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We use longitudinal data to assess whether individuals who place greater importance on marriage and family pay a price for that priority in subsequent labor market success. Males placing a high priority on family before entering the labor market earn more, contrary to behavioral research but consistent with the economics literature. More important, females who place a high priority on family do not suffer in terms of subsequent earnings, contrary to most previous research.  相似文献   

Societal pressures for greater sustainability can encourage firms to target part of their innovation activities at ecological initiatives (i.e., eco-innovation). Yet, depending on their value function, firms can respond differently to such pressures and exhibit variance in their eco-innovation activities. In this paper, we investigate the idea that a firm’s ownership structure may play a significant role in determining its engagement in eco-innovation. Specifically, we propose that ownership by family blockholders increases the value attached to the company’s reputation and that this, in turn, stimulates higher levels of eco-innovation. In other words, we model the company reputation motive as a key mediator in the relationship between family ownership and firm-level eco-innovation. To account for family firm heterogeneity, we also model the moderating role of owners’ intention to pass the business on to the next family generation (transgenerational intentions) and of the extent to which these owners reside in the firm’s local community (local embeddedness). As theoretical backdrop, our study builds on institutional theory and the mixed gamble logic. To test our hypotheses, we use a large sample of German firms and nonlinear moderated mediation regression analysis. Results reveal that family ownership is positively related to the introduction of eco-innovations by firms, in part because of the stronger emphasis being placed on the company’s reputation. We find that this effect is strongest when the owning-family has transgenerational intentions. As such, this study advances our understanding of firm-level drivers of eco-innovation. In view of the prevalence of family-owned firms and the mounting importance of ecological sustainability, it is valuable to extend knowledge on the contingent and indirect effect of family ownership on eco-innovation.  相似文献   

In this article, the direct role of the state in industrial relations is scrutinized by focusing on the political basis of decisions regarding the minimum wage. We argue that in order to ensure stability and growth, any state must balance the interests of capital and labour when taking this kind of distributional decision. This idea is operationalized using O'Connor's concepts of accumulation and legitimation as the basis for an analytical model. Application to Turkey and comparison with the USA reveals that in Turkey, governments take account of legitimacy concerns in their minimum wage decisions due to the large number of workers directly dependent on minimum wages and weak collective bargaining institutions. In the USA, despite rather similar industrial relations conditions, this tendency is not present, probably due to the much smaller number of minimum wage earners and their weakness in the political process. However, in the USA, too, we observe that there is a difference between political parties and historical periods in the way in which the minimum wage is determined.  相似文献   

电网项目前期工作外部环境分析和应对措施的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电网发展受到很多外部环境的制约与影响、针对电网项目前期工作中的重点与难点,结合当前电网项目前期工作面临的外部环境,为电网企业做好电网项目前期工作,探讨了应对的措施,对促进电网项目前期工作的顺利进行具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Innovation is an essential and yet puzzling part of family firms’ strategic focus. While family firms are generally characterized as conservative regarding their research and development (R&D) activities, researchers have recently argued that family firms can still achieve innovation-based competitive advantages. Seeking to understand the link between family influence and the outcomes of innovation, we suggest that it is necessary not only to observe the depth of family involvement, but also to differentiate between technological inventions and market innovations. We further posit that the board members’ social capital constitutes an important contingency for this link. We, therefore, investigate the relationship between family involvement and two different outcomes: the number of the firm’s inventions and the market relevance of innovations. Our analysis of S&P 500 firms comprises 1.85 million patents and manual evaluations of 1774 product announcements. The results of our estimations suggest that family involvement is negatively related to the number of inventions and positively related to the market relevance of innovations. They further show that internal and external board social capital moderate the relationship between family involvement and the number of inventions. This study adds to the discussion about family firm innovation by using socioemotional wealth to explain heterogeneity in innovation patterns and revealing that relational resources derived from board social capital are crucial boundary conditions for families’ influence on technological inventions. Taken together, it works toward a more holistic view of innovation in family-influenced firms.  相似文献   

基础工作在企业质量管理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量管理是指在质量方面指挥和控制组织的协调活动,质量管理基础工作就是围绕着质量管理的全过程所开展的一系列最基础性的工作,它包括质量培训、信息工作、标准化、计量、质量监督等工作。如果把质量管理比作一座平地崛起的高楼大厦,那么质量管理基础工作就是这座高楼大厦的基石,质量培训是前提,信息工作是基础,标准化是依据。计量是手段,质量监督是控制,  相似文献   

Mean total family earnings differ greatly by family structure (the number, age, and gender of adults, and the presence or absence of children and dependent elders). This study classifies families into seven major types by structure, and analyzes inequality in mean earnings among these types. Differences in mean earnings among types depend primarily on the amount of labor supplied to the labor market. The quantity of labor supplied, in turn, while reflecting in part differences in the head's characteristics (such as human capital), is largely determined by family structure. Earnings changes by family type over time from 1973 to 1987 are also discussed.  相似文献   

标准化是企业组织生产 ,指导、协调生产活动的重要手段  任何企业的生产、技术及管理都不同程度的涉及到各个部门和各个生产环节。产品型企业如此 ,过程型企业也是如此。如一口油井的投产 ,须经地质调查、勘探、设计、钻井、测试、完井、固井、拆迁交井、井场及战区建设、管网、压裂投产以及材料供应、通讯传输等诸多环节。为保证油井高速优质的投产 ,就需要各单位、各部门、各专业、各工种在各自的轨道上正常运转。这就要求每个环节的“接口”处都有相应的标准来衔接、约束 ,作为指导、协调生产活动的依据和纽带 ,任何环节上的失调都会影…  相似文献   

The paper reports a longitudinal study of the post‐pregnancy work outcomes for full‐time working women who were pregnant with their first baby. Regression analyses revealed that women who did not return to work as intended were differentiated from those who did return to work by the amount of planning they had done in pregnancy, as well as having lower pre‐natal income and less anti‐cipated support within the workplace. Almost one third of those who returned to work part‐time reported reduced job status. The study shows the importance of workplace planning and support in return to work after maternity leave.  相似文献   

It has been observed that customer service workers often develop mutually supportive coping strategies to protect themselves from the emotional strain of overwork. These strategies can receive tacit support from supervisors, who may accept them as a means of getting the work done. The study explores the impact of a number of different forms of support on emotional exhaustion among a group of 480 call centre workers focusing, in particular, on the role of supportive behaviours relating to absence taking. The research shows that a supportive co-worker absence culture and team leader absence permissiveness can lessen the effects of job demands on emotional exhaustion and improve worker well-being. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has examined the effects of managerial share ownership on business diversification, typically from the incentive alignment perspective. Yet, share ownership also shifts risk to managers (the efficient managerial contracting perspective). Furthermore, the effects of managerial ownership on international diversification are unexplored. We examine how managerial ownership influences both international and business diversification in light of the trade‐off between incentive alignment and risk bearing. Based on the differing risk profiles of the two types of diversification, we argue that incentive contracts with higher levels of managerial ownership will be inefficient, i.e., counter to shareholder interests—reducing international diversification and increasing business diversification. Our findings support our arguments for international diversification. We find no significant effect for business diversification after accounting for endogeneity and serial correlation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This introductory article on market innovation processes seeks to conceptualize market innovations and elaborate on the processes through which such innovations are achieved. Recent attention to the active production of markets suggests markets are ongoing processes rather than stable entities. This implies a broader definition of market innovation than the opening up of new markets, including changing existing market structure, introducing new market devices, altering market behavior, and reconstituting market agents. In general, market innovation means altering the way in which business is done. Conceiving of markets as on-going processes further suggests that stabilizing efforts (preventing and/or directing market change) are central to market innovation. Such stabilizing efforts include establishing and maintaining a bounded network of buyers, sellers, goods, etc. and configuring this network so as to channel interactions between entities. Drawing on the individual contributions to the special issue we identify and exemplify four interrelated ways of stabilizing markets: institutionalizing norms and rules; building devices and technical infrastructures; generating and disseminating images, models, and representations; and enacting practices, routines and habits. We conclude by bringing attention to the central challenge of balancing efforts to stabilize and change markets.  相似文献   

This article studies changes in computer use and work discretion and intensity in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2015. We document that while the proportion of workers using computers has increased from 40 per cent to more than 60 per cent, there remain significant differences between countries even within the same occupations. Several countries have seen a significant increase in computer use even in low-skilled occupations generally assumed to be less affected by technology. Overall, the great increase in computer use between 1995 and 2015 coincided with a period of modest deterioration of job quality in the EU-15 as a whole, as work discretion declined for most occupational and educational groups, while work intensity increased slightly for most of them. Our OLS results exploiting variation within country-occupation cells point to a sizeable positive effect of computer use on work discretion, but to no effect on work intensity. Our instrumental variable estimates point to an even more benign effect of computer use on job quality as measured by work discretion and work intensity. Hence, the results suggest that the (moderate) deterioration in the quality of work observed in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2015 has occurred despite the spread of computers, rather than because of them.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that managerial attention is a particularly important precursor of established firms' responses to discontinuous technological change. However, little is known about the factors that shape managerial attention‐response patterns. Our qualitative study investigates how the attention of family firm chief executive officers (CEOs) to discontinuous technological shifts, the interpretation and decision‐making processes associated with these changes, and ultimately organizations' responses are affected by CEOs' noneconomic goals. Based on seven longitudinal case studies in the German consumer goods industry, the paper induces a process model that extends the findings of the literature on the attention‐based view and helps to explain heterogeneity in family firms' adaptation to discontinuous technological change. This study shows that the family CEO's specific noneconomic goals—such as power and control, transgenerational value, the maintenance of family reputation, the continuance of personal ties, or personal affect associated with the family business—determine whether the CEO assesses an emerging technology as relevant enough to warrant a reaction from the firm. Moreover, the family CEO's noneconomic goals constrain the set of considered responses. The outcome of this sensemaking process determines the organization's response. For instance, in the specific context of this study, the goal of “family power and control” entailed an immediate interpretation of the focal trend as important for maintaining influence, and resulted in an unconstrained set of responses and, ultimately, high innovation in the new domain. Over time, family CEOs might reevaluate the emerging trend based on their goals and adapt organizational moves accordingly. The paper identifies and discusses how ambiguities and dilemmas may arise during this process. Our findings contribute to the literature on adaptation to discontinuous technological change and to family firm research.  相似文献   

A Different Kind of Union: Balancing Co-Management and Representation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local unions engaging in co-management and joint governance arrangements require new capacities and organizational forms to balance managerial responsibilities with representation of both the collective and individual interests of the membership. This article examines the evolution of the local union at General Motors' Saturn Corporation through the internal and external tensions created by the challenges faced in assuming these roles. A new model of local unionism, grounded in this experience and data, is outlined for further testing and research.  相似文献   

According to conventional wisdom, if an innovative new product development (NPD) effort is to stand any chance for success, the project must have a champion. The role of the champion has taken on almost mythic proportions, through oft-told tales of the development of such disparate products as instant cameras, automobiles, and microprocessors. Notwithstanding the purportedly essential role that champions play, however, we have only anecdotal evidence of the manner in which effective champions operate and the benefits that they offer. Stephen K. Markham and Abbie Griffin suggest that before we can explore questions about how champions affect product development performance, we must address an even more fundamental issue: whether champions actually influence performance. Using data from the 1995 PDMA study of best practices in product development, they test various widely held assumptions about champions and NDP performance. Specifically, they investigate the association between championing and the following variables: NPD performance at the program, firm, and project levels; industry characteristics; and project- and firm-related NPD characteristics. In several respects, the results of their study run counter to current beliefs about product development champions. For example, the study suggests that champions are just as likely to be found in large firms as they are in small firms. Similarly, the results indicate that the likelihood of finding a champion does not differ significantly between technology-driven firms and marketing-driven firms. For the firms in this study, champions are no more likely to support radical innovations than they are to back incremental innovations or product line extensions. The results of the study suggest that champions do not directly affect firm-level NPD performance. Instead, the results of this study associate increased championing with higher levels of NPD program performance, which positively affects firm-level performance. The results of this study also do not support the notion that a champion can directly improve the market success of a particular project.  相似文献   

Part‐time work is commonly depicted as positive for women workers and their experience of work and home. Drawing on the qualitative commentaries of lower‐level service workers, this study explores the temporal, social and interpersonal consequences of part‐time work. While many employees liked part‐time work, there was evidence that fragmented work schedules, mandated overtime and difficulties in taking time off work created tensions and problems for women in both the work and family domains. Inferior treatment also punctuated the work experiences of a number of part‐time employees and served to underline their differential work status.  相似文献   

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