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Prior studies contend that top managers’ ability to harness purchasing recognition to enhance purchasing quality performance is crucial for boosting competitive advantage. However, there are doubts about the universal benefits of purchasing recognition, particularly in developing market small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This research uses upper echelons theory (UET) to move the literature forward by suggesting that the purchasing recognition-purchasing quality performance link depends on varying conditions of financial resource and environmental munificence. Consistent with the study hypotheses, survey data from one hundred and thirty-eight SMEs in Ghana indicates that financial resource and environmental munificence positively moderate the relationship between purchasing recognition and purchasing quality performance. In particular, the study results show that, under low and high conditions of financial resource and environmental munificence, the link between purchasing recognition and purchasing quality performance is significantly negative and positive, respectively. Theoretical and practical implications alongside the limitations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the micro-individual, meso-institutional and relational and macro-structural level influences on career choices of MBA students from three countries, questioning the apparent dominance of ‘free choice’ in the context of persistent forms of structural constraints in career markets. The paper takes a critical perspective on career ‘choice’, acknowledging the contested nature of ‘choice’ and identifying career as a socially and historically situated phenomenon. The central hypothesis of the study is that ‘it is more likely for the MBA students to report micro-agentic or meso-instutional and relational rather than macro-structural conditions as key influences on their career choices’. The study draws on the findings of a cross-national survey on careers involving Britain, Israel and Turkey. Findings show that MBA students consider the impact of structural conditions as less significant on their career choices than their own human capital and capacity to make free choices. The study provides an understanding of the main cross-national similarities and differences in reporting of influences on career ‘choice’, and brings to bare interesting theoretical and methodological insights.  相似文献   

Recent methodological developments provide a way to incorporate the temporal dimension when accounting for spatial effects in hedonic pricing. Weight matrices should decompose the spatial effects into two distinct components: bidirectional contemporaneous spatial connections; and unidirectional spatio-temporal effects from past transactions. Our iterative estimation approach explicitly analyses the role of time in price determination. The results show that both spatio-temporal components should be included in model specification; past transaction information stops contributing to price determination after eight months; and limited temporal friction is exhibited within this period. These findings highlight the decidedly non-linear temporal patterns of such information effects.  相似文献   

Selecting the right partner is important for the success of alliances and joint ventures. For international joint ventures (IJVs) from diverse cultures the partner selection process can become complicated. Prior studies have investigated the alliances and joint ventures to develop a set of objective criteria for evaluating potential partners. This paper reports the study of IJVs formed by Singapore firms in Peoples Republic of China and India. The intent was to develop a methodology for identifying partner selection criteria in a cross-cultural setting. The findings reveal that the partner selection process follows a different logic in Confucian societies. Trust has been established to be essential for developing enduring co-operative relationships. The paper explores the concept of trust in relation to commitment and control in the context of the Confucian culture. We discover that trust is critical to partner selection. Cultural differences do not significantly alter the partner selection criteria for Singapore firms. Results support the view that while Chinese may depend on networks for social solidarity, social trust does extends beyond the family and is necessary for harmonious and successful joint ventures.  相似文献   

An increasing number of organizations embark on employer branding although this practice is not theoretically supported. Our study explores the employer brand by employing branding that examines the interrelation between the elements and the branding process’ outcomes. Our study is based on the employer branding model having two major components: the employer brand (with interrelated internal and external images) and the efficiency outcomes originating from the application of the employer branding process. Our study combines quantitative and qualitative research methods. The data were obtained from the companies operating in the western province of Sri Lanka. Our findings reveal that organizations with an advanced employer branding strategy have greater productivity than those organizations who lack or have partially developed strategy. Our study compares organizations with different levels of implementation of the employer branding strategy. Special attention is paid to organizational communication and the incorporation of values into the external and internal employer brand.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between international young ventures’ learning effort and performance in foreign markets, as well as its underlying contingencies, in the context of an emerging economy. We predict that international learning effort enhances international performance, that this effect is stronger at higher levels of market turbulence and intrafirm trust, and that the enabling role of trust for leveraging international learning effort into enhanced performance is particularly strong in turbulent markets. Results from a sample of 162 Chinese international young ventures support the hypotheses. The study has important implications for research on international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

A company that suffers from low internal integration between corporate functions performs worse than its more integrated competitors, leaving it in a position of competitive disparity. This paper reports on an investigation of the effects of internal integration between purchasing and operations on the mobilization of supplier resources. Low internal integration generates uncoordinated operations and purchasing behaviors that negatively affect supplier resource mobilization. We find that the lack of operations support for eight major purchasing initiatives in a construction company negatively affects supplier resource mobilization, resulting in poor exchange outcomes for the suppliers. Furthermore, different types of uncoordinated behaviors affect suppliers’ resource mobilization in diverse negative ways. Based on the results, we offer a categorization of diverse types of supplier mobilization activities and offer several managerial implications for both buyers and suppliers.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic analysis of spatial and sectoral characteristics and changes in virtual water flows associated with China’s interregional and international trade based on the China interregional input–output tables of 2002 and 2007. The results show significant improvement in water use efficiency between 2002 and 2007. However, the general spatial patterns and sectoral components of virtual water flows have more or less remained during the period. Almost all Chinese provinces are net exporters of virtual water in international trade. In interregional trade, the dominant direction of virtual water flow is from peripheral provinces to eastern coastal provinces. The agricultural sector plays an important role in shaping this direction and has significant impacts on water uses in exporting provinces, some of which are water scarce. The results of this study clarify some confusions concerning mismatches between regional water endowments and virtual water trade within China and with other countries.  相似文献   

One of the most striking phenomena in recent years has been the increasing proportion of women in the labour force, enabling women in many fields to use their potential and to achieve economic independence. So the gender structure analysis becomes more and more important to society and economic development. Accounting research lacks the study of gender issues. This paper intends to summarize the gender structure of accounting profession in China, and aims to explore the critical factors such as economic system of government, traditional characteristics of women, glass ceiling and psychological factors which take a great influence on the gender structure of accounting profession. A conclusion can be made that the proportion of women participation in accounting profession is higher than men, but the majority of senior accounting professionals in China are still men.  相似文献   

Loan managers’ trust in entrepreneurs can be a useful tool for overcoming entrepreneurial firms’ opaqueness. Nevertheless, the possibility for loan managers to leverage trust can be affected by differences in the regulative institutions within the banks (type of bank) and by place-bound normative institutions (social context). By relying on semi-structured interviews and a survey of 450 bank-entrepreneur relationships, this study finds that a positive impact of trust in lending relationships is sensitive to different place-bound normative institutions and to the regulative institutions within the banks. The results are robust with respect to potential endogeneity issues.  相似文献   

As increased work demands and longer working hours become the reality for many employees, the concept of work-life balance has received increasing attention. This paper presents findings from an exploratory study of Australian middle managers, which investigated the impact of middle managers’ daily organizational experiences on their lives both in and beyond the workplace. We focus on respondents’ reports of the difficulty in achieving work-life balance, specifically, the organizational impediments to creating balance. Three particular areas where these impediments were apparent are: the impact of new technologies; limits to autonomy and control in the middle management role; and difficulties in taking advantage of flexibility initiatives in the workplace. As middle managers are caught in the middle between work and personal life, there is a need for organizations to support middle managers’ efforts to achieve work-life balance if the organization’s long-term goals are to be achieved.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential effects of China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) policy on trade flows in ASEAN countries and China. We use the augmented gravity model of international trade and data on ASEAN countries and China from 2000 to 2016. The empirical results show that the coefficient of the OBOR dummy is positive and statistically significant, which implies that this policy benefits both ASEAN countries and China in terms of increased trade flows among these countries. In addition, the coefficients of other control variables, such as a common language, a common border, and distance, have the expected signs, and all are statistically significant. Thus, the OBOR policy initiative could be a promising mechanism for trade facilitation in these countries in the years to come.  相似文献   

One of the most important measures to stimulate individual performance is feedback, whose effectiveness highly depends on underlying feedback characteristics. Although an extensive body of research has stressed its importance, a conclusive overall picture on feedback characteristics effects is missing. However, synthesized knowledge is important when one is willing to implement feedback systems to effectively influence recipients’ reactions. To address this issue, we organize and summarize the findings regarding the main effects of feedback source, feedback timing, and feedback valence as well as regarding their interactions with the source, message, task, and recipients’ individual characteristics from different disciplines. Based on an analysis of 64 empirical articles, we show that main effects have been considered very context-specific and are often inconsistent, while the occurrence of certain source, message, task, and individual characteristics even inverts the generally assumed main relationships. Based on an extract of our findings, we provide specific research propositions and offer avenues for future research, which will be of value for researchers and feedback-providing practitioners.  相似文献   

We investigate whether exam structure really matters in an economics and business statistics course by (1) determining how well performance on multiple choice questions alone expalins overall performance on exams composed of both multiple choice questions and problems, and (2) discovering whether various student characteristics have significantly different impacts on student performance on multiple choice questions versus problems. Our findings suggest that student scores on multiple-choice portions of exams do not adequately determine overall student performance, and that some students are predisposed to do better on multiple choice or problems depending on the characteristics they possess.(JEl A22, A29)  相似文献   

Do appraisal reviews actually change employees’ subsequent performance? To answer this question, longitudinal analyses are required. Dorfman et al. (1986) and Nathan et al. (1991) performed longitudinal studies, to attain contradicting results. Apparently we need additional longitudinal studies. We analysed a data set collected from a Korean petrochemical company, and found that, even though each of the three measures of appraisal review content (i.e. the degree to which, during the appraisal review, (1) employees have opportunity to participate in discussion, (2) goals are clearly set and (3) career issues are discussed) was significantly related to the employees’ reactions to the review, none of them had a positive impact on the subsequent job performance. This result is consistent with the Dorfman et al.’s finding. Possible reasons for our result being different from Nathan et al.’s finding, limitations of our study and further studies required are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the performance variables of newly added intangible capital elements give the appointment relationship a deeper impact on the firms’ performance and profitability. We document that after correcting for endogeneity, when considering intangible capital, Total Q is a better proxy than Tobin’s Q for explaining the effect of appointment-based CEO connectedness on firm performance and profitability. Furthermore, we show that the influence of directors on company performance and profitability is more important than that of executives or managers. We also find that the stronger the appointment relationship, the worse the company’s performance and profitability. We further provide a series of alternative interpretations and robustness test evidence showing that intangible capital is more important for high technology and internet firms than industrial firms. Further, we find that the greater the number of executives appointed by the CEO, the better the firm’s research and development, but the worse the firm’s investment policy.  相似文献   


This study investigates how a venture capital’s network affects its exit performance. While most network research focuses on individual characteristics such as centrality and density, this study explores the overall advantage that results from holding a network position (i.e., a network advantage). This network advantage is examined at the syndicate level, which is a group of organizations. Within this context, the study contemplates the syndicate’s network advantage and hones in on the syndicate’s network advantage diversity, because the composition of members’ network advantage within the syndicate as well as the syndicate’s network advantage itself may affect the syndicate’s performance. To do this, first it is hypothesized that both a venture capital syndicate’s network advantage and its network advantage diversity are positively associated with its exit performance. Next, the study predicts that a syndicate’s network advantage diversity negatively moderates the positive relationship between the syndicate’s network advantage and its exit performance. Then a two stage least squares analysis of 1137 venture capital syndicate investments largely confirms the predicted effects. A syndicate’s network advantage is shown to contribute to its exit performance. A syndicate’s network advantage diversity clearly weakens the positive relationship between the syndicate’s network advantage and performance, while its direct effect on performance is not significantly supported. Overall, these findings show that a syndicate’s network advantage and its diversity are critical determinants of its exit performance in the venture capital industry.


This paper provides new evidence on the possible sources of lessee equity value changes when leasing contracts are announced. We show that lessee common equity value increases significantly in sale and leasebacks and insignificantly in direct leases. We find support, in sale and leasebacks, for the tax-savings hypothesis and for the savings in bankruptcy costs hypothesis. We also find support for the hypothesis that leasing reduces the external financing costs related to adverse selection that arise in markets with asymmetric information. Finally, we show that lessees gain less in direct leases when they lease assets with salvage values that are sensitive to use.  相似文献   

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