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The article reviews the forecasting results of scientific and technological development of the Oil and Gas Industry in view of the innovative potential of institutions developing new oil and gas technologies, the interests of oil and gas companies, operating domestic and foreign technologies. It is shown that the domestic Machinery Industry has production potential for the almost complete import substitution of standard oil and gas equipment. Innovative technologies and equipment for producing hydrocarbons on the shelf and in the Arctic can be realized under coordination of efforts of the government, business, development institutions and engineering companies. It has been noted that, despite some progress in the production of standard industrial equipment, the Civil and Specialized Machinery Industry is still a branch that is weakly sensitive to innovations and modern trends of global technological development.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the analysis of scientific and technological development in Russia in the period between 1997 and 2017, based on the example of creation and application of technological innovations. The empirical study is methodologically based on “The main provisions for the concept of innovative industrialization in Russia” [1, 2]. The best performing groups of organizations are identified in the following innovation segments: development of advanced production technologies; application of advanced production technologies; production of novel innovative products for specific markets. The performance is assessed based on the number of created and applied production technologies, the volume of manufactured innovative products and a comparative analysis of labor productivity performed for technologically innovative organizations and organizations that are not engaged in technological innovation.  相似文献   

随着国内外形势的变化,浙江汽车用品产业面临生产成本上升、产品附加值低、创新能力不足等诸多问题,升级已经成为产业发展的必由之路.竞争优势理论认为,提高产业竞争力是一个系统工程,需要压力、自身实力以及相关优势条件,同时也需要政府政策支持.文章基于竞争优势视角,找出了适合浙江汽车用品产业的升级路径:通过增强产品创新能力实现“产品升级”,通过构建更具竞争力的创新优势和服务优势来推动实现“功能升级”,同时在政府的扶持政策下达到产业竞争力的提升,从而实现产业升级.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impact of privatization on the technical efficiency of six privatized enterprises, three state‐owned enterprises and six private enterprises competing in three oligopolistic manufacturing industries in which privatization took place between 1984 and 1991 using panel data between 1970 and 1997. Technical efficiency scores are computed using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based on the ‘intertemporal frontier’ approach for panel data. The results show that privatization in Malawi is associated with high mean technical efficiency in privatized enterprises and competing state‐owned enterprises and private enterprises. If we account for other sources of technical efficiency, in the full sample we find evidence that the competitive process is more important than privatization in increasing the technical efficiency of all enterprises competing in the same industries. However, the results of the subsample of privatized enterprises show that privatization significantly increases the technical efficiency of privatized enterprises, although we cannot ignore the role of domestic competition, capital intensity, multinationality and structural adjustment programmes as sources of technical efficiency.  相似文献   

The paper presents statistical data on the state of scientific and innovative activities in the regions of Northwest Russia. The dynamics of their main indicators has been analyzed. Scientific factors that affect the effectiveness of innovative activities have been identified. The values of factors and their connection with the final results by region have been determined. The advisability of developing statistical accounting of process innovations and implementation of scientific potential of the region is noted.  相似文献   

纵天  索柏民 《科技和产业》2022,22(9):221-227
运用可视化分析软件CiteSpaceⅤ,梳理1998—2020年CNKI收录的关于科技创新人才研究的453篇北大核心和CSSCI期刊文献并绘制知识图谱,计量分析现有研究的演化路径与成长脉络,并对研究前沿及发展趋势进行挖掘。可视化分析发现:国内关于科技创新人才的研究尚未达到应有的深度,总体研究水平较低;随着研究视域的拓展,围绕科技创新人才的研究主线逐渐延伸到产学研一体、创新驱动战略、全景培育等新角度;未来人才培育研究要以紧缺人才的前沿高新领域和发展薄弱的重点行业为侧重点,并建立具有中国特色的科创人才评价标准,最终构建符合国情、具有前瞻性的科技创新人才培养体系。  相似文献   

近年来日本平台经济的发展虽取得了可喜的成就,但是通过实证研究可以发现,该领域在快速发展的背后,主导平台企业寡头化优势明显、资源配置不合理等问题也十分突出。为确保平台经济领域竞争环境的公平与透明,日本从与平台经济领域竞争环境密切相关的竞争主体、竞争方式以及竞争要素着眼进行了积极地整顿,并对有违市场竞争秩序的市场行为进行了严厉的监管。尽管如此,出于对平台经济发展的社会需求以及对平台经济领域特殊性质的考虑,日本在总体上更倾向对该领域市场行为实行最小限度的干预,同时发挥国家及市场主体的主动性和能动性,做到支持与监管并举,以确保效率与公平的兼顾。  相似文献   

Lead markets, innovation differentials and growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article suggests that the specialization of countries in international trade is determined by the lead-lag market pattern of national markets. Many internationally successful innovations have been adopted first in one country while other countries initially either preferred other designs or an established product. A model for the international diffusion of innovations is presented in which nationally preferred innovation designs compete to become a globally dominant design. In this model, there are country-specific market attributes that increase the likelihood that the choice a country makes among alternative technologies is followed around the world. It is argued that technological knowledge gaps are not the origin of an international competitive advantage. Instead, a country gains a competitive advantage because a specific innovation design was adopted earlier than in any other country. This gives local firms a head start in producing, gathering marketing intelligence and securing the property rights of a globally successful innovation. In countries with lag market characteristics, domestic innovations are less likely to get adopted worldwide. Lag markets often switch from a domestic innovation design to a foreign innovation design, which increases imports. The lead-lag market explanation of trade specialization has implications for national policies. In this model domestic innovations do not always foster exports; idiosyncratic innovations induced by lag market contexts can hamper the export chances of local firms and in the end lead to an increase in imports. It is suggested that in order to increase exports, national policies have to distinguish between a domestic lead and lag market context in each industry. While in a lead market context, traditional policy instruments that enhance the rate of innovations are effective, in a lag market situation national follower strategies are more appropriate.  相似文献   

全球价值链下传统产业集群“两难困境”的形成与突破   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈莎莉  张纯 《改革与战略》2012,28(8):99-102
通过低端道路切入全球价值链,中国在规模制造能力上迅速建立了优势,成为全球最有竞争力的代工平台。然而,全球价值链治理的权利不均衡性,使中国传统产业集群陷入竞次发展、低水平创新的两难困境。要突破两难困境的束缚,必须转换发展路径,由低成本集群向创新型集群发展。文章从国内市场、基于创意资本嵌入的集群协同创新两个方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

创新型人才是推动地区创新发展的核心动力。基于2011—2021年中国内地31个省份(因数据缺失,未包括港澳台地区)面板数据,通过构建灰色关联分析模型考察宏观环境因素对创新型人才流动的影响。结果表明,良好的经济发展水平和收入水平能显著促进省际间创新型人才流动;在分样本情境下,宏观环境因素对创新型人才流动的影响具有空间异质性。中西部地区创新型人才流动受经济发展水平的影响较大,东部地区创新型人才流动受收入水平影响较大;相较于东部地区,中部地区和西部地区的第三产业产值比重对创新型人才流动有较明显的影响;R&D经费投入在促进中部地区创新型人才流动中扮演着更为重要的角色;第二产业产值比重和教育环境对创新型人才流动影响力度偏弱。据此,提出进一步贯彻西部大开发和中部崛起战略、提高创新型人才收入水平、加快产业结构调整和优化、继续发挥R&D经费对科技人才流动的促进作用、创造良好教育环境等建议,为城市和区域人才政策和区域发展政策的制定提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

王婷婷 《科技和产业》2022,22(11):101-106
金融科技已经全面融入各行各业。民营企业作为经济高质量发展的重要推动力量,与金融有着天然的互补性,特别是上市民营企业,离不开金融科技的支持,金融科技助力民营企业创新发展已经成为大势所趋。通过对2011—2020年中国A股上市民营企业数据和省级数字普惠金融指数进行实证研究发现,金融科技能够显著提升上市民营企业创新绩效,有效缓解融资约束问题。因此,应持续推进金融科技的发展,充分发挥金融科技对民营企业的创新推动作用。  相似文献   

吴玲霞 《科技和产业》2022,22(6):132-136
创新型企业是指自主知识产权突出,依靠技术创新获取市场竞争优势,且在国际市场上具有竞争力且具有持续发展的企业。作为创新的主体,创新型企业是创新驱动战略实施的生力军。通过走访调研、专家访谈、文献梳理等方法构建指标体系,分析泰州市创新型企业自主创新的影响因素,构建人才投入、资金投入、政府支出以及创新管理4个二级指标体系,每个二级指标体系分别包含4个指标体系,最终形成16个三级指标体系。运用层次分析法(AHP)分析确定各指标对创新型企业自主创新的影响程度。根据实证结果,分别从人才培育、科技创新平台建设、知识产权保护、企业投融资等方面提出创新型企业自主创新能力提升的策略与发展路径。  相似文献   

汪亚青 《改革与战略》2014,(12):128-131
在新工业革命背景下,产业竞争优势的作用域发生了根本性的变化。着力于发现新工业革命下产业发展的排他性特征,并合理借鉴先发国家的独特优势理念和方法,找出江苏产业竞争优势转型的总体战略布局和有效政策谋划。不断减少行政审批手续,大力扶持中小企业在国内国际竞争中实现迅速成长,充分释放本土市场的作用,以文化创意产业、幸福导向型产业、生产性服务业为切入点,实现江苏产业竞争优势的成功转型。  相似文献   

杨松  郭惠  崔鑫 《科技和产业》2021,21(8):71-76
高校科研的提升对新时代创新型国家建设至关重要.通过刻画中国高校科研的历史演化轨迹,发现当前中国高校科研存在角色定位偏差、研发投入结构失衡、基础研究相对滞后、市场耦合性较低等瓶颈.进而提出,高校科研的角色转变刻不容缓,要以基础研究作为高校科研的核心职能,培养大胆试错的创新氛围,以基础研究支撑技术创新和应用研发.由此,从科研经费投入使用效益提升、基础研究和自主研发能力强化、科研成果的市场应用耦合、科研人才培育机制优化4个方面,提出高校科研创新驱动的优化路径.  相似文献   

This paper explores information technologies for the development, preparation, and management of innovation and investment projects. It is showed that the improvement in the quality and competitiveness of investment projects requires the introduction and assessment of the potential of innovative solutions. It is suggested to consider a method of innovative project analysis taking into account the interrelations between five indicators. Methods applied for the coordination of innovation and investment projects, as well as the ways of establishing the executive structure of an innovative project, are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

The paper examines the relation between economic dynamics and financial market development in industrial countries. It shows that innovation-based development alone has a long-term future. Investment in education and research is translated by the financial market into innovations and technologies. The level of development of the financial market determines the dynamics and competitive of the economy.  相似文献   

经济全球化与中国的对外开放   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
电子商务的快速发展暴露了我国物流系统的滞后 ,物流成为电子商务发展过程中亟待解决的问题。本文试对电子商务环境下的企业外部物流模式作分析 ,并就从事电子商务的企业如何选择合适的物流方式进行探讨。  相似文献   

科教融合是一种新的育人模式,它是将科研资源转化为教学资源,以培养学生创新能力与创新意识为目标,是中国高等教育人才培养由"重数量"向"重质量"转变过程中的必然选择.齐鲁工业大学材料学院抓住院校一体化机遇,发挥专业教学主导作用,在院所科教融合、产教融合、校地合作等方面开展了联合育人探索工作,开创了新的科教融合育人模式,推动了学院人才培养方式的转变,促进了学院内涵式发展.  相似文献   

Development poses choices, not only of diverse strategies or means, but also of competing goals and images of the good life. Ethics, together with economics and politics, has a role to play in making wise choices. Yet efforts in the last three decades have been disappointing. Why: what major obstacles impede genuine development? Three classes of obstacles are analysed: the bankruptcy of development paradigms, the crisis of institutional imagination in the world at large, and an array of domestic roadblocks impeding development within Third World countries. Notwithstanding failures, there is still a basis for hope: the social experimentation conducted by numerous communities of need throughtout the world. Their innovative praxis around more humane values constitutes the main building-block of an alternative development strategy as well as the nourishing source of sounder development theories.  相似文献   

The growing competition and increasingly diversified structure of the world economy and consumption of various resources require the intensification of innovative industrial activity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and enhancement of its management effectiveness. The paper has considered theoretical foundations for industrial service development. It has been shown that participation of small innovative businesses in industrial outsourcing can promote the introduction of innovative technologies and the corresponding equipment for industrial enterprises.  相似文献   

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