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This article investigated how moods influence reactions to a persuasive communication. Subjects read a magazine article designed to induce a positive, neutral, or negative state, then read and evaluated a communication for which argument quality varied. As in previous research (Worth & Mackie, 1987), argument quality failed to differentially influence attitudes for positive subjects. In contrast, attitudes were more favorable following stronger arguments for neutral and negative subjects. These findings suggest that systematic processing is reduced by positive, but not by negative moods. Discussion focuses on the processes underlying observed relationships, and on selective processing of communications as a means of mood management.  相似文献   

This study investigates the price and trading volume effects of changes in the Nikkei 500. On average, prices increase (decrease) significantly for stocks added (deleted) with no significant post‐event reversals. Trading volume, on average, increases significantly for both stocks added and deleted in the short run. In the long run, however, trading volume falls (rises) significantly for stocks added (deleted), contrary to previous findings. These results support the hypothesis of downward sloping demand curves for stocks and refute three competing hypotheses. Finally, the Nikkei 500 changes cause considerably less pronounced price changes than do the S&\amp;P 500 changes.  相似文献   

Average effects of influence strategies on consumers' attitudes and behaviors have been studied extensively. Less is known about the relative size of individual differences in these effects, despite recognition of their importance in social psychology. Two experiments use repeated exposures to influence strategies to identify the effects of each social influence strategy for individual participants. Study 1 provides evidence of large variation in the effects of influence strategies, such that for many participants the estimated effect of using an influence strategy is negative, even though the effect of that strategy is significantly positive on average. Study 2 replicates these findings over three sessions, each a week apart. The observed variation in responses to influence strategies cannot be attributed to transient intra-individual variation (e.g., strategy × mood interactions). Meta-judgmental measures of personality constructs (e.g., need for cognition) explain only a small portion of the observed variance, suggesting the importance of directly modeling heterogeneity in responses to influence attempts. These results are important for interactive marketeers since they indicate that different influence strategies substantially differ in their effects on individual consumers and should thus be adapted to individuals.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a theoretical multilevel framework that studies the determinants of microenterprises' performance. Using a unique data set of nearly 300 microenterprises located in Argentina, we find that human capital (proxied by educational level and degree of dedication), innovation, and intensity of use of own capital are important determinants of the microenterprise's performance. Moreover, we found that public policies give support primarily to microenterprises arising from unemployment. Additionally, these firms were found to be relatively less successful in terms of their performance, suggesting a pro‐poor bias. Finally, we provide a taxonomy of microenterprises which distinguishes four different microentrepreneurial profiles.  相似文献   

程大中 《财贸经济》2006,(10):45-52
本文采用投入-产出方法,在生产者服务的本来意义上,而不是从具体的带有生产者服务特性的服务部门出发,对中国生产者服务业的增长、结构变化及其影响进行经验研究,由此得出一些基本结论:1981年以来,中国生产者服务业在国民经济中的地位逐步上升,服务业的生产者服务功能逐渐显现,但与英、美等国相比,中国生产者服务占国民总产出比重偏低;中国服务业及其有关分部门与国民经济其他产业或部门的前后向联系效应相对较弱,说明中国服务业的增长不仅不能对国民经济产生应有的带动作用,而且其本身受其他部门的需求拉动作用也不大.  相似文献   

In this paper, I empirically examine how demand shifts affect firm behaviour. In particular, I study how competitive behaviour between firms changes across different demand states. For this purpose, I use price and concentration data from the Spanish movie theatre industry in 1995 and 2000. The evidence suggests that demand shifts change the competitive nature of the industry under study, and that this change differs across different demand shifts. Firms deviate less from tacit collusive behaviour when gains of deviation are smaller.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of the mood induced by television program content on subjects' evaluations of commercials. Specifically, happy or sad commercials are viewed in the context of a television program designed to induce these respective moods. The competing predictions of Mood Congruence Theory versus the Consistency Effect are examined to interpret the results. For all dependent measures considered, findings were in accordance with a Consistency Effect interpretation of the results. For two such measures (i.e., liking for the commercial and purchase intention) the Consistency Effect was statistically supported. Hence for these measures, it was found that a happy commercial viewed in the context of a happy program was evaluated more favorably than the same commercial viewed after exposure to a sad program. For the sad commercial, the reverse effects for these measures were evident as this commercial performed more favorably in the context of a sad program relative to a happy one. The dominance of a Consistency Effect interpretation of the results over that of Mood Congruence are interpreted in the context of advertising strategy.  相似文献   

This study uses quarterly data from July 1980 to June 2006 to explore the relationship between changes in real exchange rate and the trade balance of Pakistan. Applying the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration, we examine the existence of a possible long-run relationship. We find the following: (1) a long-run relationship between the series exists, and (2) the coefficient of elasticity is negative and statistically significant, which does not support for the J-relation.

Given this, the policymakers should take a conservative approach in using currency devaluation to cure the fundamental disequilibrium in the balance of payments. It is likely that such policy may not produce the desired outcome—i.e., the trade balance may not improve.  相似文献   

The authors examine the effects of negatively valenced emotional expressions (NVEE; e.g., intense language, all caps, exclamation points, emoticons) in online reviews and reveal important boundary conditions for their effects. Specifically, Study 1 showed that NVEE directly promote review helpfulness and damage attitude toward the product when used by experts. In contrast, for novices, their use of NVEE was considered a poor reflection on them and failed to directly affect attitude toward the product. Further, attributions of reviewer rationality and trustworthiness were positively associated with review helpfulness and attitude toward the product. Interestingly, language complexity is a trigger to reverse the effects, as found in Study 2. For novices (experts), the adverse effect on trustworthiness is eliminated (introduced) but the adverse effect on attitude toward the product is introduced (eliminated) when they include more complex language accompanied by NVEE in their online reviews. Both studies uncover when source discounting is active for experts and novices, making them equally influential in some cases. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided.  相似文献   

2020年伊始,新冠肺炎疫情突发,随着疫情在全球范围内的持续蔓延,经济衰退的表现愈加显著,特别是如会展这样的人员聚集性行业受到的冲击更为严重。5月18日,国际展览业协会(UFI)发布的报告指出,全球范围内已有近1万个展览会被取消或推迟,统计到第二季度末,因疫情影响与展览行业相关的生产总值减少了816亿欧元。  相似文献   

An analysis of data from the Eurobarometer finds evidence of the asymmetric effects of macroeconomic performance on happiness. The evidence reveals that the negative effect of an economic recession on happiness can be at least twice the positive effect of economic growth. In short, a single year of recession can undo the happiness gains from years of economic growth. Moreover, while this evidence focuses on a short-run asymmetry, it nonetheless supports the Easterlin paradox of a nil relationship between macroeconomic performance and happiness. The evidence indicates that stable rather than rapid economic growth is a more sensible target for policymakers, because macroeconomic stability can lead to conditions that allow the pursuit of happiness and thus secure greater well-being.  相似文献   

Consumers may act on the spur of the moment, driven by fun and curiosity, or be goal-oriented, task-focused utilitarians. This study investigates the effects of consumers’ hedonic and utilitarian orientation online on price consciousness, frequency of purchase, purchased amount, intention to re-patronize a Web site and expertise with the Internet. It specifically considers purchasing, not mere browsing, basing on data collected on customers of one of the largest Italian online retailers for electronics. The data show significant differences between hedonic and utilitarian orientation online with regard to past purchase frequency, the amount purchased and the intention to re-patronize the Web site in the future. The findings suggest that utilitarianism is strongly present online, and is valuable, thus utilitarian consumers should not be neglected, but hedonism is even more profitable, impacting on the number of items purchased and the intention to come back to the Web site. No differences are found in the level of price consciousness or in the degree of expertise with the Internet.  相似文献   

基于先行研究文献,本文开发了一个构筑Internet网上顾客忠诚的概念化模型,界定了价值感知、满意体验和信任作为影响顾客忠诚的主要前提心理变量,并对该模型及各变量间的动态因果关系进行了实验性验证。结果显示,本文提出的概念化模型和绝大部分研究假设获得了实证研究的支持。这些研究结果在理论上有助于深化对网上顾客忠诚构筑的认识,在营销实践中对网络零售商开发和实施网上顾客忠诚战略具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Using a large administrative data set of individual employment histories for Germany, this paper studies the relationship between offshoring and the individual risk of leaving the occupation. Moreover, a rich data set on tasks performed in occupations is used to better characterise the sources of worker vulnerability. Both material and service offshoring are, on average, not associated with an increase in occupational outflow rates. However, this association depends on the nature of tasks performed in the occupation. Higher intensities of interactive and, in particular, non‐routine tasks are associated with a larger decrease (or a smaller increase) in the occupational hazard rate.  相似文献   

To better illuminate aspects of stress that are relevant to the moral domain, we present a definition and theoretical model of “moral stress.” Our definition posits that moral stress is a psychological state born of an individual’s uncertainty about his or her ability to fulfill relevant moral obligations. This definition assumes a self-and-others relational basis for moral stress. Accordingly, our model draws from a theory of the self (identity theory) and a theory of others (stakeholder theory) to suggest that this uncertainty arises as a manager faces competing claims for limited resources from multiple stakeholders and/or across multiple role identities. We further propose that the extent to which the manager is attentive to the moral aspects of the claims (i.e., moral attentiveness) moderates these effects. We identify several consequences of managerial moral stress and discuss theoretical, empirical, and practical implications of our approach. Most importantly, we argue that this work paves an important path for considering stress through the lens of morality.  相似文献   

Online trust is growing in importance as a topic of study and its influence on Internet marketing strategies is increasing. “Online trust includes consumer perceptions of how the site would deliver on expectations, how believable the site's information is, and how much confidence the site commands." (Bart, Yakov, Venkatesh Shankar, Fareena Sultan, and Glen L. Urban [2005], “Are the Drivers and Role of Online Trust the Same for All Web Sites and Consumers? A Large-Scale Exploratory Empirical Study,” Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 133–152). In this article, we review advances in online trust research based on an overarching framework, outlining the key insights learned so far. These insights include: online trust extends beyond privacy and security, is closely connected to website design, its formation is an ongoing process, and is heterogeneous across individuals and products. We propose several ideas for future research relating to multiple aspects of online research, such as the longitudinal component, multichannel element, global aspect, personalization and cross-disciplinary nature.  相似文献   

This study investigates the pricing decisions of the UK food and beverages sector over 2007–2016. The markup model formulated by Hall (1988) and Roeger (1995) is employed where market power is expressed in terms of pricing decisions reflected by the difference between the price level and the marginal cost of production. The analysis is conducted under three steps: the first step estimates the markup ratio of the UK food and beverages sector over 2007–2016; the second step provides the price-cost margin of the 32 4 digit level NACE Rev.2 constituent industries over 2007–2016; and the last step tests the relationship between the cross-sectional estimates of market power and the structural effects of concentration, liquidity and exports over 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2016. The results suggest the presence of imperfect competitive conduct in the sector, while the three structural effects appear to have a significant influence on the pricing decisions of the UK food and beverages industries.  相似文献   

The study analyses the market for semiconductor memory chips, in particular EPROMs. Semiconductors are very interesting industry for studying empirically the dynamics of innovation. Given the short product life cycles of generations of chips, the market dynamics unfold much more rapidly than in other industries and are therefore better amenable to empirical observation. One of the aims is to shed more light on the link between learning and the dynamics of product innovation, as well as their influence on market structure. Learning with an old generation turns out to be an important determinant for product innovation. The further down the firm has moved on the learning curve, the higher its market share, and the larger becomes the probability that the firm is an early innovator. The results are consistent with the persistence of leadership hypothesis.  相似文献   

We argue that decoupling, defined as the process of weakening interdependence between two nations or blocs of nations, has been ongoing between China and the United States and is likely to accelerate, with major implications for IB and MNE strategies and management. We present data that the world has experienced deglobalization and China-US decoupling and discuss the dynamics underlying decoupling and their implications for IB. We propose an initial framework of variations in decoupling by industry characteristics, and we outline novel and important questions for IB research growing out of our analysis. We conclude with a brief exposition of possible alternative scenarios.  相似文献   

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