动力度大的情况下,企业偏好于选择非产权合作模式;(2)在企业的资源因素不利、企业可能获得的合作利益大、企业的技术能力较弱、技术创新政策推动力度小的情况下,企业偏好于选择产权合作模式。因此,合作模式的选择应以企业需求为导向,需要考虑以上四种重要因素。  相似文献   

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