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Money Demand and Monetary Policy in Europe.—The European Central Bank will soon have to decide on her monetary strategy. This paper discusses properties of money demand functions and implications for monetary policy in a monetary targeting regime. Special attention is paid to different concepts of stability of money demand, to the length and variability of adjustment lags, and to the controllability of the money stock. At the European level, stable money demand functions are identified for M1 and M3. However, M3 appears to be less controllable than M1. Long and variable adjustment lags in the demand for M3 weaken the case for broad money as a monetary target. JEL no. E41, E52  相似文献   

Fiscal policy in monetary unions: Implications for Europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyzes how the feasible mix of government expenditure and financing arrangements may change with the establishment of a monetary union such as that planned by members of the European Community. We find that a monetary union reduces the feasible divergence across countries in their present discounted levels of fiscal spending. Wide differences across countries in their present and future time patterns of spending are still possible, however. Examination of the empirical evidence suggests that the movement toward greater exchange rate fixity associated with the EMS and participation in quasi monetary unions havenot been accompanied by significant fiscal convergence. The experience of member states of several existing monetary unions, however, suggests that a more effective constraint to budgetary discipline arises within full-fledged unions in operation over long periods, even in the absence of binding central rules on government deficit and debt positions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with energy factors to study various channels through which China's economic fluctuations are linked to energy price shocks and to search for the optimal monetary policy to cope with energy price shocks. We conclude that there are channels through which changes in energy prices will have the following cause–effect relationships. First, a rise in energy price as a negative technology shock will raise the costs of providing capital services per unit of capital, thereby reducing output. Second, a rising energy price distorts the intertemporal choices of households and firms, creating downward pressure on the expected future return on capital. Third, an energy price shock places upward pressure on the marginal costs associated with an increase in inflation. Numerical simulation results show that a positive energy price shock has a positive effect on energy technology improvements. In addition, the effects of energy price shocks can be mitigated by nominal rigidities, and interest rate rules will determine the magnitude of those effects. Using the efficient frontier method, we also show that optimal monetary policy in China should help control energy price volatility.  相似文献   

中国经济增长中财政与货币政策效应的比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1990年代末,中国政府为推动经济持续、健康发展,制订并实施了积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。哪项政策对经济增长的拉动作用更大?笔者运用计量经济模型进行实证分析,从理论和实践两个层面论证得出近年来财政政策的效应更大。  相似文献   

Contrary to the claims of Pomeranz, Parthasarathi, and other ‘world historians’, the prosperous parts of Asia between 1500 and 1800 look similar to the stagnating southern, central, and eastern parts of Europe rather than the developing north‐western parts. In the advanced parts of India and China, grain wages were comparable to those in north‐western Europe, but silver wages, which conferred purchasing power over tradable goods and services, were substantially lower. The high silver wages of north‐western Europe were not simply a monetary phenomenon, but reflected high productivity in the tradable sector. The ‘great divergence’ between Europe and Asia was already well underway before 1800.  相似文献   

The Economics of Convergence: Towards Monetary Union in Europe. —In this paper, the literature on monetary integration has been surveyed in order to discover the economic rationale of the Maastricht convergence requirements. The traditional theory of optimum currency areas is silent on the need for Maastricht-type convergence requirements. Similarly, the “new” view of monetary integration using credibility concepts cannot easily be used to justify these convergence requirements. It is also argued that the dynamics of the convergence requirements will almost certainly lead to a “Great Divide” of the European Union. The paper concludes that less emphasis should be put on prior convergence conditions and more on strengthening the functioning of the future monetary institutions in the Union.  相似文献   

Much academic interest has recently centered on economic regionalism as a framework of international economic relations. The European Community (EC) has been a focal point. Other regional economic organizations (APEC, NAFTA), have been subjects of debate.This paper discusses three principal arguments: (1) the “natural”/“optimal” regional grouping, (2) transaction cost advantage in a regional model, and (3) the balancing of intraregional and extra-regional economies. Indeed, the argument is most certainly for an international regime of an “open,” not a “fortress” economic regionalism.This paper examines the subject relative to economic theory and policy.  相似文献   

本文通过案例分析了科研开发中有关费用的性质,指出开发成果不是销售货物,国家在征收增值税时应给予政策上的优惠。  相似文献   

本文利用相关分析、Granger因果检验、回归分析三种统计指标分析了CPI与GDP的关系 ,指出CPI作为通货膨胀指标的可行性。要实现CPI的控制目标 ,应以M 2作为货币政策中介目标较为合理  相似文献   

Making monetary policy: objectives and rules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
What is it that monetary policy-makers do and how do they doit? The simple answer is that a central banker moves interestrates in order to maintain steady real growth and stable prices.In this essay, I examine the issues that arise in framing theproblem faced by monetary policy-makers. I begin with a discussionof how, over the past decade or so, central banks have beenmade more independent and more accountable. The result has beenthe virtual elimination of the inflation bias problem that iscaused by political interference in the monetary policy process,and better overall macroeconomic performance. The essay proceedswith an example of a formal version of the policy-makers' problem,describing their objectives and the information they need toformulate a policy rule. I conclude with a discussion of a simpleversus complex policy rules, the impact of uncertainty on policy-making,and how central bankers use formal modelling in making theirday-to-day decisions.  相似文献   

关于我国高新技术产业发展与金融的关系问题,我过去在不同场合有过一些讲话,今天就不讲这个题目了。我今天要讲的题目是经济走势和可选政策,也就是应该选择什么样的政策来保持我国经济的持续稳定发展。 1997年末,由于国内一此因素的变化,如随着我国改革的深化,国有企业的改革步伐开始加快,使得下岗职工增加、工资总额减少,进而导致需求的不足。再加上东亚金融危机的催化,中国出现了市场疲软,经济活动放慢的病象。从1998年初开始更进入了通货紧缩,即物价总水平持续下降的状  相似文献   

This article reviews the concept of convergence in the Maastricht Treaty and notes that, while in certain areas the convergence objectives are quite ambitious, in other areas the objectives for the transition period are surprisingly limited. By end-1992, much progress had already been achieved on convergence in a majority of EC countries (and countries applying for membership). Thus, despite the wave of pessimism that followed the recent exchange market crisis, it is still quite possible that a majority of EC members could qualify for monetary union by 1997. However, this would require further significant adjustment in many cases in the fiscal area. Based on the Multimod Model used at the Fund, the deflationary effect of this fiscal consolidation would be small and short lived.  相似文献   

Competition policy is part of the new international orthodoxy in economic policy and, at the same time, was viewed in South Africa as a crucial element of economic transformation. This article reviews the role of competition policy in economic development and the experiences of developing countries such as Brazil and South Korea. It then assesses the effects of competition policy in South Africa after 1994, with the main focus being on the performance of the new competition institutions established in 1999. The case of the steel industry is used to assess the approach and impact of the institutions in a concentrated sector that has simultaneously undergone processes of liberalisation and domestic consolidation.  相似文献   

循环经济与传统经济的区别及其中国的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循环经济本质上是一种生态经济.传统经济强调污染的末端治理,循环经济则主要强调从源头上治理污染.传统经济在发展模式上为"资源-产品-污染排放"单向流动的线性经济,而循环经济则为"资源-产品-再生资源"的反馈式经济.中国发展循环经济的路径主要是:加快制订促进循环经济发展的政策、法律与法规;积极探索建立绿色国民经济核算制度;倡导清洁生产并建立绿色利润制度;提倡绿色消费;推行绿色分配;建立生态工业园区;依据循环经济的思想,改造传统产业.  相似文献   

One of the main difficulties of analyzing the macroeconomic condition in The People's Republic of China is the lack of information of its money supply mechanism. The present paper tries to provide a systematical analysis of the Chinese money supply process from both the theoretical and empirical points of view. It shows that the economic reform in the 1980s caused profound changes in the structure of the banking system in the following ways, (a) The establishment of the central bank paved the foundation of the money creation process through the monetary base and a multiplier effect, (b) Consequently, the money supply and credit condition are controlled, at least partially, by economic instruments such as the monetary base, required reserve ratio, and interest rates, (c) The old money supply system is far from being phased out yet. As a matter of fact, it is the mixture of a central bank system and an administrative command driven centrally planned system that constitutes the money supply mechanism with the “Chinese characteristics”. The successes and failures of the monetary policies in the late 1980s and early 1990s reflect the central bank's ability to control the macroeconomic condition of the economy. They also indicate that at the beginning of the 1990s, after a decade of economic reforms, the money supply mechanism in China is still, by and large, controlled by the central government through administrative orders rather than economic leverages.  相似文献   

Better policy coordination between Europe, Japan, and the United States is urgently needed in order to restore economic growth and to diminish mutual trade imbalances. Using the EC Compact model it is shown how coordinated fiscal policies can contribute to reaching these goals in the 1990s. For Europe, the most plausible fiscal policy option seems to be a combination of lower direct taxes, public spending cuts, and wage moderation; for Japan a more expansionary fiscal policy is feasible. For the United States, however, public spending cuts or tax increases are necessary conditions for better economic performance. In addition, for all three blocks a swap between tax reduction and wage moderation is recommended.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the bank lending channel of monetary policy in Indonesia by using quarterly bank-level data over the period of 2005-2016. I find that the lending channel of monetary policy works for all banks, both large and small. The results suggest that higher capital buffers and better liquidity positions moderate the impact of changes in monetary policy on credit growth for large banks, while capital buffers and liquidity positions do not alter the strength of the lending channel for small banks. The findings indicate that the central bank can use prudential instruments affecting capital buffers and liquidity positions for managing the strength of adjustment in the monetary policy interest rate on bank credit growth.  相似文献   

We adopt a Cointegrated Vector-Autoregressive (CVAR) model to analyze the long-run behavior and short-run dynamics of stock markets across five developed and three emerging economies. Our main aim is to check whether liquidity conditions play an important role for stock market developments. As an innovation, liquidity conditions enter the analysis from three angles: in the form of a broad monetary aggregate, the interbank overnight rate and net capital flows which represent the share of global liquidity that arrives in the respective country. A second objective is to understand whether central banks are able to influence the stock market.  相似文献   

A theory of bank reserves is presented with emphasis on the behavior of borrowed reserves, the Federal Reserve's operating instrument. The theory explains the observed nonlinear relationship between borrowing and the spread between the federal funds rate and the discount rate. The theory shows that borrowed reserves are also a function of deposit variation. A shift in bankers' perceptions of deposit variation can cause borrowed reserves demand to shift so that the level of borrowing is not a reliable indicator of the degree of reserve pressure. Since borrowed reserves are used as the Federal Reserve's operating instrument, problems such as these pose substantial risks to the implementation of monetary policy.  相似文献   

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