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If there is a cartel agreement among a subset of firms in an industry, it should be predicted that all firms in that industry will increase prices. Nevertheless, industry prices alone should not indicate that a particular firm is guilty of that conspiracy. According to the output test and its market share variant – proposed by Blair and Romano – if the output or the market share of the firm that claims to be innocent in the collusive activity rises in response to the price increase, that firm's claim should be accepted as true. Using a collusive variant of the dominant firm model, this paper shows that these are not robust tests to reveal either innocence or guilt, and characterizes cases where they may pardon a guilty firm (Type I error) or indict an innocent firm (Type II error). This paper also shows that a market share test can not be used to prove a dominant firm's intent for predatory pricing.  相似文献   

Business model innovation is by now mainly understood as a strategic option for firms to enhance competitiveness. As a result, business model innovation research usually focuses on outperforming firms that deliberately innovate their business models. We enhance this rather narrow perspective by analysing business model innovation processes of average market players against the background of a multiple-case study. Our findings show that average market players do at least initially not deliberately pursue business model innovation. Instead, they experience business model innovation as a highly emergent and very often unintended process. We identify four phases of this process and describe them in detail. Furthermore, we highlight factors that determine whether a firm is able to complete the process step or not. The results of our study are reflected in a newly developed process model that considerably enhances the understanding of business model innovation processes with regard to average market players and may serve as framework for future research.  相似文献   

Group purchasing, nonlinear tariffs, and oligopoly   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Loyalty discounts are nonlinear tariffs that condition rebates or marginal prices on meeting aggregate purchase or market share targets. These discounts are widespread, and are often the impetus for consumers to form buying groups, or group purchase organizations (GPOs). This paper models the competitive effects of the introduction of a GPO into a market within which the preferences of the GPO's members are horizontally differentiated. While nonlinear tariffs are an effective way for a monopolist to extract consumer surplus, when two suppliers compete using such schedules, the results are far more competitive in comparison to simple Bertrand–Nash competition with linear tariffs. This result holds when the product of each of the suppliers is attractive to a substantial portion of consumers. In our model, the nonlinear schedule puts all customers “in play” to a degree that contrasts sharply with the competition at the margin characteristic of constant per unit prices. Moreover, competing in nonlinear tariffs removes allocative inefficiency that can result from single price competition.  相似文献   

This article explores the nonlinear relationship between organizational integration and new product market success (NPMS). The concept of organizational integration was measured by assessing the degree of integration among various groups of people involved in the development of new products including new product development (NPD) teams that are typically the focal points of NPD efforts. New product market success was measured by examining four often‐used measures of NPD success. The mail survey research approach was used to gather empirical data from NPD managers in three major industries. The data gathered from this survey process were used as the basis from which to extract information to address this study's major research questions, which include: (1) How is the degree of new product market success related to the nonlinear degree to which groups of people (including NPD teams) integrate during NPD processes? and (2) How is the degree of new product market success related to the nonlinear degree to which separate groups of people (e.g., customers, suppliers, and functional departments) integrate during NPD processes? This study found that high levels of organizational integration (overall organizational integration and supplier organizational integration) during NPD processes are associated with high levels of new product market success. Additionally, this study found that the relationship between new product market success and organizational integration (customer organizational integration and functional organization integration) during NPD processes exhibit nonlinear, U‐shaped relationships. Therefore, the first important finding of this study confirms that various forms of organizational integration impact in a positive way the market success of new products. This suggests that management responsible for all NPD projects should consciously integrate important groups of people to support such developments. This study's findings also confirm and imply that new product developers in the studied industries should integrate marketing and research and development (R&D) over the duration of the NPD process. This suggests that new product managers must be proactive to assure that members of NPD teams are actively engaged with groups of supporting people within and outside new‐product–producing organizations. Unlike prior research, a major finding of this study suggests that the association between organizational integration and new product market success does not form inverted U‐shaped relationships. Data from this research imply that new product market success is linearly influenced by overall and supplier organizational integration. However, this study's data suggest that new product market success is nonlinearly influenced by customer and functional organizational integration. This study's data suggest that when customer organizational integration and/or functional organizational integration is increased, new product market success can be increased at a rate which is greater than a linear rate.  相似文献   

Formal new product development processes typically are depicted in the literature as linear processes having some number of stages, each of which is completed by a cross-functional team. At the end of each stage a management committee makes a decision as to whether the project will proceed to the next stage, be stopped, or recycle through the previous stage to better complete some of the tasks or steps in the stage. Teams proceed stage by stage, until the product is launched into the market.However, this formal process typically is positioned as occurring after the “fuzzy front end” (FFE), the chaotic, messy up-front part of new product development before there is a solidified concept. Because incremental, evolutionary innovations go through an abbreviated FFE, or even have none at all, these formal processes work quite well for them. However, radical innovations typically have very messy, chaotic and fuzzy front ends, which are not helped by these formal processes. Formal product development processes may actually act as a barrier to radical innovation. Very little research to date has investigated processes that overcome the barriers to radical innovation and allow firms to successfully bring radical innovations to market.This research investigates the product development processes used by 19 Serial Innovators—individuals in large, mature firms who have been associated with one after another radical innovation success. We find that Serial Innovators' processes have four specific features that enable them to overcome organizational barriers and allow them to create and successfully commercialize radical innovations. Serial Innovators' processes:
  • •are not at all linear in nature;
  • •focus significant time and effort on the fuzzy front end;
  • •explicitly manage the transition from the fuzzy front end tasks and outputs (a proposed solution to a problem) to the more formal and institutionalized development process; and
  • •proactively work to create market acceptance.

Explaining Location Patterns of Suburban Offices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suburban office markets exhibit a pattern of variegated clustering that is little explained by the conventional theories of urban form based on agglomeration effects and the cost of distance. To explain the pattern, this paper introduces industry economies of scale for "Class A" offices. Empirical tests for industry economies of scale are reported, based on data from the office market of Houston, Texas. The models presented, under conditions typical of North American cities in recent decades, imply the patterns of variegated clustering that are observed. They suggest a sequence of clusters, increasing in size and distance from the central business district. Further, they imply the potential for mass movement by tenants from older clusters to new.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the market structure is likely to evolve in a situation of multi-stage oligopolistic production. The decision to merge across or within stages of production is treated as endogenous. It is shown that when firms at a particular stage of production are relatively dominant, simultaneous merger decisions are conducive to competitive vertically integrated outcomes while sequential decisions are not. The persistence of non-integrated market structures may be explained by the existence of equally dominant firms which make merger decisions sequentially. The credible threat of retaliatory merger may deter both socially desirable and undesirable forms of merger. Inferences are drawn for the design of competition policy.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews some history of the concept of dominant logic, and then elaborates some of the ways in which the authors have further developed this concept in recent years. Discussion focuses on the dominant logic as a filter, on the dominant logic as a level of strategic analysis, on the unlearning (forgetting) curve, on the dominant logic as an emergent property of organizations as complex adaptive systems, and on the relationship between organizational stability and the dominant logic. Throughout emphasis is given to the inherent nonlinear nature of organizations and the mental models that they create.  相似文献   

Research on technology adoption in organizations traditionally assumes that these organizations follow rational, strategic and planned adoption processes. However, a gradually emerging view is that the adoption of technology is also characterized by entrepreneurial or effectual reasoning, primarily due to technological and market uncertainties that call for more agile and experimental approaches at the digital age. Drawing on effectuation theory, we develop a research framework to examine the managerial reasoning during the adoption of marketing automation technology. Based on the results of a comparative multiple-case study on four large-sized industrial firms, we develop a maturity model of marketing automation adoption and show that even large-sized B2B companies apply effectual reasoning, which problematizes the rationality assumption in the technology adoption literature. Second, we show that during the adoption process, organizations' dominant reasoning mode follows an iterative pattern in which the adopting organization moves back and forth between effectuation and causation. Finally, we identify five key domains of marketing automation (customer knowledge, information systems infrastructure, analytics, interdepartmental dynamics and change management) and describe their gradual evolution at different stages of the adoption process.  相似文献   

A number of studies have postulated that the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA 1981) was responsible for the dramatic overbuilding that occurred between 1981 and 1986, primarily because returns became less sensitive to "real" demand. While there has been much research on how equilibrium or "natural" vacancy rates in the real estate market are determined, beginning with Rosen and Smith's seminal paper in 1983, virtually none of this work has dealt with the impact of the tax environment. This study makes an initial attempt to answer this question with respect to equilibrium vacancies resulting from tenant (or owner) turnover. A formal model is developed that considers as an objective function the landlord's desire to maximize his/her after-tax equity returns in an environment of monopolistic competition in which individual projects face downward-sloping demand curves, owing to market conditions and a degree of heterogeneity among tenants in search costs or some other characteristic. The natural vacancy rate is shown not to depend directly upon the tax environment, but to depend indirectly upon it only to the extent that equilibrium market rents are lowered. The nature of the vacancy response depends critically upon the shape of the tenant demand response relationship upon its transition to a lower-rent region. This response is interactive with the degree of turnover and supply responsiveness within individual markets.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2006,30(3-4):183-200
Interconnection is not only a major competition issue per se, it is also a critical element of the basic telecommunications agreement of the WTO. An important issue in interconnection regulation is interconnection charging especially in the context of a dominant incumbent. Most regulators in developing countries face challenges in setting interconnection prices in the absence of market information on the incumbent's or entrant's costs, competition or demand and models suited for developing countries that also adhere to the WTO guidelines. There are few papers that illustrate the challenges faced by regulators in such a context. This paper attempts to bridge the gap by highlighting the nature of interaction between the regulator, incumbent, judiciary and the political environment, the role of formal models in setting interconnection charges and the implications of rapid technological changes in a developing country context through a case study of India.The case study highlights the point that besides independence, it is important to vest enforcement powers in the regulatory agency for it to be credible. Incorporating the WTO interconnection guidelines within a developing country context has implications for network growth and poses challenges to the regulatory processes.Although Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) started with a distortionary, inefficiently priced network providing low coverage and quality, it has meandered its way to a more reasonable network access pricing regime. The decreasing cost of technology and increasing incomes in India and political interventions in regulation have put pressure on TRAI to provide lower interconnection charges and faster telecom growth. Thus, it is pragmatic for regulators to start with a “quick and dirty” estimate, provided that they can signal the downward trend in interconnection pricing, rather than wait for the “correct” estimates.Adoption of future looking strategies (interconnection exchanges), use of a variety of formal models, and strengthening of regulatory capacity are all necessary steps in fostering a competitive environment. Interconnection regimes set up early in the reform process require a review. For successful competition, effective dispute resolution mechanisms and institutions are also important.  相似文献   

This introductory article on market innovation processes seeks to conceptualize market innovations and elaborate on the processes through which such innovations are achieved. Recent attention to the active production of markets suggests markets are ongoing processes rather than stable entities. This implies a broader definition of market innovation than the opening up of new markets, including changing existing market structure, introducing new market devices, altering market behavior, and reconstituting market agents. In general, market innovation means altering the way in which business is done. Conceiving of markets as on-going processes further suggests that stabilizing efforts (preventing and/or directing market change) are central to market innovation. Such stabilizing efforts include establishing and maintaining a bounded network of buyers, sellers, goods, etc. and configuring this network so as to channel interactions between entities. Drawing on the individual contributions to the special issue we identify and exemplify four interrelated ways of stabilizing markets: institutionalizing norms and rules; building devices and technical infrastructures; generating and disseminating images, models, and representations; and enacting practices, routines and habits. We conclude by bringing attention to the central challenge of balancing efforts to stabilize and change markets.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, consortia have become a structural feature of technology and market co-ordination in the information and communication technology industries. This paper examines some of the policy issues raised by the consortia phenomenon by examining its origins and structures critically and reviewing consortia interactions with standardisation processes. The findings are that consortia fulfil a complex role in today’s market structure that is aimed at creating technologically integrated business communities, that ‘efficiency’ rationales may not be the prime rationale for participation in consortia technical committees, and that consortia now operate as a global system. Policy implications are drawn in terms of access asymmetries, industrial policy, user participation, and the future role of the officially recognised standards organisations.  相似文献   

本研究利用我国54个城市1990—2010年的经济活动数据重点考察了市场获得对区域经济集聚发展的影响。结论发现随着市场获得的边界效应下降,要素(中间)品和最终消费品两个市场获得均具有促进区域集聚发展的作用,国内市场获得对中心城市集聚发展的贡献力在样本期具有下降趋势,而外围城市则反之。与其呼应的则是当前刘易斯拐点期和国际经济衰弱(波动)期外需市场获得空间增长乏力,这意味着工业生产性资源在空间上集聚配置的"地理界线"必然会由沿海边界线向内陆圈后移,"主外需,轻内需"局面向"内外需并重"转变将成为趋势。未来外向型的东部沿海(中心地区)集聚力相对下降,而内陆外围地区可吸收其扩散力;随着国内市场获得重要性的提升,内陆(或外围)地区将充分接受沿海地区"回波效应"带来的新增长力量,我国区域"中心—外围"发展格局有望走向渐进均衡化。  相似文献   

I examine two dominant processes of organizational interdependence—imitation and resource competition—and develop a theory that integrates predictions about firms' propensity to change market locations based on both. The cornerstone of the model is the argument that both processes operate concurrently and are driven by the departure of peer firms from a shared resource space. I also argue that the imitation effect, which reflects shared perceptions and interpretations among ecologically proximate peers, hinges on the competitive intensity faced by each individual organization in its market location. Analyses of U.S. automobile manufacturers' moves between the industry's three main market segments confirm the predictions of the theory and point to the merits of using an ecological approach to the evolution of market segmentation and the formation of industry structure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A substantial body of existing research has linked firm performance to the acquisition and use of customer, competitor, and other market information. This paper examines the impact on new venture performance of formal processes for market information collection and use. This study hypothesizes that new venture performance will be an increasing function of both market information and use. Two moderator hypotheses are also tested. In particular, it is expected that the impact of formal market information processes will be greater in market‐driven new ventures than in technology‐driven new ventures. These hypotheses were tested using data collected from 222 Chinese new ventures. The empirical analysis confirms the positive role of formal processes in new venture performance. However, the analysis does not support the moderator hypotheses. This study finds that (1) formal processes for information acquisition are equally important in technology‐driven and market‐driven firms and (2) formal processes for information use have a greater impact on new venture performance in technology‐driven firms than in market‐driven firms.  相似文献   

A disruptive innovation (i.e., one that dramatically disrupts the current market) is not necessarily a disruptive innovation (as Clayton Christensen defines this term). To aid in understanding why some innovations are more (or less) disruptive to the long‐term health of incumbents, this article offers terminology and a framework complementary to Christensen's work, focusing on the diffusion pattern of the new product. The framework and model presented herein suggest that when an innovation diffuses from the low end upward toward the high end, a pattern called low‐end encroachment, the incumbent may be tempted to overlook its potential impact. Three possible types of low‐end encroachment are illustrated: the fringe‐market, detached‐market, and immediate scenarios. Conversely, when the pattern is one of high‐end encroachment, the impact on the current market is immediate and striking. A three‐step framework is identified to assess the potential diffusion pattern and impact of an innovation, thereby helping a firm determine the threat or opportunity that an innovation represents.  相似文献   

This article examines how firms facing volatile input prices and holding some degree of market power in their product market link their risk management and their production or pricing strategies. This issue is relevant in many industries ranging from manufacturing to energy retailing, where firms that are rendered “risk averse” by financial frictions decide on and commit to their hedging strategies before their product market strategies. We find that commitment to hedging modifies the pricing and production strategies of firms. This strategic effect is channeled through the risk-adjusted expected cost, i.e., the expected marginal cost under the probability measure induced by shareholders' “risk aversion”. It has opposite effects depending on the nature of product market competition: commitment to hedging toughens quantity competition while it softens price competition. Finally, not committing to the hedging position can never be an equilibrium outcome: committing is always a best response to non-committing. In the Hotelling model, committing is a dominant strategy for all firms.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in net selling price for residential real estate across male and female agents. A sample of 2,020 home sales transactions from Fulton County, Georgia, are analyzed in a two‐stage least squares, geospatial autoregressive corrected, semi‐log hedonic model to test for gender and gender selection effects. Although agent gender seems to play a role in naïve models, its role becomes inconclusive as variables controlling for possible price and time on market expectations of the buyers and sellers are introduced to the models. Clear differences in real estate sales prices, time on market and agent incomes across genders are unlikely due to differences in negotiation performance between genders or the mix of genders in a two‐agent negotiation. The evidence suggests an interesting alternative to agent performance: that buyers and sellers with different reservation price and time on market expectations, such as those selling foreclosure homes, tend to select agents along gender lines.  相似文献   

Recent research has defined market orientation as two dimensions, responsive and proactive market orientations, and further argued that an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between each of these two market orientation dimensions and new product performance. However, empirical evidence has not confirmed such a nonlinear relationship. This study argues that the curvilinear relationship between the two dimensions of market orientation and new product performance may depend on external environmental characteristics. A total of 107 new product development programs in five high tech industries constitute the analytical sample. Hierarchical regression analysis reveals that under a high level of technological turbulence, responsive market orientation becomes detrimental to new product performance beyond a certain level; the relationship between proactive market orientation and new product performance is an inverted U-shaped under a low level of technological turbulence or competitive intensity. Results also indicate that responsive and proactive market orientations are important determinants of new product performance. These findings sharpen the understanding of the relationship between market orientation and new product performance.  相似文献   

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