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Despite the massive growth in sponsorship activity of all kinds, academic research is still in its infancy in this area. This is particularly true with regards the effect of sponsorship on the brand image of the sponsor. This article seeks to address this by producing a conceptual framework of factors that influence sponsorship's effect on brand image transfer (BIT) amongst consumers. The findings from existing research are summarised and highlighted. Where there is a lack of research, 'appropriate' theory from the wider branding literature is used to develop the discussion. Thus, brand knowledge, power, fit and quality are considered as influences on the BIT process. A model of the actual process by which brand image transfers is developed and conditions influencing the strength of the transfer are identified. From this overall analysis, implications for both sponsors and sponsored are discussed and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

Published research has shown that an alliance with a well‐known, reputable brand can improve quality perceptions of a previously unknown focal brand. Much of this research is based on signaling theory's bonding hypothesis. However, customers face information search costs when evaluating brands with which they may be unfamiliar. The authors contend that, since consumers are self‐interested, they will prefer to realize cost savings for themselves relative to a future conditional opportunity to punish a false signal sender. Three studies show that the effect of brand ally information on quality perceptions of an unfamiliar brand is mediated by perceived risk reduction due to lower information search costs.  相似文献   

Voss  Kevin E.  Gammoh  Bashar S. 《Marketing Letters》2004,15(2-3):147-159
Several papers have been published demonstrating the positive effects a single, reputable ally has on evaluations of a focal brand. Interestingly, little research has been published examining the effects of multiple brand allies. We examine the effect of an alliance with two, one, or zero well-known brand allies on evaluations of a previously unknown focal brand. The presence of a single brand ally significantly increased perceived quality and hedonic and utilitarian attitudes. While multiple alliances improved focal brand evaluations relative to the no ally condition, the second ally did not increase evaluations relative to the single ally condition.  相似文献   

Concurrent sponsorship, that is, when several brands simultaneously sponsor the same event, is a common yet understudied marketing communication situation. The research presented in this article explores the transfer of image that takes place among the sponsoring brands in this situation. The results of two experiments reveal that this image transfer is due to stereotypic processing. Additional analyses delineate more specifically the stereotyping process at work. They show first that the stereotype is ad hoc, rather than based on some a priori developed mental schema, and therefore that it is construed from the images associated with the concurrent sponsoring brands. And second, that brand stereotyping serves a cognitive rather than an evaluative function, thus suggesting a valence-neutral process whose outcomes can be beneficial or detrimental to a focal sponsor, depending on the images initially associated with the other sponsors. The implications of these findings for sponsorship research and practice are discussed, along with research limitations and future research avenues.  相似文献   

A crucial component of many marketing programs, sponsorship has not always received the same research attention as other tactical marketing levers. Although research has been conducted to fill that gap in recent years, we lack a comprehensive, rigorous summary of what is known about sponsorship to capture and interpret that learning. Toward that goal, we offer a new definition of sponsorship and describe a three-step consumer-centric model of sponsorship effects. Highlighting a sequence of antecedents, mediators, and consequences for sponsorship, we also detail the prevailing input, output, and process factors identified in past sponsorship research. Finally, based on our analysis, we derive key summary insights and provide a roadmap for future research.  相似文献   

品牌熟悉度和赞助方式对消费者响应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过研究了赞助事件中品牌熟悉度与赞助方式对消费者品牌态度与购买意愿的影响,得出以下结论:首先,与不赞助相比,品牌单独赞助时,消费者对低熟悉度赞助品牌的态度和购买意愿会显著提高,但对高熟悉度赞助品牌的态度和购买意愿则没有显著变化。其次,与单独赞助相比,当两个品牌共同赞助某一事件时,消费者对低熟悉度品牌的态度和购买意愿会显著降低;而对高熟悉度品牌的态度和购买意愿则没有显著影响。最后,文章为企业营销人员制定赞助策略提出一些有益的营销启示。  相似文献   

Marketing practitioners and advertising firms have increasingly embraced an integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach to their promotional efforts in order to achieve direct effects of the individual communication tool used, as well as an additional "synergistic" effect from the combination of communications tools used. The present study is designed to fill a gap in the marketing literature by using a controlled experimental design to assess and compare the individual and combined influences of two IMC tools--publicity and advertising--on attitude toward the ad (Aad) and attitude toward the brand (Ab). The study also looks for synergies from the use of multiple media (radio and print). Findings show that the combined effects of these IMC tools on Aad and Ab are not identical, and that there are complex interactions between media, brand familiarity, and the valence of news stories.  相似文献   

Expiration date-based pricing (EDBP) occurs when a grocery retailer reduces the price of a perishable product according to its remaining shelf life. While, conventional wisdom suggests that this practice leads to negative consumer evaluations of brand quality, a series of field experiments reveal negative effects on brand quality perceptions only among loyal consumers and those who perceive low risk associated with perishables. The effect is also mediated by consumer distrust (Study 1). In addition, EDBP has no effect on brand quality image if consumers are already familiar with this pricing practice (Study 2), and it may even generate positive consumer evaluations when framed as a cause-related marketing activity to reduce waste (Study 3). Additional evidence indicates that psychological contract violation perceptions provide the underlying mechanism for explaining consumer responses to EDBP (Study 4). This article ends with an agenda for further research and implications for retail practice.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of event sponsorship has focused mainly on the consequences for brand equity of the association between a sponsor and a sponsored event. However, the effects of management's decision to exit from a sponsorship have received little empirical consideration. The studies reported here were carried out to fill this gap by systematically examining (a) the impact of a sponsor's corporate reputation on consumer responses to the strategic exit from a controversial sponsorship, and (b) the role that perceived trust in the decision plays in determining the outcomes. The results of two studies emphasize that strategic exiting from a controversial sponsorship (i.e., possible doping scandals at the event) can have positive consequences for the sponsor's image when the decision is trusted, but detrimental consequences when the exiting is attributed to overly self‐serving reasons. Trust in sponsorship withdrawal is elicited when the sponsor is perceived as having a good character with respect to meeting societal obligations, or when communication efforts are made salient that create trust in the withdrawal decision by a firm with a bad character.  相似文献   

The sponsorship of football is a multi‐million pound industry. Sponsors hope that supporters' enthusiasm for their team will translate into long‐term benefits for the sponsor. However, the intensity of team rivalry means that a sponsorship may also alienate opposing supporters. The rival Glasgow clubs, Celtic and Rangers, therefore undertook a joint sponsorship arrangement with the communications company NTL. This paper investigates how the benefits obtained compared to those that may have been expected from a single sponsorship. While the sponsorship was very effective in creating awareness for NTL, ambivalent attitudes were found towards the company. The most committed supporters were the least accepting of the sponsorship and the expected positive relationship between support for the club and brand preference for NTL was not found.  相似文献   


In this study, a theoretical framework is developed to explain the differential effects of country-of-manufacture (COM) and brand image on the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of Koreans' consumer decision making. Although effects are product specific, findings, overall, indicate that brand image has a stronger effect than COM on Koreans' perceptions of hybrid global products. Moving the production of an electronic product (TV) to a developing country, however, negatively affected Koreans' evaluation of product performance, prestige (brand and technical), and purchase attitudes. The findings have interesting marketing implications for hybrid global brands and contribute to building a theory of COM.  相似文献   

利用文化符号塑造产品品牌形象对企业的发展十分重要。利用文化符号塑造产品的品牌形象需要多角度、全方位地打造。形态文化符号可以塑造产品品牌的外在美,语言文化符号可以提升品牌的附加值,而具有文化内涵的传播媒介符号可以打造产品品牌的亲和力。  相似文献   

品牌形象必须具有相对的一致性 ,这是品牌经营和品牌资产积累的内在要求。但是 ,企业经营所面临的外部环境每时每刻都在发生着急剧的变化 ,品牌形象必须对外部环境的变化做出积极的回应。当品牌形象无法反映外部环境的变化时 ,就必须对进行变革与创新。通过对品牌形象一致性的重要性和变革之必要性的分析 ,对品牌形象创新的方法及时机选择进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

This study takes a longitudinal perspective to investigate sponsorship awareness in a multiple-year, international context pertaining to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League, a prestigious European soccer competition for club teams with worldwide exposure. A logit model aims to predict sponsorship awareness for one of the main sponsors of the league using data pertaining to more than 25,000 consumers from five countries, over the period 2005 to 2009. The findings provide an empirical argument for building long-term relationships. Sponsorship awareness levels increase over the measurement period, and the highest increase occurs in the second year of sponsorship.  相似文献   

网络零售强烈冲击下的国内传统零售业面临行业生存危机,电商化转型已经成为行业的必然发展趋势。文章通过界定电商化转型零售商及其品牌形象、品牌权益的概念,提出其“实体-网络”双渠道品牌形象结构的概念模型,并进一步构建其“双渠道品牌形象——品牌权益”驱动机制模型,以结构方程结合信度分析、效度分析等方法进行了实证分析。研究发现:电商化转型零售商的实体品牌形象各维度变量对网络品牌形象的对应维度变量都具有非常强的直接积极影响(即支撑效应),价值维度、价格维度、供应维度的支撑效应由强至弱;实体品牌形象各维度变量对品牌权益产生明显的总积极影响(即提升效应),价格维度、价值维度、供应维度的提升效应由强至弱,但供应维度无直接影响;网络性品牌形象各维度变量对品牌权益产生明显的直接积极影响(即提升效应),供应维度、价格维度、价值维度的提升效应由强至弱。  相似文献   

This article explores the expansion of brand meaning within a spectacular, retail environment. Spectacular retailing environments include themed retailing, brandscapes, flagship brand stores, themed entertainment brand stores, themed flagship brand stores, and brand museums. This research uses an extended case-study method to investigate the World of Coca-Cola brand museum located in Atlanta, Georgia. A brand museum is a type of themed flagship brand store, but there are some unique aspects. One key feature of brand museums is the resemblance to traditional museums, but, in the former, the brand is positioned within historical and educational contexts. Within the brand museum context, this study explains how brand meaning can be expanded along seven dimensions: humanization, socialization, localization, globalization, contextualization, theatricization, and characterization. Retailing implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in order to define a “buyer behavior” process for the purchase of sponsorship at a corporate level. A series of interviews was carried out with a number of organizations that are currently involved in sponsorship of varying kinds. A consideration was made to include a balance of sponsorship types—small and large—as well as arts, sports, and events, although no attempt was made to identify how the process differs across sponsorship type. Our results show that while sponsorship and fundraising are flipsides of the same coin from the nonprofit sponsorship-seeker's perspective, the sponsorship provider sees the act of sponsorship as a commercial profit-making venture. This is a conundrum that has wide-reaching consequences for the sector.  相似文献   

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