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明末清初的"西学东渐",客观上加快了中国哲学从宋明理学向明清实学的转向进程。西方的科学技术以及人文知识使得中国哲学初步实现了由格心穷理向格物致知的认识论转向、由道德经世向科学经世的实践论转向以及由主观臆测向实事求是的方法论转向,这些资源也是我们今天重建中国文化的重要资源。  相似文献   

史官文化地位很高;诸子百家的历史叙述各不相同;稗官小说积极参与历史叙述;这些特殊的社会文化土壤,促成中国口述史小说发生很早。讲唱文艺在唐代以后蓬勃兴起;平民社会不断壮大;这为口述史小说提供更坚实的社会基础和更有活力的形式。口述史小说在中国小说史上不断发展和演变,叙述了很多重要历史内容;它在艺术方面也有不可替代的独特魅力,都值得重视和研究。长期以来古代口述史小说被忽略的研究局面应当改观。  相似文献   

中国人在使用英语时常要面对语境和身份的冲突问题.英语的混合性和变异性是其历史演变的结果,这使它在中国语境下的使用也会有各种“内卷化”的发生;英语在使用功能上适应了全球化发展的趋势,但是,中国语境下的英语使用并不等于接受西方文化霸权,英语也会在本土文化语境下产生文化身份的变化.  相似文献   

明清之际,两岸文化教育实现对接,台湾民众"身份认同"坚定趋向大陆,日据和光复时期,两岸文化教育共同体重建,台湾民众"身份认同"呈"中国化"状态。直至李登辉、陈水扁执政时期,岛内"去中国化"活动猖獗,台湾民众"身份认同"危机初显。总体上,两岸文化教育交流对台湾民众的"身份认同"有着决定性的影响力。修复两岸文化教育共同体,既利于消除政治及意识形态对立,也利于和平统一愿景的实现。  相似文献   

Lipsher delivered the following observations and remarks in Shanghai to a group consisting primarily of Chinese tax professionals. The size and composition of the group marked an achievement that validated the close to two decades that Lipsher has lived in China—especially since January 1, 1994, when the first national tax law came into effect. He was in China here when the first, six‐page tax law went into effect. Simultaneously, on that very same day, a new U.S. tax law came into effect. Only that law was 1,447 pages long! His remarks offer an overview of tax‐law changes in China and the advantages of offshore tax benefits from the perspective of an American who has lived and worked in the Chinese business environment as a tax expert as it has evolved and matured. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

无论是中国特色社会主义理论体系的初步建构,还是对它的成熟形态和发展前途的解读,都不能脱离世界历史语境。在此语境下分析,中国特色社会主义理论体系的逻辑起点是社会主义的本质论,是关于人的解放和发展的理论。该理论体系的本质内涵包含三个方面,即人的解放和发展的方向.即进行现代化的建设;人的解放和发展的原则,即坚持社会主义;人的解放和发展的客观要求,即保持中国特色。从宏观层面分析,中国特色社会主义理论体系就是关于两制共存时代中国社会建设和发展的理论,它有着极大的发展空间,而当两制共存时代结束后,它必定在完成历史使命后退出历史舞台,届时也将会有新的世界性理论形态出现。  相似文献   

With an increasing importance of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by multinationals (MNCs) from China in advanced economies, there is a need for deepening our knowledge of these Chinese MNCs not simply regarding their benefits and concerns, but more importantly regarding their dynamic and complex contexts. In this article, we investigate challenges that Chinese investors face in managing multiple embeddedness across heterogeneous contexts and why this multiple contextual embeddedness is particularly evident when Chinese firms acquire Western firms for competitive catch‐up. We contend that the interaction of Chinese investors with various local contexts depends on the extent to which these contexts are not only interrelated, but also overlain by temporal and spatial dimensions of context. Accordingly, contextualizing globalization of Chinese companies temporally and spatially will allow us to better understand their international expansion. More generally, we stress the need to place Chinese OFDI research in its broader context, temporally and spatially, and go beyond the mere institutional or cultural distance variables. Finally, we outline the key contributions from the six articles in this special issue and discuss the future research agenda stimulated by the issues raised in these articles. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

谈毅  杜雪川 《财经论丛》2015,(10):41-47
运用中国风险投资市场5316条风险投资数据,以欧美国家市场联合投资的动机为参考,结合中国的法律、政策、文化环境研究中国风险投资机构参与联合投资动机的影响因素。结果发现,融资规模大、外资机构参与以及向高新技术企业投资,出于规避风险和整合资源的考虑较倾向于采用联合投资方式;获利期阶段项目的投资,则出于IPO等因素考虑更倾向于联合投资。这表明中国风险投资市场联合投资的动机与欧美国家相比,会受到制度和市场环境的影响而有所差异。  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts the growth of Chinese and Korean multinational enterprises (MNEs). The article identifies the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean MNEs in terms of motivations for internationalization, expansion strategies, and paths. The goal of this article is to contribute to the literature by shifting focus on host‐country conditions to home‐country conditions in explaining the drivers for firms' internationalization. We conclude that firms are motivated to expand abroad when faced with domestic competitive disadvantages resulting from absence or deficiency of one or more of Porter's Diamond attributes in their domestic market. Implications for further studies are also explored. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

为什么我国经济出现越增长越失衡的现象?文章从制度层面进行研究,运用数理模型和实证检验的研究结果表明,内外失衡是粗放型经济增长的产物,而粗放型经济增长又是20世纪90年代初以来形成的增长主义的政经体制与大量廉价劳动力相结合的产物。因此,我国要消除内外失衡,需要转变经济增长方式;而要转变经济增长方式,又需要改革当前过度追求经济规模增长目标的制度设计。  相似文献   

The color beauty of Alart Crystal's products is created by means of special materials and high temperature refining. Different metal oxid can creatdifferent colors,for instance, the green color contains the element of oxid iron, oxid bronze will creat blue-green color, etc.. Ususally, the role of the oxid in creating colors will be different according to the different type of glasses.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2013,56(5):561-572
For many American firms engaging with Chinese business partners, patterns of negotiated promises made but not kept by their Chinese counterparts often prove rule rather than exception. While various issues play a role in this unfortunate condition, many contributing factors are not subject to control or correction by U.S. negotiators. But two singularly damaging factors can be controlled and corrected by U.S. managers. First is their tendency to negotiate from decidedly Western sociocultural perspectives. Second is that managers often negotiate in states of relative ignorance about certain key cultural values that heavily influence Chinese negotiating practices. Grounded in Bing Fa, this article describes approaches designed to enable managers to negotiate more effectively with Chinese partners. By turns, the approaches instruct U.S. managers regarding why and how they should (when negotiating with Chinese counterparts): embrace the unusual as normal; begin with hard ends in mind; anticipate/prepare for conflict; never resist resistances, [instead] always retreat gracefully; disclose with discretion; act like ladies and gentlemen; and never die with bullets in [their] guns. Adopt these tactics, and U.S. managers would lessen the impact of two factors that, when present, degrade their negotiating effectiveness.  相似文献   

Beijing Tongrentang(TRT)is a famous time-honored brand in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)industry.In 1669,the 8th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911),TRT was found by Yue Xianyang,an imperial physician in Beijing.It was 188 years when TRT served the royal courts from 1723 to 1911.TRT earned customers' trust with its persistent philosophy of quality,"No manpower was to be spared,no matter how complicated the procedures of pharmaceutical production were;No material was to be reduced,no matter how much the cost." They have also developed a strong sense of self-discipline with the saying of "Nobody may know what you have done,but the God aware of your conscience".  相似文献   

我国民营企业的生存和发展离不开社会文化基础的支撑,但“家族主义”尚不足以揭示中国企业运营的文化特征,而泛家族主义则更能描述中国人在团队、组织、社会中行为处事的精髓。泛家族主义文化在民营企业管理中主要有四种具体表现,它既可能是企业成功运作的原动力,也可能成为企业持续发展的桎锆,民营企业的下一步演进必须在继承和超越泛家族主义文化的基础上展开。  相似文献   

阮赞林 《财贸研究》2007,18(5):130-136
随着经济全球化的发展,跨国反垄断现象越来越受到各国政府的重视,中国政府也不得不从经济全球化角度考虑本国的反垄断立法。认真对待国际反垄断领域的新情况,吸取各国反垄断法在国际适用方面的立法经验,是我们有效地参与全球经济活动的前提条件之一。本文从经济全球化所产生的反垄断领域的新问题入手,讨论了国际反垄断法实施的现实困难。  相似文献   

随着新世纪中国改革开放步伐的加快和胜利加入世界贸易组织,中国的对外贸易也进入一个全新的历史阶段。“中国制造”昂首走向了世界,但与此同时中国遭遇了严重的反倾销障碍。中国企业受到的反倾销案,无论从数量还是涉案金额来说,都高居榜首。本具体论述我国企业在面对反倾销诉讼时应注意的问题及应采取的应诉策略。希望我国企业能走出反倾销的困境,更昂首走向世界。  相似文献   

老字号小吃是微利行业。当高租金、低客流等局面摆在老字号小吃的经营者面前时,他们无奈地选择了撤出。  相似文献   

Little is known about how Chinese small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) respond to their competitive environment. We predict that when industry competition is intense, entrepreneurial Chinese SMEs tend to perceive more environmental hostility than do their nonentrepreneurial peers. The perceived environmental hostility further drives these firms to choose marketing strategies but not cost control or innovation strategies. Data from 170 Chinese SMEs confirm our hypotheses, indicating that though some entrepreneurial orientation (EO) effects transcend different economy types, other EO effects differ significantly as the environment changes.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the context-embedded approach to examine the marketing practices of 307 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the People’’s Republic of China by comparing the survey findings with that of Hong Kong and Guangdong SMEs. Chinese SMEs focus on regional markets to avoid direct competition with Hong Kong SMEs in the international markets and also their Guangdong counterparts in the turbulent nationwide market. To market their own brands, Chinese SMEs have to analyze the market and use superior marketing strategies in the competitive markets. Chinese SMEs do not attain the superior competitive positions as that of their Guangdong counterparts, but they use customer satisfaction surveys and claims investigation to help develop excellence in product performance. Also, Chinese SMEs have to provide value-added products and services and also a well-rounded marketing competitive strategy to gain market shares. The traditional state-owned enterprise structure in China facilitates the development of hierarchical organizational structure and joint decision making process. Thus, care should be taken in assuming that marketing tools and techniques are equally applicable across all places, even in similar cultural contexts. Socio-cultural influences and mediating environmental factors should be considered when attempting to understand the marketing practices of Chinese small firms, specifically when China is in transition to a socialist market economy.  相似文献   

Existing management literature on voice has primarily focused on examining who uses their voice and when it is used, ignoring why employees speak out and how they do so. We examine the conditions under which Chinese employees use their voice toward their German managers at German companies in Mainland China. The findings from our empirical study emphasize the importance of Chinese employees' personal identification with their German managers as a precondition for voice behaviors. Our results suggest that Chinese employees utilize indirect voice behavior in addition to direct voice behavior when interacting with their German managers. This indirect guanxi‐voice behavior has neither been recognized nor investigated in the literature. The theoretical and managerial implications of the results are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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